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sonicl 01.03.2008 05:58 AM

Love And Sex With Robots
I know you lot like this kind of thing:

People will be having sex with robots by 2050, an artificial intelligence expert has predicted.

David Levy's book Love And Sex With Robots: The Evolution Of Human-Robot Relationships claims robots will become so lifelike that they will be hard to distinguish from real people.

The 62-year-old, also a chess master, writes in his book: "Great sex on tap for everyone, 24/7. What's not to like?"

Robot technology is advancing hugely across the world, with Japan in particular making great strides towards robots which can help out in homes or hospitals.

Mr Levy believes that the people most likely to use a robot for sex are those who are too ugly or too isolated to find human romance.

He said: "They're lonely, they're miserable. I think society will be a much better place when they have an alternative that satisfies them without doing any harm to other people."

Mr Levy is not the first to predict sex with robots.

In 2006, Henrik Christensen of the European Robotics Research Network, predicted that people would be having sex with robots within five years.

Mr Levy also believes that relationships with robots may not just be about sex - people may end up marrying them as well.

"The question is not if this will happen, but when," he said, adding that he expected the state of Massachusetts to be the first in the US to allow it.

Mr Levy's book is due to be published in the UK in April by Duckworth.

I'm just surprised that he thinks it won't be until 2050.

ZEROpumpkins 01.03.2008 06:01 AM

That's crazy. Welcome back sonicl

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 06:02 AM pretty sure people are already fucking things with batteries in them..

nicfit 01.03.2008 06:05 AM

yes welcome back.

nicfit 01.03.2008 06:05 AM

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 06:06 AM

bring out some usb plug in male and female sex toys, itll make looking up porn much more fun

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 06:06 AM

Floatingslowly will manage to make a career in the robot-porn industry, I'm sure.

Cantankerous 01.03.2008 06:07 AM

oh my god. no.

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 06:10 AM

people are banging very realistic life like dolls now...whats the big suprise that if we get them moving more that we would be banging them

Cantankerous 01.03.2008 06:13 AM

its not that i find it unbelieveable or anything but that is inhuman and weird

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
am not feeling very well, i d better leave.

A lot of people are feeling sick where I work and the majority of the people I'm talking to on the phone sound like they caught something. It's bloody freezing outside. I hope that's not your case.

nicfit 01.03.2008 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
people are banging very realistic life like dolls now...whats the big suprise that if we get them moving more that we would be banging them

the sick part is not the sex, but the "love" thing.

Cantankerous 01.03.2008 06:14 AM


ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 06:16 AM

big deal i say, go fuck a robot and fall in love with it if thats what you want
hard enough to get chicks now, hopefully with everyone off fucking robots i can :P

phoenix 01.03.2008 06:17 AM


ro·bot (rō'bŏt', -bət) Pronunciation Key
A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human and is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.
A machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control.

Norma J 01.03.2008 06:18 AM

Never gonna happen.

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 06:18 AM

Posted this before but.......

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 06:20 AM

i remember watching a doco on doll/machine fuckers
there was this old fella that has this mega real looking doll modeled after his wife or something, and he would harness her up, then fuck her and take pics, then he would photoshop pictures of his wifes head on to the doll (i dont know if his wife is dead, or left him...but the doll and pics of his wife were some hot blonde)

phoenix 01.03.2008 06:21 AM


phoenix 01.03.2008 06:23 AM

that animation is ace. I'd love to do something like that

pbradley 01.03.2008 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I know you lot like this kind of thing:for sex are those who are too ugly or too isolated to find human romance.

He said: "They're lonely, they're miserable"-

Fuck you, I will have a wife.

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 07:24 AM

I'm a little surprised that anyone in their sane mind would remotely think that a scenario like that is even possible. I wouldn't be if some isolated cases of sex with robots would happen, but then, do some people not use objects to perform sexual acts on themselves already?

pbradley 01.03.2008 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I'm a little surprised that anyone in the sane mind woul remotely think that a scenario like that is even possible. I wouldn't be if some isolated cases of sex with robots would happen, but then, do some people not use objects to perform sexual acts on them already?

I'm trying to make sense of this post.

And failing.

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I'm trying to make sense of this post.

And failing.

Not surprised.

screamingskull 01.03.2008 08:10 AM

I always found those blow up sex sheep ridiculous!
How sad are you if you can't get a real woman
you cant get a real prostitute
you cant get a real sheep
you can't get a blow up woman
so you have to get a blow up sheep!

Or you just want a blow up sheep to have "sex" with.

People having sex with robots by 2050! I will be 62 then, so i will probably be blissfully unaware.

sonicl 01.03.2008 08:13 AM

... or you might be a very blissfully aware android.

screamingskull 01.03.2008 08:14 AM

to be honest i will probably be dead by 2050. Thats as blissfully unaware as you can get.

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 08:21 AM

Some people are blissfully unaware of their own death already, let alone about sex with robots.

sonicl 01.03.2008 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
to be honest i will probably be dead by 2050. Thats as blissfully unaware as you can get.

If the actuaries are to be believed, the average female life expectancy of a woman born in the '80s is about 90 years. You'll hardly be out of middle age in 2050.

screamingskull 01.03.2008 08:29 AM

and people in my family live to their late 80's or early 90's anyway so i should have a long life expectancy.

Phlegmscope 01.03.2008 08:42 AM

Yes, I finally get laid. in 2050.

floatingslowly 01.03.2008 08:48 AM

  1. I'm totally sick.
  2. I'd totally do a robot.
  3. ??????

Phlegmscope 01.03.2008 08:51 AM

Although there are life sized sex dolls already. how about just installing a motor from a power drill to make it wiggle its limbs like an insect on its back.
There's your sex robot ready way before 2050.

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 08:54 AM


"sorry..your a robot, i wont bang you..that would be weird..."

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 08:55 AM

I'm fairly sure that someone got to that point by attaching vibrating objects to inflatable dolls.

sarramkrop 01.03.2008 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
i love your signature, porky, sir.

Thank you.

_slavo_ 01.03.2008 09:36 AM

I think sex with robots is gonna be a big hype thing in Japan for sure as long as it comes to the market.

By the way, welcome back sonicl.

ALIEN ANAL 01.03.2008 09:41 AM

the biggest problem with a sex robot...where the fuck do you hide it when mom and dad come around

Phlegmscope 01.03.2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
the biggest problem with a sex robot...where the fuck do you hide it when mom and dad come around

Why hide it?

_slavo_ 01.03.2008 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
the biggest problem with a sex robot...where the fuck do you hide it when mom and dad come around

you turn it off and pretend it's a coffee machine.

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