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how's your pet?
I think we need this thread for those of us who keep dogs or cats or fish or whatever.
Sorry to start on a depressing tone, but looks like the end of the road for this one, she's been my buddy for 17 years! we've got a in house vet coming in tomorrow and the hole is getting dug out where she hung out next to the bird feeders in the sun. Just gotta find a nice big flagstone to top it with. RIP, Audrey, "the little pal" |
Fuck that's terrible. I'm so sorry. When I lose a pet it rips me to shreds. Which is why I let my cats feast on my blood every night.
Sorry. Nothing funny about this. I'm really sorry. :( My dog (actually, the dog lives with my mother these days, for protection and whatnot) appears to have lymphoma. Not sure what we're going to do about it yet. Pool our money and treat her or let nature talents course? Heartbreaking. Also.. you can afford an in-house vet? Fuck you. |
ow buddy. so sorry. godbye to audrey.
we did pretty much the same thing last summer. hole got dug a week ahead of time. we didn't wanna take him to a vet cuz he hated that noisy place. he died literally in my wife's arms. when the time came we gave him a sweet funeral after a proper wake and he's got a nice grave under the trees. hell yeah. animals are better than people. hang in there. |
thanks for the laugh! ;) It's actually a little cheaper than taking her down the street to her usual vet, and a lot less traumatizing. We have 3 or 4 such specialists right here in Tiny Town for these purposes. This one is a nice young lady just a few years out of vet school. We've got 2 land grant colleges pretty close by here and they churn out a lot of vets. |
Yeah, I didn't mean it maliciously. Glad you got a larf out of it. :) One of the things I struggle with financially is always wanting to give my animals peak care, no matter what. My car has cat-asthma (catsthma?) and had a fit once a few years ago when I was still taking in pretty good buckage. I took him to a weekend clinic and spent a thousand bucks right then and there and all I got was an inconclusive exray and a prescription for a kitty inhaler and orders to follow up with my regular vet. I still think of it as money well spent, but yikes... ouch. If I were a rich man, I'd take my animals to the best vet in the world every month. Give your adorable sweet kitty a pat and a kissy kiss if she likes that kind of thing from her uncle Sev. |
I currently live with four dogs. (One is just visiting) One is my wife's 17 year old chihuahua/beagle mix, who is fairly decrepit but still kicking it. I dread the day we have to take her to be put down.
yeah, it's a real fine line between overtreatment and not enough. We've had her on kitty thyroid meds for 3 years, which really helped her, she's got a tumor in the skull now, and that's too much to treat. We've got another one who's pretty overweight, and we're going to have to get that under control, too, as diabetes is not a disease I'm prepared to cat manage....
the beetus shots are not bad actually, you pick up the scruff of the back skin like a triangle and poke that tent with the needle. it's subcutaneous so little drama there. they don't feel it.
what you might feel is the price tag of biologicals in the USA-- you can't buy generic and prices rose a lot in the past (not sure of current). if you can cross over to canada & buy veterinarian insulin you're in luck though. my old cat got diabetes twice and twice went on remission. not just diet but steroid treatments might precipitate a condition. switching my cat to a wet and/or raw homemade diet helped him come back. but since he had other afflictions, feeding him was a juggling act. anyway no more house cats for us, not now anyway. too hardcore. |
sorry to hear about your cat ilduclo. We had a cat for 18 years and I still miss him, so I know how it feels.
our cat is pretty good, but very playful & mischievous. She gets into lots of trouble and we're pretty sure she bit through a lamp cord. I do miss "my" dog though. I wish we could have both, but the dog wants to chase the cat and having both seems like a disaster waiting to happen. He's back home but getting fat :( |
If my cat dies I die.
Something's wrong with my cat. My older one. The little dude who's been with me through tick and thin... two states, seven or eight houses or apartments, multiple jobs, the end of one relationship and the entirety of another. He's 13, and I just heard him howl like he was being attacked. Checked on him and there's nothing to diagnose except for extreme tenderness (but no limping?) in his back left leg.
He had problems last year with urinary infections and a possibly kidney problem. I paid for all the work I could (blood tests, medications, check-ups), but no solution was found, and my funds were becoming depleted. I guess I need to get on top of this. I'll take and good wishes y'all care to send. Remember, my dog has lymphoma too, so... yeah. Fucking hell. :( |
what's "extreme tenderness but no limping"?
He flips out when I touch his leg, but he's not limping on said leg. He's my super buddy, and thinks I'm his mom, so he's never bitten me under any circumstances, but when I touched his leg he almost did. He raaared and whipped his head around and then stopped just before hitting my skin. And then he licked me and purred because he's the best. :( But then the same thing happened again. Something is up. Poor little guy. |
yeah. sounds like some skin shit since motion is normal.
Hope so. I mean, I'm not a veterinary doctor, but... That sounds easy enough to fix.
maybe some sort of splinter/shard/puncture/something??
just throwing a guess |
Yes, it might be glass I suppose. I can't get him in a position to look without scaring him shitless, so if it keeps up, I'm taking him in. |
My beloved doog is being put down. She had lymphoma. She was in great spirits and surprisingly healthy looking and acting until this morning, when she was found on the floor, unable to move her back legs.
Fuck life. |
sorry about your loss, Sev. What kind of dog and how old was she? I understand that larger dogs don't live as long as cats or small dogs. Be assured that you did the right thing if she was unable to move her legs and had cancer. Best wishes to you!
Ah man, sorry to hear that. It's a fucking awful feeling. Chin up and remember all those good times. love// |
o man
that fucking hurts |
I am torn the fuck up about it. She was a great dog. And a rescue. She was that special kind of dog with tons of character, who’s both fiercely independent and totally nurturing and maternal. If I was in a bad mood, she was there. She’d plop her head down on my foot or lick my hands, and try her damndest not to chase things because she could tell she was needed. I found her in a blizzard, bounding through snow drifts in ‘05. Her feet were all messed up and even a bit frost-bitten on the pads from being out in the cold for so long. I still tried to contact her owner, and put signs up, because I thought certainly nobody would abandon this majestic beast to the elements... surely someone is missing her desperately. No calls. No complaints to animal control. After a few weeks I said fuck whatever owner let this poor thing nearly freeze to death, and I took the signs down. There was a puppy mill nearby, out in the boonies. I figured, and my vet at the time also suspected, that’s where she was from, as she looked undeniably and classicly like a pure-bred Border Collie. Fuck puppy mills. She came to me in a blizzard at a dark time. She just appeared while I was driving along a back road. She was like an angel. Sweetest dog you could imagine. Shit. |
dammit, that is heartbreaking
but look at this: nothing last forever. so in spite of the inevitable sadness appreciate the time that you spent together, fated meeting included. my cat died last year but to me he’s not gone— ever |
I'm sorry for your loss.
Border collies are some high energy dogs. Just under Jack Russels in my estimation.
They are. I’ve had three (kind of). One, my childhood dog, was half Australian Shepherd, so.... SUPER high energy, and also the love of my life. Then I rescued a purebred from an avusive farmer who kept the poor guy in a 8x10 cage for YEARS to the point where the poor dog’s back legs didn’t even work anymore. Bastard had all this farmland, and actual sheep, but the dog hadn’t made him any money on breeding so he punished it day in and day out. Closest I’ve ever come to smacking the shit out of a 75-year-old man with a wooden leg (no shit!). And then I found the one I just lost about a year or so later. She was the last one. :( I still have my kitty — my loyal traveling companion who sleeps on my fucking face — but he’s getting old. This is hard. Sometimes I think it’s “not worth it” — the pain and sadness of losing an animal and a friend. But ALL of these dogs (and my cats) would have quite literally died if I had not taken them home. They all had long happy spoiled rotten lives with me and my mother and my girlfriend. They were loved. So I need to buck the fuck up and stop being so selfish. It IS worth it. If I have to be sad and heartbroken now in order for them to have had happy healthy lives, then there’s no question. One of the most “worth it” things I’ve ever done. Yeah, I’m a huge animal sap. Yep. |
I hear you. And thank you. I know she’ll be with me forever, just like her goofy brother and sister animals in la casa de Severian. She was better than people, though. I’m not a sociopath... that’s just the truth. All of my animals, and virtually ever animal I’ve ever known has been better than people. |
Damn....I come back and I see this shit....makes me sad. My 3 animals are good though. They had fleas a couple weeks back. Didn't know fleas were super common up here. They're alright now....after a couple hundred bucks of flea shit....(can't forget about the cat too!).
my cat's have a bit of separation anxiety. i was gone for longer than usual today. they were both in the window looking out for me when i got home. so adorable. i'd like to know how long they wait like that when i'm overdue. anytime i'm gone at an unusual time they sit in the window, waiting for me to come back.
my girls also have fleas. theres a discount clinic here that'll give me the meds for $10 since i have to take the kitten in to get spayed. in the meantime it's become quite annoying. |
a) do not use cheap flea medication from the supermarket. it can kill cats. stick to the legit stuff—but if you can get it discounted, great b) when you leave the house at odd times or for long periods leave your dirty smelly tshirt in a place they hang out so they can feel your funk extra: c) non-chemical treatments like a flea comb and diatomaceous earth can help |
^^^ YES, the store-bought flea shit is TERRIBLE. Don’t use the powder, don’t use the colors, don’t use any pills you can find at Target.
Get any and all flea, tick and worm treatments from a veterinarian. And even then, be discerning and skeptical and ask lots of questions. Be willing to spend more on the medication that the vet gives to his/her animals. If it’s a good vet, that is. It’s not just cats either. I’ve seen the cheap shit powder take strips of skin off of a short-haired American Staffordshire Terrier. Like acid. Purebreds have a lot of sensitivities and health issues of course, but that wasn’t the reason for the flaying. That shit is toxic by design, and it can seriously fuck animals up. The dog I’m talking about was fine, by the way. Unlike my dog. Who is now dead. :( |
Hey, do you have any tips about cat piss? I’ve had my “main” cat — the subject of many affectionate rants on this very board — for 12-13 years, and he NEVER pissed anywhere other than his litter box for YEARS. Even if I was a bad catdad and forgot to clean it for a while, he *always* used it because he’s a goddamn badass. But a couple years ago, I rescued a feral kitten, and even though she quickly became a total loveball, she never really lost the marking instinct... not even after she was spayed. So, my older cat takes this new information in, and after a while HE starts pissing on shit. Now she almost never does it and he’s the main offender. Could be that he’s just getting old, but man I’ve tried everything — cleaning the box multiple times a day (great way to smell like cat litter all the time), spraying repellants, steam cleaning the carpet to get rid of the smell of old “ooposies.” But he still does it every once in a while. And he’ll do it when I’m away or right in front of me. Very strange. 10 years I’d never dribbling outside his box, and now... blech. |
ah shit man, wish i knew, and worse this worries me a bit. maybe it’s not a thing. i don’t know.
we used an orange-based spray that supposedly prevents issues. but turns out he had developed a chronic kidney condition, and then some bouts of diabetes, and high blood pressure from thyroid, and.... ufff. yeah. it got rough. sorry if this alarms you. i don’t know about training for non-medical conditions. the lil’ bastard was super smart and never needed much except when ill—which he was for the most part in the end. don’t have experience w/ multiple cats either :/ |
Morbid thread. Speaking of dead pets, my dog died recently. Could barely even walk anymore. There's something perverse and depressing about keeping pets. I don't think I plan on getting another one.
we live in a time when death is hidden from everyone, or turned into stupid cartoons, and when it really comes we can’t handle it— that’s what’s so warped. the whole culture is in denial. death is a part of life like everything else, and while it’s not a happy thing we have to learn to live with it— otherwise we turn into a bunch of stupid enlarged babies. i’m grateful that my cat taught me a thing or two about death— he was the best. but yeah really not planning on any new pets— for me it’s not the fear of death but the commitment. i gotta be mobile right now. |
Being mobile is also part of the reason. I like to travel and really don't want to be bothered finding a dogsitter every time |
Couple of items on pet info. Use real caution with wormers, Bayer pharma has one out that has serious health issues, called "profender", do not use!!! For fleas, we use Advantage 2, and it has worked great for us...as to cat box & inappropriate peeing, I think you may have a power struggle gong on. We've solved this with having 3 cat boxes in different places, one in the garage (accessed thru a cat flap in the door, another in the pantry off the kitchen and a 3rd in my office. Works good, cats are seldom real good buddies and like to harass one another when vulnerable...
One good reason to have pets is that there's normally a pretty miserable existence for them otherwise, either as feral or shelter animals. We are real proud of our saves, one cat saved from a house with 3 agressive dogs, another older cat from a shelter whose previous owner died and a 3rd saved after being abandoned in a meth house. Gotta love it!
^^ very true, the brat was a rescue with AIDS (well, FIV properly, but AIDS sounds more dramatic, right?) and we kept him happy and healthy past anybody’s expectations and he was spoiled as fuck. originally i was hesitant of adopting an fiv cat as my first cat because i didn’t wanna have a scenario like those benetton ads from the 90s, and managed to dodge that for a long time— but in truth, when it finally came, having a benetton ad scenario was, although certainly stressful, a massive experience with “growth,” as they call it. beautiful, and it was all worth it.
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