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jon boy 03.27.2007 08:55 AM

bitch about your boss and co-workers
come over to the darkness and moan about them and their annoyingness. its good for the soul to get it all out.

for those of you who dont work/have a boss, your lucky and you will pay!

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 09:05 AM

i don't have a boss and i hate myself??

i work alone and i detest my body odor??


screamingskull 03.27.2007 09:07 AM

My boss (at my part-time job) is so gay he makes us listen to Ronan Keating and McFly all day. I hate it.

girlgun 03.27.2007 09:08 AM

i hate my job and i hate my bosses, but they pay me well and i guess i better go to work now :(

i hate them. most mornings i cry before i have to go to work. ha.

sonicl 03.27.2007 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
My boss (at my part-time job) is so gay he makes us listen to Ronan Keating and McFly all day. I hate it.

Is that the best you can come up with????

pokkeherrie 03.27.2007 09:10 AM

nice topic. i get annoyed by co-workers of the ever enquiring kind... the ones that feel the need to ask all sorts of personal questions under the excuse of personal interest. they somehow think that they have a right to know everything just because we spend the day in the same office. they also seem to think i need to know every thing about them.

christ, if i really wanted to talk about myself all the time then i would... really. just leave me alone.

_slavo_ 03.27.2007 09:11 AM

I deeply hate 2 of my colleagues. Plain, pure hate.

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 09:11 AM

i work in my pajamas some times. oh, the humanity! the commute from my bedroom is excruciating also, and i think i might die with all this dragging of the feet.

girlgun 03.27.2007 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i work in my pajamas some times. oh, the humanity! the commute from my bedroom is excruciating also, and i think i might die with all this dragging of the feet.

i worked at home for 9 years. i hated it. i was so lonely. now i work outside the house and i wish i could work at home. :confused:

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 09:15 AM

my wife comes home and we have nooners. or after-nooners. the pain! the pain!

am i only a sex object?

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by girlgun
i worked at home for 9 years. i hated it. i was so lonely. now i work outside the house and i wish i could work at home. :confused:

oh. no places to go around? i get a walk to a coffee shop when it gets boring. i also hm waste a lot of time here, ha ha. then i have meetings with clients & on the phone. and then i love being alone working, so it's not bad at all.

disclaimer: in this one post i'm actually speaking seriously!

screamingskull 03.27.2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Is that the best you can come up with????

hey its part-time!!!!

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 09:25 AM

hm, i smell roast pig

run, porkie, run!!!

floatingslowly 03.27.2007 09:31 AM

for the first time in over 10 years, I like my bosses and the people that I work with.

then again, I never take my iPod off (even wearing earbuds in my ID badge picture). not being able to hear people's yap yap yapping goes a long way in not hating them.


the last place I worked wasn't like this. I got into fights with everybody.

I worked for pulmonary specialists and one of the nurses who is 6'5" and about 300 lbs backed me up against my desk all "puffed up" like she was going to hit me. if she was a guy I would have laid her out for it, but instead I popped the bill of the baseball hat she was wearing.

she told everyone that I "punched her in the face". thankfully, nobody believed her sorry ass. we now get along (especially since I never have to see her).

!@#$%! 03.27.2007 10:16 AM

well my coffee is ready so i should log off & start taking care of business.

the horror! the horror!!! :eek:

ps- ha ha floatingslowly thats a good story

SynthethicalY 03.27.2007 12:20 PM

I hate my ignorant co-worker who makes racist remarks. I hate my boss, he is just a an idiot, mmh I just hate where I work but those two are the worst.

Iain 03.27.2007 12:22 PM

I don't have a job at the moment but the people at the jobcentre are good replacement figures of hate for me.

jon boy 03.28.2007 07:39 AM

my 'innit' speaking boss is leaving!

sonicl 03.28.2007 07:53 AM

My job is wonderful and everything about it makes me happy*

*I'm posting from work, by the way.

_slavo_ 03.28.2007 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
My job is wonderful and everything about it makes me happy*

*I'm posting from work, by the way.

paranoid too? :)

jon boy 03.28.2007 07:57 AM

sonicl - haha yeah i can see why you say that. are they watching you?

nefeli - yes for good! but as a reminder of who is the boss and who is the slave he just dumped a massive box of papers on my desk which means that i will be away from my desk and unable to post on here for ages. also does everyone in your office smell apart from one?

jon boy 03.28.2007 08:12 AM

quick! reccomend me some music for a monotanous boring ass job!!! and see you later i may be some time.

_slavo_ 03.28.2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
quick! reccomend me some music for a monotanous boring ass job!!! and see you later i may be some time.

Glifted - Under and In

jon boy 03.28.2007 10:36 AM

flipped out bride works for doing such work.

also i wish i could send you some of my work nefeli but emails dont work here so you will just have to go hungry. i dont have any money either so unless you take payment in drinks and cd mixes then i am scupered.

fishmonkey 03.28.2007 10:44 AM

my boss goes around whistling whatever song is on the radio at the time, except he does it slightly out of tune everytime and its so fuckin annoying it not natural.

truncated 03.28.2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
My big bosses eat and drink for free too often, while they cut down the budget on this and that. The excuse is that they are tasting sessions, but they should give an example. Fat, hungry bastards.

What do you do? Not to your bosses, I mean, occupationally.

lucyrulesok 03.28.2007 11:05 AM

My boss is pretty cool actually, pretty much lets us do what we want as long as we don't completely take the piss. The assistant manager, however, is really fucking annoying (but weirdly, only when she's in charge). She times our lunchtime to the minute, wont let us have fag breaks, tells us off for chatting and generally makes me feel about 4million times more stressed than I should be.

fishmonkey 03.28.2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
My boss is pretty cool actually, pretty much lets us do what we want as long as we don't completely take the piss. The assistant manager, however, is really fucking annoying (but weirdly, only when she's in charge). She times our lunchtime to the minute, wont let us have fag breaks, tells us off for chatting and generally makes me feel about 4million times more stressed than I should be.

where do you work lucyrule?

truncated 03.28.2007 11:21 AM

I work in a newly created position of sorts, so everything I do is unprecedented and therefore without instruction. I make things up as I go along, and most days I am on the verge of anxiety-related coronary episodes.

However, I work alone, in a building of all males, which is absolute heaven compared to working with women.

I don't care about your babies or your "disobedient" husbands, nor will I pretend to. I do not want to celebrate your office birthday with a lovely home candle. I won't notice your new haircut, and if I do, it probably looks shit anyhow, so don't ask my opinion. I do not care if you look fat in that skirt.

I am entirely egocentric, and your estrogen-laden lives mean nothing to me. Now piss off.

val-holla-ing 03.28.2007 11:25 AM

i just put in my 2 weeks at one of my jobs, yesterday. not even 24 hours later, my boss calls me and asks me to cover for the guy who just quit (he didn't show up) and i told her that i can't because my best friend is coming into town to work on a project and i never get to see him because i'm always working and i have a test at 8am anyways, so she should ask her son to work...he only works two shifts a week anyway.

and one of my coworkers admitted to being racist and my boss still won't get rid of her.

Iain 03.28.2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
I work in a newly created position of sorts, so everything I do is unprecedented and therefore without instruction. I make things up as I go along, and most days I am on the verge of anxiety-related coronary episodes.

However, I work alone, in a building of all males, which is absolute heaven compared to working with women.

I don't care about your babies or your "disobedient" husbands, nor will I pretend to. I do not want to celebrate your office birthday with a lovely home candle. I won't notice your new haircut, and if I do, it probably looks shit anyhow, so don't ask my opinion. I do not care if you look fat in that skirt.

I am entirely egocentric, and your estrogen-laden lives mean nothing to me. Now piss off. thing I don't miss about working in an office is women bringing in their children to show off. Fuck off, your screaming child is distracting me from my messageboard posting.

floatingslowly 03.28.2007 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
However, I work alone, in a building of all males, which is absolute heaven compared to working with women.

oh my gawd, I'm so jealous. I have it the other way around.

I have worked in medical offices for the past 11 years and have always been the only guy.

unlike my coworkers, I don't thrive on drama and never want to take part in the pecking games that are played.

at my current job I rarely take the iPod headphones out so I have an excuse for not hearing people (I'm even wearing them in my ID badge picture), but it's a fine balance. if you NEVER talk to them, you get talked about.

so good, but I'm just waiting for the drama-hammer to fall.

truncated 03.28.2007 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
and one of my coworkers admitted to being racist and my boss still won't get rid of her.

Not that I'm condoning it obviously, but is that grounds for termination? Or is that simply being an ignorant cunt?


Originally Posted by porky
Things too complicated for truncated to quote

I would love to hear your professional phone voice. Seriously.


Originally Posted by iain
Reference porky's quote

I won't even take payment for being in the presence of a child. Why on earth do these women think you WANT to be beset upon by them, especially when you are virtually converging with intellectual giants of the internet?

lucyrulesok 03.28.2007 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
where do you work lucyrule?

I work for Greenpeace, but not doing anything cool like living in trees, but badgering people on the street for their bank details. I don't like telling people because I always get tirades of 'chugger' related abuse, but it's a really great job!

truncated 03.28.2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
oh my gawd, I'm so jealous. I have it the other way around.

I have worked in medical offices for the past 11 years and have always been the only guy.

unlike my coworkers, I don't thrive on drama and never want to take part in the pecking games that are played.

at my current job I rarely take the iPod headphones out so I have an excuse for not hearing people (I'm even wearing them in my ID badge picture), but it's a fine balance. if you NEVER talk to them, you get talked about.

so good, but I'm just waiting for the drama-hammer to fall.

I like your handle. It's dreamy.

What do you do that enables you to listen to your iPod all day?

We just got rescue masks in for pets. How cute.

floatingslowly 03.28.2007 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
I like your handle. It's dreamy.

What do you do that enables you to listen to your iPod all day?

We just got rescue masks in for pets. How cute.

thank you, I've had it for years and can't shake it.

I am a "manager of billing services" (complete with minions) for clinical medical services (unless you are calling from Medicare, then it's Billing Samurai or Office Warlord depending upon my mood).

PRO TIP: secure yr own mask first, before placing a mask on yr pet!

val-holla-ing 03.28.2007 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Not that I'm condoning it obviously, but is that grounds for termination? Or is that simply being an ignorant cunt?

i guess not, but sometimes she refuses to take foreigners' and minorities' orders, which should be more than grounds for termination.

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