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Thurston Hunger 05.05.2006 04:11 PM

Are SY the most musically knowledgable band ever?
I always enjoy Sonic Youth interviews because they love, listen to and know about music. Are they the most musically knowledgable band ever?

Any idea of their current favourite sounds?

schizophrenicroom 05.05.2006 04:13 PM

Eh. They know a lot of obscure and underground stuff, though.

FruitLoop 05.05.2006 04:19 PM

To a certain extent, yes. But I wonder what their knowledge of the current bluegrass scene is?

m^a(t)h 05.05.2006 04:26 PM

No. They may know about all the cool bands, but theres a lot more to music than that....

Magic Wheel Memory 05.05.2006 04:52 PM

They may not be the most knowledgable, but they know about a lot more than just the "cool" bands. I'd say they're pretty well-versed in pop, based on interviews, etc.

atsonicpark 05.06.2006 01:42 AM

Not really at all.

Everyneurotic 05.06.2006 02:14 AM

sonic youth rocks!!!

sonic life!!!

best band ever!!!

fishmonkey 05.06.2006 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
sonic youth rocks!!!

sonic life!!!

best band ever!!!

yeah! defo, they do man, they know it ALL!!! anything they dont know is'nt worth knowing

Hip Priest 05.06.2006 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Thurston Hunger
...Sonic Youth...Any idea of their current favourite sounds?

Thurston recently said that he doesn't listen to much conventional music now - he said he's just into the noise artists like Leslie Keffer, 16 Bitch Pile Up and Lightning Bolt.

I quite like Leslie Keffer.

I think that was on the Air America interview.

Everyneurotic 05.06.2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
yeah! defo, they do man, they know it ALL!!! anything they dont know is'nt worth knowing


thurston is the best!!!

there's no music he doesn't know or own all the records ever on vinyl!!!

i want to grow up and be like his left nut!!!

you rock fishmonkey!!!!

greenlight 05.07.2006 02:27 AM

they are involved in music industry, of course they're knowledgable. not most, but enough

Paperhouse 05.07.2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Phish knows about not only pop and fringe music, but they also know much about New and Old Music Theory, Traditional and Atonal Composition, American music history (outside of just pop music), American Jazz History, American Pop history, TV Theme Music, Barbershop quartet music, American Traditional Bluegrass, Klezmer music (Jewish folk music) among other types.

I imagine that Sonic Youth know most of that stuff too. Have you seen Thurston and Kim's record collection? They have more than most record stores...

Based on their being able to instantaneously cover anything they're asked to cover I'd say that Yo La Tengo are probably contenders for the most knowledgeable crown, although, of course, they're not often asked to cover, say, the third song on that old phonograph recording made in some village in Tennessee in 1913.

TheDom 05.07.2006 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic

thurston is the best!!!

there's no music he doesn't know or own all the records ever on vinyl!!!

i want to grow up and be like his left nut!!!

you rock fishmonkey!!!!


sonic life man!!!!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.07.2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Thurston Hunger
I always enjoy Sonic Youth interviews because they love, listen to and know about music. Are they the most musically knowledgable band ever?

Any idea of their current favourite sounds?

Like anyone could even know that napoleon

h8kurdt 05.07.2006 01:13 PM

If John Peel was still alive he'd win the "most knowledgable guyin music" hands down.

schizophrenicroom 05.07.2006 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Paperhouse

Based on their being able to instantaneously cover anything they're asked to cover I'd say that Yo La Tengo are probably contenders for the most knowledgeable crown, although, of course, they're not often asked to cover, say, the third song on that old phonograph recording made in some village in Tennessee in 1913.

have you heard their new thing, "yo la tengo is murdering the classics"? some of their covers are amazing.

everyneurotic- haha, you take left, i'll be right.

Paperhouse 05.07.2006 03:28 PM

lots of very specific examples don't make phish objectively more knowledgeable than sonic youth. i can say that jim studied under luc ferrari, or that thurston's played with derek bailey, or that sonic youth were early supporters of hip-hop, or whatever. i'm not arguing that sonic youth are definitely more knowledgeable than phish, just that you're not necessarily proving otherwise.

HaydenAsche 05.07.2006 03:47 PM

SY only like noise because it is 'in'.

Glice 05.07.2006 03:53 PM

re: Phish. I haven't really given their music a fair crack, but I do worry that a lot of people (Zorn/ Zappa being the first two that spring to mind) who are able to do a wide variety of styles end up just doing shit versions of each - it can end up a bit 'jack of all trades, master of none'. I think it's one thing listening to lots of things, but very, very few people can do several distinct genres well without it seeming like ironic nonsense. I would say Otomo Yoshihide is one of the few I can think of at the moment who is very good in distinct genres (although he hasn't tried to cover every genre ever yet, unlike Zorn/ Zappa...).

krastian 05.07.2006 05:25 PM

It's true that Trey is filthy, but I don't really think a "formal" education in music really is a defining factor. I mean going to art school doesn't necessarily make one have supreme knowledge in art. Either way Phish rules and y'all should check out their live shows if you haven't before (even though I think most of you guys won't like it unless maybe you are a musician). Later.

doctor dan 05.07.2006 07:15 PM

just because they technically have a wide knowledge of playing styles doesnt mean the guys in phish know more music than thurston. id be surprised if they have as wide a knowledge of...say...60s japanese psych folk. in fact, jim is the master of obscure music genres. in terms of what contemporary music they like, well for thurston and steve you can just look at the type of stuff they publish on their record labels (smells like records/ecstatic peace)

Everyneurotic 05.07.2006 11:05 PM

who cares?

noumenal 05.07.2006 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
who cares?

Exactly. SY is better than Phish. Who gives a fuck who is more musically knowlegable?

kingcoffee 05.09.2006 01:05 AM

They are cetainly a very knowledgeable band, of course. but not the most knowledgeable band ever. They are masters of their own little world though. They perfected their microcosm.

Thurston Hunger 05.09.2006 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Exactly. SY is better than Phish. Who gives a fuck who is more musically knowlegable?

I care. It's interesting that in interviews, SY seem so lucid and well-informed about music history. I think it reflects well on their outlook as people and musicians.

porkmarras 09.06.2006 05:49 AM

What a bunch of moronic snobs you lot are.How knowledgable are SY (ruleeezzz maann!!) about music?Give us a break!

Pookie 09.06.2006 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
If John Peel was still alive he'd win the "most knowledgable guyin music" hands down.

Surely you mean Paul Gambaccini, why else would he be on every programme ever about music?


sonicl 09.06.2006 06:06 AM

I have a stinking cold and I feel like shit. I'm far more interested in who is the most medically knowledgeable band ever.

[EDIT - It's very quiet on the board today, isn't it?]

porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:09 AM


porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:11 AM


Tokolosh 09.06.2006 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
[EDIT - It's very quiet on the board today, isn't it?]

Strange....Did somebody die?

sonicl 09.06.2006 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras

Not Dr and the Medics?

porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Not Dr and the Medics?

Not really trustworthy judging by the look of them,are they?


porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:20 AM

I mean,where did he think those eyebrows were really going to take him in terms of medical studies?

Pookie 09.06.2006 06:21 AM

During the day, it's usually me, sonicl, porky & Tokolosh who do most of the mindless gibbering on here.

I'm busy, sonicl's ill, porky's in a bad mood, and Tokolosh probably doesn't like talking to himself.

king_buzzo 09.06.2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
sonic youth rocks!!!

sonic life!!!

best band ever!!!


porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sn@ke
haha, why are you bumping this thread?

bored?..., you spend too much time on this board.


Stupid thread, and stupid are some of the people who post on this kind of threads, why are you posting if you don't care? oh need your dayly dose of sarcasm, or do you need to bash someone to feel "good"?. (you can reaplce "good" for: "superior"/"intellectual"). PLease explain, do you know how to ignore people??!, I mean...that rich guy who posted about Sy not playing teenageriot is the most annoying person I've met on this board so I just ignore him, I don't need to insult him.

Erm....let's put it this way sonny:
-Yes i'm at work and terribly bored and surely i spend too much time on here.
-I don't think crypto is all that annoying and he sure knows how to take himself a little less seriously than you do,perhaps?
-Internet,don't forget.You can express your opinion freely for the most part.tons and tons of threads i ignore but out of boredom i bumped into this and i happened to express my opinion just like you express yours.Moron.

porkmarras 09.06.2006 06:30 AM

............not to say that you also posted in the same thread that you think people shouldnt post in wich kinda makes you slightly senile.

porkmarras 09.06.2006 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sn@ke
haha...see? :rolleyes:

Don't put words in my mouth, I've never said that you can't express your opinions. I guess I can't understand you, why do you need to "express to your opinions" about something you don't care??. When you do that, you don't express your opinion, you tend to bash someone or insult, like some users of this board.

I was asking about that, read the 1st page of this thread, It is full of what I'm talking about, people who like to bash other users, expressing what they think about this thread that way.

Haha, please, don't act like "I'm a pretty moral guy". I posted here because this is something annoying, I discussed this with Everyneurotic before. You guys are intelligent, but when 90% of your post are like this, this forum is annoying...really annoying.

Not sure i get what you're trying to say there.If anything,posting on the internet is more likely to lower one's morals and it's all around for us to see.Nothing wrong with that at all.The bashing you talk about might perhaps be overturned into thinking strongly about something and therefore voicing your thoughts with whatever means that are on offer(artistic expression,writing,internet balh blah blah).It's there for one to take it or leave it,let's face it.Personally i think that concerning yourself too much with measuring your favourite band's music knowledge(and CHRIST! IT'S SONIC FUCKING YOUTH of all bands) is unhealthy for how you think music should be listened to and appreciated.That might explain the scatty remark i left earlier on the thread.In all honesty i think that crypto is more to admire than anything simply because he wasnt intimidated by the amount of more 'knowledgable' remarks that where going to be throwned at him for saying that he would have preferred a certain song to be played by the band on the three occasions he saw them live recently.That,in my book,makes him less snobby and more spontaneous a poster than taking the route of thought that if someone doesn't agree with what you say they must be idiots at all costs.

sonicl 09.06.2006 07:30 AM

ennui \on-WEE\, noun:
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction arising from lack of interest; boredom.

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