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pantophobia 03.08.2015 05:54 PM

Best/Favorite Opening Band for SY you saw
was just kinda reminiscing over things after finishing the book

first ever show started wit Erase Errata and Mary Timony so that was a heavy way to start

the only time actually went out of the way to see an opening band was Les Georges Leningrad when they were announced opening for SY in Montreal, as a bonus Sunburned Hand Of The Man started out

and with the last Brooklyn show, Wild Flag was such a big deal I remember nearly every member of SY on the side of the stage watching in awe of the performance

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Rob Instigator 03.08.2015 06:05 PM

Slanted Era Pavement

jennthebenn 03.08.2015 06:24 PM

Stereolab. I would have loved to have the means to follow SY around
in 2000 just to see Stereolab more times.

Les Georges...easily the biggest stage I ever saw them on, and they were
fantastic. Wild Flag, likewise.

whorefrost 03.08.2015 06:57 PM

Hmmm, always a bit too excited at the prospect of seeing SY to take in much of the opening act. Having said that, Liars at Manchester Academy in 2002 was pretty cool. Also saw The Pop Group opening for them at the same venue several years later.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.08.2015 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia

and with the last Brooklyn show, Wild Flag was such a big deal I remember nearly every member of SY on the side of the stage watching in awe of the performance

share away...

You saw Wild Flag AND Sonic Youth????

Well that trumps my Mary Timony opening at the 2006 Filter party show..

whorefrost 03.08.2015 07:06 PM

Goddamn this thread has sent me to the concert chronology to refresh me memory. Forgot about Decaer Pinga (AKA Prick Decay with Dylan Nyoukis) opening for them in Glasgow in 2004 which was pretty cool.

Also reading about them playing at clubs in Edinburgh in the 80s is making me ache with longing that I hadn't been a few years old at the time!

whorefrost 03.08.2015 07:09 PM

Shit guys, sorry, how could I fucking forget Shellac opening for them on New Year's Eve in 2010! Probably because I was out my nut on MDMA hehe..

Skip Tracer 03.08.2015 07:11 PM

Last show in Brooklyn had WF and Kurt Vile.
The Slits opening the Daydream Nation show at McCarren Pool.
I saw Dinosaur Jr. open for them multiple times.

Magic Wheel Memory 03.08.2015 07:32 PM

It probably would have been Helium, if I had gotten there on time to see it. I'll always remember the Breeders starting their set with Aerosmith's Lord of the Thighs. So unexpected! David S. Ware was cool, and so were The Warmers, which was Ian MacKaye's brother's band. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.08.2015 07:46 PM

I love how no matter how we slice the cake, Mary Timony is involved in like ALL of our favorite openers, from Helium to Solo to Wild Flag..


Toilet & Bowels 03.09.2015 06:10 AM

TOKYO 2001: First opener was some guy called Tamio playing solo guitar psych. Never been able to find any info on him since. He was followed by OOIOO who I thought might upstage SY they were that good.

_slavo_ 03.09.2015 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by pantophobia

first ever show started wit Erase Errata and Mary Timony so that was a heavy way to start

Same here. I thing we'd spoken about this before - it was the August 2002 Washington, DC gig, right? With "Anxious Rats" performing too with Kim on vocals, right? I was there too and it was my first ever SY show too.

Other than that I loved when Flower/Corsano opened for SY in London in 2007 and when the Chinese postpunk band Carsick Cars opened for them a few days earlier in Vienna.

confusion is next 03.09.2015 08:50 AM

Lisbon 1993
Lulu Blind and Tina and the Top Ten...great portugese acts.

ann ashtray 03.09.2015 09:11 AM

Magik Markers + Double Leopards

pantophobia 03.09.2015 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Same here. I thing we'd spoken about this before - it was the August 2002 Washington, DC gig, right? With "Anxious Rats" performing too with Kim on vocals, right? I was there too and it was my first ever SY show too.

it was yes, it was my first small club show as well

krischanski 03.09.2015 01:43 PM

I really liked Unwound (Sonic Youth & Stereolab & Unwound @ Huxley’s, Berlin ’96)

greenlight 03.09.2015 03:45 PM

Afrirampo @ Brixton, London '04

_tunic_ 03.09.2015 04:29 PM

Beck solo during the Washing Machine tour
Chris Corsano was great as well, but didn't like the two other guys he was playing with (Spencer Yeh & Flahery)
all I remember from some other support was a singing saw ... and the guy nexdt to me with a big Scottish accent complaining about it (this was in LA :) )

h8kurdt 03.09.2015 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
Afrirampo @ Brixton, London '04

This. Man they were good at that gig.

hirsute_biped 03.10.2015 01:33 AM

If memory serves me right, Destroy All Nels Cline and Helium in LA in '98 (1000 Leaves tour).

greenlight 03.10.2015 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
This. Man they were good at that gig.

glad to see someone from here was at that gig.

whorefrost 03.10.2015 04:57 AM

Saw Afriramp open for em in Amsterdam and, apparently Glasgow (according to the concert chronology though don't really recall seeing them, I guess I did though). idk, not a huge fan, maybe I should go back and re-listen.

Trojan torch 03.10.2015 09:48 AM

Alabama kids from Holland!

Utrecht, 29th of june 1993, Tivoli, my first SY show...

Trojan torch 03.10.2015 09:50 AM

And what a setlist!

Cotton Crown Bull in the Heather In the Mind of The Bourgeois Reader PCH Skink Starfield Road Candle Stereo Sanctity Secret Girl Flower Drunken Butterfly Theresa's Soundworld Self-Obsessed & Sexxee Tokyo Eye JC Total Trash

Peterpuff 03.10.2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Trojan torch
And what a setlist!

Cotton Crown Bull in the Heather In the Mind of The Bourgeois Reader PCH Skink Starfield Road Candle Stereo Sanctity Secret Girl Flower Drunken Butterfly Theresa's Soundworld Self-Obsessed & Sexxee Tokyo Eye JC Total Trash

That is an absolutely amazing setlist, actually. Very jealous.

Mine was:
The Fatal Flying Guilloteens
Thursday, July 8th, 1999
Austin, Texas, USA

Just fun, sloppy energy

Edit: And while not actually SY, True Widow opening for Chelsea Light Moving has been my overall fav "SY related" opener. Just some good ol' sludgy stoner metal from Dallas. Knew nothing about them upon seeing them, but was very pleasantly surprised.

Toilet & Bowels 03.10.2015 05:05 PM

Movietone when I saw SY in London in 96 were very good too.

demonrail666 03.10.2015 06:02 PM

Most entertaining was probably Rapeman.

!@#$%! 03.10.2015 06:15 PM

i am pretty sure i saw them at the 930 in dc in 2004 but for the fuck of me i can't remember white magic or magik markers as opening acts as the mustang site lists them.

i wonder what the fuck i was drinking or if i took some weird pills. my recollections of that night are *extremely* vague.

noisereductions 03.10.2015 09:35 PM

Black Dice + Lightning Bolt.

Genteel Death 03.10.2015 09:45 PM


rebeccagotcursedout 03.10.2015 10:42 PM

Franky Goes to Hollywood

just kiddin. relax. loosen up.:p

....Stereolab. still a fan today. they were so perfect. in volume and tunes.

scratch75 03.11.2015 01:41 PM

Manchester '96 - LungLeg and Makeup
London '02 - Liars

stu666 03.11.2015 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
Shit guys, sorry, how could I fucking forget Shellac opening for them on New Year's Eve in 2010! Probably because I was out my nut on MDMA hehe..

Same for me!

h8kurdt 03.11.2015 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
glad to see someone from here was at that gig.

Yeah man. It was my first time seeing them and that pretty much took my love for them to the next level. Worst thing was that I didn't recognise Brother James as I hadn't heard that album yet. I never got to see them play that song again and I'm still gutted about.

greenlight 03.11.2015 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Yeah man. It was my first time seeing them and that pretty much took my love for them to the next level. Worst thing was that I didn't recognise Brother James as I hadn't heard that album yet. I never got to see them play that song again and I'm still gutted about.

first time for me as well! what a coincidence, hehe. fought my way from balcony maybe to the 3rd. row in the main pit during Stones song!

h8kurdt 03.11.2015 05:39 PM

*hi-five* I was the front too. I stood at the front door from about 12 waiting to get in (I was young and keen). At least I got to meet the band as they were going in, so that's something.

Thought Bubbles 03.15.2015 02:39 PM

Great thread topic!

Saw the Dirty Three open for SY in '95 at the Academy in NYC. The matinee show. Made quite an impression on me.

Sean Lennon and Nod were a great pairing in '98 at Irving Plaza.

Genteel Death 03.15.2015 02:45 PM

Sean Lennon is shit.

blunderbuss 03.16.2015 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Most entertaining was probably Rapeman.

Ditto. Although Stefan Jarowyck and co at The Forum on the Washing Machine tour was fun just for the hugely negative reaction on the part of a lot of the audience.

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