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SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 01:13 AM

Do You Think Children should be Sent to Pre-School?
I am doing a speech on this subject, and want to know your opinion on this?

youthoftomorrow 05.30.2007 01:33 AM

yes. it helps developmentally and teaches them about being away from their parents.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:23 AM

im gonna say the same thing here i said on the other thread

ask yourself who loses when that bush fuck cuts the headstart budget.

then your answers become clear.

pbradley 05.30.2007 02:25 AM

As a pre-school graduate, I can't answer if it helped me or not... but I'd like to think so?

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:26 AM

I'd like to say it helped me, in many ways than not. I know by the time I hit third grade I was well advance in math and my vocabulary.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:27 AM

go ahead. get pissed off.

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:29 AM

I think republicans, want to dumb us down, so they can rule without any thought against them.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I think republicans, want to dumb us down, so they can rule without any thought against them.

great speech topic, right there. no uppity mexicans??

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:35 AM

See I try to apart myself from the hispanic point, cause really it is tired. And no one pays attention to it. So I try to make it universal, as to broaden my view, and thus gain more people to my side.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
See I try to apart myself from the hispanic point, cause really it is tired. And no one pays attention to it. So I try to make it universal, as to broaden my view, and thus gain more people to my side.

fuckem. get radical. don't be a pussy.

you got no minorities to appeal to? i cant believe that community college has a majority of yuppies.

the point to impress is that without headstart many of them would not be attending that very class.

cmon, how many of those people grew up poor.

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:39 AM

Ah, I am not the radical kind of guy.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Ah, I am not the radical kind of guy.

pussy :p


but really, what are you gonna do? boring charts and bureaucratese?

rabble rousers for da win.


SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:41 AM

No charts, But do tell on telling them my account of pre-school.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
No charts, But do tell on telling them my account of pre-school.

you gotta shove down their throats the fact that thousands of kids are going to get fucked. get it?

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:48 AM

Yes, I know especially in this day and age. when t.v. is in almost every kids room, and they are being dumbed down by it.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:49 AM

yes. don't be a fuckin pussy. what kind of speech is this supposed to be?

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:49 AM


!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY

well fuck then-- persuade them to write their representative and to never vote republican again. persuade them to DO SOMETHING. you know?

passion is what your speech should convey.

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:51 AM

Well, the instructor said, that wasn't allowed, the only speech is to try them to win them over our side, without trying to get them to do something.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:53 AM id=reports

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Well, the instructor said, that wasn't allowed, the only speech is to try them to win them over our side, without trying to get them to do something.

yr teacher is a fucken pussy. ok then. get them as angry as you are. you are angry aren't you?

ps asking if children should go to preeschool is like asking if children should get good nutrition!!

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 02:56 AM

I am somewhat annoyed that not many kids are not getting the proper education they deserve.

!@#$%! 05.30.2007 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I am somewhat annoyed that not many kids are not getting the proper education they deserve.

somewhat annoyed, you ungrateful bastard?

what if YOU didn't get it? ehhhhh?????????????????

and read my edit to the post above re: nutrition

PAULYBEE2656 05.30.2007 08:07 AM

yes they shouldbe sent to pre sch it encourages interactivity and social skills that will aid them in the playground of "big" school ad in everyday life. i have 2 kidz, one went to preschool and loved it and thrived on it. our youngest, josh, is going to be going as well as soon as he is old enough......

im gonna be honest, it also gives the parents a respite as well, sounds selfish i know but if you are a parent you will know what i mean.......

screamingskull 05.30.2007 08:10 AM

I'm bringing my children up in a commune. As far away from television and computers and wireless internet connections as possible, at least for the first 4-6 years.

floatingslowly 05.30.2007 08:18 AM

after my son's first day of preschool we were told "don't bring him back".

he's been through several schools since. fuck round pegs, my son is square.


get kicked out of first day of preschool ----- check.

afterthefact 05.30.2007 08:33 AM

I think preschool is a better option than just a babysitter if you work full time and need somebody to watch your kids, because at leasrt it is educational. But if you are good parents and enjoy teaching your children when you are with them, then keep them with you as long as possible. People put little value on the time they spend with their children, and then wonder why they don't respect them later when they are sneaking out their window at night. Spend as much time with your children as possible, become part of their development before the State mandates you hand them over.

afterthefact 05.30.2007 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I am somewhat annoyed that not many kids are not getting the proper education they deserve.

Maybe, but preschool is not the answer to this. It's a lack of drive on both parts, both rooting back to the teaching system. Children could go to school for only one year in their life and learn more than they do in the 12 or 13 years they do now, if only the educational system had the motivation to develop young minds, and the skills to motivate these young minds to want to learn.

ploesj 05.30.2007 08:43 AM

yeah they should. i think it's pretty important to learn to behave in a group of children, even at a young age, and leanr to accept authority. (because that's one of the symptoms of our time: children don't accept anyone to tell them what to do, and parents don't want their children to get bad grades or whatever. at my school, some parents came complaining when their kid had a bad grade for religion class because they didn't do shit. ugh.

gmku 05.30.2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I am doing a speech on this subject, and want to know your opinion on this?

No. They should be sent to camps. Special camps. They will go by train. They will go immediately to the showers.

luxinterior 05.30.2007 12:11 PM

I went to Lutheran preschool. I don't remember much about it, except for the games we played and some of the art projects. I also remember that my teacher loved pigs.

tesla69 05.30.2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Yes, I know especially in this day and age. when t.v. is in almost every kids room, and they are being dumbed down by it.

not just kids, but adults. the constant monotony of stupidity and propaganda spurts a constant distraction and the truth is disparaged at every turn, a true satanic society...but its not enough to have TV in every room now you have it on the back of your carseats, in the elevators, on airplanes, on your cell phone, what kind of devolved lump has such an attention deficit that they have to watch TV on a 2" screen.

Jerry Mader's book 4 Arguements Against Television is in need to updating. Much of his arguement is concerned with the technology itself, not the content. Traditional TV would lull the viewer into an alpha state. I wonder if the new flat and plasma screens have the same effect. If not, that could partly explain the drop off in viewership (parallel drop off of TV viewers and record industry) because the viewers are no longer being hypnotized and can look away literally easier.

nursery school never hurt me. Some of the best days of my life.

the end.

atari 2600 05.30.2007 04:11 PM

I didn't attend a preschool. I started first grade at age five.

Is preschool good or bad?

It depends on the situation and many factors, I suppose.

atari 2600 05.30.2007 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
im gonna be honest, it also gives the parents a respite as well, sounds selfish i know but if you are a parent you will know what i mean.......

That really underscores the real reason preschools were instituted.

Unfortunately, prevailing economic conditions in far too many societies require both parents to work full-time. (&that's) Pretty fucked when you consider that the politicians that are eroding the middle class with their reckless spending and thievery are the same ones that always give some phony "emphasis on the family" party line.

Washing Machine 05.30.2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
I'm bringing my children up in a commune. As far away from television and computers and wireless internet connections as possible, at least for the first 4-6 years.

Haha I Love You!
Hippy lovvvvveeeeee

I've read most of the Psychological research on this matter and there are compelling arguments on both sides. I personally did not go to pre-school.

Going slightly off topic im slightly skeptical of pre-school and primary (elementary for you americans) school eduction anyway because of my own experiences with it. When I was in Primary school they kept putting me in special needs classes and telling me not to read the books I was reading (I was interested in Dickens and biographies of Presidents at the time...dont ask). The funny thing was as soon as I got to high school (or middle school - you yanks) I started getting A's and being encouraged for the same things that made them think I had problems in Primary School. Its not just me,most of my friends that are going to university or have gone already have had simular experiences. It makes me think we should have a serious look at education itself anyway...

Education is better than no education.

fishmonkey 05.30.2007 05:22 PM

i fully agree that kids should be sent to pre-school, i got most of my early brain power from eating crayons.

SynthethicalY 05.30.2007 05:23 PM

I don't know how the school system work in Europe, but here they encourage you to read, I think even books like that. I remember reading the Newspaper Daily(because my father forced me) And it wasn't just for science, it was news headlines as well.

pantophobia 05.31.2007 12:17 PM

preschool really is a good thing, i started at age 3 and did it for 2 years, and it did help my social development, my social inadequacies didn't start until 6th grade, but i did have problems reading for the longest time, i think till I was about 6 did i get the hang of it, and works of fiction still give me problems

and i do agree if you keep politics out of education until they are mature enough to understand it, you can't go wrong

and that reminds me of the 92 election, we had a mock election in the 4th grade, and out of the 41 students in my class 17 went Clinton, 18 went Bush, 6 went Perot (including me, so basically i was drawn by the comedic nature of his giants ears and voice, obviously knew knowing about anything) and only one 1 said he was undecided, this kid clearly thought about the issues, which for a 10 year old not influenced by his parents affiliations was really impressive in retrospect

the thing about it is, as important as education is, there are gonna always be dunderheads who will never get, and those who do, kids just find a way to either make it or waste their life pretty much on their own, but culture influence does seem to be increasing year by year

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