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Bastian 04.02.2007 02:50 AM

UK: Holocaust dropped from history lessons =newsnow


Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Governmentbacked study has revealed.
It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.[..]

Unbelievable! What is that? A belated April fool hoax? But the article says 2nd April 2007.. is it really that bad already?

sonicl 04.02.2007 02:56 AM

I'm sorry to say this is probably true. Our nation's whole constitution seems to be being re-written so as not to offend anyone.

SynthethicalY 04.02.2007 03:15 AM

I think that is stupid to not offend people. You just have too at some points.

the ikara cult 04.02.2007 03:20 AM

I never learned about The Holocaust in school. Or was i just not paying attention?

demonrail666 04.02.2007 03:38 AM

Trying to teach history in such a way as to not offend anyone is to forget that some things in history are actually offensive.

sonicl 04.02.2007 03:48 AM

I'm surprised that we haven't yet seen the usual press outcry about some local council saying that Easter must be called "Spring Festival" so as not to upset non-Christians.

demonrail666 04.02.2007 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I'm surprised that we haven't yet seen the usual press outcry about some local council saying that Easter must be called "Spring Festival" so as not to upset non-Christians.

I give up.

jon boy 04.02.2007 04:46 AM

holo what?

screamingskull 04.02.2007 05:58 AM

our holocaust lessons at school seemed to consist of watching shindlers list. Still it's really stupid to stop teaching it in schools if this is true.

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 06:02 AM

so surely this going to offend jews then?

sonicl 04.02.2007 06:06 AM

But there are less of them than there are of... whoever it is that might be offended by teaching about the holocaust.

I've just realised, this article is from the Daily Mail. It is, therefore, with apologies to anyone who may be offended by this opinion, a load of right-wing shite.

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 06:10 AM

yeah, i noticed that so i looked it up on the guardian website, here's their more level headed version:


Schools drop Holocaust lessons

Jeevan Vasagar
Monday April 2, 2007
The Guardian

Schools have avoided teaching the Holocaust and the Crusades in history lessons because they are concerned about causing offence to Muslim pupils or challenging "charged" versions of history which children have been taught at home, government research has found.A report for the Department for Education and Skills found that a history department in a northern city had avoided selecting the Holocaust as a GCSE topic for fear of confronting "anti-semitic sentiment and Holocaust denial" among some Muslim pupils.
Another school decided to teach the Holocaust despite anti-semitic sentiment among students, but avoided the Crusades as "their balanced treatment of the topic would have directly challenged what was taught in some local mosques".
The report, Teaching Emotive and Controversial History, also revealed that one school was challenged by Christian parents for teachers' treatment of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
A DfES spokesman said: "It's up to schools to make a judgment on non-compulsory parts of the national curriculum. It is a broad framework and there is scope for schools to make their own decisions."
Teaching of the Holocaust is expected to become compulsory under the new national curriculum from next year.

Danny Himself 04.02.2007 06:12 AM

Taking a History class in the UK is the most depressing thing ever.

Up to year 9 all I learned about was The Blitz, The Holocaust, and the horrible details about how gas peeled people's faces off and made them vomit their own lungs up. For some reason I ended up taking a History GCSE, and it's even more depressing! We started off with World War One- trench foot, bodies being eaten by rats, starvation. Then we moved on to The Rise of Hitler- need I say more? THEN we had to learn about Vietnam, and how napalm burns young children. THEN of course, we move on to the USSR 1945-1990. It is the most depressing country on earth.

In short, I'm glad something has been removed from this depress-o-rama, but this seems to have been taken out for all the wrong reasons. I think after what muslims did to the London Transportation System we shouldn't really bother about pissing them off anymore.

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Taking a History class in the UK is the most depressing thing ever.

Up to year 9 all I learned about was The Blitz, The Holocaust, and the horrible details about how gas peeled people's faces off and made them vomit their own lungs up. For some reason I ended up taking a History GCSE, and it's even more depressing! We started off with World War One- trench foot, bodies being eaten by rats, starvation. Then we moved on to The Rise of Hitler- need I say more? THEN we had to learn about Vietnam, and how napalm burns young children. THEN of course, we move on to the USSR 1945-1990. It is the most depressing country on earth.

In short, I'm glad something has been removed from this depress-o-rama, but this seems to have been taken out for all the wrong reasons. I think after what muslims did to the London Transportation System we shouldn't really bother about pissing them off anymore.

where to start?

sonicl 04.02.2007 06:19 AM

Things will get worse, I have no doubt about that. It won't be long before the government is saying sorry to Moslems for the hurt caused by the Crusades.

A Thousand Threads 04.02.2007 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Taking a History class in the UK is the most depressing thing ever.

Up to year 9 all I learned about was The Blitz, The Holocaust, and the horrible details about how gas peeled people's faces off and made them vomit their own lungs up. For some reason I ended up taking a History GCSE, and it's even more depressing! We started off with World War One- trench foot, bodies being eaten by rats, starvation. Then we moved on to The Rise of Hitler- need I say more? THEN we had to learn about Vietnam, and how napalm burns young children. THEN of course, we move on to the USSR 1945-1990. It is the most depressing country on earth.

In short, I'm glad something has been removed from this depress-o-rama, but this seems to have been taken out for all the wrong reasons. I think after what muslims did to the London Transportation System we shouldn't really bother about pissing them off anymore.

are you drunk?

sonicl 04.02.2007 06:25 AM

From what I understand from my niece, who is fourteen, history before the twentieth century just does not get taught in schools now. The point of history lessons today seems not to be to teach how the world became what it is today but to teach that nothing good comes of being nasty to one another. Hence it's all the dark stuff that gets taught.

jon boy 04.02.2007 06:30 AM

british schools history lessons are pretty bad. many germans i talked too knew more about british history than i.

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 07:22 AM

when i did history GCSE i don't think we learned any british history, other than the two world wars.

screamingskull 04.02.2007 07:34 AM

we watched Roots!!!!

Toilet & Bowels 04.02.2007 07:41 AM

roots is great

ploesj 04.02.2007 08:17 AM

we shouldn't avoid every bad or offending thing in history, that will only help them to return faster.

'adults believe the monsters are gone when you turn on the light. children know better, they're still under the bed.'

screamingskull 04.02.2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
roots is great

All i remember was him getting his foot cut off, and yelling that his name was "NOT TOBEY!!!". Easy lesson for the teacher though, just weeks of watching a TV series, no actual teaching involved.

floatingslowly 04.02.2007 08:48 AM

my name's kunta kinte.

screamingskull 04.02.2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
my name's kunta kinte.

ha ha , yeah!, i mean no its very serious.

floatingslowly 04.02.2007 08:53 AM

I hope we don't offend any Klan members by talking about Roots.

maybe if we're really quiet and polite, Roots will go away.

Danny Himself 04.02.2007 09:31 AM

Roots is great. I have the special edition dvd. How cool was Fiddler?


Originally Posted by A Thousand Threads
are you drunk?

No, but I had only just woken up when I wrote that, which is I probably didn't get my point across properly and ended up sounding like an ass. I'm not going to edit my post, however- it will remain a symbol of my idiocy.

Brett Robinson 04.02.2007 11:26 AM

isnt it already illegal to "discuss" the holocaust in germany, bastian? what's the big deal about the UK?

all this is doing is furthering historical revisionism (written by the winners, of course) and preventing any sort of intelligent discourse.

!@#$%! 04.02.2007 11:31 AM

damn, when i read this first i thought it was an april fool's joke.


Green_mind 04.02.2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
when i did history GCSE i don't think we learned any british history, other than the two world wars.

Yeah me too, I really wanted to do ancient history, but had to do modern history for my gcse. I still enjoyed history though, my history teacher was hot.
I don't agree with this nonsense about appeasing these people. I mean, I believe in freedom of speech, you should have the right to deny such an event if you wish, but for it to go this far sends out signals of how wrong things are.

demonrail666 04.02.2007 01:46 PM

Education in Britain is slowly going down the pan.

sonicl 04.02.2007 02:52 PM

The English education system has been going down the pan for years. 20 years ago I worked in a bank, and a couple of years I joined they had someone join at age 16 who they had to put an alphabet poster on the wall because he couldn't sort things into alphabetical order without it. And before you suggest it, no he wasn't dyslexic.

jon boy 04.02.2007 02:59 PM

there are so many things in britain now that are deemed un pc like you cant say black eye, its bruised eye and you cant say ba ba black sheep and you cant call it a blackboard at school anymore.

next we wont be able to marry our sisters!

floatingslowly 04.02.2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
they had someone join at age 16 who they had to put an alphabet poster on the wall because he couldn't sort things into alphabetical order without it.


we've had to do that for filing clerks before.'s a global pandemic!

!@#$%! 04.02.2007 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
The English education system has been going down the pan for years. 20 years ago I worked in a bank, and a couple of years I joined they had someone join at age 16 who they had to put an alphabet poster on the wall because he couldn't sort things into alphabetical order without it. And before you suggest it, no he wasn't dyslexic.

i was going to say dyslexic but UAU.

if i were english i'd be seriously worried-- this kind of shit is a major sign of cultural decadence. i mean, it's like having the pope or the ayatollahs tell you that the earth is fla... god damn what the fuck happened to the great legacy of the enlightenment?

don't you guys have a statue of gibbon somewhere in england that you can pray to? or david hume?? i mean, this sounds like a desperate situation...

Prisstina 04.02.2007 04:13 PM

fuck that shit...if you're gonna be offended, don't attend the class. practically everything taught in a history book could offend someone, so with this attitude, why even teach history?

Bastian 04.02.2007 04:17 PM

Dropping the Holocaust from the curriculum because political correctness has gone mad is even more insane than teaching creationism at schools.

Things like this make the pessimist's thoughts that Europe is lost and on the way down sound more believable.

luxinterior 04.02.2007 04:28 PM

I think we should just drop history from history lessons. Who needs it, right? Yeeahahh. Suck it, learning.

Everyneurotic 04.02.2007 04:29 PM

i went to an all jewish school and got taught the crusades and the spanish inquisition and everything. no one apologized or got offended.

i mean, we got taught communism and no one got upset!

Bastian 04.02.2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Brett Robinson
isnt it already illegal to "discuss" the holocaust in germany, bastian? what's the big deal about the UK?

Two entirely different topics. Totally different motivation behind Germany's laws concerning the Holocaust and the dropping of the topic from school curriculum.

It is illegal to deny the Holocaust in Germany. It was outlawed in post-war Germany because Germans at that point wanted to deny it (*), to get rid of their guilt and to put it away. The law was implemented to prevent nazism to rise again.

(*) It's different nowadays. A recent developement is: A lot of Germans today don't want to deny the Holocaust, but rather use it to make themselves look better in comparison to other countries. Sounds insane? It works like this: They see their "coming to terms with the past" as a national attainment, one which no other nation ever accomplished (not that they had to, since no other nation did a Holocaust) And from this grandious german "Vergangenheitsbewältigung", other countries should learn. Especially the countries that waged war against "poor" Germany in WW2, and still wage wars nowadays. And the victims of Germans, who still have not learned what germans have learned.. Some Germans feel pride in their alleged moral superiority to other nations, other nations which in their eyes did not come to terms with their past. This way, the losers of the 2nd world war and heirs of the mass murderers can feel superior to the winners and heirs of the victims.

Totally discusting, in my eyes.

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