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Laila 07.25.2007 10:45 AM

Leave Leyla a voice mail
Hey ya'll
I got this thing on my myspace and facebook so you can leave me little voice messages anytime.
I already got some from finding nobody and Rob :)
they were both sweet

so leave me a message anytime ;)

with love

Oh yea my page url-

gmku 07.25.2007 10:52 AM

So what is it. Leyla or Laila, and were your parents in a nostalgic classic rock mood when they named you, or what's your story anway?

gmku 07.25.2007 11:00 AM

Do you want me to leave my normal creepy old man pervert voice?

Laila 07.25.2007 11:07 AM

no creepy sweet

gmku 07.25.2007 11:09 AM

I'll try. "Want some candy, little girl?"

I'll practice.

Laila 07.25.2007 11:09 AM

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.25.2007 11:29 AM

You seem... different.

Laila 07.25.2007 11:30 AM

haha how can i seem different? i'm just text on a screen?

sellouteater 07.25.2007 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Laila
haha how can i seem different? i'm just text on a screen?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Laila again.

ha ha funniest thing ever

Laila 07.25.2007 11:33 AM

wasn't trying to be funny......but OK

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.25.2007 11:34 AM


floatingslowly 07.25.2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Laila
i'm just text on a screen?

I really like you.

Laila 07.25.2007 11:41 AM


_slavo_ 07.25.2007 11:47 AM

not in a good mood today?

sellouteater 07.25.2007 11:50 AM

its kind of strange to tell everyone on the board your full name where you live and yr myspace and then be really stand offish

floatingslowly 07.25.2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Laila

just sayin'.

it's a refreshing concept.

no worries though, I'm sure we can move on to hating each other's textual selves in no time!

Laila 07.25.2007 11:58 AM

i'm not being "standoffish" or anything....i'm just responding...SORRY!!
I'm doing some work.

gmku 07.25.2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
its kind of strange to tell everyone on the board your full name where you live and yr myspace and then be really stand offish

That's what I was thinking... It almost smells like a set up...

Laila 07.25.2007 11:59 AM

sorry if i seem rude. I haven't been here in a while and i don't remember everyone and all that stuff :(

gmku 07.25.2007 11:59 AM

Hmpf. Well. I never!

floatingslowly 07.25.2007 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Laila
i don't remember everyone and all that stuff :(

after all we've been through?

that hurts. hurts to the core of my being.


this board demands that you stop all work and keep up a steady flow of posts. tell Dewey Decimal to take hike.

sellouteater 07.25.2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Hmpf. Well. I never!

HMPF like wtf does thta mean

_slavo_ 07.25.2007 12:08 PM

Laila, we're all glad you're here. We're just joshing with ya.

floatingslowly 07.25.2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
HMPF like wtf does thta mean

as in Lovely Lady HMPFs.

I think GMKU wants you to touch them.

sellouteater 07.25.2007 12:14 PM

what i'm cofused
edit; nvm

floatingslowly 07.25.2007 12:32 PM

mah HMPFs, mah HMPFs, mah lovely lady HMPFs.

come on man, this is pop culture 101.

sellouteater 07.25.2007 12:35 PM


floatingslowly 07.25.2007 12:35 PM


please move to the front of the class.

sellouteater 07.25.2007 12:36 PM

double post

Laila 07.25.2007 12:52 PM

haha wow this board is crazy :)

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.25.2007 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Laila
sorry if i seem rude. I haven't been here in a while and i don't remember everyone and all that stuff :(

Do you remember me?

gmku 07.25.2007 01:10 PM

Could we delete this thread and just start all over?

gmku 07.25.2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater

Ugh. Greasy hair!

sellouteater 07.25.2007 01:13 PM

shes really not even that good looking

gmku 07.25.2007 01:19 PM

I know. The mouth is too big, the nose too severe, and the chin too big. And excuse me--polka dots?!

Inhuman 07.25.2007 01:40 PM

Yeah, people on this board (other than myself, Steve and Joel) seem to have gotten ruder over the past year. Welcome back Laila. I'd leave you a voice mail; however, I don't have a myspace and I don't have your facebook name :(.

Pookie 07.25.2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
You seem... different.

The old Laila said more than "..erm...ok" and "thank you dearie".

Maybe she's working up to a Laila thread to end all Laila threads.

Laila 07.25.2007 01:42 PM

i don't think you need a myspace to do it sweetie
and my last name is VIRANI!!!

Laila 07.25.2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
The old Laila said more than "..erm...ok" and "thank you dearie".

Maybe she's working up to a Laila thread to end all Laila threads.

or maybe i'm not

jon boy 07.25.2007 04:08 PM

i would but fear of social ridicule due to my voice being 'ugly as fuck' as one person put it has put me off.

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