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jico. 08.16.2007 02:16 PM

shitty crowd ruin a sy show in portugal once again
the world looks red
hey joni
do you believe in rapture?
what a waste
jams run free
bull in the heather
turquoise boy
pink steam


trilogy (the wonder/hyperstation/eliminator jr)

2nd encore

shaking hell

things looked like to be in a good way after the world looks red and incinerate, but along the show the crowd response to the band was embarassing.
even after several atempts from the band to make people act as a fucking crowd

here's a example, kim gordon is shouting "shake of your flesh!" and furociously shaking hers but most of the people were just there staring at the band, body still, mouth shut. these moments totally killed the show.

jico. 08.16.2007 02:19 PM

totally man!

jico. 08.16.2007 02:20 PM

kim gordon, really nice to see her dance, and probably causing some envy on the css girls. shameful to see her efforts to wake the crowd failing to achieve.

nicfit 08.16.2007 02:22 PM

I thought portuguese people would get crazy at a SY gig.

greenlight 08.16.2007 02:24 PM

hmm. people were either astouned or the reason you've mentioned

thanks for setlist.

sonicl 08.16.2007 02:30 PM

That's a real shame, but I hope you managed to enjoy it anyway.

jico. 08.16.2007 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
I thought portuguese people would get crazy at a SY gig.

apart from the group that gets wild for anything and few others and it was mostly ecstatic.

jico. 08.16.2007 02:34 PM

we had some chorus moments...

jico. 08.16.2007 02:42 PM

people went more crazy about sunshine undergound and peter & whatever ballerine tricks and castrated guy vocals and i guess that is how it was supposed to be but why so cold sy? why? why?

css were the most cheered band of the day.

screamingskull 08.16.2007 02:44 PM

c s s suck a s s

jico. 08.16.2007 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
That's a real shame, but I hope you managed to enjoy it anyway.

i was happy after all. you know.. finnaly got my chance.
i bet if everyone felt the something like i did the show would've been different... but they dint, because most of them dont listen to sonic youth, or listen to few works like recent stuff (rr) and press classics like ddn.

Toxa 08.16.2007 03:06 PM

festivals sucks.

mAraujo 08.16.2007 04:30 PM

yeah, pretty shitty crowd... I was in the front, and most people didn't know one fucking song. not even 100% or bull in the heather. half were just moshing and crowdsurfing even when the band stopped playing, the others were just staring and some guys in front of me spent the whole fucking show asking for pics and setlists.

anyway, i still enjoyed the show, my first SY show. thurston and lee were amazing and kim danced like mad. and i got to hear world looks red, which was amazing.

Everyneurotic 08.16.2007 06:04 PM

people suck, sy rock live.

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 08.16.2007 06:07 PM

I don't think Sonic Youth let the crowd impact their performance all that much. At least not as much as some bands do.

the ikara cult 08.16.2007 07:28 PM

crowds are bogus.
I hope you got something out of the experience Dr J.
AND anyone else who was there - the SY fanship transmits good feelings even if the crowd is full of chumps.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 08.16.2007 07:50 PM

Im a tame watcher.
I came to watch not dance.
that's what cd's and loud stereos are for.

pbradley 08.16.2007 07:58 PM

What kind of venue was it? Open festival type? I can imagine Sonic Youth's energy being lost on an open festival type. SY need indoor venues to get that all encompassing thrashy sound to jar people into moving.

Green_mind 08.16.2007 09:31 PM

Yeah thats a real pity, real shame. I was at a gig last sunday and the small crowd there spewed negative vibes with their soberness, standing unnaturally still throughout this powerful music.

Dead-Air 08.16.2007 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by jico.
the world looks red
hey joni
do you believe in rapture?
what a waste
jams run free
bull in the heather
turquoise boy
pink steam


trilogy (the wonder/hyperstation/eliminator jr)

2nd encore

shaking hell

Pretty hot setlist. I swear, it pays to see them a while after an albums been out, so they're sick of the new songs and playing lots of old ones as well. Ideally, I like a mix of both, and you got it here. Opening with "World Looks Red"?? That soo kicks ass. Fuck the crowd, I wouldn't even notice them.

Chris Lawrence 08.17.2007 12:14 AM


Thin_icE 08.17.2007 05:48 AM

I really can't understand this. So not all of the crowd was into SY (this was an open festival), so there were people that didn't knew all of the songs (is that a crime?), and some say people didn't dance? Well, from where I was standing, people were moving and enjoyng the music, but the crowd was so compact that it was nearly impossible to move a muscle. Anyway, I fail to see where the show was ruined, people seemed to love it, and the guys seemed to enjoy too. Well, I know I did, so fuck everything else.

Thin_icE 08.17.2007 06:38 AM

Anyway here are two links from a portuguese website where those of you that understand portuguese (or are able to use babelfish..) can see that the portuguese audience really enjoyed the concert and are expecting SY to come back for more (Coliseu do Porto, who knows?):

screamingskull 08.17.2007 06:46 AM

i doubt a crowd could ruin sonic youth show, unless you were assaulted and then sonic youth got bottles thrown at them.
I saw Dinosaur Jr at a festival once and even though there were only about 5 fans there out of like 10 thousand people, it was still a great show!!!

jico. 08.17.2007 07:01 AM

they didnt threw bottles, but they did ruined the show.

jico. 08.17.2007 07:11 AM

and by that i'm not saying they didnt enjoyed it.

but if they dont get any comeback from the crowd how does that makes them feel?

you were there thin ice, how many of us shouted their name during the show?

screamingskull 08.17.2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by jico.

but if they dont get any comeback from the crowd how does that makes them feel?

i am sure they are used to it.

jico. 08.17.2007 07:15 AM

and... ?

they are still a shitty crowd.

screamingskull 08.17.2007 07:18 AM

well, what can you do about it now?

jico. 08.17.2007 07:21 AM

complain about it and try to make people act diferently at the next time.

this is not japan or whatever, they dont sell many records here, if we want them to come back more often we need to make the difference at the shows.

screamingskull 08.17.2007 07:23 AM

ahhhhhh, i seeeeee

jico. 08.17.2007 07:35 AM

i want them to come here every year, but if they dont enjoy playing here will they do it? i wish!! but obviously not.

tears, tears, rolling up next years, i'm afraid.

with so much sonic youth blablabla in the past weeks, i was expecting something different.
i've read some of the post show blablabla. if people enjoyed them that much, in my opinion they failed to transmit it to the band.

screamingskull 08.17.2007 07:45 AM

yeah, but i think thats the same everywhere, it might have been especially bad for you, but even the london shows they play are full of posers and their girlfriends mouthing the wrong words.

jico. 08.17.2007 08:02 AM

at least they mouth something.

screamingskull 08.17.2007 08:05 AM

Poser Boy: Blah Blah na na na na blah blah de de de Teenage Riot Blah la la la la la Blah Blah Blah Blah teenage leather and booze na na na na na na

Poser Boy's girlfriend: Can We Please Go NOW!

jico. 08.17.2007 08:11 AM

haha yes.

portuguese poser, pre-show: sonic youth? fucking great, awesome, awesome
portuguese poser, during show:
portuguese poser, after show: fucking great, awesome, awesome

screamingskull 08.17.2007 08:12 AM

On another completely different note - do you know if the word Foggo means anything in Portuguese, someone told me it meant fire or cooking place???

Thin_icE 08.17.2007 08:17 AM

It's Fogo (with one "g"), and it means fire, yes.

screamingskull 08.17.2007 08:18 AM

hmm, interesting, my surname is Foggo and i have never known what it actually meant.

Georgekrz 08.17.2007 11:00 AM

would you relax please with the "people ruined the show"? sy played shows this year in nyc where nobody moved and you could hear a pin drop at some points, that did not detract from the experience. why are you focusing on what the other people are doing? focus on the music instead. and sy is not exactly an audience participation band, they dont do sing alongs, im sure they will love you just as well if you just stand there and listen.

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