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jon boy 04.08.2008 09:07 AM

video capture software
does anybody know any? the stuff that came with the camera is rubbish and doesnt work.

Tokolosh 04.08.2008 09:18 AM

Start with Ulead if you're a novice.

If you've done video editing before, go for Adobe Premiere on a pc, or Final Cut Pro on a mac.


!@#$%! 04.08.2008 09:33 AM

for crap footage from a crap camera i'd say windows movie maker (pc) or i-movie (mac) will do the trick, both of which are more of less free.

both premiere & fcp require big bucks, as does AVID. there is adobe premiere elements that sells for about $100 however, which should be enough.

no serious camera will come with "free software", so stick to the cheap solutions. and certain crap cameras have their own special formats which are not compatible with anything else and require the rubbish software they came with.

jon boy 04.08.2008 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Start with Ulead if you're a novice.

If you've done video editing before, go for Adobe Premiere on a pc, or Final Cut Pro on a mac.


thanks. hello.

i know premiere very well indeed its just getting it on there in the first place. bloody modern technology.

Tokolosh 04.08.2008 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
for crap footage from a crap camera i'd say windows movie maker (pc) or i-movie (mac) will do the trick, both of which are more of less free.

both premiere & fcp require big bucks, as does AVID. there is adobe premiere elements that sells for about %100 however, which should be enough.

I'd rather grab a torrent of the real deal, than pay for crap software.
It would be a different story if I ran a business though.

!@#$%! 04.08.2008 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'd rather grab a torrent of the real deal, than pay for crap software.
It would be a different story if I ran a business though.

oh come on. theftware is not cool. plus it's often stuffed with trojans, doesn't work right, etc. i-movie is more than enough for civilians. the new windows media does an ok job.

i originally bought avid xpress dv for $300 on sale-- upgraded to xpress pro (value $1K) for $500, and now i'm getting an offer to updgrade to avid media composer for another $500. best purchase ever.

yes i make money off this but in my experience warez are not "free"-- they can cause you trouble and waste your time.

in other words-- people who don't want to be serious don't need good software, and people who want to be serious are better off paying for the good stuff.

Tokolosh 04.08.2008 10:13 AM

Don't get me wrong. All my software is licenced.
The point I was trying to make is that if you're only going to use it once or twice, $300 is a lot of money.

terminal pharmacy 04.08.2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh come on. theftware is not cool. plus it's often stuffed with trojans, doesn't work right, etc. i-movie is more than enough for civilians. the new windows media does an ok job.

i originally bought avid xpress dv for $300 on sale-- upgraded to xpress pro (value $1K) for $500, and now i'm getting an offer to updgrade to avid media composer for another $500. best purchase ever.

yes i make money off this but in my experience warez are not "free"-- they can cause you trouble and waste your time.

in other words-- people who don't want to be serious don't need good software, and people who want to be serious are better off paying for the good stuff.

i used nabbed software up until about 3 years ago when i started making enough out of music to buy the sw i need

ZEROpumpkins 04.09.2008 12:32 AM

I'm after a program that can take videos of what's going on on your computer screen. Like a screen shot but a movie. If you know of anything, PM me.

Cantankerous 04.09.2008 12:34 AM

if youre on a mac and you just want a video still:

command + shift + 4

and this little crosshair will come up and you can hold down the left mouse button and select the area of the screen you want.
it will be saved as a .png file on the desktop.

!@#$%! 04.09.2008 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
I'm after a program that can take videos of what's going on on your computer screen. Like a screen shot but a movie. If you know of anything, PM me.

adobe captivate

you can get a 30-day free trial

ZEROpumpkins 04.09.2008 12:40 AM

But I want warez! I'll have to hit pirate bay.
Thanks anyway, evil twin.

!@#$%! 04.09.2008 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
i used nabbed software up until about 3 years ago when i started making enough out of music to buy the sw i need

well i *cough* never mind but hm it's more trouble than it's worth.

there's a lot of free tools out there these days though, shit that runs in liinux like kino, cinelerra, lives, etc. in windows you've got virtual dub which is actually quite powerful, and you can actually find yourself a copy of avid free (now discontinued), or buy an older or educational version of good software. premiere elements actually sells for a mere $100, which anybody with an internet connection living in a developed country can afford without stealing.

then again you can reisntall your OS and get 30 day free shit all over again :D

no, but really...

nicfit 04.09.2008 02:51 AM

duuuudes, jon boy just asked a simple method to transfer stuff from his camera to the computer, methinks.

!@#$%! 04.09.2008 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
But I want warez! I'll have to hit pirate bay.
Thanks anyway, evil twin.

ha ha ha

but you can still try it free & legal for 30 day before you decide to steal-- re: evil twin i know who you are now ha ha ha ha

tetatesticle 04.09.2008 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
does anybody know any? the stuff that came with the camera is rubbish and doesnt work.

Depends what you're capturing from and what format you want it in.

I second the Virtualdub recommendation for most things and I've always found Adobe Premiere does a good job of capturing DV .

ZEROpumpkins 04.10.2008 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha

but you can still try it free & legal for 30 day before you decide to steal-- re: evil twin i know who you are now ha ha ha ha

Yeah, trials are annoying though. Chock your computer with files then it's gone after 30 days.

!@#$%! 04.10.2008 02:20 AM

or find a key*cough*gen

ZEROpumpkins 04.10.2008 02:25 AM

So the trial version is just a crippled version of the full version then?

!@#$%! 04.10.2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
So the trial version is just a crippled version of the full version then?

a trial version is a FULL VERSION that works for 30 days. you can do absolutely everything with it until it expires.

when you buy it
, you get a serial number and it activates for evarrrrr.

occasionally it phones home looking for updates. mind yr fyrwll.

ZEROpumpkins 04.10.2008 02:38 AM

Ahh good stuff then. Might as well grab it from pirate bay during my offpeak time on the weekend.

!@#$%! 04.10.2008 02:40 AM


ZEROpumpkins 04.10.2008 02:47 AM

It's cool, pirate bay is pretty trusty. I scan everything and test it on my old laptop. Also, you can read comments of thousands of other consumers.

!@#$%! 04.10.2008 02:49 AM

i guess. i've given up on warez since i started depending on software to make a living. time = money.

anyway its 2am here i should go take a nap.


ZEROpumpkins 04.10.2008 02:55 AM

Bye, Evil twin.

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