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ricechex 08.09.2007 05:44 PM

Jason Bourne, the Bourne Ultimatum
Just saw the new Jason Bourne flick. Anybody see it yet? I thought it was good overall, with a good ending, but one thing bothered me. So much camera movement during the real intense chase/fight scenes. I know that's the trend in action flicks, but sometimes you just can't tell what the hell's going on b/c you only get quick glimpses of things when the camera is shaking for effect so much..

!@#$%! 08.09.2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by ricechex
Just saw the new Jason Bourne flick. Anybody see it yet?

why? is there a compelling reason to waste $10 on crap?

don't get me wrong, i think funny ears can act-- just check out the talented mr. ripley for an illustration-- but aren't these "sequels" of "franchises" so very predictably boring it's laughable people still fall for them? but really...

SynthethicalY 08.09.2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
why? is there a compelling reason to waste $10 on crap?

don't get me wrong, i think funny ears can act-- just check out the talented mr. ripley for an illustration-- but aren't these "sequels" of "franchises" so very predictably boring it's laughable people still fall for them? but really...

Oh I like mindless movies as well. Not everything has to be serious.

Edit-will go see it after I get off school.

Danny Himself 08.09.2007 06:22 PM


ricechex 08.09.2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
why? is there a compelling reason to waste $10 on crap?

don't get me wrong, i think funny ears can act-- just check out the talented mr. ripley for an illustration-- but aren't these "sequels" of "franchises" so very predictably boring it's laughable people still fall for them? but really...

$10? U gotta go to the matinees, friend. Anyways,Matt Damon surprises me. He's an average guy... like me and my friends, but he'll break your back if he has to. There's no flash ala Bond with Bourne, only substance.

luxinterior 08.09.2007 07:45 PM

I paid $4 to see the movie today at noon. I agree, that with the exception of that godawful shaky cam, it was very, very good. I wasn't expecting much after Supremacy, because it was a step down from the first one, but Ultimatum is on par with the first, if not better.

luxinterior 08.09.2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
why? is there a compelling reason to waste $10 on crap?

don't get me wrong, i think funny ears can act-- just check out the talented mr. ripley for an illustration-- but aren't these "sequels" of "franchises" so very predictably boring it's laughable people still fall for them? but really...

Two words: Negative Nancy.

!@#$%! 08.09.2007 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Oh I like mindless movies as well. Not everything has to be serious.

Edit-will go see it after I get off school.

fucking a. i can watch borat forever.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Two words: Negative Nancy.

is that a hairy pothead character? i don't read that crap either.

SynthethicalY 08.09.2007 08:03 PM

I think that is an evil character from the Nancy Drew collection.

luxinterior 08.09.2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
is that a hairy pothead character? i don't read that crap either.

If you don't read it and you know next to nothing about it, how can you say for certain that it is crap?

At least when I form opinions on things, I try to acquaint myself with those things first. I will admit to being skeptical about the Bourne trilogy, because I didn't expect anything other than your standard Hollywood action movie. But as it turns out, it's more than just Spider-man minus the superheroes. SHOCKER. Hollywood can do some things right every now and then, or are you just that determined to hate everything they come up with now?

All I'm trying to say is that every opinion you've shared in this thread so far is worthless, because they are based on nothing.

!@#$%! 08.09.2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
If you don't read it and you know next to nothing about it, how can you say for certain that it is crap?

At least when I form opinions on things, I try to acquaint myself with those things first. I will admit to being skeptical about the Bourne trilogy, because I didn't expect anything other than your standard Hollywood action movie. But as it turns out, it's more than just Spider-man minus the superheroes. SHOCKER. Hollywood can do some things right every now and then, or are you just that determined to hate everything they come up with now?

All I'm trying to say is that every opinion you've shared in this thread so far is worthless, because they are based on nothing.

Dear Luxy,

I like you. Don't provoke me. :p



floatingslowly 08.09.2007 09:09 PM

Dear Megatron,

Eat a bag of cruciatus.

Fuck, fuck and more fuck,

Dumbledore's Army


!@#$%! 08.09.2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Dear Megatron,

Eat a bag of cruciatus.

Fuck, fuck and more fuck,

Dumbledore's Army


oh, i'd fight you and hurl insults without remorse, except that you'd start making creepy homoerotic advances and offering your mother for sex-- so i'll have to pass!

eat your own cruciatus and have a nice weekend.

( i will still have to wash myself with formaldehyde, just for having replied to you. i do fear contagion!)


luxinterior 08.09.2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
Dear Luxy,

I like you. Don't provoke me. :p



Oh come on, you can do better than that.

floatingslowly 08.10.2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, i'd fight you and hurl insults without remorse,


you really think you could penetrate my defensive barrier?


take it to the dancefloor.


Originally Posted by !%$#@!
except that you'd start making creepy homoerotic advances

you smell like fear.

show me where the scarey clown touched you.


Originally Posted by !%$#@@#$%!
and offering your mother for sex--


nothing is free.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so i'll have to pass!

the REAL megatron wouldn't be quite so squeamish.


Originally Posted by !@F#U$C%K!
eat your own cruciatus

just finished!


Originally Posted by !@!
and have a nice weekend.

I'll try! 11 years marriage on saturday.


Originally Posted by !!@@##$$%%!!
( i will still have to wash myself with formaldehyde, just for having replied to you. i do fear contagion!)

good call.

!@#$%! 08.10.2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by flirtingslowly
you really think you could penetrate my defensive barrier?

take it to the dancefloor.

i wouln't want to penetrate *anything* of you. stop flirting, it's vomitory.


Originally Posted by fartingslowly
you smell like fear.

of course. only imbeciles are immune to fear.


Originally Posted by thinkingslowly

nothing is free.

that's quite cheap, but no insurance company would cover the risk of that. she's all yours.


Originally Posted by floatinginouterspace
the REAL megatron wouldn't be quite so squeamish.

megatron was a mere nom de plume used for a single post. don't confuse metaphor with reality, and remember to take your haldol!


Originally Posted by frettingslowly
I'll try! 11 years marriage on saturday.

i pity the poor woman. how much paxil does she require on a daily basis? please give her my heartfelt condolences. tell her i admire her courage, it's unthinkable what she goes through to protect her child.


Originally Posted by floatinghomie
good call.



adios sen~or. happy anniversary, etc. i mean that.

!@#$%! 08.10.2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Oh come on, you can do better than that.

of course i can sweetie. that's why i'm taking the day off today; and while people here keep discussing the latest blockbuster tripe i'm going to go see KILLER OF SHEEP, just released in a fresh new print.

oh yeah.

then i'm going to spend the rest of the weekend in a film festival and stay clear of this thread, and possibly the board as a whole. how's that for a truly olympian move?

the best revenge is watching good movies, etc.

floatingslowly 08.10.2007 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
then i'm going to spend the rest of the weekend in a film festival and stay clear of this thread, and possibly the board as a whole.


luxinterior 08.10.2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course i can sweetie. that's why i'm taking the day off today; and while people here keep discussing the latest blockbuster tripe i'm going to go see KILLER OF SHEEP, just released in a fresh new print.

You know what I meant by that--I don't care if you think these movies/books are "tripe," but at least WATCH/READ them first. You're acting just as retarded as every other asshole who decides what sort of movies (or whatever) they're going to like before they even see them. NO ONE CARES what movie you're planning on seeing if all you're going to do is brag about how much better it is than whatever we're discussing in this thread. Why don't you realize how stupid you're being? I normally like you, which is why it frustrates me when you act like such a narrow-minded dumbass.

luxinterior 08.10.2007 11:24 PM

Also, I feel insulted that you don't have the balls to write a decent argument, as if our previous correspondence on this board dictates that all future discussions should not involve any disagreements between the two of us, no matter what stupid-ass things you decide to say.

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Negative Nancy [...]
All I'm trying to say is that every opinion you've shared in this thread so far is worthless, because they are based on nothing. [...] You're acting just as retarded as every other asshole who [...] Why don't you realize how stupid you're being? [...] you act like such a narrow-minded dumbass. [...] you don't have the balls to write a decent argument, [...] no matter what stupid-ass things you decide to say.

see, i have no problem with disagreements, and i have them often, and i enjoy being exposed to new points of view, but if your idea of an "argument" is to address people in this way, i want no part in it, because i'd have to start calling you names in return. not that i have a problem dishing out the crap in this board (i obviously don't), but i tend to treat people i "know" (more or less, it turns out) and a bit different than that: i like to give them some measure of respect and consideration by default.

take cheeto-- he and i disagree often in matters of taste, yet i like and respect him, and while i can counter his agruments, i have never called him a stupid, dumbass, or given him girl names (porkie calls him roberta, but that's a different story). then there's schizophrenicroom, whom i adore, and she happens to like bright eyes-- a band i positively detest-- she and i often laugh about this. i probably dont agree with 50% or more of what synthetically says on this board, but he and i have this ongoing conversation whereby i see him and threat him as a person rather than some anonymous entity that gives me an excuse to rant. i could go on & on but i don't want to start namechecking people.

i would have been happy to discuss why i am not interested in the bourne movie (i've seen 2 already, i don't need dessert), but where i refuse to "argue" is when people take this shit personally. and while i don't mind dishing out insults to anonymous strangers on the internet, there are people i treat differently. unless of course they exhaust my patience, which has been known to happen

so the "don't provoke me" was directed at your unpleasant way of addressing me rather than the ideas you had so skillfully buried there. notice that i haven't called you names so far, and i'm already past the point of "don't provoke me", because you obviously have done that, but rather than trash you in return for your kind words i'm going to leave you here dishing out insults at the atmosphere, or whoever choses to engage you. i'll just say it's been quite a disappointment. have a nice fucking day.

floatingslowly 08.13.2007 09:50 AM

[insert random (creepy) homoerotic statement here]

am I going to have to separate you two???

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
[insert random (creepy) homoerotic statement here]

am I going to have to separate you two???

tit, don't get in the middle.

your "made you look" was funny though. i forgot to say!

and im out of rep at the moment.

floatingslowly 08.13.2007 10:15 AM

I'm not getting in the middle! I totally think Hairy Pooter rocks!!!

you just post so rarely these days, I need to seize the opportunity to antagonize you while I can. :(

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm not getting in the middle! I totally think Hairy Pooter rocks!!!

you just post so rarely these days, I need to seize the opportunity to antagonize you while I can. :(

ha ha. it's that damn "work" thing, gets in the way of my internet posting.

here's something we can do-- next time we go by oklaheehaw we'll stop by to have a beer and we can antagonize in person-- but no creepy stuff please-- i'll run away quickly at worst, but ms. !@#$%! would claw out your eyes. did you know the word "navajo" is derived from "knife/blade"?

floatingslowly 08.13.2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but no creepy stuff please-- i'll run away quickly at worst

please note: any such homosechsual advances you may perceive are the result of my strong desire to make people feel as uncomfortable as possible by using a minimal amount of effort. fair game.

as far as beer goes, you will need to let me know in advance. GOOD beer must be purchased at a liquor store (I won't drink the 3.2 swill) and cooled down for a few days in the fridge (or we can go to the gay bar [no really, they have the best music]).

the sad thing is.....I'm not near as creepy and hostile in real life. :(


I might ruin my e-image by coming across as "normal". you tell anyone about this, and you might get navajoed.

PS: the wife is choctaw. them are peesful injuns.

luxinterior 08.13.2007 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior

see, i have no problem with disagreements, and i have them often, and i enjoy being exposed to new points of view, but if your idea of an "argument" is to address people in this way, i want no part in it, because i'd have to start calling you names in return. not that i have a problem dishing out the crap in this board (i obviously don't), but i tend to treat people i "know" (more or less, it turns out) and a bit different than that: i like to give them some measure of respect and consideration by default.

take cheeto-- he and i disagree often in matters of taste, yet i like and respect him, and while i can counter his agruments, i have never called him a stupid, dumbass, or given him girl names (porkie calls him roberta, but that's a different story). then there's schizophrenicroom, whom i adore, and she happens to like bright eyes-- a band i positively detest-- she and i often laugh about this. i probably dont agree with 50% or more of what synthetically says on this board, but he and i have this ongoing conversation whereby i see him and threat him as a person rather than some anonymous entity that gives me an excuse to rant. i could go on & on but i don't want to start namechecking people.

i would have been happy to discuss why i am not interested in the bourne movie (i've seen 2 already, i don't need dessert), but where i refuse to "argue" is when people take this shit personally. and while i don't mind dishing out insults to anonymous strangers on the internet, there are people i treat differently. unless of course they exhaust my patience, which has been known to happen

so the "don't provoke me" was directed at your unpleasant way of addressing me rather than the ideas you had so skillfully buried there. notice that i haven't called you names so far, and i'm already past the point of "don't provoke me", because you obviously have done that, but rather than trash you in return for your kind words i'm going to leave you here dishing out insults at the atmosphere, or whoever choses to engage you. i'll just say it's been quite a disappointment. have a nice fucking day.

First, notice that I never actually said, "You are a dumbass, you are a retard," etc; I took extra special care not to do that. Rather, what I was attempting to get across, was that your baseless opinions were those more commonly held by a dumbass, retard, and so on, which I regard as being out of character for you. That is why it disappoints me to hear you say things that I think are ignorant. In this case, I think you're being ignorant by sharing opinions on books and movies that you've never read or seen before. If I wanted to bring name-calling into this argument, I could have chosen worse things to say. But I'm not going to kiss your ass either and apologize for saying that you're acting retarded, because I still think you really were being retarded. I absolutely cannot stand to see you, or anyone else, acting that self-righteous. It's disgusting.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 08.13.2007 03:28 PM

!@#$%!: how can you say it sucks without watching it?

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
First, notice that I never actually said, "You are a dumbass, you are a retard," etc; I took extra special care not to do that.

sure we can get a lawyer to analyze your text, but i think the tone is sufficient for me anyway.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Rather, what I was attempting to get across, was that your baseless opinions were those more commonly held by a dumbass, retard, and so on, which I regard as being out of character for you.

my expectations were based on heuristics-- the repetition & exhaustion of summer blockbuster crap has prejudiced me negatively. it's a rule of thumb. everyone has rules of thumb, because we can't experiment everything. no need to rant about the rules of thumb i pick to live my life.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
That is why it disappoints me to hear you say things that I think are ignorant. In this case, I think you're being ignorant by sharing opinions on books and movies that you've never read or seen before.

well i've attempted to read j.k. rawlings. i don't claim that her stories are boring or uninterestig, i simply can't stand her prose, which is indigestible to me. my 7-year old nephew however loves it and i applaud him for that.

about the movie, i've explained my rule of thumb-- i knew nothing in advance of this film except my rule of thumb. did it miss the mark? perhaps. did this make me a dumbass retard? i dont think so. in your eyes maybe, sure. but i don't have to share your view of the world.

everybody makes mistakes, and if everyone who makes mistakes is going to be a dumbass retard then we all are.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
If I wanted to bring name-calling into this argument, I could have chosen worse things to say.

oh, how gracious of you. your words were so kind i must thank you for them.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
But I'm not going to kiss your ass either and apologize for saying that you're acting retarded, because I still think you really were being retarded.

did i ask that you kiss my ass? maybe you have issues, but please don't work them out with me.

and if i was being "retarded" the, you're being socially retarded now or wanting to shit on me for some stupid shit. yes. stupid shit. for this behavior i should call you a dumbass retard then. oh but i'll carefully compose my sentences so i don't "really" say it. would you like that?

on that note, what the fuck do you do when you make a mistake? you lock yourself in your basement and give yourself lashes? i shudder to think what your inner dialogue sounds like.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I absolutely cannot stand to see you, or anyone else, acting that self-righteous. It's disgusting.

looked much at the mirror lately? maybe it's the part of yourself you like the least-- but really, find somebody else to be your punching bag.


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
!@#$%!: how can you say it sucks without watching it?

you're missing the point. i can say whatever the fuck i want. i simply expect people i consider "friendly" to retort in a friendly manner when they want to point out i may be talking out of my ass. which i do often and can laugh about. my refusal to discuss this had little to do with my correct or incorrect expectations of summer blockbusters, and everything to do with what i perceived as luxinterior's unwarranted hostility towards me. if that's how she thinks i deserve to be treated, she act in whatever way she wants-- but i don't have to put up with it, do i?

luxinterior 08.13.2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure we can get a lawyer to analyze your text, but i think the tone is sufficient for me anyway.

my expectations were based on heuristics-- the repetition & exhaustion of summer blockbuster crap has prejudiced me negatively. it's a rule of thumb. everyone has rules of thumb, because we can't experiment everything. no need to rant about the rules of thumb i pick to live my life.

well i've attempted to read j.k. rawlings. i don't claim that her stories are boring or uninterestig, i simply can't stand her prose, which is indigestible to me. my 7-year old nephew however loves it and i applaud him for that.

about the movie, i've explained my rule of thumb-- i knew nothing in advance of this film except my rule of thumb. did it miss the mark? perhaps. did this make me a dumbass retard? i dont think so. in your eyes maybe, sure. but i don't have to share your view of the world.

everybody makes mistakes, and if everyone who makes mistakes is going to be a dumbass retard then we all are.

oh, how gracious of you. your words were so kind i must thank you for them.

did i ask that you kiss my ass? maybe you have issues, but please don't work them out with me.

and if i was being "retarded" the, you're being socially retarded now or wanting to shit on me for some stupid shit. yes. stupid shit. for this behavior i should call you a dumbass retard then. oh but i'll carefully compose my sentences so i don't "really" say it. would you like that?

on that note, what the fuck do you do when you make a mistake? you lock yourself in your basement and give yourself lashes? i shudder to think what your inner dialogue sounds like.

looked much at the mirror lately? maybe it's the part of yourself you like the least-- but really, find somebody else to be your punching bag.

you're missing the point. i can say whatever the fuck i want. i simply expect people i consider "friendly" to retort in a friendly manner when they want to point out i may be talking out of my ass. which i do often and can laugh about. my refusal to discuss this had little to do with my correct or incorrect expectations of summer blockbusters, and everything to do with what i perceived as luxinterior's unwarranted hostility towards me. if that's how she thinks i deserve to be treated, she act in whatever way she wants-- but i don't have to put up with it, do i?

I think you're missing my point, which is that I shouldn't have to change my reaction to what you wrote just because you happened to be the one writing it. It's not as if I'm going to carry some sort of grudge against you from now on. I mean, this is a pretty minor issue in the scheme of things. But I'm also not going to play nice when I don't feel like playing nice, just because I'm usually friendly with you. I feel like you're guilt-tripping me when I don't think my original reply was nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. Obviously I don't think you're a retard, but I also think that kind of goes without saying. I've said much worse to various people on the board and I don't think they took it as seriously as you are now. Outside of their individual threads it was all pretty much forgotten. For instance, I would say that I am on remarkable terms with swa(y) even though I can recall a few instances in which we've really torn into one another, for what I can't even remember. In your case, yes, I could have been nicer, and maybe I should have been nicer for a number of reasons, but to me a disagreement is a disagreement, no matter who it's with, and what you said ticked me off. I still disagree with you, even after the explanations (which I don't fully understand). So you can say whatever the fuck you want, but I can't? That's what it comes down to, really. I think I'm usually easy-going, and I have a decent enough inner censor, but even I get sick of playing that. And of course now you're projecting everything I said about you back onto me, as if I'm in some way confused. I'm not confused. This whole thing has been about your opinions (which I would have just ignored if they hadn't been unsupported, because I have plenty of friends who dislike certain books that I like and who would never want to sit through most of the movies I enjoy, and I couldn't care less about it). It was the way in which you gave your opinion that offended me, not the opinions themselves.

truncated 08.13.2007 07:31 PM

Some random commentary:


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Dear Megatron,

Eat a bag of cruciatus.

Fuck, fuck and more fuck,

Dumbledore's Army


I laughed like a fucking loon at this.

The Bourne Supremacy was only redeemed by Franka Potente, on whom I have an inexplicable crush.

I'm sure !@#$%! said some clever things, but they were verbose, and due to my crippled attention span, I forgot most of them.

I have a crush on luxinterior as well, so in addition to her being freakishly perceptive and nearly always correct in her observations, I side with her categorically, regardless of what she says.

luxinterior 08.13.2007 07:31 PM

As for the "friendly" issue: I am going to continue being friendly with you. It was not my intention to be unfriendly to the point of no return. I would not have wasted all of this time writing if I didn't give a crap about you in the first place. Maybe I've grown too accustomed to fighting with my own friends and family and that doesn't translate well on here, or something. I always make up with those people. All of those incidents are isolated and have no effect on how we go about our lives from day to day. And, so far, that is how things have been on this board, too. If that doesn't work with you then I apologize for being a hateful bitch.

truncated 08.13.2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
If that doesn't work with you then I apologize for being a hateful bitch.

That is the only statement of yours I take issue with.

luxinterior 08.13.2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by truncated

The Bourne Supremacy was only redeemed by Franka Potente, on whom I have an inexplicable crush.

I agree with you on this: I did not much care for the second movie. Her absence definitely had an impact on that. I was not expecting to enjoy Ultimatum as much as I did for that reason alone.

luxinterior 08.13.2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
That is the only statement of yours I take issue with.

I thought it needed a little dramatic flair.

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I think you're missing my point, which is that I shouldn't have to change my reaction to what you wrote just because you happened to be the one writing it. It's not as if I'm going to carry some sort of grudge against you from now on. I mean, this is a pretty minor issue in the scheme of things. But I'm also not going to play nice when I don't feel like playing nice, just because I'm usually friendly with you. I feel like you're guilt-tripping me when I don't think my original reply was nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. Obviously I don't think you're a retard, but I also think that kind of goes without saying. I've said much worse to various people on the board and I don't think they took it as seriously as you are now. Outside of their individual threads it was all pretty much forgotten. For instance, I would say that I am on remarkable terms with swa(y) even though I can recall a few instances in which we've really torn into one another, for what I can't even remember. In your case, yes, I could have been nicer, and maybe I should have been nicer for a number of reasons, but to me a disagreement is a disagreement, no matter who it's with, and what you said ticked me off. I still disagree with you, even after the explanations (which I don't fully understand). So you can say whatever the fuck you want, but I can't? That's what it comes down to, really. I think I'm usually easy-going, and I have a decent enough inner censor, but even I get sick of playing that. And of course now you're projecting everything I said about you back onto me, as if I'm in some way confused. I'm not confused. This whole thing has been about your opinions (which I would have just ignored if they hadn't been unsupported, because I have plenty of friends who dislike certain books that I like and who would never want to sit through most of the movies I enjoy, and I couldn't care less about it). It was the way in which you gave your opinion that offended me, not the opinions themselves.

see, if this continues i'm going to start laughing uncontrollably and i won't be able to stay mad at you.

i'm not sway. i don't like to be talked to that way. i dont mind if you disagree with me all you want-- actually i enjoy a bit of a disagreement, it's tasty.

so you didn't like how expressed my opinions, but did you feel offended? i wasn't shitting on you. i didn't say "hey you dumbass and your dumbass movie". i called a movie crap. based on expectations sure. shit, you weren't even in the thread when i posted.

and of course you could have been nicer to me. i don't like to be treated like i grew up among donkeys, for fucks sakes. i may have been an ass to some movie you like (i'll send a card to the director), but you were an ass to me. ASS. :p

im not saying you're confused, but for fucks sakes, when did i ever talk to you the way you did to me? (ok-- in this thread-- but you asked for it). for real, wtf? disagree with me all you want, and if what i say really bugs you let me know, but lashing out like that is not cool.

but really luxes, i am in spite of my hardcore exterior quite sensitive when it comes to people i consider friends, even if it's just online. sure you have said worse to people, and i have said worse to *a lot* of people, but some people for me get a free pass or something. i have been nothing but nice to you even when i think you dont know what you're mumbling about (which is rare, but it happens). so because of this "equal treatment", you huyt my feewings, you inconsiderate ass.

ok, im laughing at this point. can we be nice to each other again, or should we continue with the nonsense? really, i'd like to like you again and forget your temporary case of the rabies. if you can correspondingly forget my alzehemers it will all be well.


!@#$%! 08.13.2007 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
If that doesn't work with you then I apologize for being a hateful bitch.

ha ha-- apology accepted.

im sorry i was a pretentious twat as well-- but in my case it's genetic-- can i be excused just a little? :D

truncated 08.13.2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha-- apology accepted.

im sorry i was a pretentious twat as well-- but in my case it's genetic-- can i be excused just a little? :D

If you stop using those GODDAMNED SMILEYS.

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
If you stop using those GODDAMNED SMILEYS.

hm no. it irritates you and it irritates clone, and how could i pass that opportunity?


btw this whole thing reminded me of some *cough* translation discussion we had some time ago. did i apologize for being an ass? oh an ass. anyway, here it is again if it's not way too late. soweee???

luxinterior 08.13.2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
see, if this continues i'm going to start laughing uncontrollably and i won't be able to stay mad at you.

i'm not sway. i don't like to be talked to that way. i dont mind if you disagree with me all you want-- actually i enjoy a bit of a disagreement, it's tasty.

so you didn't like how expressed my opinions, but did you feel offended? i wasn't shitting on you. i didn't say "hey you dumbass and your dumbass movie". i called a movie crap. based on expectations sure. shit, you weren't even in the thread when i posted.

and of course you could have been nicer to me. i don't like to be treated like i grew up among donkeys, for fucks sakes. i may have been an ass to some movie you like (i'll send a card to the director), but you were an ass to me. ASS. :p

im not saying you're confused, but for fucks sakes, when did i ever talk to you the way you did to me? (ok-- in this thread-- but you asked for it). for real, wtf? disagree with me all you want, and if what i say really bugs you let me know, but lashing out like that is not cool.

but really luxes, i am in spite of my hardcore exterior quite sensitive when it comes to people i consider friends, even if it's just online. sure you have said worse to people, and i have said worse to *a lot* of people, but some people for me get a free pass or something. i have been nothing but nice to you even when i think you dont know what you're mumbling about (which is rare, but it happens). so because of this "equal treatment", you huyt my feewings, you inconsiderate ass.

ok, im laughing at this point. can we be nice to each other again, or should we continue with the nonsense? really, i'd like to like you again and forget your temporary case of the rabies. if you can correspondingly forget my alzehemers it will all be well.


I don't have rabies. That is the way I act when I am angry and whenever I feel like acting that way. I really have to motivate myself to be nice on here. As long as you can understand that, I've got no problems. In all honesty I don't feel as offended when people call me retard as I do by the sort of things you said, so it is difficult for me when you claim the opposite (is that what you are doing?) Maybe "offended" isn't the right word because I suppose I could have ignored it and went on my way, but I also don't want to start using phrases like "you ruffled my feathers" either.

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