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nicfit 04.06.2007 05:24 AM

Can statues be sexy?



Please post examples, and try to focus more on faces/eyes than on naked bodies and such.

terminal pharmacy 04.06.2007 05:42 AM

they can be very aesthetically pleasing but sexy is about the brain

king_buzzo 04.06.2007 06:03 AM


!@#$%! 04.06.2007 10:41 AM

hell yes!

(that one from the photo is absolutely beautiful, but not particularly sexy for me though. but there are others...)

!@#$%! 04.06.2007 10:48 AM

example: notice the money shot on the nereids w/ the horses between the legs. 100% porn! (esp. the one on the right)


if you cant see a pic here go here:

Savage Clone 04.06.2007 01:39 PM


truncated 04.06.2007 01:42 PM

That would be sexy if geese (for that matter, most fowl) didn't scare the hell out of me.

nicfit 04.06.2007 01:43 PM

you guys are kinky... I find sexy the eyes of the one I posted, you are taking the thread to a whole another level ;) !

SynthethicalY 04.06.2007 01:44 PM

I would have found it offensive if they would have showed the penis of that thing. Bestiality is just wrong.

Savage Clone 04.06.2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
That would be sexy if geese (for that matter, most fowl) didn't scare the hell out of me.

It's a SWAN, for god's sake.

nicfit 04.06.2007 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
It's a SWAN, for god's sake.

yep, the head is tilted on one side, it looks like another "big bird" with "more evil" beak.

Savage Clone 04.06.2007 01:49 PM

I don't like this one as much.


nicfit 04.06.2007 01:53 PM

this ain't sexy at all.

Savage Clone 04.06.2007 01:55 PM

Leda looks like a tranny in that one.

SynthethicalY 04.06.2007 01:56 PM

Yeah the legs are too muscular.

nicfit 04.06.2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Leda looks like a tranny in that one.

looks like cristiano ronaldo with a BAD breasts implant.

floatingslowly 04.06.2007 02:14 PM

I'm sorry there isn't much of a focus on face / eyes, but surely Casanova counts.


one for the ladies.... ;)



truncated 04.06.2007 02:21 PM

^^If that's supposed to be phallic, it's not working for me. Frankly, I must say it resembles feces.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
It's a SWAN, for god's sake.

Hence why I said "most fowl." This includes swans. I shudder to think what pain a beak could inflict upon such an erogenous body part.

floatingslowly 04.06.2007 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
^^If that's supposed to be phallic, it's not working for me. Frankly, I must say it resembles feces.

it's not (unless you count the balls??).

it's the ass end of a cat statue in barcelona. :p

but I could see how it's tail could be looked at as phallic from that angle.

the "for the ladies" bit was mostly for my own entertainment.

atari 2600 04.06.2007 04:37 PM

Can statues be sexy?

Jeff Koons asked this question in some of his early life-size '90s sculpture.
Although, he maintained he was just presenting the everyday ala pop art.





atari 2600 04.06.2007 04:38 PM

These glass pieces are from a Kama Sutra series.



Green_mind 04.06.2007 04:45 PM


FruitLoop 04.06.2007 05:05 PM

For some unknown reason I had a flashback of a visit to the tate modern a few years ago, when reading the title. Though this one's anything but sexy


LifeDistortion 04.06.2007 08:50 PM


Bunbury 04.07.2007 04:02 PM

Cynthia Plaster Caster.



Jimmi’s piece wasn’t that long, but it was as thick as a woman’s wrist. It measured 6.25 inches in circumference and was a whopping 2 inches in diameter, which coincidentally is the exact circumference of a Fender Strat at the 16th fret.



nicfit 12.05.2007 04:52 AM


jonathan 12.05.2007 08:47 AM


This is like hentai for the art damaged.

✌➬ 12.05.2007 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by jonathan

This is like hentai for the art damaged.

It's the internet, move along.

nicfit 12.05.2007 09:37 AM

Ha ha , I just think Bernini can make marble look soft, and it's quite amazing in my book.

fishmonkey 12.05.2007 12:59 PM

did you know that a statue of a person on a horse represents a person who fought in a battle,

if both front legs of the horse are in the air the person died in battle , if only one leg of the horse is in the air he died after the battle from battle wounds, and if no legs are in the air well then he's a lucky bastard!

_slavo_ 12.05.2007 01:00 PM

Hello Fishy, how you been?

Rob Instigator 12.05.2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone

leda and the swan you pervert!

Rob Instigator 12.05.2007 01:13 PM



this one is called PARIS HILTON AUTOPSY

Savage Clone 12.05.2007 01:27 PM

It should be called "Gimme a Sammich, Like Yesterday."

!@#$%! 12.06.2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
leda and the swan you pervert!

you know who's so perverted? zeus, the furry bastard. swans, bulls...

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.06.2007 03:46 PM

No Rodin?

the Kiss is pretty damn sexy

floatingslowly 12.06.2007 03:50 PM


I like a full set of lips.

Rob Instigator 12.06.2007 04:14 PM


Hillary Clinton


Savage Clone 12.06.2007 04:17 PM

It would appear the answer to this thread is "no."

✌➬ 12.06.2007 05:07 PM

What you are not into the arts?

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