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Neongod 04.20.2006 09:02 PM

Post pictures of ALL of yr gear
Fender '69 Silverface Bassman amp and 2x12 Cabinet

A Zoom 505 and Dunlop's all I need (did I mention I'm poor?)

A Peavy Milestone II Bass (I didn't buy it, someone left it at my place and moved away), Fender Gemini II Acoustic rebuilt (the tone on this thing is amazing), Mexican Fender Strat (those spics finally did something right), and my first guitar aged 15+ years...a Les Paul copy (my weird tuning guitar...currently in Expy/PCH tuning). Plus an entry-level Yamaha keyboard.

And given my cheap setup, I bet I could outplay 90% of you. ;)

Not to mention the magic of Sound Forge and Cakewalk Sonar.

Post yr gear!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.20.2006 09:29 PM

Its all in my myspace. Except my fender bassman. Haven't taken a pic.

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Neongod
And given my cheap setup, I bet I could outplay 90% of you. ;)

Eat me. I can play more instruments than you AND play them better, cumrag.

Neongod 04.20.2006 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Eat me. I can play more instruments than you AND play them better, cumrag.

What's up then? Post what you've got.

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:36 PM

Alas, no camera.

Right next to me I have a MC-505 Groovebox, Roland Juno-6 Synthesizer, Daphon GA15 Practice Amp, Crescent Fender Rip-off guitar, Poor-ass pawn shop guitar, and a cheap-ass Drum kit.

Neongod 04.20.2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Alas, no camera.

Right next to me I have a MC-505 Groovebox, Roland Juno-6 Synthesizer, Daphon GA15 Practice Amp, Crescent Fender Rip-off guitar, Poor-ass pawn shop guitar, and a cheap-ass Drum kit.

You can have all the gear in the world...that doesn't make your playing any better. PM on the way.

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:43 PM

I know. I never said it did. That is why I didn't go "LOL! N00b? I have m0re geer dan u! Here is a pic!"

You freaking asked. I never even planned on posting one.

Neongod 04.20.2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I know. I never said it did. That is why I didn't go "LOL! N00b? I have m0re geer dan u! Here is a pic!"

You freaking asked. I never even planned on posting one.

You called me out (with very childish insults...oh wait, you are a child) and I accept your challenge.

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:49 PM

It is too bad I never challenged you, idiot.

You type english like a fucking inbred Ukranian.

golden child 04.20.2006 09:54 PM

dude i could out fuck you all with a single contact mic and a distortion pedal

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by golden child
dude i could out fuck you all with a single contact mic and a distortion pedal

You could. I bow to you sir.

Ben-David is a noise god.

Neongod 04.20.2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
It is too bad I never challenged you, idiot.

You type english like a fucking inbred Ukranian.

What the fuck is wrong with Ukranians? ...and you are as big a douche bag as everyone has claimed.

Anyway, to everyone else, post yr gear.

Neongod 04.20.2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by golden child
dude i could out fuck you all with a single contact mic and a distortion pedal

So let's hear it...

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Neongod
What the fuck is wrong with Ukranians?

I didn't say anything was wrong with them. I just pointed out that you typed like the bastard child of a Ukranian woman and her son.


Originally Posted by Neongod
and you are as big a douche bag as everyone has claimed.

Thanks. You are just as big of idiot as I had expected.

CHOUT 04.20.2006 10:52 PM

All my gear? My pics would take up too much room here:
See most of it here:

RIPfrey05 04.20.2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Ben-David is a noise god.

We PWNT Ben david a couple years ago by somehow convincing him that we were a real band and did a retarded split with him.. sorry that was so retarded.. cause it was REALLTY retarded. but then we sent some ok stuff'' i think'' i doint remember..but yeah we have our shit togeather now.. but nates in REHAB like a whore ass.
we even had a gig coming up .. but alas he was locked up!!

FUCKK you and your contact mic..
dude i have a tight idea for a band.. me .. ben david, haden, ben miner(oither ben),.that would be mad tight.. we would make so much noise that we'd wake up the dead relatives of elisa ambrogio

golden child 04.20.2006 11:29 PM

yeah man, fuck shit up.

i still have that cd you sent me with material, once i get a job and get my label running i may release it.

_slavo_ 04.21.2006 04:33 AM

That's my baby:


PunkerViolence 04.21.2006 06:28 AM

HaydenAsche: Your 15 and u work in Subway?!? Im 16 and dont have a national insurance card yet !!(?)

HaydenAsche 04.21.2006 07:11 AM

Haha. I've been working since I was 14.

Yeah! Let's start that band. It'd be like mad amounts of awesome and Ecstatic Peace would be hoppin all over us.

Inhuman 04.21.2006 08:03 AM

Damn, don't have pics. I'll list them:

Boss DR-200 Gigadelay
Boss 202 sampler
Multieffects pedal (I don't know the name)
Squier Strat 2005, White W/ Boomers strings
Peavey 112 Studo Plus amplifier w/ 2 inputs
Boss Reel-to-reel analog recorder (fucking awesome)

This summer I'm buying:
Creative Audigy 4 Sound Card
Epiphone Les Pauls Black Beauty OR Fender Jazzmaster
8 Track-mixer

Glice 04.21.2006 09:18 AM

HaydenAsche is a good example of how to wind people up without coming across like a cunt. I would give you some kudos, but you're clearly a cunt.

I don't have any pictures of my equipment. Lets just say I have some, and it's quite good, and I probably have a bigger penis/ breasts than all of you.

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Haha. I've been working since I was 14.

Yeah! Let's start that band. It'd be like mad amounts of awesome and Ecstatic Peace would be hoppin all over us.

yeah and we'd meet Elisa Ambrogio

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 09:38 AM

dude we should do a thing of making like parts of a piece and then sending it around and outting more stuff on it.
arrrggghhhh... i think this post is missing something........:(


finding nobody 04.21.2006 09:48 AM


all my recording goes down on this baby

HaydenAsche 04.21.2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
HaydenAsche is a good example of how to wind people up without coming across like a cunt. I would give you some kudos, but you're clearly a cunt.

I don't have any pictures of my equipment. Lets just say I have some, and it's quite good, and I probably have a bigger penis/ breasts than all of you.

Thanks. That is exactly what I was going for.

Slavo, that thing looks NICE. Look at all those fucking knobs man! My MC505 Groovebox is decent but it gets pretty old pretty fast.

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 11:50 AM

Pubic glice strikes again

doctor dan 04.21.2006 11:53 AM

sorry no pics but i use:

beaten up noname acoustic, currently tuned to GGDGB(missing string)
beaten up low end jackson electric (currently out of use due to malfunctioning jack)
spanish style acoustic guitar
squier p bass
no name mandolin
laney hardcore max 30w amp
american big muff
shitloads of handmade contact mics

and, most importantly:
ibook g4 featuring spongefork, audacity and ableton live

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.21.2006 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by RIPfrey05
dude we should do a thing of making like parts of a piece and then sending it around and outting more stuff on it.
arrrggghhhh... i think this post is missing something........:(


Start that thread Ripfrey, do it!

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 12:08 PM

what thread?????

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 12:09 PM

i might make one titled , my traumatic experiencewith elisa ambrogio.

HaydenAsche 04.21.2006 04:14 PM

I think he means to start a thread where we send each other music and add on but no. Fuck all of y'all. It'll just be me, RIP, and my main man B-D.

CHOUT 04.21.2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
Haha. I've been working since I was 14.

See, Hayden lives in one of those smallesque towns where all employees at fast food restaruants are either around 14 or 74.

HaydenAsche 04.21.2006 06:01 PM

Chout knows what's up. Also, my loser parents co-own Subway with a bunch of rich old dudes so I get to work there when I'm not really supposed to.

Danny Himself 04.21.2006 06:15 PM
Shitty guitar in DADGBE and black squire strat with panda volume knob in one of my own tunings.
Red Fender Jazz w/ cosmos and sy stickers, in one of my own tunings.
Red Burns guitar in EADGBE, nameless banjo behind it, and just viewable in the top corner is my old 70s 'west german' acoustic. Which is broken. Yeah, bummer.
Phaser, blue box, cords.
Amps, recording shit, broken chorus pedal, more 3ft cords and sonic miscelleany.
Drums, drumming shit, you can see a bass in the background leaning on the bookcase.

sleep33 04.21.2006 06:16 PM

Neongod, your gear is such a waste of money...

I dont have a camera but I got...
1960's St. George electric guitar ($75 on ebay)
early 90's Fender JAM 75 watt (free because its practically broken)

HaydenAsche 04.21.2006 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by sleep33
Neongod, your gear is such a waste of money...

He can't help it. He's from the Ukraine.

Everyneurotic 04.21.2006 06:22 PM

i don't remember right now

RIPfrey05 04.21.2006 06:47 PM

holy shit, ive git mad gear!!!
1.fender jaguar
2.danelectro what the fuck ever form the 60s
3.kramer 80s van halen shittty ass guitar
4.Tiesco et 200 that i love
5.Japanese weird shaped "kimberly" with 1 really hot pickup
6.Kent hollowbody gretch look alike thingy
7.amazing traveling old 60s kent solid body with a huge neck
1. Gibson EB-0
Old Sony Amp with mic/ guiitar imputs that is mad awesome
Fender musicmaster bass amp (tubes bitch!) i have it wired upo to some huge old sony speaker
1. maestro wah (60s)
2. Chuck collins harmonic percolator
3. EH big muff pi
4. EH Stereo polychorus
5. fucking ass "acoutsic simulator" aka death treble kick noise by berhinger

Neongod 04.21.2006 08:52 PM

Neongod, your gear is such a waste of money...
My gear probably cost me $500 all together. Plus all of it works after these years. So no, it's not. I didn't post to brag about my equipment, just to share. I will however continue to brag about my skills because I AM that good, and I'm proud of it.


Please record yourself. I'd loooove to hear what a musical prodigy you are. Also, is that "Ukraine" thing supposed to be an insult? I've never even been there, but still it's probably better than Minnesota.

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