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ilduclo 08.23.2017 10:02 AM

how's your pet?
I think we need this thread for those of us who keep dogs or cats or fish or whatever.
Sorry to start on a depressing tone, but looks like the end of the road for this one, she's been my buddy for 17 years!

we've got a in house vet coming in tomorrow and the hole is getting dug out where she hung out next to the bird feeders in the sun. Just gotta find a nice big flagstone to top it with.


RIP, Audrey, "the little pal"

Severian 08.23.2017 10:10 AM

Fuck that's terrible. I'm so sorry. When I lose a pet it rips me to shreds. Which is why I let my cats feast on my blood every night.

Sorry. Nothing funny about this. I'm really sorry. :(

My dog (actually, the dog lives with my mother these days, for protection and whatnot) appears to have lymphoma. Not sure what we're going to do about it yet. Pool our money and treat her or let nature talents course? Heartbreaking.

Also.. you can afford an in-house vet? Fuck you.

!@#$%! 08.23.2017 10:37 AM

ow buddy. so sorry. godbye to audrey.

we did pretty much the same thing last summer. hole got dug a week ahead of time.

we didn't wanna take him to a vet cuz he hated that noisy place. he died literally in my wife's arms.

when the time came we gave him a sweet funeral after a proper wake and he's got a nice grave under the trees. hell yeah. animals are better than people.

hang in there.

ilduclo 08.23.2017 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Severian

Also.. you can afford an in-house vet? Fuck you.

thanks for the laugh! ;)

It's actually a little cheaper than taking her down the street to her usual vet, and a lot less traumatizing. We have 3 or 4 such specialists right here in Tiny Town for these purposes. This one is a nice young lady just a few years out of vet school. We've got 2 land grant colleges pretty close by here and they churn out a lot of vets.

Severian 08.23.2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
thanks for the laugh! ;)

It's actually a little cheaper than taking her down the street to her usual vet, and a lot less traumatizing. We have 3 or 4 such specialists right here in Tiny Town for these purposes. This one is a nice young lady just a few years out of vet school. We've got 2 land grant colleges pretty close by here and they churn out a lot of vets.

Yeah, I didn't mean it maliciously. Glad you got a larf out of it. :)

One of the things I struggle with financially is always wanting to give my animals peak care, no matter what. My car has cat-asthma (catsthma?) and had a fit once a few years ago when I was still taking in pretty good buckage. I took him to a weekend clinic and spent a thousand bucks right then and there and all I got was an inconclusive exray and a prescription for a kitty inhaler and orders to follow up with my regular vet. I still think of it as money well spent, but yikes... ouch.

If I were a rich man, I'd take my animals to the best vet in the world every month.

Give your adorable sweet kitty a pat and a kissy kiss if she likes that kind of thing from her uncle Sev.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2017 11:25 AM

I currently live with four dogs. (One is just visiting) One is my wife's 17 year old chihuahua/beagle mix, who is fairly decrepit but still kicking it. I dread the day we have to take her to be put down.

ilduclo 08.23.2017 01:03 PM

yeah, it's a real fine line between overtreatment and not enough. We've had her on kitty thyroid meds for 3 years, which really helped her, she's got a tumor in the skull now, and that's too much to treat. We've got another one who's pretty overweight, and we're going to have to get that under control, too, as diabetes is not a disease I'm prepared to cat manage....

!@#$%! 08.23.2017 01:15 PM

the beetus shots are not bad actually, you pick up the scruff of the back skin like a triangle and poke that tent with the needle. it's subcutaneous so little drama there. they don't feel it.

what you might feel is the price tag of biologicals in the USA-- you can't buy generic and prices rose a lot in the past (not sure of current). if you can cross over to canada & buy veterinarian insulin you're in luck though.

my old cat got diabetes twice and twice went on remission. not just diet but steroid treatments might precipitate a condition. switching my cat to a wet and/or raw homemade diet helped him come back. but since he had other afflictions, feeding him was a juggling act.

anyway no more house cats for us, not now anyway. too hardcore.

dirty bunny 08.23.2017 05:12 PM

sorry to hear about your cat ilduclo. We had a cat for 18 years and I still miss him, so I know how it feels.

our cat is pretty good, but very playful & mischievous. She gets into lots of trouble and we're pretty sure she bit through a lamp cord.

I do miss "my" dog though. I wish we could have both, but the dog wants to chase the cat and having both seems like a disaster waiting to happen. He's back home but getting fat :(

Severian 08.23.2017 09:27 PM

If my cat dies I die.

Severian 08.24.2017 11:06 AM

Something's wrong with my cat. My older one. The little dude who's been with me through tick and thin... two states, seven or eight houses or apartments, multiple jobs, the end of one relationship and the entirety of another. He's 13, and I just heard him howl like he was being attacked. Checked on him and there's nothing to diagnose except for extreme tenderness (but no limping?) in his back left leg.
He had problems last year with urinary infections and a possibly kidney problem. I paid for all the work I could (blood tests, medications, check-ups), but no solution was found, and my funds were becoming depleted. I guess I need to get on top of this.
I'll take and good wishes y'all care to send. Remember, my dog has lymphoma too, so... yeah. Fucking hell.


!@#$%! 08.24.2017 11:30 AM

what's "extreme tenderness but no limping"?

Severian 08.24.2017 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what's "extreme tenderness but no limping"?

He flips out when I touch his leg, but he's not limping on said leg.

He's my super buddy, and thinks I'm his mom, so he's never bitten me under any circumstances, but when I touched his leg he almost did. He raaared and whipped his head around and then stopped just before hitting my skin.

And then he licked me and purred because he's the best. :(

But then the same thing happened again. Something is up. Poor little guy.

!@#$%! 08.24.2017 05:41 PM

yeah. sounds like some skin shit since motion is normal.

Severian 08.24.2017 09:13 PM

Hope so. I mean, I'm not a veterinary doctor, but... That sounds easy enough to fix.

!@#$%! 08.24.2017 09:17 PM

maybe some sort of splinter/shard/puncture/something??

just throwing a guess

Severian 08.24.2017 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
maybe some sort of splinter/shard/puncture/something??

just throwing a guess

Yes, it might be glass I suppose. I can't get him in a position to look without scaring him shitless, so if it keeps up, I'm taking him in.

Severian 10.21.2017 11:03 AM

My beloved doog is being put down. She had lymphoma. She was in great spirits and surprisingly healthy looking and acting until this morning, when she was found on the floor, unable to move her back legs.

Fuck life.

ilduclo 10.21.2017 11:51 AM

sorry about your loss, Sev. What kind of dog and how old was she? I understand that larger dogs don't live as long as cats or small dogs. Be assured that you did the right thing if she was unable to move her legs and had cancer. Best wishes to you!

h8kurdt 10.21.2017 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
My beloved doog is being put down. She had lymphoma. She was in great spirits and surprisingly healthy looking and acting until this morning, when she was found on the floor, unable to move her back legs.

Fuck life.

Ah man, sorry to hear that. It's a fucking awful feeling. Chin up and remember all those good times.


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