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Animal Collective - Bees possibly 2C-B influenced?
Now, I know Animal Collective has had a reputation of being heavily into psychedelics but I can't help but think of 2C-B when I hear Bees. Anyone else think the same thing?
For the record, I love to see bees. Quote:
theyve actually said that while theyre sound is certainly trippy, they dont use many drugs, and i highly doubt they fuck around with all these super rare new chemicals like 2cb, 2ce, 5 meo dmt, 2 ct 7, etc...
Bees rare? The bees fly around everywhere, man. In fact, it's probably easier for me to get bees on any given day than to get shrooms or acid. I don't know. It's a really cool sound and it's very trippy. It kind of sounds like a song about bromo.
ive never been offered those drugs in my life, so dont even try telling me their a phone call away, the only people i know who have tried those types of shits are the really psychedelic heads i know, and one of them is a chemist. acid however is a phone call away for me, and shrooms are a call away in the fall. i just never make that call because last time i took acid i got so high that i told my friends i was going out for a cigarette, but instead walked for two hours into the middle of the desert, my friends were also high so to them no time had elapsed and i had just been smoking for a few mins, then we all came down and they were like shit where is he, and im like, shit, im in the middle of the desert, and all i gota say is, thankfuckin christ for cellphones. since then i wont touch anything other than booze, painkillers, and coke.
i don't know enough about 2c-b to make a definitive statement. i definitely don't associate 2c-b with bees. i don't even know anyone who has tried 2c-b. although i did remember someone telling me they could order it off the internet.
they didn't have a scale though. and those "research chemicals" are not ones you want to try when you can't measure in mgs. |
2c bee, get it |
i get it now. im surprised i missed it the first time.
Bees are a phone call away for me. Don't try to tell me what kind of drugs I can and can not get. This is not some kind of fucking contest, man. I'm just saying that it isn't that rare. I've taken 2C-B around 10 times. I've taken acid and mushrooms many more times but they're like a phone call, an hour drive, some more phone calls, etc away.
Style, Bees have been made illegal, though. You can't buy them as research chemicals anymore. |
What is this shit? I want it.
It's a psychedelic. Some strange shit. Much more of a body 'buzz' than with most psychedelics. Burns like a bitch going up the nose. |
I'll bring some if I come to Coachella.
Seriously. |
Do it darling. I want try so many kinds of drugs. I feel so limited. So fucking lame. Robo is getting boring. Maybe I need mroe.
Do you really think you'll be able to get off probabtion and go to Coachella? |
Robo does get really boring after a while. You're in Cali. You can get the killer bud. Drugs are fun. I'm trying to stay away from everything stimulant or opiate. Psychedelics are fun.
I'm putting in a request to leave the state for it. I hopefully will be able to. I'll know in the next couple of weeks. |
Please come. I think my friends are going to flake. I know I'm in cali, but my parents are fucking the worst. I'm getting my license soon. Within a month hopefully. I'm probably going to try shrooms this spring break.
That sucks. I'll do my best to get down there. Shrooms are fun. One of my favorites for sure. It'd be so much fun, Alex. You should get on msn. I'm bored. I have pictures of a new guy I want to fuck around with.
I don't think I have MSN. I have AIm
Oh, shit. You used to have msn. I used to have AIM. I don't anymore. I'll just myspace you.
Do you think the board thinks we're 12 year old girls? |
Aren't we?
I'll get MSn Messenger. What is your na,e? |
robo tripping is just begging for sickness and puking. my favorite psychedelic is acid, obviously, and ketamine, i love how it incapacitates you and then all of a sudden your mind floats out of your head and (if ure lucky into another dimension), this can be a beautiful, warm, and happy place, or hell, i love unpredictability. but like i said i dont trip much anymore.
and arnt u still in high school? i woulda never known how to get drugs like that in high school, i guess ur lucky.
Good drugs are hard to come by here. :(
But robo tripping isn't begging for sickness at all. Just make sure you get the right stuff. |
maybe my stomach just doesnt work good with it, because i only get robitussin with active ingredient dextropromorphan, i always make sure theres no other active ingredients in there, either way i dont like the high at all, its funny though when people are like, "why the fuck are you so messed up right now", and you say, "i drank a bottle and a half of robitussin", and just lookin at their face filled with utter contempt, that face makes it all worth it! |
I've some 2-cb I believe a couple times. It was in a capsule. Its like a mix between MDMA and a psychedelic. It definately makes the sky and the lights come alive. We had other stuff those night to do and my friend said put it away you won't even need it. He was pretty much right for about 4 hours I couldn't even remember the beer in my hand. My buddy was walking around the woods at a festival making like radio frequency noises like he was trying to pick up a signal from the cosmos. The next day he said he said he couldn't have stopped if he wanted to. It just about had me rolling on the ground that night. The real deal is Ayahuasca if you ever get a chance. A friend of mine met a shaman in Peru and he would come up a couple times o year and we would all camp out and have ceremonies. That was more like hallucinating for medicinal purposes. You never knew what was going to happen b/c everyone got a different lesson. So you had singing and playing insturments and people climbing over each other to purge, diareah, visions, screaming sometimes. I did listen to some animal collective one time after a ceremony and music doesn't get much better than that sounded there.
ayahuasca, i was watchin that show on discoverey about that dude who absorbs himself in various cultures, in one ep he had to do this initiation ritual for some tribe in south america, for 2 days he had to sit in a cave naked while members of the tribe would force feed him ayahuasca, he was tripping cosmos and to fuck with him even more other tribes people would come molest him, literally, theyd like push his cock in and out, it was fucked up, i couldt believe it was on cable. the guy finally came out of it and was like, "i just died, i know death, i no longer fear death because i know him". damn psychedelic chemicals. |
Yeah. I really want to do Ayahuasca sometime. I did DMT once but I didn't take enough to trip balls really. Peyote is another one of my favorite psychedelics.
I've taken just about every psychedelic under the sun. Definately my favorite class of drugs. Even when I'm all coked out, I love me some psychedelics. You would have never been able to get drugs like that in high school? I've been hussling/buying drugs since the 9th grade. That's hard to believe. Maybe my town is just a drug town. Oh, yeah. It is. |
Oh, and batreleaser, it's strange you don't like the high from DXM but you're a K fan. DXM is probably most similar to Ketamine. I suggest maybe you try taking some pills rather than drinking robo. The tussin goes down like water for me, but I know some people have trouble with it.
5-Meo DMT was by far the most intense thing I've ever experienced. The first time I smoked it after a weekend of ceremonies it was like timeless spaceless bliss. Complete oneness with Buddha and everything else. Literally like ecstacy times 100 or a thousand. I got up and just stumbled around staying that everything is perfect. It all made sense finally. I was wondering how I was going to go back home and live my life now that I was enlightened. Well of course I wasn't enlightened I realized about 30 minutes later but fuck, that shit was truly a step into the plane of Bardo. The next and last time I did it also after a weekend of camping and Aya ceremonies, I took a hit laid back and took a wrong turn in my subconsious. Its way to intense to step back, catch your breath, and say I'm going to get a grip. So my world turned black and absolutely frightening. If you have ever read of Hell realms in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, this matched the description to a tee. I believe this was accompanied by me making strange shrieks which probably freaked everyone out. I eventually let it consume me without fighting and must have transitioned back in the postive place I was in during my first experience. I thought about it for days obsessively like a teenager does sex. I think it was all a lesson in detachment from ego and I had been unwilling to let go of mine. Anyway, that's the last I tried 5-Meo.
Two see bees are really wonderful . Though unfortunately now a lot of fakes get sold with its name , like how E and acid are ... and i guess like most drugs found on the street , anyway .
2c-b , if you can find a reliable pure source , is usually an off-white almost-beige colour , smooth and finely ground but not quite powder . The best way to ingest it is sublingually - tossing it under your tongue and letting it melt . This is not the same as putting it in a drink and drinking it - that wastes it . It's been warmly nicknamed The Gentlemen's Acid . If you do a proper dose , things get very trippy . The melting and sparkle and dazzling visuals of acid , but the underlying knowing of control and security that you might find with E . Just when you think you are tripping your ass off , you somehow get the impression that you can't quite tip over the edge . Taking too much though , can result in some harsh anxiety and lasting physiological affects to your nervous system . |
yes theyre both dissociatives, but so is pcp and nobody in their right mind likes that shit, i just think k is the cleanest best dissasociative there is, just like it can be aruged heroin is the best opiate etc.. dxm makes me sick, ive heard pcp is awful, and ketamine is the shit, so i like ketamine. |
I suppose. PCP is a fucking miserable drug. DXM and Ketamine are similar in experience. I suppose if it makes you sick, that could be the problem. Alot of times the consistency and inactive ingredients in the syrup disagree with people. Again, I suggest trying some Drixoral caplets or something. If these make you sick, it must just be the DXM. Heroin is a drag for me. For opiates, fentanyl will always be my favorite. Heroin makes my head too fuzzy. Has anyone here ever done benzedrex? It's a stimulant similar to amphetamines but it's in an OTC drug. The fucking waves of pleasure are fantastic. My favorite new stimulant second only to the mighty llello. |
i was hooked on h for about a year and a half so obviously i hate it, i just got bored with drugs when i was 19 or so, i still smoke cigs and go out for drinks but thats about it. im too broke these days paying for school and rent and what not to keep on gettin high all the time, id rather spend extra cash on music, dvd's, clothes, instruments, etc... cant say i didnt have some great fucking times when i was going drugs though. but nah, never did benzedrez, i used to do tons and tons of adderal, i was prescribed for add and id take 60-80 mgs a day, i was fucking super me too, id sit at a computer for 8 hrs writing and re-writing essays and what not, then id crash like a motherfucker, so the doctor then prescribed me to ambiens to sleep. i got strung out as fuck too, adderal all day, then boom, ambien when i wanted to go to bed. that was when i was 16. |
fetanyl scares the shit out of me, a highschool friend od'd on one of the patches last year. he was a big fuck up junkie and it was bound to happen anyways, but it still hurts when it finally comes and your friend is gone. that experience of losing a buddy was probably a huge reason of why i got over drugs, im not trying to sound like a pussy or 'anti-drugs' or anything, its just these things can put shit into perspective for you yknow.
Yeah. I've never had anyone die on me but I've been in gun situations, lots of people put in jail, etc. Yeah. When I had a gun put in my gut I rethunk everything. I don't fuck with pushing drugs and shit anymore. It's all bad news. Especially when you get involved and that meth shit.
Psychedelics are still the shit, though. |
theyre not going to aggrivate psychological problems unless the person already has a latent undiagnosed psychological problem, and it might even be better to set off the problem because then it can get treated quicker, i.e. a guy can drop acid, go grazy, and realize hes had major manic depression his whole life, now he can get helo with it. |
Word. Very true, batreleaser.
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