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noisereductions 03.04.2008 12:50 PM

SYR7 release date
According to, it's the "J'Accuse Ted Hughes" performance, and it comes out on April 22, 2008. Still listed as vinyl only.

pokkeherrie 03.04.2008 01:00 PM

yay, that's my birthday.

however, since allmusic still has the "live at albert hall" (2003) and "syr 6: sonic youth/brigitte fontaine/areski" (2002) releases listed in their discogrpahy they're not exactly the most reliable source.

mil_pl 03.04.2008 01:08 PM

J'Accuse Ted Hughes - it was noisy ?

noisereductions 03.04.2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
yay, that's my birthday.

however, since allmusic still has the "live at albert hall" (2003) and "syr 6: sonic youth/brigitte fontaine/areski" (2002) releases listed in their discogrpahy they're not exactly the most reliable source.

Hahha. I noticed both of those again as I started this thread. Thanks for providing needles for our balloons, yo.

SYRFox 03.04.2008 01:17 PM

I'm still totally disapointed with the vinyl release only. Actually this disc, that was the thing I was waiting for the most a year ago, has become something I'm indifferent too, I didn't even feel excitation or joy seeing the title of this thread. That's bad they did that to such a great tune

Moshe 03.04.2008 01:19 PM

I think it might be out even earlier. Someone should start a petition to release it on CD too.

noisereductions 03.04.2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Moshe
I think it might be out even earlier. Someone should start a petition to release it on CD too.

I hate to perpetuate a tug-o-war that we already went thru in another thread... but I too would really prefer this on CD. I mean, I'll get it either way. But I'd much rather have the CD.

nicfit 03.04.2008 01:27 PM

they should do a shellac-like release.

Moshe 03.04.2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I hate to perpetuate a tug-o-war that we already went thru in another thread... but I too would really prefer this on CD. I mean, I'll get it either way. But I'd much rather have the CD.

OK, who starts a petition thread?

SYRFox 03.04.2008 01:34 PM

Sadly I don't think that's going to change anything, even more now that the release date is so near... :(

nicfit 03.04.2008 01:35 PM

well, in a few years it will be reissued, just like happened with master dik ha ha

radarmaker 03.04.2008 01:40 PM

Nevermind yr poxy CDs, where's the petition to release SYR6 on vinyl?:)

noisereductions 03.04.2008 01:43 PM

Just hit my email:

"Also coming this Spring is
SYR7: J'Accuse Ted Hughes. ”J’Accuse Ted Hughes” is a live recording
from 2000’s ATP Festival paired with a previously unreleased studio
session entitled “Agnes B Musique.” This release is a 12” vinyl record

noisereductions 03.04.2008 01:44 PM

Nefeli beat me

Moshe 03.04.2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli

you are fast. :)

SYRFox 03.04.2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
Nevermind yr poxy CDs, where's the petition to release SYR6 on vinyl?:)

Hey dude. I know it's great to have your collection of vinyl of stuff, I can totally understand that. But the fact is that, even if it's CD only, at least you have the possibility to HEAR the music, you know? Like, even you don't have a HI-FI player, at least you can play it on your computer or whatever: everyone can play CDs.

Now, with releasing SYR7 as vinyl-only, a certain part of the fans - including myself - will not even be able to HEAR the thing we have waited so much for.

SYRFox 03.04.2008 01:57 PM

See how much I was waiting for this to come:

nicfit 03.04.2008 02:24 PM

vinyl ripping is the new thing. ja ha hahaha.

radarmaker 03.04.2008 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
Hey dude. I know it's great to have your collection of vinyl of stuff, I can totally understand that. But the fact is that, even if it's CD only, at least you have the possibility to HEAR the music, you know? Like, even you don't have a HI-FI player, at least you can play it on your computer or whatever: everyone can play CDs.

Oh come on, it'll only be a matter of minutes before some kind soul rips & uploads it somewhere. And if you feel dirty doing that, you can always salve your conscience by buying the LP and having a nice aesthetic object to look at ;)

And, as it happens, my soundcard's fucked so I can't play anything through my computer, and aside from a Sega Dreamcast, I don't own a CD or DVD player either. Admittedly I have got a CD player on extended load from a friend, but it's not even hooked up at the moment..

toxic johnny 03.04.2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
Nevermind yr poxy CDs, where's the petition to release SYR6 on vinyl?:)

Totally agree...

Moshe 03.04.2008 11:38 PM

the news page confirms it will be out on April 22nd.

SonikJesus 03.05.2008 02:45 AM

Fuck. Vinyl only.

And, Radarmaker, Dreamcast fucking rules.

sonicl 03.05.2008 03:50 AM

If they want to put it out om vinyl only, fuck it, let them. The SYR series is about more than just music, methinks.

radarmaker 03.05.2008 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
a vinyl only release just limits potential buyers

Given that it's a 22-minute improvised drone, I don't think potential sales figures are that high a priority anyway...

sonicl 03.05.2008 07:24 AM

I like you, radarmaker. I like your style.

SYRFox 03.05.2008 07:27 AM

Actually I think it's kind of a lack of respect... First for a part of their fans that will not be able to hear it without downloading it, but also because
so many want to be heard by more people and now what, that's just like with this vinyl only release they want it to be heard by less people... I don't know if I explained clearly

noisereductions 03.05.2008 09:12 AM

y'know, they say "vinyl only," but every other release that's come out on SYR has been made available digitally on eMusic (and probably iTunes? I don't know). Seems to me there's a CHANCE it will be up on eMusic. If that happens then we'll have nice clean sounding versions to play in our cars/mp3 players.

but still my main reason for wanting it a CD release is that I like the idea of seeing SYR7 on the shelf next to SYR1-6.

jetengine 03.05.2008 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by radarmaker
Nevermind yr poxy CDs, where's the petition to release SYR6 on vinyl?:)

Hear, Hear! Ditto for The Silver Sessions, which is basically a SYR release once-removed.

SYRFox 03.05.2008 03:33 PM

About the SYR6 on vinyl. I think it wouldn't fit in that format. I mean, okay it's divided in 3 parts on the CD but it's actually ONE tune. It's meant to be listened all the way through without interruption, isn't it? So I mean, how the fuck could you divide it in 2/3/4 parts for a LP/2xLP ?

noisereductions 03.05.2008 03:44 PM

I'd make each of the 3 tracks a seperate side. So two 12"s. The 4th side could be an etching.

radarmaker 03.05.2008 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by jetengine
Hear, Hear! Ditto for The Silver Sessions, which is basically a SYR release once-removed.

Word. Always thought it should be a translucent silver/grey 12" with a glitterly finish :)

SYRFox 03.05.2008 03:55 PM

I don't know... you see, you'd still have pauses when you have to change side, on CD you don't have that problem. I think vinyl doesn't fit for albums that are better listened all the way through, like Bad Moon Rising, Loveless or recently Drum's Not Dead by Liars for instance...

noisereductions 03.05.2008 04:04 PM

Well if they didn't think it was ok to split the performance into 3 parts, then the CD would have come out as 1 track.

radarmaker 03.05.2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
I don't know... you see, you'd still have pauses when you have to change side, on CD you don't have that problem. I think vinyl doesn't fit for albums that are better listened all the way through, like Bad Moon Rising, Loveless or recently Drum's Not Dead by Liars for instance...

I get what you're saying, but personally I couldn't imagine ever listening to Loveless on CD (don't think I have tbh, or BMR for that matter...) - that is one album that is all about the bottom end and depth of sound, and no digital version will ever compare to sound you can get from a half-decent analogue set-up.

SYRFox 03.06.2008 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Well if they didn't think it was ok to split the performance into 3 parts, then the CD would have come out as 1 track.

If you check carefully, the tracklisting of the CD doesn't say part 1 etc, it says "Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui 65'31". Because the tune is split into three tracks doesn't mean it isn't meant to be listened as one...

noisereductions 03.06.2008 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
If you check carefully, the tracklisting of the CD doesn't say part 1 etc, it says "Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui 65'31". Because the tune is split into three tracks doesn't mean it isn't meant to be listened as one...

True, but when SYR records uploaded it to eMusic, they titled the tracks "Heady Jam 1," "Heady Jam 2," and "Heady Jam 3." Normally, I wouldn't take what the label titled the tracks as meaning much, but considering SYR is SY then it seems to me that they consider them to be 3 separate "jams."

nobye-noaloha 03.06.2008 09:11 AM

just bye a vinyl player, i'm sure you'll discover new kind of music;
There's so much good sounds available only on wax, i don't even know how a music fanatic can live without a vinyl player.
I'm sure, it will be nicer to have your syr-7 close to your syr-1 to syr-6 on wax than on cd.
each firts syr are on coloured wax, man, it is much much more beautiful on wax
fuck cd's, get wax

SYRFox 03.06.2008 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by nobye-noaloha
just bye a vinyl player, i'm sure you'll discover new kind of music;
There's so much good sounds available only on wax, i don't even know how a music fanatic can live without a vinyl player.
I'm sure, it will be nicer to have your syr-7 close to your syr-1 to syr-6 on wax than on cd.
each firts syr are on coloured wax, man, it is much much more beautiful on wax
fuck cd's, get wax

I'm sorry, but I don't want to buy a turntable just for SYR7, you see... for the moment, that's the only record I want that is only available on vinyl, so I don't see the need to buy one.

noisereductions 03.06.2008 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by nobye-noaloha
just bye a vinyl player, i'm sure you'll discover new kind of music;
There's so much good sounds available only on wax, i don't even know how a music fanatic can live without a vinyl player.
I'm sure, it will be nicer to have your syr-7 close to your syr-1 to syr-6 on wax than on cd.
each firts syr are on coloured wax, man, it is much much more beautiful on wax
fuck cd's, get wax

I'm getting sick of these arguments..... many of us on here already OWN RECORD PLAYERS. We are not AGAINST vinyl. We like vinyl. But we'd ALSO like a CD. To go along with the vinyl. The vinyl looks good, sounds great at home. The CD can be played in a car/easily ripped to mp3 player for commutes.

nobye-noaloha 03.06.2008 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I'm getting sick of these arguments..... many of us on here already OWN RECORD PLAYERS. We are not AGAINST vinyl. We like vinyl. But we'd ALSO like a CD. To go along with the vinyl. The vinyl looks good, sounds great at home. The CD can be played in a car/easily ripped to mp3 player for commutes.

cd's, mp3 are just fucking digital code
vinyl is concrete, existing, you can almost touch it
that's music
000011011110011100000000010101 : that's not music

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