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king_buzzo 03.11.2007 08:14 AM

girls and boys, its no-smoking day soon. do you smoke?
okay im doing this project for bio about no smoking day.

anyways, the point of this thread is

do you smoke?why?

have you quit?

did you try to quit but couldn't because your addicted?

answer these now. please.

h8kurdt 03.11.2007 08:17 AM

*beathes in* hear that? That my darling is the sound of a lovely fresh lung!!

_slavo_ 03.11.2007 08:19 AM

I do smoke

but only when I drink to it. During the day, smoking makes no sense to me.

Trasher02 03.11.2007 08:26 AM

I smoke.
Never tried to quit.

Danny Himself 03.11.2007 08:30 AM

Danny is not as naughty as to endanger lives through smoking. He is a good little boy.

demonrail666 03.11.2007 08:52 AM

I smoke, heavily.

I have tried to give up on many occasions.

I've failed because yes, I'm addicted to them.

Toilet & Bowels 03.11.2007 08:54 AM

no. i'm on my fourth time quitting. i've been a non-smoker since christmas. it's about the most pointless and stupid habit known to man.

nicfit 03.11.2007 08:55 AM

i don't and i won't.

Gulasch Noir 03.11.2007 08:59 AM

I do, mostly while going out and never tried to quit.

auto-aim 03.11.2007 09:08 AM

yep im also a smoker - I started like _slavo_ did but then break that now and then. My parents still dont know i smoke, which is lame but that probably makes me more careful about it than i would be otherwise. The ban gets inforced here next month, so i dont know. I dont think its really going to effect my smoking thru the summer but winter it wont be worth the cold. Also I know this is textbook to say but i dont realy feel all that addicted, like i dont really get cravings like other people say ive GOT to have a ciggerette now - i enjoy it more so when im out or socializing. its something to do with my hands. Also i have mixed feelings about the ban, ultimatly its probably a good thing however it's a degree of control which i dont like.

ploesj 03.11.2007 09:36 AM

i don't smoke. i never did. i never will.

i'm a passive smoker though, too many smokers around me.

king_buzzo 03.11.2007 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
i don't smoke. i never did. i never will.

i'm a passive smoker though, too many smokers around me.

yeah same here

Glice 03.11.2007 09:56 AM

Smoking, as I say every time this thread comes up, is almost unbearably cool and makes you incredibly attractive to whichever sex you have elected to stick your genitals in/ around.

drrrtyboots 03.11.2007 11:09 AM

glice may be correct. i was smoking for a few months steady but then decided i was sick of it so havent in a month. when im pretty drunk though, theres no helping it.

jon boy 03.11.2007 12:01 PM

i smoke should quit.

non smokers die everyday.

fugazifan 03.11.2007 12:16 PM

i smoked fr about 6-7 years, from age 14-15. smoked about a pack or so a day. havent touched a cig in two months, and not planning on doing so ever again. quitting was actually easier than i thought...

val-holla-ing 03.11.2007 12:29 PM

i quit about a year ago and haven't had the urge to smoke since. i actually can't stand the smell of it anymore.

screamingskull 03.11.2007 12:32 PM

yes, unfortunately, at the moment i do. I like it though, calms me down.

ploesj 03.11.2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i quit about a year ago and haven't had the urge to smoke since. i actually can't stand the smell of it anymore.

my stepbrother has the same. his father is a chainsmoker.

Glice 03.11.2007 12:59 PM

I don't mind non-smokers, but the fucking sanctimony of born-again non-smokers is nearly as bad as that of vegetarians or u2 fans.

Officer Randy 03.11.2007 01:04 PM

This is cause for concern. Smoking is bad- and as the only officer of the law online I feel obliged to lecture you all on the dangers of cigarettes, cigars, and other smokables.

Smoking cigarettes can cause Bronchitis, Emphysema, Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, and even Cancer of the mouth. Imagine trying to convince your boyfriend to let you give him a blowjob if he knows you've got Cancer of the mouth? Unthinkable.

Smoking cigars has the same effect. The same applies to smoking a pipe (Cancer of the lips, too).

screamingskull 03.11.2007 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I don't mind non-smokers, but the fucking sanctimony of born-again non-smokers is nearly as bad as that of vegetarians or u2 fans.

i love you :)

jon boy 03.11.2007 01:15 PM

glice is right, ex smokers are the worst.

screamingskull 03.11.2007 01:30 PM


Cardinal Rob 03.11.2007 02:18 PM

I don't need drugs, I AM drugs.


Originally Posted by Glice
the fucking sanctimony of born-again non-smokers is nearly as bad as that of vegetarians

Do you have a problem with that?

HaydenAsche 03.11.2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Smoking, as I say every time this thread comes up, is almost unbearably cool and makes you incredibly attractive to whichever sex you have elected to stick your genitals in/ around.

As I say every time this thread comes up, I agree with Glice. I could quit but that would make me a pussy.

auto-aim 03.11.2007 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i smoke should quit.

non smokers die everyday.

Bill Hicks fan?

lizzarddd 03.11.2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I don't mind non-smokers, but the fucking sanctimony of born-again non-smokers is nearly as bad as that of vegetarians or u2 fans.

i'm a smoker and a vegetarian, does that make me real lame?

I smoke, but when i don't smoke i get pretty cranky. I think about quitting, but then i smoke and i realize that i don't want to.
but I do hate the smell I can't stand smelling like ciggarettes,
As for quitting: i've tried, but you have to put yourself in a situation where you can't smoke, and mostly all of my friends that's not looking too good. And i've talked to people who have quit, and they say their cravings never left, they just learned to deal with them, one day i'll be strong and quit :)

I was listening to the radio, this guy was like 118 years old and he smoked a rediculous amount of packs a day and was smoking for 80 years. and he decided he wanted to quit. I laughed pretty hard, Hope he's goin strong

screamingskull 03.11.2007 03:57 PM

when is national no smoking day then?

lizzarddd 03.11.2007 04:13 PM


auto-aim 03.11.2007 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by lizzarddd
i'm a smoker and a vegetarian, does that make me real lame?

yes, yes it does. :p Smoking is all well and fine but being vegetarian, that is something that i cant get my head around. It's something for another thread maybe but i just dont get it, because it definatly cant be something done out of preferance.

screamingskull 03.11.2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by lizzarddd

wednesday it is!

king_buzzo 03.11.2007 04:45 PM

i agree with all non smokers, smoking is incredibly stupid and gay,imo.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.11.2007 06:31 PM

I dont smoke.
Also I think that people who do and want to quit are pathetic. It's not like cigarettes are in everything you eat or something. Just stop going to the store and buying them.

Cardinal Rob 03.11.2007 06:48 PM

I don't think it's that pathetic. Not even a sitar could make my Godfather (who by chance is called Don) quit. It can be a social thing, and one of someone's main pleasures in life, though I in no way think smoking is necessary.

Sonic Youth 37 03.11.2007 08:14 PM

No smoking for me, although I have been tempted to take it up once or twice just on a whim.

Norma J 03.11.2007 11:35 PM

Because you're too cool for school, sway. Nothing says charisma like lung cancer or a self-deprecating lifestyle.

contrelefuckingsexisme 03.11.2007 11:37 PM

i don't smoke.

Norma J 03.11.2007 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i feel like i gave a decent response to a sincere question.

I feel I gave a sincere response to a bullshit post.

And you can stay away from my cock, if it's all the same.


Norma J 03.12.2007 12:23 AM

But what about the price of rice in China?

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