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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.26.2008 03:40 PM

nobody says anything on buses, and thats why people kill themselves!
Nobody says anything on buses
And it's not the noise the engine makes
You can watch them all staring nervous
Sit at the back it's the safest place
People are scared to say hello
The flick of the fag the shifting eyes
Stare in amusement then look away
The conscious battle of who to despise
Self-restriction and self paranoia
Self-belief and the silent laugh
The inner conflict between one another
When you're all the same it seems so daft
Nobody says anything on buses
And that's why people kill themselves
Desperation against the world
Can't find a way to express themselves
Society breeds hate and derision
But society is only a mass of people
Striving to be god
At the expense of others
Striving to be better than their next door neighbour
People are scared underneath their silence
People are getting more afraid
They turn to their leaders for help and guidance
And then the system wins again
And will carry on winning till god knows when
Till people start to talk to each other
Everyone just like a brother
Till the morals and fear that divides us all
Is no longer the excuse for the system's rule


pbradley 03.26.2008 03:44 PM

Not in SF!

uhler 03.26.2008 03:48 PM

i'm taking a bus to move up to nyc. no one better say anything to me on the bus. i heard it's really annoying to ride a bus long distances because the people are all fucking shitty.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.26.2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Not in SF!

yes they are,

Sunday April 6 2008 San Francisco CA Slims

or did you mean that people kill themselves in SF for different reasons then that?

mangajunky 03.26.2008 04:15 PM

I take the bus every day into work. A girl I dated for a little while rides the same bus. I've made friends with some of the passengers. I talk to people on my bus all the time.

We chat Politics, entertainment, bullshit, and mostly complaints about how the bus never sticks to the schedule.
Fucking angry young punks gotta learn to lighten up an be more sociable.

✌➬ 03.26.2008 04:17 PM

They have buses in L.A.?

uhler 03.26.2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
yes they are,


Sunday April 6 2008 San Francisco CA Slims

or did you mean that people kill themselves in SF for different reasons then that?

those bands are so boring live.

Rob Instigator 03.26.2008 04:21 PM

they can;t be as boring as interpol

✌➬ 03.26.2008 04:23 PM

Nothing can be as boring as Interpol.

pbradley 03.26.2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
or did you mean that people kill themselves in SF for different reasons then that?

Bingo. Certain areas will get you a lot of chatty folks. I remember this one older gentleman was telling a friend and I about how he was going to found his own law school. Sure, most people are quiet on the bus here but if you strike up conversation on an sunny Saturday afternoon, they won't give you the cold shoulder. People talk to me about the band of the shirt I'm wearing, the book I'm carrying with me, etc. stuff like that. And of course there are always the undiagnosed schizos that have passionate conversations with themselves.

atsonicpark 03.26.2008 04:54 PM

at least no one wears thongs anymore. shit's gross.

sarramkrop 03.26.2008 04:56 PM

I wish the name of this thread was reality. Nobody shuts their gobs on buses.

artsygrrl 03.26.2008 05:05 PM

I actually read about a suicide bomber who said something on a bus: Boom.


gmku 03.26.2008 05:09 PM

I don't like it when people try to talk to me on buses. Usually they're real nut jobs.

Pookie 03.26.2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I don't like it when people try to talk to me on buses. Usually they're real nut jobs.

I always get the nutcase on buses. The last one who sat next to me started talking to me, I shot him a glance and he said "You don't want to talk to me do you?"

✌➬ 03.26.2008 07:10 PM

The last time I was in the bus, I had a real head-case. She kicked me, later on she gave me a cd because I didn't give her an odd look like everyone else. I didn't take any because they all sucked.

Cantankerous 03.26.2008 07:11 PM

i believe i have discussed in detail my phobia of speaking to strangers in public places, or conversely being spoken to.

gmku 03.26.2008 07:13 PM

I usually the get the schizophrenics, the ones who make absolutely no sense. "So like and then the spaceship but my wife went to the banana and found some Chinese men, yes, Chinese, and the spaceship but now the K-Mart lady..."

✌➬ 03.26.2008 07:14 PM

I once got this crazy dude, who was blaming the jews for the worlds problems. Saying something that they controlled the money of the world.

Cantankerous 03.26.2008 07:16 PM

in LA?
was it mel gibson?

max 03.26.2008 07:16 PM

Adolf something?

gmku 03.26.2008 07:16 PM

Man, not even a crazy dude with original thoughts! At least mine are a bit more creative.

gmku 03.26.2008 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
in LA?
was it mel gibson?


✌➬ 03.26.2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Man, not even a crazy dude with original thoughts! At least mine are a bit more creative.

Well you know, in L.A. everyone is trying the latest trend.

gmku 03.26.2008 07:23 PM

Anti-semitism is the latest trend?

✌➬ 03.26.2008 07:24 PM

No, that was years ago, now is anti-immigrants. Catch the latest hispanic.

gmku 03.26.2008 07:27 PM

"The world is ugly, and its people are sad..."

pbradley 03.26.2008 07:58 PM

San Francisco crazies are harmless so they more entertaining than discomforting. Like this one schizo that was talking about being in the canadian airforce during the cold war and a covert mission cover up about the prime minister or something. It was pretty interesting although typically disconnected.

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