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floatingslowly 11.21.2008 07:00 PM

SYG-WoW recruitment thread

Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
fucking nerds

does this apply to you (if only just a little)?

do you like to play WoW?

do you wish you played WoW with people who weren't droolers?

this (retitled&consolidated) thread may be for you!

join us!

server: TBA (prefer CST & PvP)
horde/alliance: TBA
guild name: TBA
classes needed: TBA

pre-form suggestion: although I think playing horde sounds fun, mine and EVOL_g's higher level characters are alliance. it would not be advantageous to discount this.

ultimately, we are looking for tank/healer commitment. I like to heal and have a 70 priest, but I am not against making a Death Knight (start at 55) to tank with. getting more DPS is never a problem.

easy mode: transfers cost money. I have 3 70's with (pre WOTLK) max professions of Laughing Skull. somebody with a character above level 55 can make a Death Knight there and spec for frost to tank. I will power-level them through the outlands and once we hit the great white north, it will be gravy. Laughing Skull is PvP, but don't worry...I'll hold yr hand.

the above is a simply a suggestion.

I am willing to transfer a(n) (alliance) character to another server, or make a horde death knight to tank with on another server. nothing is set in stone.

make yr suggestions below:

pbradley 11.21.2008 07:03 PM

I have enough inane tasks in real life. I don't need any more for the sake of recreation.

However, I do enjoy games in which I kill people.

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
However, I do enjoy games in which I kill people.

we will crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of the women.

I promise you; my skill at kill-buttons is gawdly.

jakeonguitar 11.21.2008 07:26 PM

Aww shit. So this is supposed to be end game-ish stuff? All my high-level characters were long gone in an old account I have no connection with anymore. I'm only working on a low-level Warrior now. I'm more than willing to play any class (I have shit experience with casters [not including healers], however) but I'd have to start from the bottom up, or have a character transfered to my account.

Bleh. If anyone's willing to transfer someone at least 55 to my account, so I can make a Death Knight (and have a fighting chance of playing with you all), I'd double the transfer fee and then some for their troubles.

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 07:36 PM

I have never tried to transfer a character to another account. is it even possible? I thought that was against ToS (and thereby subject to ban-hammer).

I have a couple 55-60's, so if it were legal, I would have no problem breaking one off.

however, you don't have to be high level! I only suggested Laughing Skull because of my ability to help power-level. and it would be even easier if someone started a 55 DK.

again, although it would be easier to help on Laughing Skull, my current 70's could be transfered and I can run you through any pre-TBC dungeons.

I just don't really want to start at level 1 myself.

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 07:41 PM

also, I don't have much of an end-game goal right now. I'm ok with whatever.

if we have 5 (+/- 2) dedicated players, there's nothing we couldn't do end-game.

I'm somewhat of a hardcore PvP'er but I also enjoy PvE. ultimately, I just want to have fun.

also, suggested guild name: Kill Yr Idols

jakeonguitar 11.21.2008 07:45 PM

I just checked the WoW site and they do support transferring characters from account to account ONLY if you're the subscriber on both ends. Damn. Don't know how'd I'd get around that.

I have a level 16 Fury Warrior right now. If you want to power level the shit out of him, I'm up for that. I'd get him transferred to Laughing Skull ASAP. I could also just start again in whatever class is needed (leveling to 16 by running through a few high instances will be easy as hell), but I have very good gear and 500+ gold on him so... Ahhhhh! Just tell me what to do; I'll do it.

Edit: Okay, cool on whatever we want to do. I'm for that too.

Suggested guild name: Expressway to Yr Skull (if we can fit that many characters in the name)

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 08:01 PM

stay on the warrior. it's an alliance character?

it might be next friday before I can get back in game, so just level it as you can!

jakeonguitar 11.21.2008 08:04 PM

No, that's the problem. I have no experience (at all) with Alliance. Want me to reroll? I'm fine with that.

Everyneurotic 11.21.2008 08:13 PM

sorry floslo, i only hack evil corporations on my spare time.

Kloriel 11.21.2008 08:15 PM

if i were to video game relapse, it would be for this.

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
No, that's the problem. I have no experience (at all) with Alliance. Want me to reroll? I'm fine with that.

well, EVOL_g's mage is alliance (but on another server). the character is high enough level that he could roll DK if he wanted without paying transfer fee.

phoenix has (lower leveled) alliance characters on Laughing Skull, but mentioned wanting to play horde.

Laughing Skull is a launch-day server that is full of elitist jerks and horde that WILL gank you. the biggest plus is my large selection of characters, gold and 9 banks full of useful crap.

I can enchant, make bags, cloth armor, potions and jewelry (up to WOTLK level recipes) and I WILL powerlevel you.

my highest level horde is a 55 shammy.

another option: I believe I have a 45-47 undead priest on Burning Blade. it's PvE and the battlegrounds favor the horde (same BG as Laughing Skull). no gold, no mats and very little crafting skill though..

at your level, all yr gear will be replaced soon. I can give you enough gold that you'll never want for it. you COULD make an alliance character and get well passed 16 by the time I'm back online. by that time, I can run you through enough instances that you will have even better gear.

floatingslowly 11.21.2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
sorry floslo, i only hack evil corporations on my spare time.

that's ok. I understand it's not for everybody. :p


Originally Posted by Kloriel
if i were to video game relapse, it would be for this.

c'mon man, everybody's doin' it. you know you want to. it feels so gooood.

jakeonguitar 11.21.2008 08:38 PM

Alright, I'm just going to make a character on Laughing Skull on the Alliance faction.

Stay Warrior? I'd like to do something different as I'm best with Rogues and Warriors, but just suggest whatever and I'm down.

phoenix 11.22.2008 12:24 AM

I dont need to play horde with yoo guyz. already said this.
merely stating that my lack of skill will probably piss off flots and anyone else who can actually play.. if we stay alliance on laughing skull.

could spec +pwr lvl a nice group and then move out of LS? but then you know, why bother.

having said all that, Im happy to pot around anywhere if you're all nice. I dont get shitty (because Im not that great) so I just log off. I think it'd be a positive playing experience wherever so, Im all for it.

you shoulda made a poll roboto. I'd just like to vote for something instead of talking so much.

phoenix 11.22.2008 12:29 AM

does this apply to you (if only just a little)?


do you like to play WoW?

yes a bit

do you wish you played WoW with people who weren't droolers?

yep every time i log on and see LOLS OMGENNSA SELL MY BUTT FTW in general

this (retitled&consolidated) thread may be for you!

really? I cant wait.

pbradley 11.22.2008 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
we will crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of the women.

I promise you; my skill at kill-buttons is gawdly.

The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.

Genghis Kahn > Conan the Pussy

phoenix 11.22.2008 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies,

again and again and again and again and again and again until they log off

Kloriel 11.22.2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by phoenix
you shoulda made a poll roboto. I'd just like to vote for something instead of talking so much.

at first i read this as "Floats should have created a poll instead of talking so much" and i laughed because he did hit the text format commands like manny did the aged team assistant who kindly told him, we might not be able to land you nine thousand tickets for all your ruff ruff bark bark poundzies. but then i reread it and realized i was wrong and phoenix was downing herself? which isn't nearly as cool.

but again, if i was going to video game relapse, this would be it. i haven't played much wow but i've done my time previously...

phoenix 11.22.2008 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kloriel
at first i read this as "Floats should have created a poll instead of talking so much" and i laughed because he did hit the text format commands like manny did the aged team assistant who kindly told him, we might not be able to land you nine thousand tickets for all your ruff ruff bark bark poundzies. but then i reread it and realized i was wrong and phoenix was downing herself? which isn't nearly as cool.

I seriouslly cannot make sense of anything you said in that paragraph. I would have used 'fucking' as an adjective before 'sense', but I dont want to offend you, Im just perplexed. esp this bit throws me;

and i laughed because he did hit the text format commands like manny did the aged team assistant who kindly told him, we might not be able to land you nine thousand tickets for all your ruff ruff bark bark poundzies.

have you hit copy paste by accident and put some random in there?

the last bit I get... I was kind of telling flots to stop talking so much and make a poll. But you know, not so fowardly.

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