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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.29.2007 07:27 PM

Your Top 10 videogames (PC or console) ever?

1. Half-Life 2
2. X-wing
3. Half-Life
4. TIE Fighter
5. Rebel Assault
6. Dark Forces
7. Jedi Knight
8. Thief 2
9. Deus Ex
10. Age of Mythology

I know, no classic console games on there. Shock!

Danny Himself 08.29.2007 07:36 PM

2. Resident Evil 2
3. Reserved for GTA IV
4. GTA 2
5. EA Fifa 'soccer'/football games
6. SimCity 2000
7. The Simpsons Hit and Run
8. Rebel Assault 2 on PS1/PS2(?) was killer
9. Space Cadet Pinball
10. Ms. PacMan

floatingslowly 08.29.2007 07:52 PM

10 of my favorites (in no particular order) are:

Space Shuttle - A Journey Into Space
Diablo 2 (expansion a must)
Dune 2 Battle for Arrakis (later to become Command & Conquer]
World of Warcraft (sadly, yes)
Ultima III Exodus

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.29.2007 08:04 PM

Diablo 2 was pretty sweet

pantophobia 08.29.2007 08:06 PM

1. super metroid (snes)
2. legend of zelda: link to a past (snes)
3. goldeneye (n64)
4. soul blazer (snes)
5. final fantasy VII (psn)
6. final fantasy III (snes)
7. contra (nes)
8. masters of orion 2 (pc)
9. nba jam (arcade)
10. TIE Fighter (pc)

clearly a product of the early 90s

atsonicpark 08.29.2007 08:09 PM

Good tastes, pantophobia..

top 50:
1. super metroid (snes)
2. legend of zelda: ocarina of time (n64)
3. xenogears (ps1)
4. super mario brothers 3 (nes)
5. gunstar heroes (genesis)
6. chrono trigger (snes)
7. beyond oasis (genesis)
8. ico (ps2)
9. final fantasy vi (snes)
10. rez (dreamcast/ps2)
11. final fantasy ix (ps1)
12. tetris attack (snes)
13. landstalker (genesis)
14. super mario rpg (snes)
15. contra: hard corps (genesis)
16. castlevania: symphony of the night (ps1)
17. goldeneye (n64)
18. marvel vs capcom 2 (dreamcast/ps2)
19. mischief makers (n64)
20. illusion of gaia (snes)
21. vagrant story (ps1)
22. einhander (ps1)
23. okami (ps2)
24. shadow of the collossus (ps2)
25. metal gear solid 3 (ps2)
26. metroid fusion (gba)
27. alien soldier (genesis)
28. super smash brothers melee (gamecube)
29. doom (pc)
30. ikaruga (gamecube)
31. dragon quest viii (ps2)
32. super mario world (snes)
33. zombies ate my neighbors (genesis/snes)
34. zelda: link to the past (snes)
35. final fantasy vii (ps1)
36. panzer dragoon (saturn)
37. super puzzle fighter ii (ps1/saturn)
38. paper mario: thousand year door (gamecube)
39. dynamite headdy (genesis)
40. parappa the rapper (ps1)
41. super street fighter ii turbo (arcade)
42. grandia (ps1/saturn)
43. star ocean: 2nd story (ps1)
44. super mario 64 (n64)
45. zelda: majora's mask (n64)
46. phantasy star iv (genesis)
47. actraiser (snes)
48. contra (nes)
49. zelda: wind waker (gamecube)
50. contra iii (snes)

atari 2600 08.29.2007 08:18 PM

X-Wing vs. T.I.E. Fighter (LucasArts, PC) (although I haven't played it in some time, it's the most fun also "Balance of Power" bonus disc of campaigns}

Donkey Kong (Nintendo)

Stargate/Robotron: 2084 (Williams)

Madden NFL Football (EA Sports, Sony Playstation 2...don't have the latest however)

Colin McRae Rally 3 (Xbox)

Burgertime (Data East) also (although not a videogame, Jurassic Park pinball by Data East & Addams Family pinball by Bally Midway)

Tetris (NES, Nintendo Gameboy, and Atari Games arcade version)

NBA Live (EA Sports, Sega Genesis version '98, '96)

Tempest/Centipede (Atari)

Ms. Pac-Man/Super Pac-Man/Pac Man, Jr./Pac-Mania/Pac-Man (Namco)

honorable mentions: (even more cheating)
Asteroids Deluxe/Blasteroids/Asteroids (Atari)
PGA Tour '96 (EA Sports, Sega Genesis)
Crystal Castles/Missile Command (Atari)
Marvel vs. Capcom (Capcom)
Super Off-Road (SNES)
Super Mario Kart/Super Mario World (SNES)
Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo arcade version is identical to NES)/Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
Donkey Kong 3 (Nintendo)
Phoenix (Centuri)
Galaga/Galaga '84/Galaga '88/Gaplus (Namco)
Mr. Do! (Universal)
Joust (Williams)

luxinterior 08.29.2007 08:21 PM

1. Yoshi's Island.

Prisstina 08.29.2007 08:29 PM

anything mario. srsly.

Toilet & Bowels 08.29.2007 09:59 PM

vagrant story
civilization 2
street fighter 2 turbo
mario kart
final fantasy 6
secret of mana
super metroid
legend of zelda 3
legend of zelda: majora's mask
mischief makers
smash bros
super mario world
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
tie fighter
broken sword
blast corps

Everyneurotic 08.29.2007 10:06 PM

legend of zelda
ninja gaiden I and II
megaman...probably II and X are my favorites
f-zero (although i'm sick of it)
super mario world
super mario 3
super mario
tomb raider chronicles
medieval total war
mortal kombat (arcade) 2 and 3
kung fu

yeah, they are not ten.

!@#$%! 08.29.2007 10:12 PM

all pc:

1. arasan chess (keeps getting better)
2. civ II
3. civ I.
4. thief
5. sid meier's alpha centauri
6. civ III

total-trash 08.29.2007 10:13 PM

for n64: super mario 64
for dreamcast: crazy taxi
for super nintendo (my favorite of my consoles): super mario, yoshi's island
for wii: zelda, mortal kombat
for gamecube: i really did like that luigi's mansion game haha

anyways i'd have to agree with prisstina, anything mario does it for me.

atsonicpark 08.29.2007 11:54 PM

fuck yeah mystical ninja, one of the most underrated games ever..

holy shit, i can't believe i didn't list any mega man games... if any of you have a gamecube, ps2, wii, xbox, ps3, whatever.. get the mega man and mega man x collections as soon as possible.. they're cheap as fuck and loaded with so many amazing games..

for the record, mega man 3 and mega man x4 are my favs of each series..

youthoftomorrow 08.30.2007 01:02 AM

i just bought Half-Life 2. so awesome.

i also just tried to order Alpha Centauri, but PayPal fucked me over.

also, Marvel Vs. Capcom is probably my favorite game ever.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 08.30.2007 01:42 AM

Mega Man X is fun. I never beat the last boss on it though :(

Toilet & Bowels 08.30.2007 05:13 AM


zelda: twilight princess

ALIEN ANAL 08.30.2007 05:56 AM

metal gear solid
silent hill 1-2
resident evil 1-2

ZEROpumpkins 08.30.2007 06:34 AM

GTA San Andreas
Half Life 2 (Basically just for Gary's Mod)
Half Life
Perfect Dark
Banjo Kazooie
Super Mario 64
GTA Vice City
Gran Tourismo 4

atsonicpark 08.30.2007 07:41 AM

i haven't played twilight princess yet... waitng for it to get cheap. :(

am i the only one who think grand theft auto 1 was more fun than the 9 (gta2, gta london, gta 1969 or whatever, gta3, vice city, san andreas, liberty city stores, vice city stories) or so games since then?

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