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ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 01:45 AM

I just had a though about Heaven's Gate and other suicide cults.
So I was reading about Heaven's Gate and I had a though: The followers have no idea that they were wrong about their ideas, as they are dead. It's a little hard to describe what I mean, but what I'm trying to say is that as they died believing they would be taken up to a UFO, there's absolutely no way they could have known it was all bullshit, even after they killed themselves. Let me know if you kinda get what I'm saying. I'll try and think of a better way to phrase it.

Dead-Air 02.22.2008 01:49 AM


ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 01:53 AM

That's a pretty nifty pic.

Dead-Air 02.22.2008 02:18 AM

I took it last Saturday and didn't see the ufo in it until tonight, so it seemed rather appropriate.

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:22 AM

That's a raindrop.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:23 AM

Looks like it could be an obese bird.

Dead-Air 02.22.2008 02:26 AM

Misidentified is still unidentified in my book.

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:28 AM

whatever rocks your boat.

Zero people all want to believe certain things in order to fit in, it is just a normal process of human beings.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:34 AM

I agree with you there, two symbols. Granted when it gets to the point where you kill yourself then that is totally retarded.

m1rr0r dash 02.22.2008 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Zero people all want to believe certain things

curses on yr missing commas and mathematical names!!!!!1112323580680

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:36 AM

Well yeah, but by then most people are deluded, and their cognitive skills have gone down the drain. You know look at the Spanish Inquisitions, or more modern Islamist Fascist, or American religious right.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:47 AM

Yeah, I spose it's a bit similar to suicide bombers, isn't it?

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
curses on yr missing commas and mathematical names!!!!!1112323580680

Grammar nazi.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:51 AM

No grammar for you!

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:53 AM

Pssht I am indie.

m1rr0r dash 02.22.2008 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Grammar nazi.

i almost posted "learn to math," cause i thought you were saying

Zero (the number) people all want to....

...i guess that would make me a math nazi, huh?

✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:54 AM

Yes, liiike 'otally.

girlgun 02.22.2008 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
No grammar for you!

one year?

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:57 AM


✌➬ 02.22.2008 02:57 AM

I like how you changed your sig, NAZI!!!!

This is directed at mirror dash.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 02:58 AM

Yeah I noticed that too haha.

✌➬ 02.22.2008 03:00 AM

I still love that nazi mirror dash.

Edit- I just realized there are missing comas, so fuck you.

ALIEN ANAL 02.22.2008 03:44 AM

this was a cool topic and it was ruined by prince

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 03:45 AM

Go on msn, Dan.

m1rr0r dash 02.22.2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
this was a cool topic and it was ruined by prince



ALIEN ANAL 02.22.2008 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash


symbol guy

krastian 02.22.2008 02:41 PM


Just don't forget your Nike's.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.22.2008 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
So I was reading about Heaven's Gate and I had a though: The followers have no idea that they were wrong about their ideas, as they are dead. It's a little hard to describe what I mean, but what I'm trying to say is that as they died believing they would be taken up to a UFO, there's absolutely no way they could have known it was all bullshit, even after they killed themselves. Let me know if you kinda get what I'm saying. I'll try and think of a better way to phrase it.

lets twist this whole thing on its head. if they drank the koolaid (which has ironically become part of the english language) they knew that they weren't going to physically walk onto some sort of space ship. however, religious people, myself included, tend to believe in supranatural, metaphysical, spiritual realms and existences, where the physical is irrelevant. that being said, who is to say these people were so deceived, in the sense of, who is to say they were looking to board some sort of physical space craft to begin with? further, they not being here to explain, who is to say they did not make it such a space craft, even if only in some sort of spiritual sense. after all, billions of people live and die believing there is much more to it all, and could we as the human race in general, be that wrong?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.22.2008 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
whatever rocks your boat.

Zero people all want to believe certain things in order to fit in, it is just a normal process of human beings.

sometimes it is not always to fit in, many millions of people believe in things that are quite socially unacceptable, or that no one else quite shares their specific interpretations...

Rob Instigator 02.22.2008 03:09 PM

i don't believe in nothin except the recuperative powers of rock n roll

m1rr0r dash 02.22.2008 03:14 PM

Did I ever tell ya that this here jacket represents a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.22.2008 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
i don't believe in nothin except the recuperative powers of rock n roll

but which kind of rock and roll? chuck berry? fats domino? Megadeath? music can be more divisive then religion sometimes.

tesla69 02.22.2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
lets twist this whole thing on its head. if they drank the koolaid (which has ironically become part of the english language)

I just want to point out that at Jonestown the koolaid was drunk with machine guns pointed at theirs and their childrens heads. Children and infants were given injections. It was not "suicide". It was not voluntary. They practiced drinking the koolaid several times. It always reminds me of how the US Govt had their children practice duck and cover. Practice for mass murder.

m1rr0r dash 02.22.2008 03:22 PM

THIS IS A SNAKESKIN JACKET! And for me it's a symbol of mah individuality, and mah belief...

in personal freedom.

pbradley 02.22.2008 03:33 PM

We all will die thinking something will or will not happen.

Have you read The Death of Ivan Ilyich?

Rob Instigator 02.22.2008 03:52 PM

not if you die by surprise

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.22.2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I just want to point out that at Jonestown the koolaid was drunk with machine guns pointed at theirs and their childrens heads. Children and infants were given injections. It was not "suicide". It was not voluntary. They practiced drinking the koolaid several times. It always reminds me of how the US Govt had their children practice duck and cover. Practice for mass murder.

oh yes, I am well aware of the violence at Jonestown, though I am slightly skeptical of the testimonies of the "survivors" who ran off in the woods to watch their families die from a better vantage point (ie, they might have embelleshed the amount of coercion in order to exonerate their own senses of guilt and despair), I was referring to the Heavens gate people.

Rob Instigator 02.22.2008 04:15 PM

I have always had this theory.

HUmans perception of the flow of time can be altered by many many things, frfrom personal body chemistry to drugs to meditation etc.

when one is happy and enjoying something time flies, and when one is suffering or bored time trickles.

well, I think that all of mystical teaching and religious teaching and wisdom is always guided to having the individual lead a good life so that they feel certain that they will go to a "heaven" f some sort, or achieve nirvana or enlightenment etc.
opposite of that is the instruction and indoctrination that if life is led badly, and without shame or forgiveness or redemption, then you will either go to a "hell" or just be forbiden from the grace of god or enlightenment or nirvana, whatever the individual teaching is does not matter.

Having said this, the statements "on earth as it is in heaven" makes sense. The afterlife is what you believe it will be, but not because it is real and actual, but because as you die, as your life is extinguished, time dilates in an exponentially increasing manner, so the last thought of a human as they pass is extended infninitely.

a person who believes in heaven and honestly feels they have led a good life can die without fear, without doubts weighing on their conscience. This "bliss" is experienced exponentially as everlasting grace, or oneness with god/universe, or entering heaven, or achieving nirvana.

If one believs, as the Hebrew fatih does, that after death comes an eternal dreamles slumber, then as one dies,one expects to do this and the death becomes an infnite falling into sleep, which for most people is quite pleasant, if not ecstatic.

If one believes that they have not achieved redemption, or if they know that they ave led a wicked life, with miore bad than good, and are weighed by guilt and such feelings, negative feelings, or anger, etc., then the last seconds of life are an exponetial infinity of that emotion, thereby feeling like eternal "hell" or eternal damnation or eternal separation from the grace of a god or gods.

this would probably apply to death by disease, or in old age, or by accident as in "life flashing before your eyes" as well, and if that life is joyous, with minimal harm aimed at anyone with maximum good directed at the world and at people then....

i don;t know how else to put it. I have thought about it a lot. i think i will write it all down.

ZEROpumpkins 02.22.2008 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
lets twist this whole thing on its head. if they drank the koolaid (which has ironically become part of the english language) they knew that they weren't going to physically walk onto some sort of space ship. however, religious people, myself included, tend to believe in supranatural, metaphysical, spiritual realms and existences, where the physical is irrelevant. that being said, who is to say these people were so deceived, in the sense of, who is to say they were looking to board some sort of physical space craft to begin with? further, they not being here to explain, who is to say they did not make it such a space craft, even if only in some sort of spiritual sense. after all, billions of people live and die believing there is much more to it all, and could we as the human race in general, be that wrong?

Sorry, I made this thread from an Atheist point of view. Hope I didn't offend or anything.

Rob, If I weren't having breakfast, I'd read what you just wrote.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.22.2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
Sorry, I made this thread from an Atheist point of view. Hope I didn't offend or anything.

Rob, If I weren't having breakfast, I'd read what you just wrote.

not at all, I was just trying to give a little perspective from the people who killed themselves... after all, it seems they believed it, and what is important sometimes in understanding events, is not what the truth was, but what people believed to be the truth. for example, millions of people live everyday believing in the so-called American dream, even though we can historically and stastically prove that it is a full myth, and yet, it is the motivation for millions to participate in the American system every day, simply because they continue to believe. belief is a very powerful force, much more so then accuracy.

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