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Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 09:08 AM

guns guns guns
so the USA has around 270 million legal firearms owned by citizens, and who knows how many millions of illegal firearms.

Only around 30-40% of americans own a gun.

Most americans own one or two, while some americans own several dozen.

The US owns 40-45% of all the world's firearms.

The US also makes the majority of firearms and ammunition for the whole world.

How can the citizenry be protected from the misuse of these hundreds of millions of guns?

evollove 02.15.2018 09:28 AM

Chris Rock has an answer: "We need some bullet control. I think all bullets should cost $5000."

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 09:29 AM

kind of like how printers rip everyone off, by overcharging for ink!

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 09:56 AM

ha ha ha

i got some guns. they were too easy to get. didn’t need to take a course, pass a test, nothing.

i thought that was wrong.

ilduclo 02.15.2018 01:26 PM

what color is the ribbon for this one?


evollove 02.15.2018 01:43 PM


Let's say someone led a district-wide grassroots activist group. Let's say the local rep is proudly sponsored by the NRA.

What actions could the group take? A protest is pretty obvious. Any other ideas? Perhaps making cutouts of people--one for each victim so far this year--and then...I dunno, dumping them on his desk?


!@#$%! 02.15.2018 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by evollove

Let's say someone led a district-wide grassroots activist group. Let's say the local rep is proudly sponsored by the NRA.

What actions could the group take? A protest is pretty obvious. Any other ideas? Perhaps making cutouts of people--one for each victim so far this year--and then...I dunno, dumping them on his desk?


shoot him...?

(just a thought)

(and a prayer)

lolololol im in trouble now

ilduclo 02.15.2018 02:46 PM

living in rural Oregon and working in a trade where there are a lot of gun owners/hunters, I've yet to meet anyone who hunts with an AR style rifle. And, I've asked.

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
living in rural Oregon and working in a trade where there are a lot of gun owners/hunters, I've yet to meet anyone who hunts with an AR style rifle. And, I've asked.

the style is just plastic parts— just hype like cheesy rims on a car.

the caliber is a coyote/hog gun. some people use it for deer.

FIL has a .223 semiauto with a wood stock, and i’ve used it for target practice— it’s like buttah.

doesn’t look like “scary plastic gun” but it’s the same thing

in fact it was a sporting caliber before it was adopted for the m16 rifle

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 03:06 PM

no one hunts with that shit. if they do they are contradicting what sensible hunter's preach. AR15's destroy tissue. would ruin a hunting prey

ilduclo 02.15.2018 03:26 PM

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 03:32 PM

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 03:36 PM

if you are supposed to do ONE-shot ONE-kill, then why need a magazine with 30 rounds?

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
if you are supposed to do ONE-shot ONE-kill, then why need a magazine with 30 rounds?

the magazine is not the rifle though.

you can change magazines in your rifle to whatever size you want.

the one i’ve used that’s used for deer hunting has 5-mag rounds. my .22 plinkster came with a 10-round mag (but it’s a bolt action). you can ditch the mag and load one by one too.

the magazine is just how you load the bullets. it’s not the caliber or the power. it’s just a convenience.

the 30 round mags are used presumably for “home defense”, not for hunting.

in a high adrenaline situation you really don’t wanna be fucking around with sweaty hands. let’s say 4 big men break into your house to rape you in the ass. you have a 5 bullet mag, can you guarantee that you’ll hit your target with 1 bullet each and one spare? and if you miss, then you have to start to fiddle? maybe with the invaders shooting at you?

i’ve dealt with loading a gun under high adrenaline and it’s fucking confusing. i was trying to shoot a rattler that was trying to eat some kittens. that’s right— a snake vs cats and my wife could not open the ammo box and i couldn’t clear the slugs from the shotguns fast enough (i needed birdshot for the snake). a machete would have been more useful.

trust me in a “home defense” you want something that works reliably and with no fiddling. i can’t imagine the stress of a home invasion.

for this reason me personally for home defense i prefer a fucking revolver. it’s as simple as it gets. pull the trigger and it shoots. it beats racking a shotgun or cocking a pistol or dealing with jams. it’s fucking primitive and that’s what is great about it. primitive weapon for primitive response.

it’s only a six-shooter , but i have quick loaders ready. the quick loaders can be a pain though— you twist them wrong pulling out of the pouch and they spill all over the floor and you’re fucked.

so anyway if you favor the .223 caliber for home defense i understand why a 30-round mag would let you sleep easy knowing it’s ready the moment your alarm sounds.

i’m not saying everyone should have them though.

evollove 02.15.2018 04:04 PM

Doesn't the ar-15 jam a lot?

I mean, apparently not often enough, but isn't that a common failure?

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Doesn't the ar-15 jam a lot?

I mean, apparently not often enough, but isn't that a common failure?

semi-autos can jam (but not often)

hence my preference for the six-shooter as said above

but YMMV

(e.g. some people are comfortable clearing jams)

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 04:38 PM

Military basic training records and manuals instruct that, even with the very best training/brainwashing/reprogramming, nearly 50% of soldiers fail to properly engage their firearm when first confronted with actual combat. 1 in 10 will straight up NOT fight, fire, attack. Those numbers have been fairly standard since the US military started keeping track during the Civil War. Now, while many gun owners in USA have been trained on how to clean, maintain, and fire their weapon, most of them have not been trained in how to stay cool and actually utitlize a killing tool to defend yourself.

to expect that owning a gun somehow makes you and your family safer is a bit of a stretch. Most gun fatalities happen at home, on purpose or by accident, and they have nothing to do with protecting from an intruder....

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 04:40 PM

I like revolvers. I find them to be what I enjoy in a firearm. 9mm, semi-auto handguns are fun to shoot fast, but the action is so much that I do not feel as comfy aiming and firing.

I enjoy shooting .22 rifles. I am a hell of a marksman with that thing.

I do not own any guns though.

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 04:41 PM

Only 1 in ten cops ever have occassion to pull out their guns in a "possible-shooting" situation. That goes for the entire career! But let;s give them massive military-style weaponry!

Genteel Death 02.15.2018 04:55 PM

Anyone could walk into a crowd, even if they didn't own a gun, and kill a lot of people. It'd be interesting if the narrative we are normally fed didn't involve the murderer to be unstable or socially problematic. Rarely is the murderer portrayed as someone who simply intended to kill and was well aware of what they were doing with a lucid state of mind.

Rob Instigator 02.15.2018 05:04 PM

that is true but these school shootings are not someone walking into a crowd and killing it is someone purposefully going from room to room shooting people. the fucker that killed the little kids in sandy hook for example. All these fuckers do know what they are doing and you are right, they are never portrayed as being rational, because we humans like to pretend we are all GOOD and that anything BAD or evil is a severe outlier.

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
that is true but these school shootings are not someone walking into a crowd and killing it is someone purposefully going from room to room shooting people. the fucker that killed the little kids in sandy hook for example. All these fuckers do know what they are doing and you are right, they are never portrayed as being rational, because we humans like to pretend we are all GOOD and that anything BAD or evil is a severe outlier.

“because we americans” you mean. americans are always portraying everything in terms of “good” and “evil”.

most fucking manichaean nation on the planet. well, that i know of. everybody got the superhero morality in this place.

that’s why so many simples here think the solution to the gun problem is “a good guy with a gun”. because “good” solves everything. oh yeah it always triumphs. never makes mistakes. like gunsmoke. white hat vs black hat.god vs. satan. always clearcut.


other cultures see more shades of grey and don’t think in such absolutes. we need more immigrants.

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 08:14 PM

this is good fucking writing on the subject


tesla69 02.15.2018 08:45 PM

Hey its the Bezos worshipping nameless one! Worship them corporatists much?

!@#$%! 02.15.2018 09:33 PM

hey it’s the paranoid moron worshiping the vacuum of his own asshole!

hey paranoid moron it’s been simply too short since you last left. checked yourself out of psychiatric care?

tesla69 02.16.2018 07:14 AM

Before you kids follow your masters down the rabbit hole to total servitude, maybe you should have the answer to the question - how many of these shooters were on psychiatric meds and which ones. It is a simple question.

tw2113 02.16.2018 09:34 AM

It's rarely, if ever, as simple as everyone wants it to be, or tries to dictate the narrative as being.

!@#$%! 02.16.2018 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
It's rarely, if ever, as simple as everyone wants it to be, or tries to dictate the narrative as being.

read the elizabeth bruenig piece i linked above though. it’s really brilliant and not simple at all.

ilduclo 02.16.2018 10:00 AM

You end up with 2 types, those who profit from the carnage, gun dealers and sellers, John McCain with 7.7 million$ from the NRA, then you got these other guys (not MANY girls) who have 0 fucking empathy. How were these guys raised to end up like that? They complain about video games and Hollywood movies and mental illness, yet can't see that their lack of empathy is a HUGE red flag..

!@#$%! 02.16.2018 10:07 AM

this is her opening paragraph:

Nothing symbolizes the foreclosure of the future like the slaughter of a nation’s young. And it’s so routine now — there have been at least eight this year at a school or college where someone was injured or killed — that attention will quickly fade, as it does with subjects one doesn’t intend to do anything about. Another word for that bitter fatalism is “defeat.”

keep reading. she eventually gets to the meat of things:

More acutely, each mass shooting calls into question the logic of the American project itself: Each time this happens, each time children turn up massacred on the evening news, the provision adduced to explain why we just can’t do anything to stop it is none other than the Constitution itself, the closest thing we have to civil holy scripture. Perhaps not the day of, but typically shortly after, ghouls will emerge to claim the whole thing is a fake, that it’s a ploy by the malevolent state to steal your constitutional rights. If any legislation is called for — if anyone even bothers at this point — industry advocates hired by the gun lobby will appear on television and in print, making their ardent case for an unqualified Second Amendment. And if any measure aimed at reducing these incidents actually makes it to Congress, the same approach will be reflected in so much demurral. Nobody will say the exact words “the foundational document of our government essentially requires that we suffer mass murder again and again with no recourse,” but that is what they will be telling you.

that, there—she nailed it

evollove 02.17.2018 12:32 PM

I'm sad. Like, really sad. Can't shake it. I figured I'd be numbed to this stuff by now. Nope. A little angry, but mostly just feelings of defeat and depression.

ilduclo 02.18.2018 07:23 PM

going to keep happening.

!@#$%! 02.18.2018 11:02 PM

Another word for that bitter fatalism is “defeat.”

!@#$%! 02.18.2018 11:03 PM

does the “impact” font even exist anymore? doesn’t register in my ipad...

any waze

we should be discussing that article instead of our own opinions cuz she’s smarter than us

!@#$%! 02.19.2018 12:39 AM

i mean look at her piece on repukes and “small government”

another bull’s eye. she’s fucking brilliant that’s what.

but anyway read her piece on guns, that i linked above. then reason FROM THERE.

ilduclo 02.19.2018 05:39 PM


tesla69 02.19.2018 06:13 PM

I have never heard any discussion about the problem of allowing the most stupid and depraved minds access to the internet. You'd never give them a nuclear weapon, but the same people who couldn't handle a hand calculator are given access to the internet and computers. They can do this hiding in a crowd or hiding in a basement. With bullying pieces of shit like !@#$%! and the Soup Nazi being the norm in america these days, it doesn't surprise me people go off and give the world a message.

!@#$%! 02.19.2018 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I have never heard any discussion about the problem of allowing the most stupid and depraved minds access to the internet. You'd never give them a nuclear weapon, but the same people who couldn't handle a hand calculator are given access to the internet and computers. They can do this hiding in a crowd or hiding in a basement. With bullying pieces of shit like !@#$%! and the Soup Nazi being the norm in america these days, it doesn't surprise me people go off and give the world a message.

edited: on second thought, you’re clearly mentally ill. arguing with you is a waste of time and only invites more insanity. gonna ignore you henceforth as the rest of the board does. have a nice life and please seek medical help.

ilduclo 02.21.2018 11:13 AM

From Harpers Magazine:

In Parkland, Florida, a city ranked by the National Council for Home Safety and Security as the safest in the state, a 19-year-old man took an Uber to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, set off the fire alarm, and opened fire on students and faculty members, killing 17 people. The shooter discarded his AR-15 semiautomatic weapon, the model used in six of America's ten deadliest mass shootings and referred to by the NRA as "America's rifle," and then fled to a nearby Walmart, where customers can buy rifles and ammunition but cannot purchase music with lyrics that contain the word "fuck."

!@#$%! 02.21.2018 11:25 AM

the nra and paranoid right-wing ghouls are now trying to characterize the protesting survivors as paid actors.

their capacity for lies has no limits

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