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ybag_girl 07.15.2007 02:05 PM

who hates sundays?

SynthethicalY 07.15.2007 02:06 PM

I actually enjoy them way better than any other day.

sonicl 07.15.2007 02:09 PM

Do you have a job? If you're working Monday to Friday, I really don't understand how you can fail to appreciate the brilliance of having a day when you can do f*** all and not feel bad about it.

!@#$%! 07.15.2007 02:16 PM

it's the day i pick to do nothins other than scratch my balls.

i mean. LAZY.

take one of this:


and just chill the fuck out. stay dirty. eat out of a can.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.15.2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Do you have a job? If you're working Monday to Friday, I really don't understand how you can fail to appreciate the brilliance of having a day when you can do f*** all and not feel bad about it.

"What in the hell is wrong with Sunday! Sunday! Thats the Lord's Day!" Cowboy Burt

jon boy 07.15.2007 02:29 PM

i do and i dont. i like the day off sure, who doesnt? its just the nausiating feeling of having to return to work the next day that i hate and normally i am hungover sudays so feel bad for a lot of the day.

schizophrenicroom 07.15.2007 02:29 PM

they're alright because i get to hang out with my mom but otherwise, blech.

CHOUT 07.15.2007 03:15 PM

When you work every day, fridays feel like sundays now...:(

atsonicpark 07.15.2007 03:21 PM

sundays blow.

ybag_girl 07.15.2007 03:32 PM

i hate because it is the preludie of monday and returns the cycle

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.15.2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by ybag_girl
i hate because it is the preludie of monday and returns the cycle

I understand completely, but that is supposes to be the whole point. The hope of rebirth and the cycle in continuation perpetually....

the death and resurrection of mankind, and the hope that like monday, resurrection is sure to come, are completely lost in the humdrum life of the modern work week..... this is not just Christian theology here, it is a much older concept.

ybag_girl 07.15.2007 03:56 PM

is true thank you!

val-holla-ing 07.15.2007 05:16 PM

sundays are not fun. i still live in a city that doesn't even sell liquor on sundays and most places/restaurants close between 6-8pm. so i'm usually left drinking coffee and learning Max/MSP on my sunday evenings.

speaking of shitty sundays, i haven't even eaten today. hungry, i am.

Jenmarie 07.15.2007 05:21 PM

i'm stuck in my small town with no love!

pbradley 07.15.2007 07:10 PM

I particularly enjoy sex on sundays.

!@#$%! 07.15.2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
sundays are not fun. i still live in a city that doesn't even sell liquor on sundays and most places/restaurants close between 6-8pm. so i'm usually left drinking coffee and learning Max/MSP on my sunday evenings.

speaking of shitty sundays, i haven't even eaten today. hungry, i am.

things to do on sunday:

-nurse a hangover
-make bloody marys (and drink them, of course!)
-prepare @ home or go get brunch. with friends, and bloody marys.
-stay in bed most of the dayday. have lots of sex.
-cook, between the sex. and eat of course. and then sex.
-go to the movies
-go to a bookstore
- have spa night. oh yes. spa. and sex.


Originally Posted by pbradley
I particularly enjoy sex on sundays.

amen brother. nothing else to do and no need to hurry. sweeeeeeeeeeeeetttt...

val-holla-ing 07.15.2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
things to do on sunday:

-nurse a hangover
-make bloody marys (and drink them, of course!)
-prepare @ home or go get brunch. with friends, and bloody marys.
-stay in bed most of the dayday. have lots of sex.
-cook, between the sex. and eat of course. and then sex.
-go to the movies
-go to a bookstore
- have spa night. oh yes. spa. and sex.

-usually, i would be nursing a hangover, but i stayed in last night
-bloody mary's are gross
-i slept through brunch
-slept till 3, but my girl was at work all day so no sex
-no sex, chinese take-out, still no sex. didn't feel like cooking.

Norma J 07.16.2007 12:48 AM

I used to detest Sundays. They have this whole feel to them which are very different than any other day of the week... it's like the sun shines differently and the whole earth feels strange. They can get awfully depressing. But these days I quite like them. They're a nice day to catch up with the family, go for a drive and get some hot chips or whatever. Nice. Sunday nights I like probably more than any other night of the week.

ZEROpumpkins 07.16.2007 12:48 AM

Sunday and Monday are the worst days of a week.

SynthethicalY 07.16.2007 12:49 AM

Sundays always relax me.

ZEROpumpkins 07.16.2007 04:07 AM

Do you go to school? Sunday is spent being bummed out that there is school the next day.

_slavo_ 07.16.2007 04:11 AM

I thought this thread was about The Sundays (the band) and I was getting ready to diss the creator of this thread.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.16.2007 05:58 AM

i like Sunday.

Torn Curtain 07.16.2007 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Sunday and Monday are the worst days of a week.

I agree.

A Thousand Threads 07.16.2007 06:45 AM

Sundays are perfect for sitting aroung ,drinking coffee, smoking and to just relax and meeting some friends.
The only problem i have is that i can't sleep on sunday nights.

gmku 07.16.2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i do and i dont. i like the day off sure, who doesnt? its just the nausiating feeling of having to return to work the next day that i hate .

That's the worst of it. It's like in grade school where you can't enjoy the last days of vacation because you know they're the last days of vacation. In June the whole summer spread out before you like a vast sky-blue ampitheater. By August 1, you're looking into a pissy narrow dark abyss.

I wonder how it will be in my freelance life when I can schedule my own days off, though. Hey, if I want, Wednesday could be my Saturday, Friday could be my Sunday! And every week I could have different days for Saturday and Sunday.

I know I'm deluded. Because my clients will be on the M-F time clock, I'll have to be, too, of course. But a man can dream.

ybag_girl 07.29.2007 04:41 PM

uff agains it´s sunday =(

sellouteater 07.29.2007 04:52 PM

i have work on sunday and it usally really boring like my sunday today so yeah i dont like sunday

Alex's Trip 07.29.2007 04:59 PM

Big Brother is on Sunday (and Tuesday and Thursday).

*hangs head in shame*

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 07.29.2007 05:37 PM

"What in the hell is wrong with Sunday! Sunday! Thats the Lord's Day!" Cowboy Burt


Hip Priest 07.29.2007 05:41 PM

I've never heard of Cowboy Burt, but he obviously had some wise things to say. Shame he's wielding a big gun.

schizophrenicroom 07.29.2007 05:45 PM

sundays are either really nice and relaxing and i get stuff done, or nothing happens and i feel shitty.

Pookie 07.29.2007 05:51 PM

I laid some new flooring in our dining room today and did my back in, in the process.

Good Sunday: I finished the floor.
Bad Sunday: I now can't stand up.

pbradley 07.29.2007 06:16 PM

Sundays are awesome if you know how to make it so. Like making a homemade pizza.

the ikara cult 07.29.2007 06:18 PM

I despise every day equally

Inhuman 07.29.2007 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
sundays are either really nice and relaxing and i get stuff done, or nothing happens and i feel shitty.

yeah, that's what my sundays are. I work every second sunday, so on the weekends that I have off I'm usually recovering from the night before while doing absolutely nothing

Laila 07.29.2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
I despise every day equally

hahahaha! funny

Kallisti23chaos 07.30.2007 05:02 PM

Sundays depress me.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 07.30.2007 06:32 PM

Use Sunday in the way it is intended to be used: FRICKING WORSHIPPING THE LORD, you bags o' worms.

Derek 06.06.2010 11:25 AM

Bumping to declare hatred on this shitty ass day.

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