verme (prevaricator) |
07.08.2009 05:23 PM |
 - The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, by F.T. Marinetti
(Paris) Le Figaro, February 20, 1909. (Here’s one alternative translation; and here’s another, this one translated as The Joy of Mechanical Force) - The Manifesto of the Futurist Painters, by Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, and Gino Severini
(Milan) Poesia, February 11, 1910. - Technical Manifesto of Futurist Painting, by Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, and Gino Severini
(Milan) Poesia, April 11, 1910. - Technical Manifesto of Futurist Sculpture, by Umberto Boccioni
April 11, 1912. - The Manifesto of Futurist Musicians, by Balilla Pratella
Musica futurista per orchestre riduzione per pianoforte, 1912. - Abstract Cinema—Chromatic Music, by Bruno Corra
Il pastore, il gregge e la zampogna, 1912. - Futurist Manifesto of Lust, by Valentine de Saint-Point
Published as a leaflet January 11, 1913. - Destruction of Syntax—Imagination without Strings—Words-in-Freedom, by F.T. Marinetti
(Florence) Lacerba, June 15, 1913. - The Art of Noises, by Luigi Russolo
Published as a booklet July 1, 1913. - The Painting of Sounds, Noises, and Smells, by Carlo Carrà
August 11, 1913. - Manifesto of Futurist Architecture, by Antonio Sant‘Elia
(Florence) Lacerba, August 1, 1914. - Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe, by Giacomo Balla and Fortunato Depero
March 11, 1915. - War, the World‘s Only Hygene, by F.T. Marinetti
1915. - The Futurist Cinema, by F.T. Marinetti, Bruno Corra, Emilio Settimelli, Arnaldo Ginna, Giacomo Balla, and Remo Chiti
(Milan) L‘Italia futurista, November 15, 1916. - A Slap in the Face of Public Taste, by David Burliuk, Alexander Kruchenykh, Vladmir Mayakovsky, and Victor Khlebnikov
1917. - The Futurist Universe, by Giacomo Balla
1918. - Universal Camp of Radio-Modernists, by David Burliuk