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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.08.2015 09:28 PM

Lets explore some history yes?
1890s Gilded Age conservatives..
1900s Progressives..
1910s Wilsonian conservatives..
1930s New Deal progressives..
1950s Eisenhower conservatives..
1960s Great Society liberals
1970s Nixon Revolution conservatives..
1976-1980 Carter liberals..
1980s Reaganomics conservatives..
1990s Pimpin Clinton liberals..
2000s "compassionate" conservatives..
2010s Barry O liberals..

believe whatever you like or want or don't want, i honestly could care less who the president is, same shit different toilet.. but i think American history speaks for itself and our next president will be a rich, elitist, white man from the GOP.

Bytor Peltor 08.08.2015 10:02 PM

No love for the good Doctor?


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I didn't watch but its clear as crystal that Jed Bush is the only "grown up" so yall did realize he will be our next president yes?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.08.2015 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
No love for the good Doctor?

You mean that silly black guy embarrassing himself? Nah..

pony 08.08.2015 11:45 PM


When I first saw this picture I was convinced it was a picture of me

Keeping It Gimple 08.09.2015 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Lets explore some history yes?
1890s Gilded Age conservatives..
1900s Progressives..
1910s Wilsonian conservatives..
1930s New Deal progressives..
1950s Eisenhower conservatives..
1960s Great Society liberals
1970s Nixon Revolution conservatives..
1976-1980 Carter liberals..
1980s Reaganomics conservatives..
1990s Pimpin Clinton liberals..
2000s "compassionate" conservatives..
2010s Barry O liberals..
Late 2010s - Hilhawk overreach OR Trumpetian disaster
2020s - Crash of US dollar/Sino coalition backs new worlds reserve currency/
Massive fallback of imperial garrisons/Emboldened Islamo-fascism covertly
funded by Sinosphere edges into crumbling Fortress Europa/Posthuman Sino droneborgs ravage collapsed Anglosphere/Doesnt matter which gold coin clutching constitution reconstituting right wing bumpkin takes the oval office after American establishment collapses since he's too powerless to need to be assasinated and replaced by a Chinese puppet anyway


evollove 08.09.2015 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
Catsick would be a total nightmare as president.

All your criticisms are true. Forgot to mention he has strong ties to ALEC. But:

--Expanded Medicare.

--Raised taxes on fracking industry to pay for oversight, etc (rather than pass the costs onto tax-payers)

--His last budget proposal was mostly moderate, and at points even liberal. Redistributing education funds to underperforming schools? That took balls.

suchfriends is right. We're due for a Republican president. All I'm saying is:

1.) Kasich is moderate enough to win it all (although perhaps too moderate to win the GOP nomination!)

2.) As a Republican president, I feel he'd be open to ideas outside the far-right box. I don't think his first act as President will be dismantling Obamacare, or kicking gays out of the military, or privatizing social security.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
i honestly could care less who the president is, same shit different toilet..

I don't like Hilary. At all. But what I like even less is the "They're all the same" mentality. Obama isn't the progressive we wanted him to be, but to suggest the past six and a half years would have been the same if McCain had won is absurd.

And to suggest a Hillary presidency and, say, a Jeb Bush presidency would look the same is equally absurd. Yes, President Hillary will no doubt do many pro-corporate, hawkish, anti-progressive things, but c'mon. Just because she isn't as leftist as she pretends to be doesn't mean she's a right-winger, y'know?

You're concentrating on the overlap, and there's quite a bit. But the differences are significant enough that "They're all the same" doesn't ring true.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.09.2015 11:40 AM

Lets see.. expanded military actions while continuing all the other operations.. implementing Newt Gingrich's version of Healthcare reform NOT the Clinton version totally caving to the insurance industry.. completely and utterly failed the black community time and time again even as a token black president.. sided with crooked cops every single time not pushing justice dept like even Bush I did here in LA in 92.. failed miserably at immigration reform.. bailed out all the banks and corporations meanwhile average American income is down..

Tell me again how "different" Barry O has been from the same bullshit that preceded him? A sad reality is that some significant social reforms in immigration and civil rights actually occurred under "conservative" administrations.. shit even Bush I was more about affirmative action than Obama!

!@#$%! 08.09.2015 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Lets see.. expanded military actions while continuing all the other operations.. implementing Newt Gingrich's version of Healthcare reform NOT the Clinton version totally caving to the insurance industry.. completely and utterly failed the black community time and time again even as a token black president.. sided with crooked cops every single time not pushing justice dept like even Bush I did here in LA in 92.. failed miserably at immigration reform.. bailed out all the banks and corporations meanwhile average American income is down..

Tell me again how "different" Barry O has been from the same bullshit that preceded him? A sad reality is that some significant social reforms in immigration and civil rights actually occurred under "conservative" administrations.. shit even Bush I was more about affirmative action than Obama!

so he's not left enough to push the country back to the full right again.

we might very well get hillary.

although a bush III would be "fun" just so that this can become full truth past any and all doubts

and just only for that and nothing else



Originally Posted by pony

When I first saw this picture I was convinced it was a picture of me

haaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa!!

that's hilarious. nice wig.

gmku 08.12.2015 06:29 PM

I really like my new work place. Thanks to the Art in State Buildings law (yes, a state law that mandates state building budget money for art!), there's awesome original artwork everywhere I turn--paintings, photographs, prints, sculpture, stuff I don't know what it is. It's wonderful. There also are a couple of great dining room/cafe patio-atriums on the top floors that offer incredible views of the city.

I feel a little bit like when I moved from Bumfuck, South Carolina, to Asheville--like I'd gone to heaven.

I'm living the dream.



Rob Instigator 08.13.2015 08:14 AM

Live the dream!!

schizophrenicroom 08.13.2015 12:33 PM

fuck insurance, man. i was supposed to have a screening/official test thing with the adhd clinic next week. they called to confirm today, and to let me kow that out of pocket after insurance coverage, it'll cost $1110. ELEVEN HUNDRED. insurance covered $385 hahahaha. fuck my life.

!@#$%! 08.13.2015 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
fuck insurance, man. i was supposed to have a screening/official test thing with the adhd clinic next week. they called to confirm today, and to let me kow that out of pocket after insurance coverage, it'll cost $1110. ELEVEN HUNDRED. insurance covered $385 hahahaha. fuck my life.

dear schizo--i am sorry about those news. that is fucked. and i know i'm flogging a dead something, but things like these is you need an e-fund--alwasys something unexpected.

but not to panic, also-- there's supposed to be a limit for your out-of-pocket for the year, yes? check & triple check. don't know what insurance you got.

i fucking hate bureaucracies though.... aghhhhh.

schizophrenicroom 08.13.2015 04:00 PM

blue cross-blue shield. the mental health coverage sucks. i called them today to see why they can't cover any more and like, if it were an emergency, i'd be a bit better off. so i've gotta find another doc.

my sorta emergency fund from my last paycheck is basically all rent and utilities and paying back my folks for paying a bill for me. i got call from a collector yesterday for the emergency room visit i had fucking last july, i owe like $800. hahahaha. everything sucks.

but, i made a killer avocado pasta sauce last night with garlic/feta/olive oil/basil. whatever.

!@#$%! 08.13.2015 04:08 PM

Whey, enjoy your victories where you can get them. Dinner sounds great.

Meantime, find maybe a social worker to help you find resources? Those people know all about where to find things cheaper and maybe can connect you with a clinic/etc.

Dont be afraid to ask for help from the right people. Everyone goes through tough times at some point.

gmku 08.13.2015 06:42 PM

Sorry to hear about the insurance woes, everyone. My advice--hook up for employment with state or federal gov't. My insurance costs are almost literally zero. My experience, personally, tells me that Blue Cross rocks, but I know that's not the same for everyone. It also depends greatly on what your employer can provide, of course. As I'm with a giant state employer now, the benefits are extremely generous. I pay zilch for generic scripts, nada. Because my wife is also employed with same employer, our premiums are zilch, nada, nothing--we have the double spouse credit.

gmku 08.14.2015 10:06 AM

Wow. Talk about your embarrassing moments. Has anyone walked into the other gender's restroom by mistake? I just walked into the women's restroom at work. I was in a hurry and mistook the sign on the door for one of those men/women signs, meaning it's available to either gender and you just lock the door after yourself. I walked in, noticed there were not any urinals, and that should have tipped me off, but like I say, I was in a hurry, and I probably was not all that awake. I thought, hmm, strange, and entered a stall. Just then it started to dawn on me, especially when the person in the next stall flushed, then walked from her stall with a definite clacking of women's high heels. I froze. I hadn't unzipped or anything. I just stood there with my hand frozen on the inside of the door. The woman on the other side of the door must have known, because she paused a lonnngg time before washing her hands. Then another long pause before the air dryer came on. Then another long pause. Meanwhile, I noticed there was a container for used tampons. Then I noticed that she was sort of peering from the sink area to the crack in my door. I should have just walked out and said, "God, I'm so embarrassed, I'm sorry," but I didn't I just stood there frozen. Finally she left and I rushed out of there and down the hallway. With any luck, there's not an APB out on me.

EVOLghost 08.14.2015 10:52 AM

lol hahahahahaha.....hilarious. Missing urinals didnt strike you as odd?

gmku 08.14.2015 11:45 AM

Very odd. It was disorienting but not enough to make me realize my mistake.


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
lol hahahahahaha.....hilarious. Missing urinals didnt strike you as odd?

_tunic_ 08.14.2015 12:09 PM


gmku 08.14.2015 12:20 PM

I know, right?

evollove 08.14.2015 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Wow. Talk about your embarrassing moments. Has anyone walked into the other gender's restroom by mistake?

Yes! In college, after an all-night cram session before an early exam (and maybe a little high) I stopped by the library on the way to class. I'd been there before, many times.


Originally Posted by gmku
I walked in, noticed there were not any urinals, and that should have tipped me off, but like I say, I was in a hurry

I also noticed, but didn't think much of it.

I didn't realize my mistake until I was washing my hands and saw the tampon dispenser on the wall.

I had been alone, but just then someone walked in. I turned aside, which didn't make a difference because I was in front of the mirror. I don't know if I registered as odd to her, if she noticed me at all. She was probably tired too. She just went to a stall and I sneaked out.


Originally Posted by gmku
With any luck, there's not an APB out on me.

Yeah, security cameras had caught my trespass, and I was pretty paranoid for awhile afterwards. Not sure what law we broke, but it just feels really illegal.

gmku 08.14.2015 01:43 PM

If there were no security cameras inside the restroom, you could refute that you were actually inside. Sure, the camera caught you entering and exiting. Is that evidence, however, that you were inside? I think not.


Originally Posted by evollove
Yes! In college, after an all-night cram session before an early exam (and maybe a little high) I stopped by the library on the way to class. I'd been there before, many times.

I also noticed, but didn't think much of it.

I didn't realize my mistake until I was washing my hands and saw the tampon dispenser on the wall.

I had been alone, but just then someone walked in. I turned aside, which didn't make a difference because I was in front of the mirror. I don't know if I registered as odd to her, if she noticed me at all. She was probably tired too. She just went to a stall and I sneaked out.

Yeah, security cameras had caught my trespass, and I was pretty paranoid for awhile afterwards. Not sure what law we broke, but it just feels really illegal.

schizophrenicroom 08.14.2015 02:00 PM

i'll use the dudes room any time the ladies room has too long a line or it's a single stall and the ladies is occupied. i've luckily never had any safety issues or anyone complain. men's rooms are generally cleaner.

!@#$%! 08.14.2015 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
men's rooms are generally cleaner.

i used to think it was the opposite but last month my wife stops at a gas station. walks into the bathroom & recoils in horror as she sees shitwater *all over the bathroom floor*. best part was-- someone was actually sitting in a stall in that swampy mess.

gmku 08.14.2015 06:12 PM

Thanks! There's always next time.


Originally Posted by pepper_green
I would have rocked that embarrassment like a champ. maybe both of you would've got a good laugh about it. sometimes acting like a dunce in public is charming....sometimes not. you have to take a chance. funny story though.

gmku 08.14.2015 06:13 PM

Dudes generally aren't gonna mind the ladies intruding. ;)


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
i'll use the dudes room any time the ladies room has too long a line or it's a single stall and the ladies is occupied. i've luckily never had any safety issues or anyone complain. men's rooms are generally cleaner.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.14.2015 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Dudes generally aren't gonna mind the ladies intruding. ;)

Actually i do.. there is a world of difference between "ready to flirt" mode "shit i have to take a piss soooooo bad" mode

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.14.2015 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i used to think it was the opposite but last month my wife stops at a gas station. walks into the bathroom & recoils in horror as she sees shitwater *all over the bathroom floor*. best part was-- someone was actually sitting in a stall in that swampy mess.

My brother in law was a custodian for 15 years.. ALL his horror stories were from women's restrooms.. we're talking used maxi pads slaptagged on the wall bad yo..

Also ive known several women who have confessed that sometimes when they can in some circumstances they actually prefer to use the Men's room because it is generally much cleaner

schizophrenicroom 08.14.2015 10:02 PM

i share a bathroom with two dudes now and it's by far the cleanest bathroom i've ever shared. girls are nasty.

gmku 08.15.2015 09:12 AM

Whew. Well, no APB, apparently. I'm still on the lam. And no neg reps here--that's a relief.

EVOLghost 08.15.2015 09:57 AM

Man runs away from cops. Very entertaining.

schizophrenicroom 08.18.2015 11:16 AM

so this guy i had a tepid okcupid date with came into my job yesterday, and just sort of gawked at me half the time. think i found a solution to boost my work ethic and focus. i was doing everything to get shit done and stay out of his line of sight.

ryan adams covering taylor swift is the news story of 2015

EVOLghost 08.18.2015 11:38 AM

First day of class! Back at Commhnity College. Just a few classes from my associates then off to decide what university.

EVOLghost 08.18.2015 11:39 AM

And also really think about what I want to do. Math teacher or uhmmmmm.

!@#$%! 08.18.2015 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
so this guy i had a tepid okcupid date with came into my job yesterday, and just sort of gawked at me half the time. think i found a solution to boost my work ethic and focus. i was doing everything to get shit done and stay out of his line of sight.

ha ha ha ha-- a stalker as a training device? ha ha ha-- that's creative! demosthenes used a pointed sword to rid himself of bad posture, so there are precedents.

on a different subject, i hope things are getting sorted out with your adhd testing, etc.


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
First day of class! Back at Commhnity College. Just a few classes from my associates then off to decide what university.

¡eh, joaquín, qué buena noticia!

EVOLghost 08.18.2015 11:49 AM

Yeah. Retaking calculus 1 to refresh. Just got out a little bit ago and yeah. Pretty boring since I know this stuff but I could use the's been 5 years? So yeah. This is actually my 3rd time. Once in high school(my teacher gave me a D out of pity) again in college like 6 years ago. So yeah...gonna be a really slow

schizophrenicroom 08.18.2015 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
First day of class! Back at Commhnity College. Just a few classes from my associates then off to decide what university.

yoooo! that's awesome, dude. I only ever did stats in school, farthest I got with calculus stuff was derivatives. you'll be fine.

!@#- getting nowhere as of late :(

!@#$%! 08.18.2015 12:33 PM


¡ponle ganas!


también para esquizo ;)

!@#$%! 08.18.2015 02:10 PM

better to send this on PM

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.18.2015 09:49 PM

Also, God bless you math nerds.. i can put together a hundred page historical research paper in short order but if you push me past stats math like trig and cal are quite literally a bewildering foreign language. That highschool kids can do it always blows my mind, though in truth extensive research projects tend to blow other people's mind so i guess it really is what you know

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