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pantophobia 05.03.2006 08:52 PM

Star Wars: Original Unaltered Trilogy on DVD
copy paste guru at work, also i must be the only other person who doesn't hate the new trilogy, but then again i did vote star trek over star wars, so i am weird

In response to overwhelming demand, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release attractively priced individual two-disc releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Each release includes the 2004 digitally remastered version of the movie, as well as the original theatrical edition of the film. That means you'll be able to enjoy Star Wars as it first appeared in 1977, Empire in 1980, and Jedi in 1983.
See the title crawl to Star Wars before it was known as Episode IV; see the pioneering, if dated, motion control model work on the attack on the Death Star; groove to Lapti Nek or the Ewok Celebration song like you did when you were a kid; and yes, see Han Solo shoot first.

This release will only be available for a limited time: from September 12th to December 31st. International release will follow on or about the same day. Each original theatrical version will feature Dolby 2.0 Surround sound, close-captioning, and subtitles in English, French and Spanish for their U.S. release. International sound and subtitling vary by territory. "Over the years, a truly countless number of fans have told us that they would love to see and own the original version that they remember experiencing in theaters," said Jim Ward, President of LucasArts and Senior Vice President of Lucasfilm Ltd. "We returned to the Lucasfilm Archives to search exhaustively for source material that could be presented on DVD. This is something that we're very excited to be able to give to fans in response to their continuing enthusiasm for Star Wars. Topping it off with a new interactive adventure makes September 12 a red-letter day for Star Wars fans."

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.03.2006 08:53 PM

I was watching this about a month ago and it looks a lot more like shit than when I was younger.

atari 2600 05.03.2006 08:55 PM

I bought the vhs trilogy box set used at my local record store for, I think, three dollars. The tapes are in mint conditon & the box is only slightly worn. This was the set that marked the last time the movies were released before any "digital enhancements".

That is cool that Lucas is finally putting out DVDs of the originals. It's sort of funny though that he seemingly doesn't even care if this offering is an admission that he might have made a few mistakes with his alterations; just as long as it makes him even more piles of money, that is.

finding nobody 05.03.2006 09:15 PM

why the fuck aren't they releasing 'a new hope'?

krastian 05.03.2006 09:31 PM

I'm glad the originals are coming out on dvd, but I think I'll stick to my VHS tapes. The new trilogy is something that I don't really plan on ever buying unless they are dirt cheap. Some of the things they were added were pretty great, but for the most part they kind of made the movie worse and a joke. To me the biggest offense is in Jedi where the band in Jabba's palace do that horrible R&B puke fest. That realllly pissed me off. Mainly because when I was a little kid I really loved the original song that they play. You know the one with the fat white alien guy that is getting down on that clarinet/saxophone thing. Damn you George Lucas.

schizophrenicroom 05.03.2006 10:01 PM

finding nobody- they are :) A New Hope goes by both ANH and just Star Wars.

I have these on VHS. Unless there's nutloads of special stuff, I'm sticking with those.

qprogeny79 05.03.2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
copy paste guru at work, also i must be the only other person who doesn't hate the new trilogy, but then again i did vote star trek over star wars, so i am weird

voting star trek over star wars doesn't make you weird, it makes you sane.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.03.2006 11:04 PM

I know what torrents I am searching for September 12th!

stirling 05.04.2006 01:47 AM

So...does anyone want to buy my original VHS fullscreen trilogy or new widescreen DVD trilogy?
(of course, in a couple years, conveniently just in time for christmas shopping season, they will all be released again in a hi-res HD version with an actual 24fps)

EyeballGrowth 05.05.2006 09:15 AM

Good news, except for the fact that it was a scam from the beginning and now George Lucas will make twice the profit

Lethrneck4 05.05.2006 03:41 PM

man, lucas is one greedy bastard. why do we have to pay for 2 disc editions with the altered one also included? um, george, most of us bought those the day they came out on dvd. so now we gotta pay for a 2 disc of each, so im gonna have 2 copys of the altered ones just so i can have the original 3 unaltered.

i cant believe that he is the man behind something i love as much as star wars

atsonicpark 05.06.2006 01:49 AM

What the fuck is Star Wars?

Everyneurotic 05.06.2006 02:09 AM

those movies were released like 30 years ago, right?

i wish the harder they come or carrie would have 359 different versions floating around the market.

so there's another star wars re-explotation but they can't still put out the decline of western civilization I and II on dvd?

Toilet & Bowels 05.06.2006 12:56 PM

"Star Wars" is what people called episode IV/a new hope back in the day. no one bothered with that epIV/ANH shit back then, niggaz just called it star wars. in fact if someone used the terms episode IV or A New Hope to my face, I'd slap them for being brainwashed by old paedo Lucas.

krastian 05.06.2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
"Star Wars" is what people called episode IV/a new hope back in the day. no one bothered with that epIV/ANH shit back then, niggaz just called it star wars. in fact if someone used the terms episode IV or A New Hope to my face, I'd slap them for being brainwashed by old paedo Lucas.

For real.

Neongod 05.06.2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
I'm glad the originals are coming out on dvd, but I think I'll stick to my VHS tapes. The new trilogy is something that I don't really plan on ever buying unless they are dirt cheap. Some of the things they were added were pretty great, but for the most part they kind of made the movie worse and a joke. To me the biggest offense is in Jedi where the band in Jabba's palace do that horrible R&B puke fest. That realllly pissed me off. Mainly because when I was a little kid I really loved the original song that they play. You know the one with the fat white alien guy that is getting down on that clarinet/saxophone thing. Damn you George Lucas.

Fucking amen. I hate the new Jabba scene. Like you though, I do like a lot of the additions...such as the exploding death star effects.

I'm still on the fence about young Anakin vs. old in the final scene of ROTJ.

I bought the VHS box set when it came out (96?) and it said "own the original trilogy for the last time" or something like that.
"I should have known better..."

Neongod 05.06.2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Not to nitpick or anything...but wasn't ANH/Star Wars always known as "Episode IV"?

I remember asking my dad when I was like 6 "why does it say Episode IV?" Are there other movies you are hiding from me? Why isn't it Episode I?

My dad was like..."uh"..."just watch the movie".

Sad to admit, I can answer this. When the film first premiered in 1977 the "Episode IV" line was not present. It was added shortly after Lucas knew it was a hit and would be able to make the other 2 movies.

krastian 05.06.2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Neongod

I'm still on the fence about young Anakin vs. old in the final scene of ROTJ.

I bought the VHS box set when it came out (96?) and it said "own the original trilogy for the last time" or something like that.
"I should have known better..."

I think a young Anakin is stupid. I mean Obi Wan is old, right?

I bought the VHS tapes too awhile back (the widescreen versions in the Vader box). I honestly don't see myself buying them on dvd for a long time. I've always watched them on VHS so it all looks pretty normal to me. I did buy Episode 3 on dvd though. I'm in no hurry to buy Episodes 1 and 2.

Lethrneck4 05.06.2006 09:25 PM

my fav of them all is the original un altered ROTJ. as far as the special editions, lucas pretty much ruined ROTJ by making it even more gay with the alternate dance sequence in ROTJ and the changing of the celebration song at the end. also, adding young anakain to the ghost trio was ridiculous. it makes no sense whatsoever. even the added cleebrations at the end of ROTJ were to over the top and blatantly fake looking in my opinion. the best part of the original star wars was the fact they had to use models of everything. this digital crap is not real looking at all, no matter how much i try t o pretend it is

also, NONE of the prequels or the special edition DVDs came with a DTS track.

i mean, WTF is goin on???

atari 2600 05.08.2006 11:15 AM

what the wamp rat?
Lucas also just released through Hasbro a limited edition action figure of himself in a stormtrooper uniform.


krastian 09.25.2011 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
I'm glad the originals are coming out on dvd, but I think I'll stick to my VHS tapes. The new trilogy is something that I don't really plan on ever buying unless they are dirt cheap. Some of the things they were added were pretty great, but for the most part they kind of made the movie worse and a joke. To me the biggest offense is in Jedi where the band in Jabba's palace do that horrible R&B puke fest. That realllly pissed me off. Mainly because when I was a little kid I really loved the original song that they play. You know the one with the fat white alien guy that is getting down on that clarinet/saxophone thing. Damn you George Lucas.

Ha ha hah a, preach it!:fuckyou:

Did any of you Rebel Scum get the blu ray box? I just got blasted and watched them all in a row over the past a week and a half or whatever. All in all it was pretty great even though he slaughtered Jedi and the other cheesy offenses in the Prequels. Watching it was def. the most awesome "home theater" experience I've ever had though. It's crazy how good the old movies look.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing good.

LifeDistortion 09.25.2011 01:01 AM

Yeah there was a big movement on twitter last week where people were saying they didn't want the "special edition" Star Wars. with all the shitty CGI. They wanted the movies that they saw growing up. When the special editions first came out in theatres I was excited to see them but looking back on it now I think I preffer the original versions as well. Sure its dated but they have a unique look to them. Hell I bought "The Dark Crystal" on Blu-Ray awhile back, its a Jim Henson classic. Could you imagine if someone said, 'Hey, you know what would be great, using CGI to make "The Dark Crystal" look more updated and shiny. No fucking way. On one hand I say, hey "Star Wars" is Lucus' movies, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but yes, give fans the option of choosing which versions they want, the original cut or the special editions.

atari 2600 09.28.2011 12:38 PM

Since I last posted in this thread, I've purchased all six movies on dvd from a local pawn shop at a total cost of 20.00 + tax.

I've no plans to get the blu-ray discs as I have no blu-ray player.

exciting post haha

An interesting note about this (Marvel comics) issue (pictured below): it features a vehicle designed by toy company Kenner - the Imperial Troop Transporter! At this stage in the game (late 1979), Kenner had pretty much made all the toys they could think of in relation to the movie and had started coming up with their own designs never featured in the film. There was obviously some kind of deal between Kenner and Marvel here as this is pure product placement!



floatingslowly 09.28.2011 01:00 PM

^^^ at that time, Lucas was less convinced of the longevity if his IP and wasn't the canon-fascist he is today.

see the "sequel" to SW//A New Hope: Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster.

atari 2600 09.28.2011 01:03 PM

Yeah, remember that book...

as a footnote to the above about the Imperial Troop Transporter, I'm fairly certain that the Kenner toy was made available as a Sears Wish Book exclusive, so Sears was in on it too in that respect...

floatingslowly 09.28.2011 01:15 PM

the Sears version was modified and didn't have the "authentic Star Wars sounds". they had exclusives on several figures (such as a blue snaggletooth), Mos Eisley Cantina and "make your own droid" factory.

atari 2600 09.28.2011 01:16 PM

Yep, had all those...the droid factory had a little third middle leg insert for R2D2...liked that

atari 2600 09.28.2011 02:07 PM

wild...that was the best Kenner toy of them all...certainly the best vehicle anyway

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