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total-trash 08.09.2007 10:41 PM

recommend me a book.
i need to read a few books over the rest of the summer. any suggestions for a good quick read?

SynthethicalY 08.09.2007 11:21 PM

What type are you looking for?

total-trash 08.09.2007 11:30 PM

fiction. maybe 60s 70s era.

SynthethicalY 08.09.2007 11:36 PM

Cuckoo's Nest was pretty good.
Do some Vonnegut. I liked Cat's Cradle
Umm I know no more. My mind is tired.

total-trash 08.09.2007 11:42 PM

i have already read those. but thanks anyways

SynthethicalY 08.09.2007 11:49 PM

Valley of the Dolls- I've heard is good.
In Cold Blood- Capote
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath(Higly Recomended)

total-trash 08.09.2007 11:50 PM

thankyou thankyou

Dead-Air 08.10.2007 12:11 AM

Try Now Wait For Last Year by Phillip K Dick. It's science fiction that came out around that timeframe, but if you like mind-alter(ed)(ing) books about drugs, it's hard to beat. First Dick book I read, and still my favorite even over Valis.

SynthethicalY 08.10.2007 12:13 AM

Dead-Air, I've been meaning to get into P.K.D. any suggestions on where I should start?

Dead-Air 08.10.2007 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dead-Air, I've been meaning to get into P.K.D. any suggestions on where I should start?

Heh. See above. Seriously, Now Wait for Last Year is brilliant.

Valis is considered by many his masterwork, but I would start with a few easier reads (not that you couldn't handle it, just that it pays to get to know him first.) Keep in mind that he wrote a lot of books on speed to pay the bills, so he reused a few plots at times. Still though many of those books are flawed, they still have great paranoid bits of altered reality making them worthwhile.

His other most critically acclaimed book is The Man in the High Castle, which is a more "traditional" read. It's an alternate history where we lost WWII, which was a lot more of an original idea when he wrote the book than it might seem today.

I've actually never read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, out of fear Bladerunner might ruin it for me. Still, it's supposed to be quite good.

Ubik is another good weird, druggy, SF book about the nature of consciousness.

k-krack 08.10.2007 12:50 AM

D-A, I've not seen Blade Runner, but Androids is one of my favourite books of all-time. I never tire of 'pimping' it haha.

Pookie 08.10.2007 12:53 AM

Actually 1959 I think, but a must read anyway:

Silent Dan Speaks 08.10.2007 01:12 AM

Try some Thomas Pynchon. He's pretty great.

atsonicpark 08.10.2007 01:16 AM

Well.. it's probably trendy, but one of my all time favorite books is the Nova Express.. simultaneously hilarious and frightening, I think it's Burroughs's best work.. he takes me to a whole new world with it... it's amazing.. it's really short but infinitely readable with new feelings and textures expressed every time you read it.. depending on my mood, it feels like a completely different book every time.. yeah..

Laila 08.10.2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by total-trash
i need to read a few books over the rest of the summer. any suggestions for a good quick read?

the professor and the madman.....DO IT!!!!

demonrail666 08.10.2007 09:26 AM

Richard Brautigan's The Abortion.

gast30 08.11.2007 03:36 AM

'siddarta' by herman hess for a quick read

drrrtyboots 08.11.2007 08:45 AM


My favorite read this year by far.

total-trash 08.12.2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath(Higly Recomended)

so i took your advice and read this over the weekend. i really did enjoy it. the way her insanity is so casually described sort of justifies it.

anyways i'm working towards reading some of everyone's recommendations. they all seem fantastic.

SynthethicalY 08.12.2007 11:14 PM

Yes it was really well written. I am thinking of buying a book of short stories of hers that I saw recently on the bookstore.

total-trash 08.12.2007 11:24 PM

do it! then tell me about it and convince me to read it

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:34 PM

more book recommendations, please?!

SynthethicalY 09.28.2007 02:35 PM

What are you looking for?

alyasa 09.28.2007 02:36 PM

"An hour later they were on the road. He pushed the cart and both he and the boy carried knapsacks. In the knapsacks were essential things. In case they had to abandon the cart and make a run for it. Clamped to the handle of the cart was a chrome motorcycle mirror that he used to watch the road behind them. He shifted the pack higher on his shoulders and looked out over the wasted country. The road was empty. Below in the little valley the still gray serpentine of a river. Motionless and precise. Along the shore a burden of dead reeds. Are you okay? he said. The boy nodded. Then they set out along the blacktop in the gunmetal light, shuffling through the ash, each the other's world entire."

Excerpt from Cormac McCarthy's The Road.

read if you are a fan of post apocalyptic fiction, horror and humanity.

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:37 PM

not sci-fi. and don't give me something that reads like subculture cliche (i.e. tom robbins)

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:37 PM

Trainspotting. Not 60's 70's but I can't recommend it enough then after you've read that read the sequel 'Porno'. Do it. Do it now.

SynthethicalY 09.28.2007 02:39 PM

Try Other Voices Other Rooms By Capote.
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee.
The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall, (although it might fall a little bit into sci-fi but not much.)

That is all I can think right now.

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:41 PM

Ignore this guy above

The book is a dollar TO BUY


Actually, if you haven't to kill a mockingbird then read that too.

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa

read if you are a fan of post apocalyptic fiction, horror

i'm unfortunately not.

really... trainspotting is good? i wasn't a big fan of the movie...and it's always weird to read a book post-movie. maybe?

capote is a good idea. i've never read any.

alyasa 09.28.2007 02:41 PM


This had me laughing through my cigarette-induced coughing fits...
by Christopher Buckley...

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Ignore this guy above

Actually, if you haven't to kill a mockingbird then read that too.

i know it's unamerican, but i never liked it. i had to read it a few times in high school. maybe i never enjoyed it because it was a forced read?

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
i'm unfortunately not.

really... trainspotting is good? i wasn't a big fan of the movie...and it's always weird to read a book post-movie. maybe?

capote is a good idea. i've never read any.

Trust me, the book is soooo much better than the film. I saw the film before hand too but it doesn;t spoil it. Watch out though, it's in dialect but once you've get used to it then you'll love it.

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
i know it's unamerican, but i never liked it. i had to read it a few times in high school. maybe i never enjoyed it because it was a forced read?

Yeah I think if it's a forced read then you enjoy it a hell of a lot less. Take Shakespeare for example. Everybody hates him at school, but if you read it on you're own accord then you learn to appreciate his use of language and stuff. Sorry if that reads really snobby.

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Trust me, the book is soooo much better than the film. I saw the film before hand too but it doesn;t spoil it. Watch out though, it's in dialect but once you've get used to it then you'll love it.

books are generally soooo much better than the films. thank you very much for the recommendation!!

girlgun 09.28.2007 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Yeah I think if it's a forced read then you enjoy it a hell of a lot less. Take Shakespeare for example. Everybody hates him at school, but if you read it on you're own accord then you learn to appreciate his use of language and stuff. Sorry if that reads really snobby.

but i loved a lot of the other forced reads: of mice and men... scarlet letter... crucible... and even shakespeare. something about mockingbird... i dunno.

SynthethicalY 09.28.2007 02:47 PM

I found mice of men a bore actually.

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:48 PM

No problem and when (not if) you get through it tell me if you enjoyed it or not.

And to sell it even more have a gander


alyasa 09.28.2007 02:50 PM

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


girlgun 09.28.2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
I found mice of men a bore actually.

wow... i always liked it.

i just finished a secret history. anyone read that?

h8kurdt 09.28.2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
but i loved a lot of the other forced reads: of mice and men... scarlet letter... crucible... and even shakespeare. something about mockingbird... i dunno.

Hmm I guess it just wasn't something you enjoyed. I was the same with Lord of the Flies for me. It was alright I guess.

Hey SynthethicalY, have you read grapes of wrath? If so what did you think?

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