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_slavo_ 02.03.2017 07:09 AM

Talk to me...

I'm in a very good mood today, basically don't give a fuck about working today, so I'm blasting Siouxie and the Banshees in my headphones, drinking green tea and want to talk nonsense.

Go ahead, start.

PLips 02.03.2017 07:15 AM

Zdravo Slavo.
I totally went backpacking in Europe in 2006. Bratislava was totally beautiful the peasant version of Praha!

Love the sandstone coloured buildings and cobblestones with the terracotta roofs.

21 different names or so for the city in a thousand years totally arbitrary to politics.

I got a how to speak Slovak book and a rusko-slovensky slovnik, so would would totally enjoy studying svoj jezik zmenom.

Samo kmecki umetnik 'peasant or serf artist' and i'm learning city slicker colloquial so looking forward to hearing about tvoj kultura

evollove 02.03.2017 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I'm blasting Siouxie and the Banshees

This is weird. Every single night this week, I've played "Arabian Knights" at least once. Just that song. Not sure why I'm suddenly obsessed with that tune.

_slavo_ 02.03.2017 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
This is weird. Every single night this week, I've played "Arabian Knights" at least once. Just that song. Not sure why I'm suddenly obsessed with that tune.

The tune is kind of shit, to be honest. Among their "greatest hits", there's plenty of shit songs. I've been blasting Tinderbox today, that album is solid.

_slavo_ 02.03.2017 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by PLips
Zdravo Slavo.
I totally went backpacking in Europe in 2006. Bratislava was totally beautiful the peasant version of Praha!

Love the sandstone coloured buildings and cobblestones with the terracotta roofs.

21 different names or so for the city in a thousand years totally arbitrary to politics.

I got a how to speak Slovak book and a rusko-slovensky slovnik, so would would totally enjoy studying svoj jezik zmenom.

Samo kmecki umetnik 'peasant or serf artist' and i'm learning city slicker colloquial so looking forward to hearing about tvoj kultura

Haha, I somehow predicted you'd show up to this kind of thread.
But spot on, this thread primarily IS for talking shit.

You're speaking Serbo-Croatian? Or Slovenian?
Because, y'know, there's a substantial difference between Slovakia (=where I'm from) and Slovenia (which is a small uninteresting country between Austria and Croatia :) )

PLips 02.03.2017 07:49 AM

Yeah totally. The opening theme to the Disney's Alladin cartoon TV series I enjoyed more than any other song from the film soundtrack.

I don't want to act like I'm sitting at the kids table anymore at Thanksgiving, yet it's such a keen swell song, great orchestration and lovely melody.

PLips 02.03.2017 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Haha, I somehow predicted you'd show up to this kind of thread.
But spot on, this thread primarily IS for talking shit.

You're speaking Serbo-Croatian? Or Slovenian?
Because, y'know, there's a substantial difference between Slovakia (=where I'm from) and Slovenia (which is a small uninteresting country between Austria and Croatia :) )

Why Slovenian is so uninteresting to you is because ljubljana's fucking boring and you have all the ecology we have except for our alotted portion of Istria and Trst (trieste) on the Adriatic

Fuck the fucking existing Slavic alphabits. Slovenian alphabet is the most streamlined one and is coherent in the English or british alphabet regardless of what yugos call 'crtke' and cestina slovestina call 'hacek' for ch sh and zh.

We can speak together nema problema it's a formality and bitterness that we refuse to understand eachother and my family is close friends with a czechoslovak family and we understood eachother veri veri pravparly! Haha!!

Slovio is a great start for exposing the languages behind the iron curtain though I don't really appreciate the alphabet they use.

I checked out a graemmatikal' knjiga ob 'Ukrainjci' linguistic 'Igor Mel'cuk' called Dependency Syntax which delves into prehistoric construction on language giving analysis on Russian in Comparision to Caucasian and Australian Aborignal languages. It fucking freaked me out and have not looked at the book in 6 years but all it seems to explain is a logic of word order in any sentence with its affinities towards Russian Sentence Structure and Grammar

_slavo_ 02.03.2017 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by PLips
Why Slovenian is so uninteresting to you is because ljubljana's fucking boring and you have all the ecology we have except for our alotted portion of Istria and Trst (trieste) on the Adriatic

Fuck the fucking existing Slavic alphabits. Slovenian alphabet is the most streamlined one and is coherent in the English or british alphabet regardless of what yugos call 'crtke' and cestina slovestina call 'hacek' for ch sh and zh.

We can speak together nema problema it's a formality and bitterness that we refuse to understand eachother and my family is close friends with a czechoslovak family and we understood eachother veri veri pravparly! Haha!!

Slovio is a great start for exposing the languages behind the iron curtain though I don't really appreciate the alphabet they use.

I checked out a graemmatikal' knjiga ob 'Ukrainjci' linguistic 'Igor Mel'cuk' called Dependency Syntax which delves into prehistoric construction on language giving analysis on Russian in Comparision to Caucasian and Australian Aborignal languages. It fucking freaked me out and have not looked at the book in 6 years but all it seems to explain is a logic of word order in any sentence with its affinities towards Russian Sentence Structure and Grammar

a very coherent reply, thanks (srsly).

so, you're actually Slovenian? Like you live there?

I was there a couple of times - in Ljubljana and Ptuj and on river Soča, and I've crossed in many times, always when I drove to Croatia ... Slovakians actually consider Croatia to be THE country when they want to see the sea. Croatia is huge among ourselves when it comes to tourism.

By the way, I was kidding about Slovenia being 'uninteresting'. You're far more than interesting. The nature is beautiful (The mountais! the waterfalls! the sea!), the economy is stronger than we have, and you guys are far less Balkan than the rest of former Yugoslavia ... now meaning, less hot-tempered, more rational and calm.

PLips 02.03.2017 08:56 AM

Yeah my mom was and dad is from Bela Krajina along the Reka Kolpa along the Chorvatski border. It's the most Croatian part of Slovenia and my parents can speak kolikvial (I made that that word up, who cares!?) croatian.

We're pretty much like Appalachian hillbillies in America. Me and my siblings were all born in Niagara Region Canada in the countryside half hour from Niagara Falls. There a large Slavic community of every culture in Niagara but they're all dying off because immigration from Europe is rare here now. I'm speaking with Yugoslavian Elders to consolidate our piknik banquet clubs for them to survive past the first generation immigrants.

Yeah I am kinda both Slovenian croatian synthesis or whatever you want to call someone who lives along a national border. Our narodne nosnje or Sunday folk clothes are the hemp sackclothe konoplje konopka, whatever you call it.

Bela Kranci folk costume is plain white hemp while the national croatian costumes have white hemp with trademark redcheckerboard designs.

_slavo_ 02.03.2017 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by PLips
Yeah my mom was and dad is from Bela Krajina along the Reka Kolpa along the Chorvatski border. It's the most Croatian part of Slovenia and my parents can speak kolikvial (I made that that word up, who cares!?) croatian.

We're pretty much like Appalachian hillbillies in America. Me and my siblings were all born in Niagara Region Canada in the countryside half hour from Niagara Falls. There a large Slavic community of every culture in Niagara but they're all dying off because immigration from Europe is rare here now. I'm speaking with Yugoslavian Elders to consolidate our piknik banquet clubs for them to survive past the first generation immigrants.

Yeah I am kinda both Slovenian croatian synthesis or whatever you want to call someone who lives along a national border. Our narodne nosnje or Sunday folk clothes are the hemp sackclothe konoplje konopka, whatever you call it.

Bela Kranci folk costume is plain white hemp while the national croatian costumes have white hemp with trademark redcheckerboard designs.

I dream about escaping to Canada. Even more now with all the nationalistic tendencies in the whole Europe (but especially in the V4 region - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary) and hybrid war and rising Russian influence.
I actually look for job opportunities in Canada.

Rob Instigator 02.03.2017 09:14 AM

what is your favorite Banshees song Slavo? Mine is Spellbound

PLips 02.03.2017 09:19 AM

Yeah man visit. I'm not sure if there's a Czech folk club in Niagara but there is a Slovak one, and I don't know if you want to meet my czech-slovak friend because he's as fucked up as a yugo and that's how we role

Some last names I knew from high school and elementary school were:

Misek (family friends)

Yeah not much they usually rather hang out with Polaks. No big deal.

Research the folk clubs whereever you want to go na dopustu holiday and go for a piknik in the summer. You can listen to all that dank dickfart polka Oompapa that's so popular in North America, have your Zlaty Bazant Pivo and have your pecinka BBQ pork or ovce on a red picnic table under the trees. Totally relaxing and everyone's welcome.

PLips 02.03.2017 09:34 AM

And slavo don't bother tripping out that my name is danny in real life and your avatar location is danny 'hacienda' or whatever you call those bizzare inflections you spelled it with.

Just represent the Hebrew Tribe of 'Dan' or 'Judge' with your Christian Slavic affinity and role like kinsfolk. Droogs buds or comrades, whatever flavour or salt you dig. Just fucking hurts me that understanding courtesy or creedence 'vikati~tikati' and defining for everyone is necessary for an aspiring manservant butler or chaperrone.

_slavo_ 02.03.2017 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
what is your favorite Banshees song Slavo? Mine is Spellbound

it definitely has to be this one:

I think that particular album has the right production this band deserved. Big, space-y, ornamental, heavy.

But there are many more I adore - Spellbound, Christine, Running Town, Land's End, Dazzle,...

Rob Instigator 02.03.2017 10:42 AM

Cities in Dust is fucking awesome. Good choice.

!@#$%! 02.03.2017 10:50 AM

no love for hong kong garden?

that one's so much fun

Severian 02.03.2017 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_

I'm in a very good mood today, basically don't give a fuck about working today, so I'm blasting Siouxie and the Banshees in my headphones, drinking green tea and want to talk nonsense.

Go ahead, start.

• What do you do for a living?
• Why Siouxie and the Banshees? Follow-up: what's your favorite S&TB song?

• Who would win in a fight between Superman and Goku from DragonBall Z? I say Superman because frankly I don't know anything about DBZ other than that it's awful, but some nerds really get into this debate. Fucked if I know why.

• Joy Division only dropped two brilliant proper albums, while the Cure has something like 15, ranging from brilliant to pretty fucking missable. I would argue that JD is the better band, but I feel that the Cure is the band I "like" more, simply because they have more material that is good, even if none of it is better than JD.
- Is this reasoning sound? If not, tell me why.
- Follow-up: Can you make a case for the opposing side of this argument?

• Can you make a case for my books? I have so many, and they're all different sizes, and I'm not fancy enough to go to IKEA. I'd pay you if you were able to construct a prototype of a case that would comfortably fit every book in my collection, without requiring any bending or sideways stacking.

• There is a special gun that shoots bullets at a the same velocity every time it fires. Each bullet continues to travel on a "straight" path until it hits something (it will follow the curve of the Earth and circle the world forever if nothing is in its path), and when it does hit its target, each bullet pierces exactly 1.11 meters of matter before stopping. No matter what the object is or how far away it is, these special bullets WILL go through EXACTLY 1.11 meters.
- What happens if the target is less than 1.11 meters?
- Can you make me this gun?
- Follow-up: Can you make a case for this gun? Like, for me to carry it in?


poisonidea19 02.03.2017 12:18 PM

Im in a good mood and green tea mode myself good morning from Los Angeles! This town sucks btw (They only show the really good parts of Hollywood on tv. The rest is all covered in piss, dirt, and smog. Our homeless is growing exponentially.)

Anyone know when the new Better Call Saul or Curb Your Enthusiasm coming out this year? I need some new show recommendations until then.

PLips 02.03.2017 01:07 PM

Tesla had a vision of a donut cylyinder that was suspened yay high above the surface of the earth so it didn't hit any mountains. The earth moved yet it stayed still. It was used as a postal serbis & kurvier. It's called the United Postal Service AKA Purrlowlater in Canada

poisonidea19 02.03.2017 01:10 PM

do you ever contribute anything meaningful at all? do you think anyone actually reads your posts? ive been on here a week and all you do is babble. Take some meds.. How bout you shut the fuck up already. no one cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by PLips
Tesla had a vision of a donut cylyinder that was suspened yay high above the surface of the earth so it didn't hit any mountains. The earth moved yet it stayed still. It was used as a postal serbis & kurvier. It's called the United Postal Service AKA Purrlowlater in Canada

PLips 02.03.2017 01:36 PM

Go eat a Peace a pi monthamugician!

dead_battery 02.03.2017 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by poisonidea19
do you ever contribute anything meaningful at all? do you think anyone actually reads your posts? ive been on here a week and all you do is babble. Take some meds.. How bout you shut the fuck up already. no one cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!


!@#$%! 02.03.2017 02:12 PM

i've had him on ignore for a while now, along with some other troll, but even then i can see him filling page upon page upon page, talking to himself apparently, all for some fucking attention, even if it's the negative kind, and people keep giving it, and reinforcing this.

there are support groups that can give him validation but we're not it

i'm sure not getting paid for listening to his drivel

PLips 02.03.2017 03:53 PM

You don't have me on ignore signore! :)

Severian 02.03.2017 09:40 PM

So nobody's going to talk to me about my awesome gun with the absurd mathematical restrictions? All other drivel is a-ok, but not my supergun?

Fuck it then.

PLips 02.03.2017 10:08 PM

Just smoke weed and find your Zion Lion Rasta Blessing!

Minne iz: "Boognish, Boognish! Booyahkashah!!!

_slavo_ 02.06.2017 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
• What do you do for a living?

I work as client service director for a local branch of a worldwide media agency. what we do is basically we plan and buy media space for our clients' advertising campaigns.
a highly interesting and challenging (yet rewarding) job and I'm lucky I've got the opportunity to have a job that I actually love. I don't think many people can say this.

just to make things more clear - I'm not a fan of procrastination and usually I'm very productive while at work. but trust me, past weeks/months were CRAZY, hence I'm glad I could have a day or two when I can just sit back and do fuck all.


Originally Posted by Severian
• Why Siouxie and the Banshees? Follow-up: what's your favorite S&TB song?

I like their melodic hooks and crystal clear Siouxie's vocals. very catchy music for "feel good" times.
I'm not fond of all of their output, though I like most of it.


Originally Posted by Severian
• Who would win in a fight between Superman and Goku from DragonBall Z? I say Superman because frankly I don't know anything about DBZ other than that it's awful, but some nerds really get into this debate. Fucked if I know why.

Sorry man, I am not familiar with DragonBall Z, I'm too old for that shit.


Originally Posted by Severian
• Joy Division only dropped two brilliant proper albums, while the Cure has something like 15, ranging from brilliant to pretty fucking missable. I would argue that JD is the better band, but I feel that the Cure is the band I "like" more, simply because they have more material that is good, even if none of it is better than JD.
- Is this reasoning sound? If not, tell me why.
- Follow-up: Can you make a case for the opposing side of this argument?

Which ones do you consider "fucking miserable"?
I mean, it would be interesting to watch what would become of Joy Divison if Ian Curtis wouldn't have died, and how their sound would evolve. I'd say, "Closer" was just the beginning where their sound started to shape into really interesting territories and I guess following albums would be really mindblowing. New Order then continued the story in kind of a shit way.


Originally Posted by Severian
• Can you make a case for my books? I have so many, and they're all different sizes, and I'm not fancy enough to go to IKEA. I'd pay you if you were able to construct a prototype of a case that would comfortably fit every book in my collection, without requiring any bending or sideways stacking.

Do you really consider IKEA as fancy? Where do you live, in a forest shack?

IKEA is cheap low-quality stuff that tends to break down/wear down pretty fast. Not that I'm bitching, most of my furniture at home is IKEA, but just because it's cheap and I don't care about furniture much.


Originally Posted by Severian
• There is a special gun that shoots bullets at a the same velocity every time it fires. Each bullet continues to travel on a "straight" path until it hits something (it will follow the curve of the Earth and circle the world forever if nothing is in its path), and when it does hit its target, each bullet pierces exactly 1.11 meters of matter before stopping. No matter what the object is or how far away it is, these special bullets WILL go through EXACTLY 1.11 meters.
- What happens if the target is less than 1.11 meters?
- Can you make me this gun?
- Follow-up: Can you make a case for this gun? Like, for me to carry it in?


Give me a break with mathemathics.

_slavo_ 02.06.2017 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by poisonidea19
Im in a good mood and green tea mode myself good morning from Los Angeles! This town sucks btw (They only show the really good parts of Hollywood on tv. The rest is all covered in piss, dirt, and smog. Our homeless is growing exponentially.)

Anyone know when the new Better Call Saul or Curb Your Enthusiasm coming out this year? I need some new show recommendations until then.

Hello Los Angeles. Believe me, you should be glad you live in Los Angeles. I live in Bratislava. Look that up on Google and find out why I'm saying that.

Some recommendations for shows?
- Narcos - man, if you haven't seen this yet, don't hesitate and give it a watch. it's fantastic
- Stranger Things - a bit of a step into the 80s horror territory, but well worth giving it a try. fantastic sountrack too.
- Black Mirror - one of the best series I've ever seen on TV. Each episode is a small movie in itself. Usually pretty disturbing.

(all available on Netflix)

_slavo_ 02.06.2017 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by poisonidea19
do you ever contribute anything meaningful at all? do you think anyone actually reads your posts? ive been on here a week and all you do is babble. Take some meds.. How bout you shut the fuck up already. no one cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't be so harsh on him, as he never really bothers/insults anyone, so he can't qualify as a troll per se.
He just babbles, but as you pay attention enough, you can decipher some meaning behind the babble.

PLips 02.06.2017 06:09 AM

I speak the language of 'little brother'. The ones who can understand it the most in order are: big sis, Mom, Bro and then bud.

I can understand all of you I don't get why not the other way around! We buds right?!

_slavo_ 02.06.2017 06:13 AM

Don't be bothered, speak the way you like, unless you don't harm anyone.

PLips 02.06.2017 06:22 AM

Oh thanks. Yeah I read encyclopedias growing up so I know a lot of shit. I could win $200 000 once on Jeopardy on one episode and then I would retire. I know who all the ignorant fuckers on here! They can go fuck themselves!!!

Severian (Wayne Coyne) is cool I had a mystic dream about art wizards a few nights ago that the Flaming Lips inspired. The Sorcery actually goes down in your dreams so no one is Privy to it in waking life!

Props Wayne!

Severian 02.06.2017 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I work as client service director for a local branch of a worldwide media agency. what we do is basically we plan and buy media space for our clients' advertising campaigns.
a highly interesting and challenging (yet rewarding) job and I'm lucky I've got the opportunity to have a job that I actually love. I don't think many people can say this.

just to make things more clear - I'm not a fan of procrastination and usually I'm very productive while at work. but trust me, past weeks/months were CRAZY, hence I'm glad I could have a day or two when I can just sit back and do fuck all.

Sounds like a good gig.


Originally Posted by _slavo_

Sorry man, I am not familiar with DragonBall Z, I'm too old for that shit.

I'm not really either, but it's been around for a bit. '89-'96 was the original run according to Wikipedia. Anyway, I don't know anything about it as I said, but Superman vs. Goku comes up a lot in nerd circles, so I'm assuming Goku is really strong.


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Which ones do you consider "fucking miserable"?
I mean, it would be interesting to watch what would become of Joy Divison if Ian Curtis wouldn't have died, and how their sound would evolve. I'd say, "Closer" was just the beginning where their sound started to shape into really interesting territories and I guess following albums would be really mindblowing. New Order then continued the story in kind of a shit way.

Their last few albums haven't been great. In fact I don't think they've been "great" since Wish. Maybe nothing is actually truly awful (except for a few fashion choices here and there)


Originally Posted by _slavo_

Do you really consider IKEA as fancy? Where do you live, in a forest shack?

No. But I really have never been there.


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Give me a break with mathemathics.

No! You don't have enough information to answer the question correctly anyway, but you could try! Also, if IKEA's so shitty, I really will need you to build me a case for my supergun.

PLips 02.06.2017 11:07 AM

Dragonball is WWF wrestling mellowdrama and ego trip all the fans are in on it and guide the storyline

Vitalogy is transcendent. Wishlist is a great Christmas song. The self consumption warning in the booklet about masturbation is absurd cruel and distubing for the 1800s

I posted my Nina Haegen Lego ikea denmart drawings from Ween forum on here when I firsrt introduced myself here.

I don't know about this gun because Tesla invented it not you Wayne. Read "Tesla: Man out of Time", by Margaret Cheney and Tesla's autobiography which is online.

There's a think Tank on Ween Forum Satan's Closet to Study and Detonate the Olivia Neutron Bomb. It's top secert classified as "The New Hope Impairitive" between the Manhattan Project and Philadelphia Experiment. Join Satan's Closet on 'Yuku' boards.

You can find the register-sign in @ danny molek Google search. It's a generic login regardless of user

poisonidea19 02.09.2017 08:19 PM

SO SO SOOO GREAT!! "100%" AGREED lmfao

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i've had him on ignore for a while now, along with some other troll, but even then i can see him filling page upon page upon page, talking to himself apparently, all for some fucking attention, even if it's the negative kind, and people keep giving it, and reinforcing this.

there are support groups that can give him validation but we're not it

i'm sure not getting paid for listening to his drivel

PLips 02.10.2017 05:23 AM

Blapps you want to be in my feature film? If you can't make it over to my hometown of St. Catharines Ontario Canada maybe you can be CGI'd into it walking around the Ontario Airport in LA!! Let's do this!!

_slavo_ 02.22.2017 05:54 AM

I have anohter good day with basically nothing to do.

I am gonna pick up a Telharmonic oscillator later today. Can't wait to put it into my modular case. Gonna be drones galore.

!@#$%! 02.22.2017 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I have anohter good day with basically nothing to do.

I am gonna pick up a Telharmonic oscillator later today. Can't wait to put it into my modular case. Gonna be drones galore.

i wish i had a reply for this but it's mostly incomprehensible to me

oscillator-- it oscillates

telharmonic-- harmonies of tel?

modular case-- a case that holds modules?

you're gonna add a module to your case. this model oscillates. in some sort of harmonc way.

how am i doing? ha ha ha ha. hm...

_slavo_ 02.22.2017 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i wish i had a reply for this but it's mostly incomprehensible to me

oscillator-- it oscillates

telharmonic-- harmonies of tel?

modular case-- a case that holds modules?

you're gonna add a module to your case. this model oscillates. in some sort of harmonc way.

how am i doing? ha ha ha ha. hm...

you're a clever guy, you know? you would probably do a good job being a detective.

oscillator = a sound source in a synthetizer
telhamornic = a harmonic oscillator
modular case = you got this one right

how are you doing?

!@#$%! 02.22.2017 09:14 AM

im good. gonna postpone work to read a little and


why didn't you say. it's very good.

i'm only missing the "tel--" part now

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