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pbradley 07.31.2007 04:20 PM

Songs you hate on an album you love.
Not a common occurrence, but don't you just hate that one song you can't stand in that otherwise flawless album? I know I do.

Replacement's Black Diamond sounds awful to me and I can't pin point it. The "ooh black diamond" sounds like "holy diver" to me and the whole "out of the streets for a living" sounds like the pseudo-tough guy stuff Guns N Roses would write. Otherwise, I love Let It Be.

Whenever I put on Zen Arcade, I expect continuous awesome and then "Monday Will Never Be The Same" comes on and I'm thoroughly confused. We don't need a slow down piano filler.

I would love Isn't Anything if the weird accidentally hip hop "Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside)" wasn't present. And the "wonk wonk" and the "break down" parts are annoying. But I do laugh when he asks Can I touch you there?

"Rape Me" is almost a total study in repetitive lyrics if it weren't for that middle versus which is nice but not enough. But I love the rest of In Utero.

Pixies' "There Goes My Gun" suffers from the same problem without the help of any verses at all. Friend or foe repeated three times... awesome.

"Bubblegum" makes absolutely no sense tacked onto the otherwise dark EVOL with the CD release. In fact putting anything after the ending to Expressway to Yr. Skull should be a crime. This was a leading reason as to why I didn't fully appreciate the album until I got it on vinyl and it's locked loop goodness.

There, it was nice to get those off my chest.

Savage Clone 07.31.2007 04:21 PM

"Maybe These Boys" is a festering boil on the otherwise perfect "Remote Luxury" by the Church.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.31.2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
"Rape Me" is almost a total study in repetitive lyrics if it weren't for that middle versus which is nice but not enough. But I love the rest of In Utero.

Pixies' "There Goes My Gun" suffers from the same problem without the help of any verses at all. Friend or foe repeated three times... awesome.

"Bubblegum" makes absolutely no sense tacked onto the otherwise dark EVOL with the CD release. In fact putting anything after the ending to Expressway to Yr. Skull should be a crime. This was a leading reason as to why I didn't fully appreciate the album until I got it on vinyl and it's locked loop goodness.

There, it was nice to get those off my chest.

I agree with Bublegum, its the first song that came to mind. But I disagree with Rape me. I think it's a great song. It's kind of like neverminds polly.

k-krack 07.31.2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
"Rape Me" is almost a total study in repetitive lyrics if it weren't for that middle versus which is nice but not enough. But I love the rest of In Utero.

I hesitate to agree, because Rape Me is really boring, especially in comparison to the rest of the album.

My Friend Goo is really cringe-worthy onm the otherwise astounding Goo.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.31.2007 04:47 PM

also true. im not a fan of tunic either.

Glice 07.31.2007 05:39 PM

I like that some bands do terrible tracks. I think it's the non-redemptive aspect of SY that keeps me coming back. Because the first thing I thought when I saw this thread was Sonic Youth. Bless 'em.

SonicSam 07.31.2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
I agree with Bublegum, its the first song that came to mind.

Yeah, it's sounds good on starpower not EVOL. Maybe if they'd put it somewhere not the end it would have been OK.
As for bad songs good albums, Track 5 off spiderland really drags, even though it's the shortest song on the LP!

SonicSam 07.31.2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
also true. im not a fan of tunic either.

Oh man, I love that song!

pbradley 07.31.2007 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by SonicSam
Track 5 off spiderland really drags, even though it's the shortest song on the LP!

I think that's more to the fact that almost nothing happens over the whole five minutes. Seriously, that song is so utterly forgettable that I had to re-listen to figure out what you were referring to.

SynthethicalY 07.31.2007 06:02 PM

Mariah Carey and the... On Sonic Nurse.

pbradley 07.31.2007 06:09 PM

Ah, Kim Gordon & The Arthur Doyle Hand Cream is fucking cool.

hey hey little baby get down, before you fall and hurt someone!

SynthethicalY 07.31.2007 06:10 PM

Well I just think it is out of place, on the whole album, on what could be a great album.

LifeDistortion 07.31.2007 06:18 PM

"We Will Fall" from The Stooges 1st album, guess its them trying to be The Doors but its just goes on and on, and its so repeative.

SonicSam 07.31.2007 06:21 PM

The doors are shit, a band trying to be the doors is even shitter.

Everyneurotic 07.31.2007 06:51 PM

i love bubblegum.

pbradley 07.31.2007 07:32 PM

It's an okay song but it has no logical place on that record.

Danny Himself 07.31.2007 07:38 PM

"Lover I Don't Have to Love" on Bright Eyes' Lifted album sucks ass because of the cheesy string section in the chorus.

Savage Clone 07.31.2007 07:48 PM

"Changes" on Black Sabbath Vol. 4.
Fuck that song in the face with a chainsaw.

Everyneurotic 07.31.2007 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
It's an okay song but it has no logical place on that record.

true, at least they didn't clunk it in between marilyn moore and expressway, you can easily skip it since it's at the end.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
"Changes" on Black Sabbath Vol. 4.
Fuck that song in the face with a chainsaw.


i mean, what the fuck? and this from the guys who brought us "planet caravan"

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 12:46 AM


i actually think slint's for dinner on spiderland is one of their greatest songs.. there's something about the dynamics on that one. listen to it again. wonderful.

anyway, my vote is electioneering by radiohead.

schizophrenicroom 08.01.2007 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
"Lover I Don't Have to Love" on Bright Eyes' Lifted album sucks ass because of the cheesy string section in the chorus.

but it's so hilarious! "i want a lover i don't have to LOOOVE/i want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck".. gold.

never liked "silver" or "no. 13 baby" off doolittle.

Onani Nic 08.01.2007 01:48 AM

Right on about Changes by Black Sabbath.

I actually love The Replacements 'black diamond'. I know it's cheesy though.

SonicSam 08.01.2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

i actually think slint's for dinner on spiderland is one of their greatest songs.. there's something about the dynamics on that one. listen to it again. wonderful.

Trust me I've heard it loads of times. It's weird I know someone who thinks thats their best song. It would be an OK song by a different band, but when you compare to all other slint songs it's a bit crap.

Torn Curtain 08.01.2007 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
anyway, my vote is electioneering by radiohead.

I agree.

Tim Buckley - Carnival song & Knight-errand (on Goodbye & Hello), Moulin rouge (on the otherwise perfect album Starsailor)
Neil Young - Piece of crap (on Sleeps with angels), Are you ready for the country (on Harvest), Come on baby let's go downtown (on Tonight's the night), For the turnstiles (on On the beach), Welfare mothers (on Rust never sleeps)
Joy Division - Isolation (on Closer)
SY - Contre le sexisme (on ATL), Hotwire my heart (on Sister), Plastic sun (on Murray street)
Jimi Hendrix - Little miss strange (on Electric ladyland)
Nick Drake - Know (on Pink moon)

terminal pharmacy 08.01.2007 05:58 AM

little trouble girl - washing machine

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 06:02 AM

panty lies - washing machine

ZEROpumpkins 08.01.2007 06:29 AM

Silver on Doolittle
Pennyroyal Tea on In Utero (An unpopular opinion)
Don, Aman on Spiderland (Drags on much. Even though most songs on Spiderland do, this one just bores me)
Freak Scene on Bug (Just annoys me)
Poledo on Living all over me
Violenza Domestica on Disco Volante
Big Man With a Gun on Downward Spiral
Kissability on DDN
Quest for the Cup on EJSTNS
Perfect Example on New Day Rising
Big Fan of the Pig Pen and Kicker of Elves (Though it is fun to sing along) on Bee Thousand

That's about it for now.

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 06:43 AM

Violenza Domestica?!?!?!?!?!?!

that song is brilliant man.... if anything, I'd vote the bends (which i love, but..) or everyone i went to high school with is dead (opening the best album of all time with the worst song ever written? GENIUS!)

the rest of your picks are pretty agreeable..

ZEROpumpkins 08.01.2007 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Violenza Domestica?!?!?!?!?!?!

that song is brilliant man.... if anything, I'd vote the bends (which i love, but..) or everyone i went to high school with is dead (opening the best album of all time with the worst song ever written? GENIUS!)

the rest of your picks are pretty agreeable..

No way man, I love Everyone I Went to High School is Dead! Probably my second favourite track on the album next to Carry Stress in the Jaw/Secret song. Actually you're right, I dislike the Bends more than Violenza, but I don't really consider it a song rather than a whole bunch of nautical inspired noise. I'd say that Bungle has a huge influence on Scissor Shock's music?

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 06:51 AM

hahahaha. why yes, it has :) disco volante is probably what has inspired scissor shock the most...

my favorite song on that album is ma skeez mo skaws.. however it's spelled.. though carry stress in the jaw is fucking nuts... i didn't realize until recently that he was reading a poem in the middle of the song.. the bass follows every note he sings/reads... INSANE.. that part alone is just something so unbelievable and probably not many people pick up on it because it isn't "INSANE TIME CHANGE SSCREAMING !!!!!!!!!!"...

oh and who could forget merry go bye bye...

fuck, i need to do a classics album post..

ZEROpumpkins 08.01.2007 06:55 AM

Haha I was just listening to Merry Go Bye Bye. That would be my third favourite song on the album, probably tying with Ma Meeshka Mow Skwoz. And does the poem start around 2:20 on Carry Stress in the Jaw?

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 07:03 AM

yes i believe so.


"In the multiplied objects of the external world I had no thoughts
but for the teeth...and of Bernice I more seriously believed that all her
teeth were thoughts...the white and ghastly spectrum of the teeth...
meditations were never pleasureable...the phantasma of the teeth
maintained its terrible ascendency..." (Poe)

ZEROpumpkins 08.01.2007 07:40 AM

Haha that's awesome. Fits in well with the theme of the song.

GrungeMonkey 08.01.2007 09:34 AM

I think there are a lot of Sonic Youth albums this way actually... Panty Lies on Washing Machine, Plastic Sun on Murray Street, the aforementioned Bubblegum on the CD version of EVOL (though without it, the album is just perfect), My Friend Goo on Goo, Contre Le Sexisme on ATL... But the thing is, all of those albums are still amazing, one bad track can't screw up an album.

atari 2600 08.01.2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Not a common occurrence, but don't you just hate that one song you can't stand in that otherwise flawless album? I know I do.

Replacement's Black Diamond sounds awful to me and I can't pin point it. The "ooh black diamond" sounds like "holy diver" to me and the whole "out of the streets for a living" sounds like the pseudo-tough guy stuff Guns N Roses would write. Otherwise, I love Let It Be.

Whenever I put on Zen Arcade, I expect continuous awesome and then "Monday Will Never Be The Same" comes on and I'm thoroughly confused. We don't need a slow down piano filler.

I would love Isn't Anything if the weird accidentally hip hop "Soft As Snow (But Warm Inside)" wasn't present. And the "wonk wonk" and the "break down" parts are annoying. But I do laugh when he asks Can I touch you there?

"Rape Me" is almost a total study in repetitive lyrics if it weren't for that middle versus which is nice but not enough. But I love the rest of In Utero.

Pixies' "There Goes My Gun" suffers from the same problem without the help of any verses at all. Friend or foe repeated three times... awesome.

"Bubblegum" makes absolutely no sense tacked onto the otherwise dark EVOL with the CD release. In fact putting anything after the ending to Expressway to Yr. Skull should be a crime. This was a leading reason as to why I didn't fully appreciate the album until I got it on vinyl and it's locked loop goodness.

There, it was nice to get those off my chest.

Out of all of these albums you mention, the ones I still listen to the most are Evol and The Replacements' Let It Be. You didn't indicate any acknowledgement that "Black Diamond" is a cover. It's a KISS song...a good KISS song, and it's a great cover by The 'Mats.

"Bubblegum" often gets singled-out in this manner; In no way is it so horrible that it deserves such treatment. There's plenty to enjoy about "Bubblegum." And, it's also a cover. It's originally by Kim Fowley and appears on his rather nutty 1968 album, Outrageous. Again, you didn't mention it was a cover in your post.

I very rarely listen to Zen Arcade ("What's Going On" usually) and I listen to the other albums you mentioned even less often.

The whole Isn't Anything? album is decent, but it's also overrated by people into "cool" music. The "Can I touch you there?" musical query you mention is awkward just as you cited. I prefer (hehe) Joan Jett to ask, "Do you wanna touch me there?"

Pixies did a lot of good stuff. They also wrote a bunch of junk too.

"Rape Me" is indeed annoying and In Utero is a good album; you got that one right.

SonicSam 08.01.2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Kissability on DDN

I know someone who thinks this is the best song on DDN when it is clearly the worst.

atari 2600 08.01.2007 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Kissability on DDN


Originally Posted by SonicSam
I know someone who thinks this is the best song on DDN when it is clearly the worst.

"Kissability" is probably best live, but I also like it just fine on the album. There are no bad tracks on Daydream Nation and it's difficult to single out any as "the worst." I can understand, however, that some would relegate "Kissability" or perhaps "Total Trash" to being the weakest. "Providence" also seems to inspire some difference of opinion.

SonicSam 08.01.2007 12:18 PM

Yeah total trash is the 2nd worst. When I say worst though, they are still good songs, but they could have been cut out the final mix.

pbradley 08.01.2007 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Pennyroyal Tea on In Utero (An unpopular opinion)

I sort of agree. I always thought that song was stronger as acoustic. The version on With The Lights Out is amazingly personal. They really should have swapped the album version for that.

Originally Posted by atari 2600
Out of all of these albums you mention, the ones I still listen to the most are Evol and The Replacements' Let It Be. You didn't indicate any acknowledgement that "Black Diamond" is a cover. It's a KISS song...a good KISS song, and it's a great cover by The 'Mats.

"Bubblegum" often gets singled-out in this manner; In no way is it so horrible that it deserves such treatment. There's plenty to enjoy about "Bubblegum." And, it's also a cover. It's originally by Kim Fowley and appears on his rather nutty 1968 album, Outrageous. Again, you didn't mention it was a cover in your post.

I wasn't even aware that Black Diamond was a cover. Huh. Anyways I don't listen to KISS so that really explains that then.

As for Bubblegum, I know it's a single and a decent single in it's own right but it really throws off the atmosphere of the really dark/surreal EVOL. Expressway to Yr. Skull ends on such an excellent conclusion of all the other tunes. As I stated elsewhere in this thread, Bubblegum just doesn't belong the album (not to say it's a shit song).

atsonicpark 08.01.2007 03:51 PM

Just wanted to say that I hate the filler on zen arcade...

Also, it's funny that all the "bad sonic youth songs" are kim songs... :)

and I think isn't anything is far and away the best thing my bloody valentine ever did.. loveless has the filler (like 2 sub grunge slow plodders in the middle). Just my opinion.

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