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sarramkrop 03.12.2007 06:32 PM

Time capsules
Do you have any?Boxes where you cram as much information about yourself and others and then don't open them for a number of years.I have opened one tonight and it's good and bad times all in one, wich is good entertainment when you're in.

Пятхъдесят Шест 03.12.2007 09:27 PM

Many Easters ago, I'm talking 10 or 12 years, a cousin and I buried a bucket full of Easter eggs, arcade tokens, some sort of note and action figures in his backyard.

I suppose thats not really a time capsule is it?

floatingslowly 03.12.2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Пятхъдесят Шест
I suppose thats not really a time capsule is it?

when someone digs it up in 6,000 years it might be...

those action-figures ought to be worth a fortune on e-bay by then.

Cantankerous 03.12.2007 11:54 PM

i should get out the box of crap my mother saved from my formative years.

edit: found the box. glad i did. here are some of the highlights from an end-of-year essay dictated to my kindergarten teacher dated 2 june 1996:

"my hair is just funky. my hair gets all floppy all the time now."
"i really just like to watch t.v. with my socks off at home."
"i like to play sports like rollerblading even though i've never done it."
"my parents think i'm special because my hair is so long."

GeneticKiss 03.13.2007 12:24 AM

My old elementary school did a time capsule which I think is supposed to be opened in nine years.

My inbox can also be seen as a time capsule of sorts (pathetic)...

LifeDistortion 03.13.2007 12:48 AM

Wonder how many time capsules have been buried and forgotten about? How do you know there's a time capsule buried somewhere if you have to wait ten, twenty, or fifty years to open the thing?

SynthethicalY 03.13.2007 12:56 AM

I just have old journals, why was I such a weirdo then.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:02 AM

There's nothing sentimantal about throwing stuff into a box.I'd chuck people in there too and open it years later, if i was allowed.

sonicl 03.13.2007 05:05 AM

I used to have an ongoing time capsule of the tickets from all the gigs I've ever been to, kept in a photo album, but most of the gigs I go to now I get an e-mail instead of a ticket, and keeping e-mails just isn't the same.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:10 AM

They stay put.

jon boy 03.13.2007 05:14 AM

i have seem things when i stay at my parents or go in their loft. its really nice and reminds me of so much stuff. my dad however does not feel the same way and throws it all away without thinking.

nicfit 03.13.2007 05:18 AM

Not a proper "time capsule" , but i still keep my old drawings (from when i was like 5 years old) and go trough those papers every bunch of years. I was really good at drawing, mnuch better than now.

sonicl 03.13.2007 05:21 AM

My mum used to keep all sorts of stuff from when I was little, but I don't know what has happened to it. I don't remember seeing anything when my dad moved house.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:23 AM

i've found some good communist propaganda.

jon boy 03.13.2007 05:25 AM

i found pictures of my dad taking drugs. which was (coughs) quite a find.

A Thousand Threads 03.13.2007 05:27 AM

i have a journal about hitch-hiking.
i dedicate one site to every person giving me a ride.

That´s pretty entertaining to read.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:28 AM

That's no time capsule, you lazy sod.

nicfit 03.13.2007 05:36 AM

this is my take on war back when I was 5/6.
Notice how bad "they" are, trying to hit the (colorless, i think i did not have a yellow crayon) sun with cannonballs.

jon boy 03.13.2007 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
thats really nice and priceless.
about drawing, maybe its that thing that happens..when we start out to do smth and we do it well, it shows more. and when we grow, we have so many images and experiences to compare with, that judgement gets harsher but more accurate? - the worse case scenario is that we didnt work on it and we didnt evolve.

in many ways i love the innocence of childrems drawings. its just something that cannot be recaptured.

nicfit 03.13.2007 05:38 AM

and i was so innocent i put sword-bearing soldiers against tanks and airplanes.

nicfit 03.13.2007 05:49 AM

another one and I'll stop (sorry for the hijacking porkie pork)
I was a really wise/disillusioned boy :
the light-blue bird in the cage : "I want freedom!"
he's free, roaming the wilderness, a monster scares him : " I think it's safer to go and live in the city."
he gets run over by a car on a city street : "Maybe the cage is an even better choice..."
so sad, so true.

h8kurdt 03.13.2007 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
another one and I'll stop (sorry for the hijacking porkie pork)
I was a really wise/disillusioned boy :
the light-blue bird in the cage : "I want freedom!"
he's free, roaming the wilderness, a monster scares him : " I think it's safer to go and live in the city."
he gets run over by a car on a city street : "Maybe the cage is an even better choice..."
so sad, so true.


Now, that is brilliant

nicfit 03.13.2007 06:50 AM

Well, thanks Sir. Too bad all those nicely working "boy neurons" I had have been replaced/destroyed.

krastian 03.13.2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit


Even the lettering reminds me of Basquiat.

Cantankerous 03.13.2007 11:31 PM

here's excerpts from a write-up on me by my kindergarten teacher.

january 1996
- lilly is a competent, eager student and a gentle, encouraging friend. "andrea, i just love your lunch box!" she exclaimed one day on the way to the cafeteria.
- her reading ability is admirable, and as she read if you give a mouse a cookie to me, it was evident that she was using various strategies to recognize words. The meaning of the text was clear to her as she commented upon it saying, "He's getting carried away!"

june 1996
- a recent writing sample consisted of these sentences: "This is a 70s girl. The 70s girl is cool. The girl is 7." it was accompanied by an illustration of a girl with long blonde hair, braided and bedecked with a flower, wearing bell bottoms. Lilly chose this piece as her best in april because "I really like the 70s and flowers in my hair. I really do like my handwriting. i think it's cool."
- lilly is a wonderful little girl and a model student. she is thoughtful, conscientious and capable. although quiet and somewhat shy and self-conscious around adults, i am delighted that she is playful and gregarious with her peers.

the then and now comparison is kind of striking. i still don't write in complete sentences all the time.

!@#$%! 03.13.2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
this is my take on war back when I was 5/6.
Notice how bad "they" are, trying to hit the (colorless, i think i did not have a yellow crayon) sun with cannonballs.


i love the onomatopoeia, it's spot on.

alteredcourse 03.14.2007 01:32 AM

i do that same thing all the time . significant little items from memorable days on my own or with friends, and little things i pick up that are remarkable to me (a note found on an elementary soccer field last spring written in awkward kid-scrawl "My Son can watch
The B- Ball game after
Shcool" )
get tossed in the boxes .

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Holy hell. You were in kindergarten the year I graduated highschool. Unfuckingbelievable.

my mom is not all that much older than you.

k-krack 03.14.2007 01:41 AM

I've sort of recently started collecting little bits and pieces of things and shoving them in trays and boxes, or writing them down, or taping them to a billboard... Not evewn so much in a "time capsule" fashion, but more like... pack-ratting. I am a collector of useless things; that I will someday probably look at and be like "cool, man."

Everyneurotic 03.14.2007 01:43 AM

i have so much stuff it's pointless to do a time capsule.

i'm going to bed.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 01:43 AM

i'm not a pack rat at all. i have a lot of stuff that i've amassed over the years, but if it holds no value to me it's gone immediately.

Everyneurotic 03.14.2007 01:50 AM

same here, i tend to find value even in the tinniest things, though.

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