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ZEROpumpkins 04.15.2007 05:55 PM

The Wonderful Retardedness of EBAY!!!
So I selling all my pumpkins albums on eBay about 5 weeks ago, and this person bids right at the last second, right when I’m discussing plans with my friend for them to buy it off me if it doesn't sell.

I specifically stated to that bastard that bid and won at the last minute (3 times, and once in the payment instructions in bold) that I could not accept any payment other than cash in the mail/money order.

After 4 days waiting for a reply from the buyer, I'm sent a message saying "Hi. Can I have your bank account number and bsb so I can make the payment? Thankyou". After I reply saying I can only take a postal money order, it then takes 4 weeks until it actually reaches my house. Usually, domestic mail in Australia takes one to three days to be delivered.

After stating that if I did not receive the payment in 2 weeks, I would send it right back to them. Two weeks came and went, still no money.

By this time, they had deleted their eBay account and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, as the sale to my friend could go ahead. But that didn't stop them. This morning I was sent an email saying "Have you sent the cd's yet?"

Well I have news for them. No I have not sent them. I have sent the money order back to you. And just to piss them off I didn't cash it in first, my name is still on it and I am the only one who can claim it :D:D:D. I'll keep those of you who are actually interested updated on what's going down in EBay town.

!@#$%! 04.15.2007 06:02 PM

it's kinda convoluted story, care to summarize? you ripped someone off for not following the instructions?

jennthebenn 04.15.2007 06:10 PM

"following the instructions" is underappreciated in today's age.

!@#$%! 04.15.2007 06:11 PM

but if the instructions were as clear as his post, i don't blame the poor bastards! :D

pantophobia 04.15.2007 06:11 PM

quite true, honestly you should set your sales for people who have already bought several times on ebay, like 5 or so time

Danny Himself 04.15.2007 06:13 PM

Ebay is great but you have to know what you're doing.

!@#$%! 04.15.2007 06:15 PM

i reread and i don't get this-- when was the envelope postmarked?

floatingslowly 04.15.2007 08:02 PM

my wife just had a whole bunch of shit deleted by ebay. the proceeds were to go to a friend's friend who was hit by a car (and then another car right after that). because the money was going to help him, ebay "dehosted" everything stating that she wasn't registered as a charitable organization.

my wife didn't follow instructions! :p

ZEROpumpkins 04.15.2007 10:40 PM

Was that hard to follow? It's a lot of info in a couple of paragraphs. Basically I had dealings with some stupid ebay user and no matter how many times I told them I could not take bank deposits or that the postage was too late and the thing was off etc. they seemed to ignore them. The emails did get through, they just chose not to listen to me, the seller. Serves them darn right.

ALIEN ANAL 04.15.2007 10:47 PM

i have no idea what happened in that story

ZEROpumpkins 04.15.2007 11:33 PM

I changed some of the wording and broke it into paragraphs to make it easier to understand. It makes sense to me of course, so it's hard to change it to make sense to everyone.

!@#$%! 04.15.2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
I changed some of the wording and broke it into paragraphs to make it easier to understand. It makes sense to me of course, so it's hard to change it to make sense to everyone.

now it's clearer yes. however, there is one point that requires clarification:

Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
After I reply saying I can only take a postal money order, it then takes 4 weeks until it actually reaches my house. Usually, domestic mail in Australia takes one to three days to be delivered.

After stating that if I did not receive the payment in 2 weeks, I would send it right back to them. Two weeks came and went, still no money.

ok, forget that this was stated in the wrong order & a succession of small flashbacks is required--

the envelope arrived 4 weeks later. my question is when was it postmarked?

ZEROpumpkins 04.16.2007 12:13 AM

Oh! I see what you mean. It was post marked 3 weeks before I recieved it. And I don't care if it was the postman's fault.

!@#$%! 04.16.2007 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Oh! I see what you mean. It was post marked 3 weeks before I recieved it. And I don't care if it was the postman's fault.

see but he didn't deserve to be fucked over like that. you could have bought a new money order w/ the old one & discount the postage & send it to him & call it even. but now he's going to make trouble for you. if he has any balls that is-- or if the money is worth his time.

see, with a 3-week delay in the mail, you would have received it too late for the deadline even if he had sent you the money order the very day he won the auction,

while he made an error assuming you had a bank thing (maybe he was bidding in a lot of auctions, who knows) he acted in good faith by mailing you the thing a week after the purchase, because as you said the australian post takes 1-3 days so you would have received it on time.

the post office fucked up here, and maybe you had a right to refuse the sale on those grounds, but not to punish him by sending him a money order he cannot cash.

that's wrong my friend, that's wrong... just trying to offer an impartial opinion, i swear. looks like you were really eager to sell it to your friend & were looking for an excuse to fuck over the kkkustomer.

well, let's see what develops. an interesting little story. remind me to never buy on ebay from you though. :D

Pookie 04.16.2007 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
remind me to never buy on ebay from you though. :D

Yes, can we have your ebay username, so we know who to avoid buying from?

ZEROpumpkins 04.16.2007 03:06 AM

Meh I don't even care. They still took more than a week till they post marked.

ZEROpumpkins 04.16.2007 03:07 AM

Oh yes and I was going to send the stuff to my friend. So calling it even would be calling it off.

jon boy 04.16.2007 04:47 AM

i have a very love/hate relationship with ebay. at the moment i love it but its so annoying.

have had a similar experience selling something and the person took a lot of reminding before they paid.

nicfit 04.16.2007 06:18 AM

I had one experience with ebay. I won a lovely item on my very fist, and only, till now) auction, and I'm very happy :) . I type like a 6 years old today.
Anyway, I saved 130 euros, that's why I'm happy.

jon boy 04.16.2007 06:31 AM

overall my experience has been good and i have only ever had a few negative ones.

i dont like the fact that you have to sit right until the last second bidding or watching your bid incase someone gets it 10 seconds before the end.

jico. 04.16.2007 06:34 AM

hehe, i do the same thing with cd's that i no longer want. first i make offers to my friends and then i put rest on a portuguese site similar to ebay... anf yeah i also have stupid stories... people that take too long to pay, people that dont pay... etc etc...

i dont have an ebay account though... i ask a friend of mine to buy me stuff on ebay, and yes he also had a bad experience....

MellySingsDoom 04.16.2007 07:46 AM

I got ripped off once for the tune of £130. The so-called seller was a fucking weasel. If I ever find out where he lives, he'll be getting an anonymous and very special "present" through the post...

davenotdead 04.16.2007 07:50 AM

ha, noobs....i have over 400 succesful transactions, and a rating of 381...100%...only had one guy who screwed me out of $30...ive had a few people who didn't pay, but ive always gotten my seller fees back, and then have gone on to sold the item for more the next time...

!@#$%! 04.16.2007 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Meh I don't even care. They still took more than a week till they post marked.

youre just rationalizing your reprehensible actions.


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Oh yes and I was going to send the stuff to my friend. So calling it even would be calling it off.

i thought you were gloating about sending him back a money order he can't cash. you could have treated him like a person instead.


Originally Posted by davenotdead
ha, noobs....i have over 400 succesful transactions, and a rating of 381...100%...only had one guy who screwed me out of $30...ive had a few people who didn't pay, but ive always gotten my seller fees back, and then have gone on to sold the item for more the next time...

and your point is...? :p:D

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