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al shabbray 08.25.2008 03:59 AM

Can anybody recommend me a got pair of headphones which do ot break my wallet? they are supposed to play stuff from my mobile music player, no recording issues or something. Ive burned two pairs yesterday with a headphone out (beware of static sounds).
I like the isolation of those semi-in ear ones, and I hate these old school earbuds which got absolutely no isolation.
and no, I do not got 1000 bucks for some ultimate ear in ears.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 08.25.2008 04:24 AM

It's A Trap!

al shabbray 08.25.2008 04:25 AM

sure it is!

acousticrock87 08.25.2008 04:38 AM

The headphones I have are great, but they came with my computer. They're the in-ear ones with rubber that plugs your ears. They're definitely cheap, but they sound great and pick up really low frequencies pretty well.

Someone told me they're just like the Skullcandy ones, but I haven't tried those so I can't confirm.


al shabbray 08.25.2008 04:41 AM

yeah thats what I am talking about. I think this kind of headphones is a great choice for obile player because of the high isolation.
how much are they?

acousticrock87 08.25.2008 04:44 AM

I've seen the Skullcandy ones for about $20. I don't know how they compare to mine, but they should be close. I've seen other brands in that style closer to $50. My friend had a $50 pair and he loved them.

ZEROpumpkins 08.25.2008 05:28 AM

I use Creative in-ear monitors. Great stuff, they is.

gmku 08.25.2008 07:04 AM

I swear by Grados. You can get a good set for under 100 bucks.

I used to own the SR125s (for a bood 15 years). I recently replaced them with the SR80s. They are excellent.

al shabbray 08.25.2008 07:05 AM

I am thinkin bout the AKG in ears which are about 50 euro. I love AKGs. so maybe thats a sure shot.
bought a pair of 15 euro ones just for today, because I cant stand ridin the train without music, and they suck big times!!!! to much highs!!!

gmku 08.25.2008 07:07 AM

I'm personally biased against all in-ear phones. I think they all sound too shrill.

al shabbray 08.25.2008 07:10 AM

my old ones where bassmonsters (the one included to the sony ericsson walkman handy, the orange white one)
they where really not shrill. but the cheap ones I bought today are shrill as fuck. will exchange them when I got better ones for sure

ZEROpumpkins 08.25.2008 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
I'm personally biased against all in-ear phones. I think they all sound too shrill.

I think they're fantastic. Really surprising low-end for such small speakers.

gmku 08.25.2008 07:30 AM


al shabbray 08.25.2008 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
I think they're fantastic. Really surprising low-end for such small speakers.

thats true!
I am thinkin bout the sennheiser cx300 too. really good test results I think and the same price tag as the akg

ZEROpumpkins 08.25.2008 07:38 AM

It depends on what you want em for. For just listening to music in a non-audiophilic kinda way then the Creative's are the best value.

al shabbray 08.25.2008 07:41 AM

yeah I am kinda audiophil. but if I want really good phones then I would go for the AKG k701 (maybe the hilarious modded version) which is too expansive for me at the moment.
I am kinda searching for pretty decent ones where I dont think "what the fuck they sound like shitting in a can". like the ones I bought today for emergency...
and I think for mobile listening the in ears are perfect because of the high isolation.

gmku 08.25.2008 07:48 AM

Sounds like you pretty much know what you want then and don't need our recommendations. Go for it, young man.

al shabbray 08.25.2008 07:50 AM

no its more kind of I semi-know-what I want. and wonder if somebody know these things and can tell if they are good or not :)
the in ear models Ive mentioned , I found for about a few minutes by myself

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 08.25.2008 07:59 AM

if you don't want them to break your wallet, buy the smallest ones you can find.


Crumb's Crunchy Delights 08.25.2008 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights
if you don't want them to break your wallet, buy the smallest ones you can find.


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