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choc e-Claire 12.30.2018 11:37 PM

Your 2019 resolutions
What are you all aiming for in 2019?

I have plenty of goals...
*Don't self-harm
*Get a job
*Have a first kiss
*Keep up a journal
*Listen to plenty of new music
*Come to a conclusion about my gender identity

Some small ones, some big one ones.

!@#$%! 12.30.2018 11:39 PM


better systems that produce better results, day in/day out

goals... are kinda for suckers

no, don’t get me wrong— you need to know which direction you wanna go

but without a good consistent system to take you there.... all you have is wishes in one hand and shit in the other :D

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.31.2018 12:22 AM

Focus on positivity and productivity
Read a lot more
Find a real job again that pays decently
Fall in love, and have someone feel the same about me

I'm all about 100% human optimization lately, the change of the year makes little difference

choc e-Claire 12.31.2018 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Focus on positivity and productivity
Read a lot more
Find a real job again that pays decently
Fall in love, and have someone feel the same about me

Those are some pretty good ones. Good luck!


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you need to know which direction you wanna go

but without a good consistent system to take you there.... all you have is wishes in one hand and shit in the other :D

I've got a solid grasp of how I'm going to go towards those things, so I understand where you're at. And the joke is appreciated :D

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 12:51 AM

yep hahaha

right now im just trying to carve up an extra 90 evening minutes out of my everyday so i can apply to something either useful or pleasurable or both. have not figured what yet.

this of course entails simplifying routines and eliminating obstacles. still working on that noise.

on the removal of obstacles end, i already got new computer glasses, now i need to get me a pair of readers

so maybe i just wanna read more in the evenings, after all

but yeah if i dont carve out that time consistently this whole plan will go to shit and in the end i’ll read nothing lol

ps- i miss being a student, when reading came first

tw2113 12.31.2018 02:11 AM

While I don't think I necessarily failed in any way, I don't necessarily think I succeeded, above and beyond, in any way, outside of the massive increase in reading output. My resolution(s) end up being very much the same "keep on keeping on" "resolution".

Bytor Peltor 12.31.2018 05:59 AM

It’s important to set and achieve goals. Doing so gives you something to strive towards and look back upon.

01. me cooking more meals at home
02. being more active in my new community
03. regain my mastery of mixtaping

Severian 12.31.2018 08:36 AM

I’m NOT thinking about this shit right now

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I’m NOT thinking about this shit right now

go get a checkup sucka

-a friend

Antagon 12.31.2018 09:22 AM

Hm, I kind of gave up having those a few years ago, not that there aren't any things that would come to mind, it's just that I don't want to force any grand expectations upon me. I generally support the concept of setting (and consequently working on) goals though and there are some things I wanna work on. Like being more actively engaged in music projects again. Had one gig this year and it was all covers and in the last few months I hardly ever took part in local jams. Gotta get out there and do something again. Also, I got shitloads of tasks to do for university in January, so obviously I wanna tend to them very early on in the new year.

Diesel 12.31.2018 10:02 AM

I reckon this would be cool...


Then I may transcend the cosmos of infinite divide, breathing in the very banality of humanity - mulling over the very nature of existence... and more importantly leave all ye cunts te rot - especially ye Genteel.

I'll probably just buy a house and wallow there as a bird in a birdcage would - no, not a tit?! The breed of bird is irrelevant, just like any resolution is for me, and so it's fitting.

I'll probably, actually, settle for taking this pair of jeans back to New Look - they're a tad too tight ye see.

Diesel 12.31.2018 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
go get a checkup sucka

-a friend

Check yo'self b'fo you wreck yo'self. Cos' big d's in yr ass is bad for your health?


EVOLghost 12.31.2018 11:30 AM

I want to feel better physically. Just gotta eat better...or before that....I just gotta eat. Lol. But yeah. I want a food routine.

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I want to feel better physically. Just gotta eat better...or before that....I just gotta eat. Lol. But yeah. I want a food routine.

lemme suggest you start focusing on getting your macros correct first then fill in the details in a way that suits your taste

Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.31.2018 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I want to feel better physically. Just gotta eat better...or before that....I just gotta eat. Lol. But yeah. I want a food routine.

Just remember we're all animals, Jose. Cut out the processed bullshit. Learn to cook for yourself.

Veggies, fruits, eggs, meat, dairy, grain...

Usually in that order, and you'll be a-okay.

Also multivitamins please.

Ummm... sugar is the devil.

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 12:53 PM

what do you need multivitamins for, if you eat well? if you eat like shit sure you need supplements. otherwise it’s a throwaway and maybe even fake.

however—vitamin d if you live in the shade as many people do, sure.... maybe (i take it anyway)


EVOLghost 12.31.2018 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Just remember we're all animals, Jose. Cut out the processed bullshit. Learn to cook for yourself.

Veggies, fruits, eggs, meat, dairy, grain...

Usually in that order, and you'll be a-okay.

Also multivitamins please.

Ummm... sugar is the devil.

Yeah. I have to just make time. I’ve been a little better with actually eating...but only dinner for now lol.

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Yeah. I have to just make time. I’ve been a little better with actually eating...but only dinner for now lol.

this isn’t cooking, but adding a simple whey shake to your morning takes 30 seconds and wouldnt kill ya with 20+ g protein per scoop, esp. if you get the “natural” one without the aspartames & shit, and would help you hold on to whatever muscle you have.

if you dont like whey/animal there are some decent pea options. yeah, pea protein. too sweet for me but ymmv

Bytor Peltor 12.31.2018 02:54 PM


Diesel 12.31.2018 05:10 PM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 12.31.2018 05:52 PM

Ye of little faith, Diesel.

Life is what you make it.


Diesel 12.31.2018 05:58 PM


!@#$%! 12.31.2018 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel

haaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

so are you going to kill, stuff, roast and eat the new in-law?


Severian 12.31.2018 06:25 PM

^^ Lol. I just laughed so hard at Diesel’s post I scared the shit out of my cats. Derp.

Severian 12.31.2018 06:26 PM

1. Make mo money
2. Use mo money to solve inevitable mo problems
3. Chill

Diesel 12.31.2018 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
haaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

so are you going to kill, stuff, roast and eat the new in-law?


Stuff, roast and eat an in-law? This ain't Alabama mara. The other thing? Yea sure I'll kill IT - that's if I can look at it long enough to do the deed without violently vomiting and suiciding myself first!

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
1. Make mo money
2. Use mo money to solve inevitable mo problems
3. Chill

4. read mr money mustache and ponder options

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Stuff, roast and eat an in-law? This ain't Alabama mara. The other thing? Yea sure I'll kill IT - that's if I can look at it long enough to do the deed without violently vomiting and suiciding myself first!

so what's to eat for winter?

Diesel 12.31.2018 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so what's to eat for winter?

Psychedelic cosmos pie - if all goes to plan

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Psychedelic cosmos pie - if all goes to plan

too cold for that sorta diet man

don't you ingleses have all manner of glorious meat pies?

Diesel 12.31.2018 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
too cold for that sorta diet man

don't you ingleses have all manner of glorious meat pies?

Lots of meat pies, meat pies with many, many various life threatening diseases. Especially the common hairy ones from Greggs...


!@#$%! 12.31.2018 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
many various life threatening diseases

oh man

you vegan?

Diesel 12.31.2018 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh man

you vegan?

No,... taken.

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
No,... taken.

for a ride?

Diesel 12.31.2018 07:29 PM

Hah, many time long time.

Diesel 12.31.2018 07:30 PM

So the clock went bong! And I feel no different, what gives?!

Was I praying to the wrong unicorn?

!@#$%! 12.31.2018 07:39 PM

did you burn all of last year's trash? that was the important part

Savage Clone 12.31.2018 08:02 PM

No Pity Claps

Bytor Peltor 12.31.2018 08:24 PM

Speaking of, I need to use my burn barrel more often.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
did you burn all of last year's trash? that was the important part

pony 12.31.2018 08:28 PM

no dickz anywhere near me

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