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porkmarras 08.31.2006 04:44 PM

I need more than that

Cantankerous 08.31.2006 04:46 PM

whatever you say.

o o o 09.01.2006 07:24 AM

i have a question:

do chavs refer to themselves as "chavs" or identify themselves with the word? (do they have some sort of "pride" in being / acting like what other people recognise as a chav?)

I was just thinking about this because the wikipedia definition of “racaille” mentions the word “chav” (although I don’t think the two are that similar), and in france, the word “racaille / caillera” is commonly used among those who are likely to be considered as racailles by others... in fact, those can often boast about being a racaille, although they might not accept being called a racaille by a non-racaille (to simplify things)… this word is sensitive anyway, because it can have so many meanings / connotations and can be really disdainful… it is also sometimes used to stigmatise young people from the “banlieues”. then again, I have not been living in france for some time, so the connotations associated with the word might have changed in the meantime…

Also are there only white chavs?

Tokolosh 09.01.2006 08:14 AM

I think the word "Chav", is very trite.

Toilet & Bowels 09.01.2006 08:59 AM

how can a word be trite?

Lurker 09.01.2006 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by o o o
i have a question:

do chavs refer to themselves as "chavs" or identify themselves with the word? (do they have some sort of "pride" in being / acting like what other people recognise as a chav?)

I don't know if they identify themselves with the word chav, possibly. I've never heard a chav use the word chav although once a chav called myself and some friends "townies" which was the word for used for chavs in the area I live until a couple years ago when it was replaced with chav, so I don't know. I think most of them are too stupid to realise people call them chavs.

Cantankerous 09.05.2006 09:27 PM


nicfit 09.06.2006 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Some girl told me at work that where she's from in South London hospitals started issuing guidances for young parents when naming their prole because they were getting a lot of alcohol related named babies.Mad.

like little twins jack & daniels?

sarramkrop 05.20.2007 02:13 PM

Chav Drama-Documentary

Green_mind 05.20.2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
I go to art college and went to public school! Eat that!
The last thing I am is a snob though. What vexes me are the middle class people who like to act like they are working class.

Doesn't the majority of the middle class like to act like they are upper class?

MellySingsDoom 05.20.2007 04:44 PM

^^^ Go to somewhere like Croydon, and see how many middle-class tossers act like they're from Stockwell. Wankers.

Iain 05.20.2007 05:32 PM

I have a housemate who most would consider to be a chav. He enjoys Drum and Bass and likes drugs and that. But that's alright..he's a nice chap, easy to get on with and polite. His friend came around earlier with his mini motorbike and we raced it up and down the lane behind the house. Chavs = fun is what I am trying to say I think.

the ikara cult 05.20.2007 05:57 PM

I dont like this broad brushstroke way of calling everyone "Chav". I prefer the regional variation you encounter, just cos it probably means a different thing everywhere you go.

Green_mind 05.20.2007 06:05 PM

I don't know, chavs are fun? what the hell is a chav? When I hear people say chav now, I assume it's someone wearing tracky bottoms tucked into their socks and all the other stuff that gets associated with this stereotype. It's just a fashion right?
Like the guys who like to dress up as gangsters, it's just a fashion, most of them will not shoot you or anything.
When my friends use the word chav they mean to refer to the type of fuckwits who will beat up rock kids and stab a stranger for fun or more minor things like shouting abuse at strangers for reasons I do not understand. The majority of these FWs wear the tracky bottoms and what not, making them chavs? I don't know, I just think it sucks, really saddens me that these FWs don't relate to other people.

the ikara cult 05.20.2007 06:29 PM

its just teenagers innit. Theyll do what theyre told is cool just to fit in, its just when the things being done become more destructive its seen as "chav". Fact is its a universal teenage thing, whether the conformity is destructive or not, it all amounts to doing what someone else has told you.

sarramkrop 11.25.2008 02:45 AM

chav pookie

Pookie 11.25.2008 06:19 PM


Toilet & Bowels 11.26.2008 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Green_mind
Doesn't the majority of the middle class like to act like they are upper class?

No, who even knows any upper class people these days anyway?

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