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-   -   Attention Stupid Celebrities: DON'T TAKE NUDE PHOTOS AND THEY CAN NEVER BE LEAKED ;) (

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.03.2014 09:23 PM

We teach this to middle school kids. Shit, its LITERALLY printed in the curriculum. To teach kids to be responsible with their technology. To NOT take needless risks. To understand that actions like that inevitably have unintended consequences. Yet when these celebrities upload their nude pics to the cloud, get hacked, and leaked, all the feminists are arguing with me saying, "Its their right, you're slut shaming." No, I'm just calling out the fucking obvious! I'm not making any kind of moral judgments or accusations, merely stating the ontological reality of the risk involved. Its a no brainer, its been happening since the 1830s when photography was invented.

Dude, I totally think that the scumbags who published these pictures should be prosecuted, and it was TOTALLY wrong and creepy to leak them BUT, duh, common sense, DON'T TAKE THE PICTURES IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THERE WILL NEVER BE ANY PROBLEMS YO.

!@#$%! 09.03.2014 09:32 PM

not to dismiss the mortification some might be suffering but--it's just tits

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.03.2014 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
not to dismiss the mortification some might be suffering but--it's just tits

To be sure I 100% disagree with the photos being leaked, its a literally criminal invasion of privacy. My beef is that too many writers, pundits, and feminists are dismissing the individual culpability in that these celebrities, women and yes men too, shouldn't have taken let alone upload these photos to begin with!

!@#$%! 09.03.2014 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
To be sure I 100% disagree with the photos being leaked, its a literally criminal invasion of privacy. My beef is that too many writers, pundits, and feminists are dismissing the individual culpability in that these celebrities, women and yes men too, shouldn't have taken let alone upload these photos to begin with!

of course it's a crime to break into someone's data, but it's just tits man. we've all sucked on tits after being born. where is the culpability in tits? tits are innocent. there is no crime in tits. the filth is in your mind.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.03.2014 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the filth is in your mind.

Again, I'm not making any kinds of moral judgments about this issue. I could careless about the morality because in this instance is entirely subjective. The celebrities, either women or men (yes some dick shots were leaked too), are free to make their own moral assessment of taking these pictures. I'm talking about the logistics. If they didn't want them leaked, either don't upload them onto the cloud or any other file hosting server or even better just don't take them in the first place!

Now as to the matter of if they want it leaked or not, we all know that a lot of celebrities intentionally leak these kinds of photos for publicity, so that is a different issue entirely.

hipster_bebop_junkie 09.03.2014 11:45 PM

Maybe not entirely related to the subject, but then again maybe somehow related to it. I just received e-mail from Melora Craeger of Rasputina:

Hello from Melora.
I want to share with you some strange goings on- sometimes painful, but not all bad. For just over a year, I've been the "virtual hostage" of a stalker/hacker. The trouble started with a "friend" I made through Facebook. When I ended that "friendship", my physical home and my online accounts were violated. My cars were vandalized, and original music material was stolen (hand-written music manuscripts, and hard-drives containing music and art files for past albums). The person got into my bank, credit card and online accounts.
Despite me having IP numbers, bank statements, and etc., my family didn't believe me, and I became the classic abuse victim- keeping it to myself because I wasn't believed. My family thinks I'm paranoid and delusional- and I admit the experience has damaged me, but this crime is not mysterious beyond who committed it. Look at the headlines today- "Celebrities Hacked!". iPhone/iCloud/contacts/passwords- It's all stored in one place.
I was truly in terror, and have gradually lost everything.
-Dismissed as paranoid by family and friends
- Living in a rural area, the police have no idea what I'm talking about, what cyber-crime even is, and they've been told that I'm crazy anyway.
- My business is ruined because I can't trust the sites I sell from. None of these companies care. Most don't even have a way to talk to a person. But think about it. We do give our whole lives over to giant, faceless corporations, providing them content free of charge while they profit. Who are they? Exactly like my hacker/stalker, I don't know, but where a corporation is not human, whoever stole from me, and scared me almost to death is real, a human being.
I rarely visit the internet because I was violated there, but as I put social media out of my life, I get happier. It makes us competitive where we needn't be, and it makes us acquisitive but never satisfied. I know that in this Social-Media age, I make no money. Most people I talk to, in all different businesses, have the same troubles.
How are you faring? Write me back and tell me. I really want to know.
Of course I am making art and music out of this experience, hard as it is. I want to share what I make with you outside of the internet, and am thinking of ways to do that. I'm sincere when I ask you to write back to me. I have no help with this stalker/hacker situation, and it helps me to hear about other people's experiences.

Savage Clone 09.03.2014 11:50 PM

saying that someone should take individual responsibility for their private virtual property being stolen is tantamount to telling someone who got robbed that they shouldn't have bought nice things that someone would want to are a nice guy and everything, but you are really out of line on this one. Yes, everything can be no way does that mean that the people who have had things stolen from them are in any way responsible for supposedly enticing these actions from predatory creeps and those who encourage really need to rethink this stuff and shut your mouth.

dead_battery 09.04.2014 05:51 AM

christian doesnt want women to take nude photos.


dead_battery 09.04.2014 05:52 AM

also all celebs should be executed for sport anyway so idc

tesla69 09.04.2014 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yet when these celebrities upload their nude pics to the cloud, get hacked, and leaked, all the feminists are arguing with me saying, "Its their right, you're slut shaming." No, I'm just calling out the fucking obvious! I'm not making any kind of moral judgments or accusations, merely stating the ontological reality of the risk involved.

The real issue is the fucking cloud bullshit, the drive by the corporates away from individual ownership to rented usage. Every technofetish is marketed as convenience. "Now you can access your photos from anywhere." Well why the fuck do you really need to access your photos from anywhere. Having your photos 'hacked' and made public is part of the cloud structure. It will never be acknowledged, no more than that the plane crash is part of air travel. Anyone who uses 'cloud' services gets what they deserve.

SO does Jennifer Lawrence look good nekkid?

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
"Now you can access your photos from anywhere." Well why the fuck do you really need to access your photos from anywhere.

this is true. one could dig a hole in the ground in a remote island, bury their photos there, and never have to look at them again except with the help of a shovel, a pirate ship, and the secret treasure map.

Genteel Death 09.04.2014 09:19 AM


Rob Instigator 09.04.2014 09:50 AM

I love how they use the euphemism "cloud" which is soft and fluffy and harmless, instead of calling it what it is, remote file servers. I bet less people would be inclined to allow their iphone to upload everything to a remote file server.

LifeDistortion 09.04.2014 09:59 AM

You can make that "don't take nude photos of yourself and they won't be leaked argument" to anyone celeb or non-celeb. There is even a thing where the ex-boyfriends of women, usually either in college or high school post photos of their ex-girlfriend and call it "revenge porn". It's less about the content of the photos, and more about the consent. There are women who take nude selfies of themselves and post them on social sites like twitter. Nobody is going to tell a woman not to post their own nude selfie if they are comfortable doing so, but when a hacker steals images, or an ex posts images meant to be private you take away the consent. There are women who are comparing these stolen images to a woman getting raped. Its certainly a violation on some level. Its an ugly reality that in this internet age we place the value of a woman on their appearance. Perhaps its been that way even before than, but the internet has only raised that reality further.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 10:29 AM

To those throwing out "christian this" or "privacy that" I will reiterate again, IM NOT MAKING ANY MORAL ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST nude photos. Im saying ontologically speaking that is the risk, so either don't take the pictures or concede the risk as part of playing the game. In other words I have zero sympathy for people who make reckless or stupid decisions, and they rightfully have themselves to blame. Problem with our society is no body owns up to their mistskes or responsibilities..

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
To those throwing out "christian this" or "privacy that" I will reiterate again, IM NOT MAKING ANY MORAL ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST nude photos.

then why are you singling out nude photos over everything else that gets stolen online?

tesla's luddism is at least consistent

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
then why are you singling out nude photos over everything else that gets stolen online?

tesla's luddism is at least consistent

Because the nude pics are what all the talking heads are pontificating about, because taking nude photos is a bit less mundane then online banking or email, and because nude photos have a more inherent risk than other technology risks as people are biologically inclined to want to see these pics so there is more demand. Again this is why we teach middle school kids not to do it, too much risk of privacy invasion. Nudity is privacy yes? When you take a photograph youre ready taking the control out pf your own hands an yielding it to the technology. At least with actual nudity, somebody has to be more bold to assualt and disrobe a person. With pictures it becomes easier and less physically direct than shoplifting

Pookie 09.04.2014 12:07 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this is true. one could dig a hole in the ground in a remote island, bury their photos there, and never have to look at them again except with the help of a shovel, a pirate ship, and the secret treasure map.

I get why somebody might.need their kid's bday pics or vacation pics and so put them in the cloud but nude pics??

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I get why somebody might.need their kid's bday pics or vacation pics and so put them in the cloud but nude pics??

exhibitionists will exhibit.

natural fact.

Savage Clone 09.04.2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
To those throwing out "christian this" or "privacy that" I will reiterate again, IM NOT MAKING ANY MORAL ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST nude photos. Im saying ontologically speaking that is the risk, so either don't take the pictures or concede the risk as part of playing the game. In other words I have zero sympathy for people who make reckless or stupid decisions, and they rightfully have themselves to blame. Problem with our society is no body owns up to their mistskes or responsibilities..

I call this the "why was she drinking and wearing sexy clothing/what did she expect" argument.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I call this the "why was she drinking and wearing sexy clothing/what did she expect" argument.

Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!

this is your own prejudice talking.

look, for most people, putting things online is just like the general act of stepping outside your house--- a risk/benefit calculation. nothing is ever completely guaranteed, there is only risk and risk management. how much risk you want to assume is up to you.

people who love to take and share pictures of themselves naked will continue to do so. they know there is a risk attached to this and don't need a kindergarten-level lesson on the possibility that unwanted people might see them.

criminals will always try to take advantage of people no matter the situation.

same thing with people who like kayaking. there is a chance that a great white shark might try to eat them. they still like kayaking. great white sharks will keep trying to eat them.

dead_battery 09.04.2014 02:39 PM

but suckbongs, your position ACCEPTS that online data, including photos, are not private property and that private property rights do not apply. therefore you are really just on the side of the leakers, and actually angry at hennifer lawrence and co for being upset that their photos were leaked, probbly cos ur guilty about the massive boner they give you, for religious reasons.

also, you are angry at hennifer and co for complaining, so what you are really saying is they have no right to complain that their nude photos were hacked and leaked. i think you need to do some self examination because your pyschosexual issues are coming through here.

ask yourself, what if someone leaked pictures of the "virgin" (lol) mary getting her hot titties rubbed by some roman who impregnated her with the seed that would bear jesus, would you blame her for getting turnt on and twerking? would you? it means theres no god if you get a b0ner.

demonrail666 09.04.2014 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

criminals will always try to take advantage of people no matter the situation.

Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.

not being naive/ using better security/ stronger passwords/ etc. is one thing.

blaming the victim for having tit pics / a tv in the house / money in the bank (or wallet) is another thing

Rob Instigator 09.04.2014 02:57 PM

Tha turn up was REAL

Genteel Death 09.04.2014 03:42 PM

Try having a pair of tits and walk down the street before you reverse to your male torso. Let's see if you don't get the different level of threatening violence you're met with if you are female. Like Savage Clone said, please do shut your mouth about this. It's not funny.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 03:47 PM

Dead battery, me thinks thou dost project too much. I havent seen these pictures and im not trying to make any moral arguments against them. Im not a prude. What im making is an ontological argument similar to whay demonrail summarizes bellow, that if you take these pics and what is riskier upload them somewhere that is he riak

Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.

Thank you, a voice of reason

Genteel Death 09.04.2014 04:01 PM

You're comparing being a criminal with showing a bit of flesh. What's wrong with you guys?

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Im not a prude

yes, you are.

you don't recognize the right of people to take naked pictures of themselves, just as they have the right to have online bank accounts or communicate via email.

you're making the nude pictures a special case that you will single out as different from any other private information.

and you're blaming the victim.

Rob Instigator 09.04.2014 04:16 PM

I blame Eva Prinz

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
You're comparing being a criminal with showing a bit of flesh. What's wrong with you guys?

Not about showing flesh, its about making stupid decisions to upload the said flesh showing pictures onto the internet and somehow be surprised and offended when assholes on the internet steal them. I will reiterate one last motherfucking time before I bid you assholes goodnight and head to class. I AM NOT MAKING ANY KIND OF MORAL ARGUMENT, RATHER AN ONTOLOGICAL ONE. THERE IS NOTHING MORALLY OR ETHICALLY WRONG WITH THE PICTURES, BUT WHAT IS FUCKING BRAINDEAD STUPID IS TO UPLOAD THEM ONTO A FILE HOSTING SERVER AND EXPECT THEM TO BE SECURE. Shit, I've had to change my bank and email passwords MONTHLY because of hackers, why would people be naive or stupid enough to send nude pictures unless they WANTED them leak. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT THEM LEAKED, DON'T FUCKING UPLOAD THEM.

Right now I've got so many motherfucking things going wrong in my real life that I have no room for sympathy for dumb spoiled rich girls who are not even as smart as a 7th grader.. this is exactly what happened when people make too much money they don't know how to work for this life and make reckless decisions..

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
and you're blaming the victim.

yes I am, and I'm not ashamed to say it so FUCK EM


Savage Clone 09.04.2014 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!

The corollary I was making is that this is what people say in instances of unwanted street harassment or come ons in bars, or in the worst cases actual assault.wasn't really talking about photos. But the argument you are making is exactly the same and do not try to pretend it isn't.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.04.2014 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
The corollary I was making is that this is what people say in instances of unwanted street harassment or come ons in bars, or in the worst cases actual assault.wasn't really talking about photos. But the argument you are making is exactly the same and do not try to pretend it isn't.


Savage Clone 09.04.2014 08:40 PM

Your caps lock is stuck on.
And also you are talking out of your ass.

!@#$%! 09.04.2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not about showing flesh, its about making stupid decisions to upload the said flesh showing pictures onto the internet and somehow be surprised and offended when assholes on the internet steal them. I will reiterate one last motherfucking time before I bid you assholes goodnight and head to class. I AM NOT MAKING ANY KIND OF MORAL ARGUMENT, RATHER AN ONTOLOGICAL ONE. THERE IS NOTHING MORALLY OR ETHICALLY WRONG WITH THE PICTURES, BUT WHAT IS FUCKING BRAINDEAD STUPID IS TO UPLOAD THEM ONTO A FILE HOSTING SERVER AND EXPECT THEM TO BE SECURE. Shit, I've had to change my bank and email passwords MONTHLY because of hackers, why would people be naive or stupid enough to send nude pictures unless they WANTED them leak. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT THEM LEAKED, DON'T FUCKING UPLOAD THEM.

Right now I've got so many motherfucking things going wrong in my real life that I have no room for sympathy for dumb spoiled rich girls who are not even as smart as a 7th grader.. this is exactly what happened when people make too much money they don't know how to work for this life and make reckless decisions..

yes I am, and I'm not ashamed to say it so FUCK EM


hey! is that the spoiled rich guy who was shot? it was his own fault, right?

what about michael brown? he asked for it too? you know, for knowingly walking in the street in the presence of racist cops?

Rob Instigator 09.05.2014 09:36 AM

How can you steal from a cloud?

tesla69 09.05.2014 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

I would pee myself if I saw something like this.

Rob Instigator 09.05.2014 10:27 AM

I love cloud formations. Our atmosphere is composed of many distinct layers and the best clouds form when warm heavy moist air is pushed up by m mountains or canyons.

These are awesome

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