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gmku 01.06.2010 07:37 PM

Things you're a junky about
Things you can't get enough of. Has to be real things, not abstract, like, "music" or "love" or "sex".

Me, in no particular order:

Vinyl, i.e., LPs

Beer, mostly ales, mostly double IPAs and barley wines

Levis 501 STFs


North by Northwest

Converse Jack Purcells

NYT Crosswords

pbradley 01.06.2010 07:42 PM

I'm a junkie for the feeling that we've done this before.

Just gotta have it.

floatingslowly 01.06.2010 07:53 PM

it's never as good as the first time.

Genteel Death 01.06.2010 08:00 PM

Not abstract: drugs, cigarettes and booze.

Glice 01.06.2010 08:09 PM

I can't think of anything. I've largely changed my relationship to tabs... this time last year, them. Otherwise, the only thing I'm massively addicted to is blinking, often at walls.

atsonicpark 01.06.2010 08:12 PM

Nothing, anymore. I grow obsessive about stuff and then I just... stop. I have finally seen all of Godard's films, I've listened almost exclusively to electronic music for the past 4 months. I am just kinda bored now. I'll move onto something else to be addicted to soon enough. That's just how things happen. There's simple too much in life to enjoy, I've realized.

...I do love codeine though.

jon boy 01.06.2010 08:33 PM

mainly its been slacking at work and getting away with it.

krastian 01.06.2010 09:15 PM

t-shirts, beer, salsa, baseball

ann ashtray 01.06.2010 10:04 PM


I fear lack of funds has left me suffering slight withdrawal symptoms from two of the above.

static-harmony 01.06.2010 10:04 PM

How is sex not real?

Anyways, buying t-shirts.

pbradley 01.06.2010 10:19 PM

A steady diet of nothing.

Not the album, I swear. Just nothing.

Sonic Youth 37 01.06.2010 10:22 PM

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Black t-shirts that fit well
Coca Cola made with actual sugar and not HFCS
Rubber bands
cloves and actual cloven scented things

Inhuman 01.06.2010 10:24 PM

Coffee, nicotine. I too have a lack of funds now as I'm moving to Cuba for 6 months. That way I'll escape this imperial society of becoming a junky of mundane commodities.

krastian 01.06.2010 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Black t-shirts that fit well is the key.

demonrail666 01.06.2010 10:44 PM

cigarettes and books

terminal pharmacy 01.06.2010 10:45 PM

food, wine, sex...

all one thing really

Skuj 01.06.2010 11:11 PM

Coffee, red wine, Godard dvd, Criterion dvd, Merzbow cd, Japanoise cd, Art books.

!@#$%! 01.06.2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Has to be real things, not abstract, like [...] "sex".

is "good pussy" concrete enough for you?

Anngella 01.06.2010 11:49 PM


Count Mecha 01.07.2010 06:47 AM

2D point and click Adventure games.

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