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demonrail666 06.20.2007 07:14 PM

Which Part of Your Neighbourhood is Scariest After Dark?
About which place do you instinctively say "no WAY am I going there at THIS time. What are you, CRAZY?"

Danny Himself 06.20.2007 07:16 PM

Sefton Park.


Creepy children from 1904 hang around there, as photographed here.

demonrail666 06.20.2007 07:21 PM

I have a friend who lives on this estate in Speke in Liverpool. The way he describes it definitely makes it look pretty shady.

Danny Himself 06.20.2007 07:39 PM

Yeah, Speke is a huge sprawling ex-council estate. The streets are run not by the police but by the SRC- 'Speke Riot Crew'. It's an awful place.

People from Speke are generally known as 'sock robbers' throughout the other areas of Liverpool.

demonrail666 06.20.2007 08:56 PM

My mate tells me stories about it that are so awful you just have to laugh. He himself is as rough as fuck, but a really good bloke. And funny as fuck, which is probably why I can't stop laughing whenever he describes really awful stuff.

Anyway. There's nowhere around where I live now that's that bad, but there are parts of Plaistow/West Ham where I was brought up that are pretty diabolical at any time of day or night.

!@#$%! 06.20.2007 11:07 PM

my own house, of course. i've got prisoners in the basement.

MellySingsDoom 06.21.2007 03:13 AM

Hanging out in Croydon town centre at night can be pretty ghastly- loads of lagered-up geezers and middle-class pseudo "gangsterz". No gayers allowed.

terminal pharmacy 06.21.2007 03:16 AM

my house

jon boy 06.21.2007 04:40 AM

virtually any town or city centre in england is scary after darkness falls.

gorlitzer park in berlin also made me feel somewhat uneasy.

Tokolosh 06.21.2007 04:47 AM

For the most part, my neighbourhood is pretty relaxed. There's a couple of junkies, dealers and brazilian whores that roam the streets at night, but nothing serious. There have been a couple of stickups, but I don't think anyone dares to fuck with me.

sarramkrop 06.21.2007 04:59 AM

Mile End Road is a shithole at night. Gangs on the buses and you better not be gay or you're dead. It's not rare to see the local gay pub with a crack on the window, or aggressive behaviour on the street.

demonrail666 06.21.2007 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Mile End Road is a shithole at night. Gangs on the buses and you better not be gay or you're dead. It's not rare to see the local gay pub with a crack on the window, or aggressive behaviour on the street.

Mile End Road is indeed horrible. I had to walk home from Stratford station the other week and went through Mile End. Genuinely nasty, whether you're gay or not. I lived there for a couple of years about fifteen years ago and if anything it's got worse.

king_buzzo 06.21.2007 08:08 AM

turkish neighbourhood. i've never been there at dark but im sure its scary

floatingslowly 06.21.2007 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Creepy children from 1904 hang around there, as photographed here.

I laughed until the tears ran dry.

ON TOPIC: north, south and especially east of me is all gangsta, but I just flash them signs and they let me pass.

gmku 06.21.2007 09:01 AM

Our bedroom.

Danny Himself 06.21.2007 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I laughed until the tears ran dry.

Well then, my work here is done.

floatingslowly 06.21.2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Well then, my work here is done.

the only creepy parks here are the ones where elementary school teachers go to pick up trannies.*

*disclaimer: not that those in search of trannies do not deserve such a place, but I personally wouldn't want to go there after dark.

wax 06.21.2007 09:59 AM

there are plenty of places that you probly wouldnt want to venture into in birmingham at any time of day. its all mainly to do with race though. so if youre white, youd be better off not strolling around lozels, nechells etc.
for those of a different race, there are a fair few places that they would probly not want to wander around too.

val-holla-ing 06.21.2007 10:22 AM

there's a place right by campus where all these junkies and gutterpunks live and they're notorious for beating people and taking their money at random times during the night. i'd be more comfortable walking down my old drug and violence infested street, where no one messed with anyone else unless it was drug related, than this shit hole.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 06.21.2007 10:41 AM

The trail going to the skate park. During the day theres a bunch of drunks down there drinking, so at night I can only imagine. There's no lights there either, so it's quite scarey looking.

Пятхъдесят Шест 06.21.2007 01:07 PM

Are we talking scary or dangerous? Does scary automatically qualify an area as dangerous (or the other way around)?

There are areas of Omaha, and especially Council Bluffs, Iowa (across the river from Omaha) that have an aura of creepiness about them, but they are by no means dangerous.

tesla69 06.21.2007 01:50 PM

Across from my apt on E. 6th St (in NYC) is the a halfway house, when you look on the sexual predator website that point lights up brighter than anything else, so when I come home and they're all hanging outside on the street I cross over...

Hip Priest 06.21.2007 02:00 PM

Avoid Birkenhead North. That's my advice.

And Tranmere.

I wouldn't advise visiting Birkenhead town centre at night either, if I were you.

Not that its anything to write home about during the day, mind.

Hip Priest 06.21.2007 02:02 PM

You'll all be relieved to know that I live in a much nicer part of town.

Пятхъдесят Шест 06.21.2007 02:22 PM

Avoid the Carter Lake area of North Omaha.


LatexLove 06.21.2007 02:31 PM

The dumpster makes me pee in me pants. That is one scary neighborhood.

Cardinal Rob 06.21.2007 03:16 PM

Living in a pleasant village for the win. The rowdiest citizens are the birds in the trees.

jon boy 06.22.2007 03:54 AM

i found parts of san bernadino quite scary what with crazy people walking around and stray dogs hunting for tourists in packs.

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