Sonic Youth Gossip

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Toilet & Bowels 07.04.2014 06:13 PM

How much longer will this board last for, and who will be the last to post here?

!@#$%! 07.04.2014 06:43 PM

samuel beckett

floatingslowly 07.04.2014 07:50 PM

Cantankerous breaks the seventh seal.

I summon thee, creature of hatred.

Savage Clone 07.04.2014 08:36 PM

I am surprised at myself for still coming here, but not being FacePage person, it is one of the only ways to stay even tenuously connected to those 8-10 of you whom I still would like to know are out there.

But yeah. I really have said basically everything I can and don't think I can surprise anyone with any new insights at this point.

floatingslowly 07.04.2014 09:13 PM

pm me your emailz, cloner.

I want to buy the new TBP.

TBP will outlast God.

Savage Clone 07.04.2014 09:25 PM

I have other new side activities too.
Pm coming.

Bytor Peltor 07.04.2014 11:56 PM

As long as there is a possibility they may record / tour in the future, I feel good about the future of this site.

However, Twitter would be a good alternative. Last month I hash-tagged #thunderboltpagoda and the new track came up, so I tweeted it as well.

Nefeli 07.05.2014 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels


10 years.

Beautiful Plateau 07.05.2014 02:17 AM

"indefinite hiatus" so maybe indefinitely

foreverasskiss 07.05.2014 10:01 AM

louder will make the last post. death to all the 120minutenation noise rockers.

then ill get 1 of those FacePages.

EVOLghost 07.05.2014 10:48 AM

Battle royale!

noisereductions 07.05.2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
louder will make the last post.

last post on SYG will be about Lil Wayne.

tw2113 07.05.2014 01:12 PM

I'll be showing up until i just decide to break the habit of clicking the bookmark, even if I don't post frequently.

!@#$%! 07.05.2014 01:30 PM

i forgot that the answer to the first question was "forever"

(samuel beckett was the answer to the second)

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 07.05.2014 02:13 PM

This board will last until I manage to write a witty post.

(Sadly that may never happen).

The last post will be by the board itself when it becomes self-aware...

pony 07.05.2014 03:02 PM

the last post will be by gast30


blunderbuss 07.05.2014 03:39 PM

It will last until the 40000th post in the "post comething completely irrelevant" thread. The final post will be by Chris Habib, who will disable everyone's logins and then start a new untitled thread containing only a digitally altered version of Looney Toons' "That's All, Folks", featuring the faces of every person who has ever played in Sonic Youth.

Pookie 07.05.2014 04:46 PM

SYG 'til I die.

!@#$%! 07.05.2014 04:53 PM

on the last day of his life, amid a cloud of marijuana smoke and music industry lawyers, old man stu will entrust his vintage laptop to all 37 of his grandchildren, and ask them to carry on the sacred mission of keeping this board functioning (same as always, no upgrades) while they await the second coming of the Great Sonic Tooth.

h8kurdt 07.05.2014 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by pony
the last post will be by gast30


Your sig. sums up my feelings for that post.

Kegmama 07.06.2014 03:55 AM

this board died when i did...

Genteel Death 07.06.2014 07:50 AM

What are the chances of Sonic Youth reforming?

Genteel Death 07.06.2014 07:57 AM

They work so much better as a group of creative people than separately. People do get over bitter divorces and still remain friends sometimes. Tell me about it. Not that I ever got married to anyone. I just think that strong relationships are generally long-lasting because two people were friends to start with. The love relationship may have died out but the friendship can still survive, if there's anything of worth to save. That's what separates loving someone from being in love with them, unless I am being naive.

pantophobia 07.06.2014 09:07 AM

it will be a very long time if ever, and i am on the fence as to whether it would be a good idea if they did, I am content if The Eternal is their last album

pantophobia 07.06.2014 09:09 AM

as for this board, i feel i don't add much really, but i still read every day and always will

Johnny "Magic Fingers" 07.06.2014 09:34 AM

Same for me...

Rob Instigator 07.07.2014 08:24 AM


Nefeli 07.07.2014 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
They work so much better as a group of creative people than separately. People do get over bitter divorces and still remain friends sometimes. Tell me about it. Not that I ever got married to anyone. I just think that strong relationships are generally long-lasting because two people were friends to start with. The love relationship may have died out but the friendship can still survive, if there's anything of worth to save. That's what separates loving someone from being in love with them, unless I am being naive.

one can never know. generally speaking about other people's relationships.

if people have been hurt a lot and for a very long time, they can end up being total strangers. even despite the other, but that because they didnt like themselves while being in the relationship -when it was bad.
they can even get to the point asking themselves if what they had, ever really was love. although it might have been.

what you describe, can happen; i have 2 examples in my head. one is a very popular dj couple and they still work together, are friends and even go on vacations together.

!@#$%! 07.07.2014 10:16 AM

ive never remained friends with exes. not out of spite or anger but rather because it's hard for me to see people un-naked. or, to put it in a more delicate way: you can always increase intimacy in a relationship, but how do you reduce it? how do you make off-limits what once was wide open? i'm not saying just sex, but secrets, complicity, private languages, private jokes, private worlds, stories, all kinds of things. it's not that i haven't tried to remain friends with exes, but eventually things get awkward and the only sane way left has been to cut things off completely-- to be able to move on with life and avoid too many cravings and hurt feelings. or else, just get back together.


Originally Posted by Nefeli
a very popular dj couple and they still work together, are friends and even go on vacations together.

they can't not be having sex too, can they?

i'm thinking of a bergman film i'd rather not mention because spoilers.

demonrail666 07.07.2014 10:45 AM

Kim and Thurston aside, I can imagine Lee and Steve seeing a SY rebirth as something of a personal step backwards. Maybe the occasional one-off reunion further down the line, similar to the kind of thing Pink Floyd did at Live 8, but even that seems improbable. I'd like to think so, anyway. Kim and Thurston's breakup seems more like providing a convenient exit strategy for a group that had arguably run its creative course naturally, some time before they officially ended it. And I'd hate to see them come back for the 'best of' festival circuit.

Nefeli 07.07.2014 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

they can't not be having sex too, can they?

no, they dont.
and they know each other's personal life and they discuss about it.
same goes for the other ex-couple i have in mind.

now, the extent to which they share details and feelings about their 'new' partners, that i dont know.

!@#$%! 07.07.2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
no, they dont.
and they know each other's personal life and they discuss about it.
same goes for the other ex-couple i have in mind.

now, the extent to which they share details and feelings about their 'new' partners, that i dont know.

i can't understand that-- and by that in no way i mean it normatively, but rather-- it is beyond my experience and comprehension. that is probably something i'll never know. lucky for them though!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.07.2014 04:02 PM

I understand there is some kind of facebook group or community where all of those SYG members who don't post stay in touch. I don't have or want a facebook, so I will keep posting here until stu bans me ;)

Pookie 07.08.2014 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I understand there is some kind of facebook group or community where all of those SYG members who don't post stay in touch. I don't have or want a facebook, so I will keep posting here until stu bans me ;)

It's just called Facebook.

Why do some people think it's somehow unacceptable to have a FB account? Join today, be my FB friend and get to see the idealised version of my life. Go on...

!@#$%! 07.08.2014 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Why do some people think it's somehow unacceptable to have a FB account?

for me it's not so much a thinking but a feeling, and not so much unacceptable as undesirable. them: "eat your mcflurry" me: "eugh… no…". i'm not asking people to ban mcflurries, i just don't like them.

as to how i don't like them… let me count the ways…
(another day though)

dead_battery 07.08.2014 10:19 AM

i hate facebook. the entire world has become a message board. its fucking OBLIGATORY NOW! everyone has to see you, you get surveilled. i get fucking comments about "why are you posting that lol". fuck off. the internet is supposed to be for anonymous trolling and piracy.

every fucking dipshit in this town is on fb. i spent my whole life avoiding these people and now i have to read their horseshit and watch them waste police time demanding attention for the petty bullshit dramas they use to fill their empty lives with.

i miss the old days when only smart nerds were on the internet.


sheldon wolin hit the nail on the fucking head. we're living under inverted totalitarianism. its not that you're banned from posting anything political on fb, its that you're ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED to express yourself freely. which means that when you do everyone can see and you have to self censor because employers dont want that stuff. you become your own censor because you need money and companies are watching everything you do.

we're neutralizing our freedom of speech in the name of freedom of speech.


message boards are for anonymous cowards and nerds, in other words noblemen. but now fb has made a message board for the masses. you get to read about how boring everyone you know is and how the people who beat you up in school all own houses and cars now. fml.

dead_battery 07.08.2014 10:21 AM

anyway, i still dont know who "sonic youth" is, is he a rapper?

Genteel Death 07.08.2014 06:06 PM

Nobody is going to stop your freedom of speech, it's just that in most cases it's not worth stopping. Thank you Bono.

dead_battery 07.08.2014 06:17 PM

you're back on my blocklist, forever. bye.

Genteel Death 07.08.2014 06:22 PM

But most people my age think I'm too old. What do I do? Block them?

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