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Alex's Trip 11.21.2007 09:12 PM

What label are SY going with again?
I don't remember if it is already all figured out or not, but what label are SY going with?

That Radiohead shit got me thinking, will SY try to release their next album that way?

avantgarde1 11.21.2007 10:08 PM

that'd be awesome. but i want some some actual inserts a a case n shit.

atsonicpark 11.22.2007 03:22 AM

if they're smart, they'll go with skin graft and do a split with shakuhachi surprise.

Dead-Air 11.22.2007 03:57 AM

I've heard nothing since hearing their contract with Geffen was up, but I'd lay money that if the don't stay on Geffen (which they still could) they end up on Interscope. But really, it sort of seems that all this touring of Daydream Nation looks like an attempt to appease Geffen, as that is who has the rights to that album after all.

ZEROpumpkins 11.22.2007 04:32 AM

Well Dinosaur Jr. released Beyond on Fat Possum, which is an indie record, correct? And before, they were on a major label, so perhaps they too can un sell-out.

sonicl 11.22.2007 04:34 AM

They'll sign with Universal.

ZEROpumpkins 11.22.2007 04:48 AM

It'd be cool if they signed with Matador. Haven't really heard a Matador artist that I don't like.

h8kurdt 11.22.2007 04:59 AM

Why wouldn't they go on Estatic Peace?

sonicl 11.22.2007 05:06 AM

That's indirectly what I said - They'll go to Universal

PAULYBEE2656 11.22.2007 05:46 AM

yeah, ecstatic peace distributed by universal....... fuck all this indie bollocks. universal distribution meant i could go in to my local record shop in wexford town and pull off the shelf turbo fruits, tall firs, awesome color and boss on the day of release........

Bertrand 11.22.2007 05:54 AM

Geffen is a major.
Would going to another major (or to major-in-disguise indie label) be selling out?

PAULYBEE2656 11.22.2007 05:57 AM

sonic youth selling out????????

jeez guys its not 1985 or anything!!!!

avantgarde1 11.22.2007 06:24 AM

honestly i don't give a fuck what it comes out on...... i just wanna fucking hear it! an awesoem color sucks ass! they opened up for SY last year... i wa thouroughly unimpressed.

sonicl 11.22.2007 06:30 AM

Yeah, basically I hope it comes out on whatever label gives SY the best deal financially and artistically. If that's Starbucks, then so be it.

ZEROpumpkins 11.22.2007 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Bertrand
(or to major-in-disguise indie label)

Eh I'm so sick of those.

pantophobia 11.22.2007 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Yeah, basically I hope it comes out on whatever label gives SY the best deal financially and artistically. If that's Starbucks, then so be it.

all that and the ability to fully take control of their promotion, not they kinda have been for 10 years, but won't have to worry about a label that just would rather you weren't there, and tuck you in the basement

sarramkrop 11.22.2007 08:39 AM

With 100 new Starbucks outlets about to open in the UK alone, it would be a good thing for them to be bankrolled by such a company, if only because the massive exposure would be beneficial for the collective consciousness to recognise them as great and influential on the same level of your Dylans, Beatles etc.

It seems like now that they are getting older they want to be perceived as more than mere indie rock godfathers, so that could really help to make them known to more than just a wide group of people. Deservedly so.

sonicl 11.22.2007 08:47 AM

Good point. Sonic Youth are well past the stage of being an indie band, and deserve to be more than a cult concern. One day they will be no more, and everyone will be harping on about how important and influential they were. They shouldn't be having to wait until they are extinct to get the recognition they so richly deserve.

sarramkrop 11.22.2007 09:09 AM

The signs have been there for a while, as far as i am concerned.

Ever since I read that interview with Kim Gordon on the NME over a year ago where she explains that the introduction of Daydream Nation into the Library of Congress meant much more to her than anything else they had achieved, I have been thinking about the way that they operate now as a band, and how it must feel for them to be in a position where they are regarded as an influential band, but somehow still a cult band.

It would be an enormous shame if they don't get the sort of super-mainstream treatment that is a necessary malaise in order to make the man and woman on the street at least aware of who they are.

Going back to an indie label would be a shame and nonsense, at this stage in their career.

silverfreepress (sdasher) 11.22.2007 09:16 AM

back to Blast First

sonicl 11.22.2007 09:21 AM

It's a strange situation for a band like Sonic Youth to be in - the whole playing record industry games thing. As bands go, they are pretty much art-rock personified - they're not really rock musicians, they're artists who use rock music as the medium through which they create their art.

At this point I start to struggle with my post. I want to make a comparison between the way that Sonic Youth make their art available and the way that a contemporary visual artist does, and the fact that, because the type of art that Sonic Youth make is marketed in a particular way (e.g. through the record industry), it does not get seen as art, and how frustrating that must be for them, at times. But I don't know enough about contemporary visual arts to provide a decent comparison and then run with it. But hopefully that doesn't get in the way of the point that I'm trying (and probably failing dismally) to make.

sarramkrop 11.22.2007 09:40 AM

I don't know, I have always considered them a rock band, even if they have an edge to them that sits well with art gallery types. The majority of their songs are way too structurally rock, and in many interviews the band themselves pointed out that they consider themselves a rock band, not an art-rock one, which is almost a derogatory term made up by lazy journalists.

They have also introduced pretty revolutionary concepts in rock music that is sold and distributed by a major label, even more so than bands like Nirvana, which simply didn't have that wide an output or a long enough career to make a point as brilliantly as Sonic Youth.

Here is not a band that went like a million others and destroyed themselves through drugs and vice, but a hard working group of artistic people that sustained high quality for longer than any other rock band in their position that I can remember. Keeping that in mind, their due still hasn't been paid in full.

flophousefloozie 11.22.2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
awesoem color sucks ass! they opened up for SY last year... i wa thouroughly unimpressed.

I disagree. I saw them with SY and Dinojr. I waas pleased.

nicfit 11.22.2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I don't know, I have always considered them a rock band, even if they have an edge to them that sits well with art gallery types. The majority of their songs are way too structurally rock, and in many interviews the band themsleves pointed out that they consider themselves a rock band, not an art-rock one, which is almost a derogatory term made up by lazy journalists.

They have also introduced pretty revolutionary concepts in rock music that is sold and distributed by a major label, even more so than bands like Nirvana, which simply didn't have that wide an output or a long enough career to make a point as brilliantly as Sonic Youth.

Here is not a band that went like a million others and destroyed themsleves through drugs and vice, but a hard working group of artistic people that sustained high quality for longer than any other rock band in their position that I can remember. Keeping that in mind, their due still hasn't been paid in full.

great post

PAULYBEE2656 11.23.2007 05:54 AM

Sonic Youth Should Release Something On Naxos!

jetengine 11.23.2007 10:11 AM

I thought RCA was the major label for folks-who've-outworn-their-previous-major-label these days...

racehorse 11.23.2007 12:10 PM

definately echoing what sarramkrop and sonicl have said -

sonic youth deserve to be a massive mainstream band. they have been wanting to achieve it for twenty years and i think that now they should and will sign to another mainstream label, preferably one bigger and with more distribution than geffen. they should keep making pop records like rather ripped and they should do a shit load of commercial tv interviews. they should do this for the simple reason that the people who usually listen to chart and nme bands will discover them, and hopefully will trace their lineage back to the early 80s. they will realise that a rock band can be more than a couple of cool guys w/guitars but can function as a genuinely intelligent, evolving, artistic and commercial unit whilst still retaining smarts and integrity. we still have their past output to listen back on, and becoming huge and commercial will give them more money to persue their own projects - projects which we will all buy and enjoy.

trying to resist the mainstream when they have come all this way, and wanting them to be as obscure and "indie" as they were back then is hugely reductive and pretty conservative really.
sometimes you've gotta work with something if you want to say anything meaningful about it. just look at pop-art.

selling out??
why would anyone want to keep the band a secret? i think sonic youth are smart people, way too smart to "sell-out" in the way i think people on this thread are talking about.
i.e. they have a good dose of humour, vision, and artistic integrity.

SynthethicalY 11.23.2007 02:24 PM

Why are people calling it selling out when some indie band of theirs sign to a major label? I agree with sarramkrop, they are definitely a rock-band and not a art-rock, which to me sounds like a pretentious untalented band. To me it never matter if they where on an indie label or major label.

val-holla-ing 11.24.2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
who cares. theyre a band, they make music. at this stage in their career whatever lable they are on matters little to me.


k-krack 11.24.2007 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by racehorse
definately echoing what sarramkrop and sonicl have said -

sonic youth deserve to be a massive mainstream band. they have been wanting to achieve it for twenty years and i think that now they should and will sign to another mainstream label, preferably one bigger and with more distribution than geffen. they should keep making pop records like rather ripped and they should do a shit load of commercial tv interviews. they should do this for the simple reason that the people who usually listen to chart and nme bands will discover them, and hopefully will trace their lineage back to the early 80s. they will realise that a rock band can be more than a couple of cool guys w/guitars but can function as a genuinely intelligent, evolving, artistic and commercial unit whilst still retaining smarts and integrity. we still have their past output to listen back on, and becoming huge and commercial will give them more money to persue their own projects - projects which we will all buy and enjoy.

trying to resist the mainstream when they have come all this way, and wanting them to be as obscure and "indie" as they were back then is hugely reductive and pretty conservative really.
sometimes you've gotta work with something if you want to say anything meaningful about it. just look at pop-art.

selling out??
why would anyone want to keep the band a secret? i think sonic youth are smart people, way too smart to "sell-out" in the way i think people on this thread are talking about.
i.e. they have a good dose of humour, vision, and artistic integrity.

So... yr saying they should now just treat Sonic Youth as some fucking marketing ploy? A band, especially one as fucking incredible as SY, should never exist just so the people involved can turn a goddamn buck. Sure, it would be nice for them if more people knew them, but then again, more people would know them, and probably just download their albums*. But I have to disagree COMPLETELY when you say they should just start appealing to the lowest common denominater so they can make more money and fuel whatever side-projects they have... that's incredibly, absurdly stupid.

*That's the sad fact I've had to come to terms with, what with one of the biggest chain stores here (Music World) going bankrupt and closing all stores... but that's a whole 'nother can of worms...

Alex's Trip 11.24.2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
who cares. theyre a band, they make music. at this stage in their career whatever lable they are on matters little to me.

I don't think anyone here is debating the specifics of what label they are going on. We know they are going to be a good band regardless, but I started this thread to see what others thought about them pulling a Radiohead. I'm not sure if they have a large enough/loyal enough of a following.

Alex's Trip 11.24.2007 07:06 PM

Yeah, they don't seem to sell many records. Not many of theirs have sold more than 100,000 have they?

racehorse 11.24.2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
So... yr saying they should now just treat Sonic Youth as some fucking marketing ploy?


that's what music on mainstream labels is. that's how i heard about sonic youth.

without marketing, how the hell do most people ever discover anything?

i'm not saying that sonic youth should divert from the path that they are on musically. i'm saying they should carry on as they are - making edgy pop records and signing to big labels. i was reacting against people who said that they should digress to being "indie" again. as a band, it is known that they want to appeal to a lower common denominator. thurston wanted to be on top of the pops and the band express a weird attatchment to mtv.

Cantankerous 11.26.2007 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
back to Blast First

does blast first even exist anymore?

i honestly have to ask, who gives a fuck what label they're on? they're too well-established by now for a record company to be able to tell them what to do. they're not a marketable band, they're a career band.

finding nobody 11.26.2007 12:32 AM

SS mothafuckin T

Cantankerous 11.26.2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
does blast first even exist anymore?

i honestly have to ask, who gives a fuck what label they're on? they're too well-established by now for a record company to be able to tell them what to do. they're not a marketable band, they're a career band.

and another thing, how are people still into this "fuck the man, let's put our record out on kill rock stars because we are just TOO COOL to make a decent living on geffen" shit? i'm so tired of people trying to be different and radical and whateverthefuck. grow up, that shit doesn't work in the real world. there's not going to be any more musical revolution, all that shit is long gone.

SynthethicalY 11.26.2007 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
and another thing, how are people still into this "fuck the man, let's put our record out on kill rock stars because we are just TOO COOL to make a decent living on geffen" shit? i'm so tired of people trying to be different and radical and whateverthefuck. grow up, that shit doesn't work in the real world. there's not going to be any more musical revolution, all that shit is long gone.


silverfreepress (sdasher) 11.26.2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
does blast first even exist anymore?

I wrote Blast First as a joke and because that it's a pretty cool name for a label.

Due to some exhaustive internet research it looks like Blast First was absorbed by Mute Records linked

themawt71 11.26.2007 11:35 AM

sst are(were?) thieves. black flag wants your money too.

sarramkrop 11.26.2007 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
So... yr saying they should now just treat Sonic Youth as some fucking marketing ploy? A band, especially one as fucking incredible as SY, should never exist just so the people involved can turn a goddamn buck. Sure, it would be nice for them if more people knew them, but then again, more people would know them, and probably just download their albums*. But I have to disagree COMPLETELY when you say they should just start appealing to the lowest common denominater so they can make more money and fuel whatever side-projects they have... that's incredibly, absurdly stupid.

*That's the sad fact I've had to come to terms with, what with one of the biggest chain stores here (Music World) going bankrupt and closing all stores... but that's a whole 'nother can of worms...

So what exactly is the point that you are making? It would be better if they would put another good Sonic Youth record, true, but I don't see why they shouldn't earn a few bucks while they're at it. After all, there are so many shit bands out there that make much more money than them, at least the dosh would be going to deserving hands that would push for good music to be produced and distributed.

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