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Inhuman 05.19.2006 11:47 AM

Post your Ctrl-V

"but yeah, they're like "omg I got so high last saturday" when EVERYBODY got high last saturday"

alyasa 05.19.2006 11:59 AM


May I know what this is?

toxic johnny 05.19.2006 12:01 PM

Richard Pryor on Fire 05.19.2006 12:01 PM

When Gregor’s family discovers his ailment his mother is terrified, his sister is removed and concerned, and his father is guarded and cautiously furious. The family holds on to this outlook during the beginning of Gregor’s metamorphosis. His parents for the most part ignore Gregor. His sister feeds Gregor and tries to accommodate him with food he will like. Gregor’s relationship with his sister seems to be the most important to him. He was saving up to send her to a conservatorium where she could play music. Gregor longs to communicate with his sister and sees her as purity in its most immaculate state. He trusts her and would never go against her. Even later in the story when she says Gregor must go, or we must kill Gregor he agrees. He knows that he is impeding the life of his family and more importantly his sister.

Fox 05.19.2006 12:02 PM

y'aurait pas quelqu'un qui aurait un compte sur le site dimeadozen ici ?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.19.2006 12:07 PM

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Simon3.jpg

truncated 05.19.2006 12:10 PM

Em...what is a Ctrl-V?

Signpost 05.19.2006 12:22 PM

once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404

xpressway2yrskull 05.19.2006 12:27 PM


Haha. That wasn't planned either...
Did anyone used to collect them? (not that you could avoid it... they came free with everything).

[CTRL+V on yr keyboard is the shortcut to paste.]

qprogeny79 05.19.2006 12:43 PM

. . . from an earlier post.

Signpost 05.19.2006 12:51 PM

Another one:

alyasa 05.19.2006 12:53 PM

I debased myself, incongruously, today. It rained all day, and I had been wasting in the coop, letting my fingernails grow, and lounging around au naturel, the weather beating down inesscesantly on the concrete canopies and drumming a buzzing, hissing static tattoo. The light from the sun glowed a dull, muted yellow through the grey of the pregnant clouds and my lungs filled with the swirling blue steel of cigarette smoke. Scratching fingers gouged red tracks on unwashed skin, a maze of raw lines etched; and then fading; marking the progress of seconds filtered through a haze of nicotine and desperate, sweaty longing. Dirt crumbled and collected in the recesses of unmarked nether regions, a monument of slovenliness and apathy.

Grete 05.19.2006 12:56 PM

gioco molto semplice ma folle bisogna sempre fare in totale 69
mi raccomando una cosa controllate sempre che non sia stato messo il conto da altre persone ciao inzio io.
68+1= 69

PunkerViolence 05.19.2006 01:18 PM

Man, threads are getting lamer and lamer on this board....

HaydenAsche 05.19.2006 01:36 PM

Ha. Mine is empty. I'm on a crappy mac so it is apple+v.

Iain 05.19.2006 02:30 PM

Estonians don't like to congregate, even in kindergartens....

That is it.....

Signpost....where is that internet porn/edgar allen poe thing from?

Actually, I heard an interesting story about Poe the other day. This may be common knowledge to some folk but it was a new one on me. Apparently, in the time prior to his death he was found wandering the streets of Baltimore in some distress, calling for someone named Reynolds. And he was wearing someone elses clothes...and noone really knows what the cause of death was....

More on wiki:

jon boy 05.19.2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
Estonians don't like to congregate, even in kindergartens....

That is it.....

Signpost....where is that internet porn/edgar allen poe thing from?

Actually, I heard an interesting story about Poe the other day. This may be common knowledge to some folk but it was a new one on me. Apparently, in the time prior to his death he was found wandering the streets of Baltimore in some distress, calling for someone named Reynolds. And he was wearing someone elses clothes...and noone really knows what the cause of death was....

More on wiki:

wikipedia is very addictive isnt it.

maybe he was drunk? not a very good answer i know but hey.

how was berlin?

Iain 05.19.2006 02:49 PM

It is very addictive indeed. Passes plenty of time at work. Today we were all learning about the 12 labours of Hercules (it was 10 but they made him do another 2). Concluded that Atlas is a mug.

I think the Poe/drunk thing was raised but semi-dismissed. He might have had syphyllis or rabies or something.

Anyway, Berlin was grand. It's a really super place, had fun, nearly fell off the back of a bicycle, saw NNCK twice and they were amazing. Saw Skaters/Axolotl/Inca Ore+Tommutontu as well....really odd venue above a pharmacy but a nice one. Ate cheap kebabs...didn't actually buy that many records....and so on. Thanks for the record + general pointers by the way.

EMMAh 05.19.2006 02:53 PM

Nirvana-Live /Mason Jar 19-02-90

wolliewollie 05.19.2006 02:59 PM

mine, i think i was posting pics not too long ago...

!@#$%! 05.19.2006 03:23 PM

sony hdwf900

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 05.19.2006 03:25 PM

I Dont Have Any!!!
I Dont Have Any!!!
I Dont Have Any!!!

Inhuman 05.19.2006 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa


May I know what this is?

Most listened to artists on my computer. The numbers are the number of times I played a song by each artist

"don't take this out on"
from an MSN argument

Signpost 05.19.2006 04:27 PM


Signpost....where is that internet porn/edgar allen poe thing from?

Dunno. I found it on 4chan quite a while ago.

alyasa 05.19.2006 06:37 PM

"Quis custodiet custodes ipsos?"

finding nobody 05.19.2006 07:33 PM


schizophrenicroom 05.19.2006 09:59 PM,

3x1minus1 05.20.2006 02:06 AM

"you're 93 years old and you don't know what alf is"

Gulasch Noir 05.20.2006 03:32 AM


samantha. 05.20.2006 06:14 AM


Gulasch Noir 05.20.2006 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by samantha.

Now you have aroused my curiosity.

samantha. 05.20.2006 06:34 AM

I was writing a history essay on Leni Riefenstahl.

Grete 05.20.2006 07:29 AM

Trasher02 05.20.2006 08:02 AM

keigoeie wembley

Trasher02 05.20.2006 01:41 PM

Cartman Gets an Anal Probe

Inhuman 05.20.2006 01:44 PM

Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
Would you rather change your past or know your future?
Would you rather be lost at sea or in a desert?
Would you rather be a trashman or a proctologist?
Which is worse- Foot odor or armpit odor?
What movie have you watched the most?
What is your favorite drink, alcoholic & non alcoholic?
What color is your bed room?
What CD is in your CD player right now?
What talent do you wish you possessed?

golden child 05.20.2006 01:46 PM

Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
Would you rather change your past or know your future?
Would you rather be lost at sea or in a desert?
Would you rather be a trashman or a proctologist?
Which is worse- Foot odor or armpit odor?
What movie have you watched the most?
What is your favorite drink, alcoholic & non alcoholic?
What color is your bed room?
What CD is in your CD player right now?
What talent do you wish you possessed?

haha mine too

schizophrenicroom 05.20.2006 01:59 PM

Danny Himself 05.20.2006 02:30 PM

© The Internet: where people who are afraid of going outside come to discuss the finer points of their inferiority.

Yeah, I was coming up with copyright things. Bleh.

noisemachine 05.20.2006 05:10 PM

Victoria Hall Theater

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