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✌➬ 05.07.2008 12:08 AM

The Different Music Taste Among Lovers
My boyfriend and me have the biggest music gap I can imagine. He likes U2, Bruce Springsteen, Musical songs(God knows why), and Elton John.

He makes fun of my music taste, because he finds it that it is bad. He hates SY, Joy Division, and all the bands that I hold dearly.

So, my question is what is the difference between you and your lover?

ni'k 05.07.2008 12:14 AM

my only lover is my own hand and it doesn't have ears.

uhler 05.07.2008 12:18 AM

all the girls i dated have had similar musical tastes as me.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.07.2008 12:42 AM

I find that girls have the same musical taste as their last boyfriend.

Dead-Air 05.07.2008 12:57 AM

I give my wife a lot of shit for loving the Cure, but then every female I've slept with in the past decade loves the Cure. I just moan along when she plays that stuff, and so she doesn't play it so much.

She had that classic "Sonic Youth was better in the '80s" attitude until I made her listen to all of NYC Ghost & Flowers and now it's one of her favorite albums, and the title track is probably her favorite song.

She actually used to play in Trail of Dead and yet has none of their albums because she agrees with me they're over-produced.

I can't get her into Sepultura, but what the hell. Kind of the same thing with most noise music, though oddly she owns a Merzbow album (never heard her listen to it in seven years though.)

She got me into Hood, which is totally cool. I'd never even heard of them before her.

We both lived in Olympia long enough that Unwound, Bikini Kill, and Karp are not only bands we've loved for years, but known for as long. Her first boyfriend was Scott from Karp, and they played at my 30th birthday party.

Overall our tastes are close enough to make me pretty happy with things. We even both sing some of the same Carpenters songs to the baby.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:15 AM

I guess cause me and my BF bonded over political talk, and making fun of other gay people that we didn't need to bond over music.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:20 AM

Whatev's, still bonded over something.

Musical Bondage, will be my band's name.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:24 AM

Also, it is true that I am a whore. I lost count after 15 people, and that was when I was 19.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
YOU = 100% Dirty.

What does Sonic Youth have to do with that remark?

edit- saw the picture.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:29 AM

Please, I am not dirty I bathe every day. Just cause I go down on guys, and have anal sex. Please.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:33 AM

I am not that kinky. Here is my list:

Threesome(In cars, someones bed, etc.)
Outdoors sex
I have more, but the more I put the more I remember that I am happy where I am at. It beats cheap one night stands.

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:40 AM

So, how was your weekend?

forkimified 05.07.2008 01:47 AM

My girlfriend isn't really a music fan. Just listens to what's on the radio, mostly. We have a few bands in common that I've introduced her to though. Like BYOP, the Gossip, Death Sentence Panda. We may or may not be starting to like more of the same things.
She doesn't like Sonic Youth in general though. But I played Rather Ripped for her, and she didn't seem to mind that...

✌➬ 05.07.2008 01:50 AM

Good, I was all alone everyone went to Vegas. Spent the night with the BF. Other than that it was the usual, work and doing shit afterwards. Oh yeah homework. Well I am off, have a good night.

atsonicpark 05.07.2008 02:24 AM

I guess my top 10 bands/artists would be Captain Beefheart, Sun City Girls, John Fahey, Robbie Basho, Boredoms, Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282, Gastr Del Sol, Stars of the Lid, Secret Chiefs 3, and the Residents with honorable mention to Sonic Youth, Ruins, Bondage Fruit, Happy Family, Omoide Hatoba (who I occassionally like better than Boredoms), The Ex, and countless others, of course.....

Her favorites, if I would guess right off the top of my head, would be Polysics, Lightning Bolt, Motocompo, Plus-Tech Squeezebox, Animal Collective, Secret Chiefs 3, Brainiac, Causey Way, Islands/Unicorns, and Big Black .. she also loves some Miracle Chosuke, they only have that one album though. She mainly likes poppier shit or shit with electronic hooks/keyboards, though she also likes shit that's propulsive and simpler... she doesn't really like stuff with tons of time changes or stuff that would make your head hurt with complexity.

That being said, we usually agree on music, and we get along really well, for a loooooong time she couldn't get into Beefheart.. she enjoyed the music but couldn't stand the vocals.. but now she gets it.. she has me burn her a lot of CD's, she likes a lot of J-Pop, but I do too. So, yeah, we get along a-okay.

pbradley 05.07.2008 02:47 AM

I, currently, am single. And I could give a fuck about the music tastes of random beezies. chuch.

radarmaker 05.07.2008 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I find that girls have the same musical taste as their last boyfriend.

Hehe - from my own experience, I can only agree.

pbradley 05.07.2008 05:54 AM

Yeah, I turned my ex on to a lot of bands. Portishead, Breeders, Throwing Muses, stuff I felt my ideal girlfriend would be into.

sarramkrop 05.07.2008 06:08 AM

I purposely only go out with guys who have bad taste in music so I can make them feel inferior.

HECKLER SPRAY 05.07.2008 06:15 AM

I can't stand all the bands she likes. French Pop Music (Katerine, Camlille and other shits like that...) Beuh !!!!
I made her get into Sonic Youth, Pavement, Sebadoh... but it was a hard work.

sarramkrop 05.07.2008 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
all that is very funny now, because today i made a decision not to talk about music to any boy who approaches me and asks me about music. or lie and say i like insert: badtaste music.
it will be very tough to do that, because i dont lie.

Tell them that you don't like music and you prefer staring at traffic wardens.

jon boy 05.07.2008 06:22 AM

its difficult i suppose. i mean you could meet someone who is funny, pretty etc but they are wearing a placebo t shirt. what do you do?

HECKLER SPRAY 05.07.2008 06:27 AM

you have to slap him.

jon boy 05.07.2008 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
oh thats very romantic! i ll use it, thanks.

maybe the t-shirt had nice colours....?

please do nefeli.

Torn Curtain 05.07.2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
I can't stand all the bands she likes. French Pop Music (Katerine, Camlille and other shits like that...) Beuh !!!!

Camille has good songs (not the ones you hear on TV) especially on Le fil and a good voice. She's irritating as hell as a person though (which can detract people from her real talent).

Torn Curtain 05.07.2008 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
its difficult i suppose. i mean you could meet someone who is funny, pretty etc but they are wearing a placebo t shirt. what do you do?

What's more important, the person or their tastes ? And there are far worse bands than Placebo anyway.

gmku 05.07.2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
My boyfriend and me have the biggest music gap I can imagine. He likes U2, Bruce Springsteen, Musical songs(God knows why), and Elton John.

He makes fun of my music taste, because he finds it that it is bad. He hates SY, Joy Division, and all the bands that I hold dearly.

So, my question is what is the difference between you and your lover?

Everyone's different, lovers or not.

Same probably applies not only to lovers but also to husbands and wives. I know my tastes are very different from my wife's. She simply doesn't listen to the music I like when I listen to it. I'm the bigger person, though, and never complain about anything she chooses to put on the stereo, even when I hate it.

Torn Curtain 05.07.2008 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by gmku
I know my tastes are very different from my wife's. She simply doesn't listen to the music I like when I listen to it.

My best friend's girlfriend doesn't like Sonic Youth, so he simply listens to them when she's not in. That doesn't prevent her from being a great person and they really love each other so why should that be a problem ?

pbradley 05.07.2008 07:00 AM

Having a different taste in music than my girlfriend doesn't really bother me for the most part. Putting up with the other's tunes isn't too hard for me though I will give her shit like any other couple's bickering.

There have been too many threads on this topic in the past.

jon boy 05.07.2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
What's more important, the person or their tastes ? And there are far worse bands than Placebo anyway.

your right a smashing pumpkins t shirt is even worse.

sarramkrop 05.07.2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I guess my top 10 bands/artists would be Captain Beefheart, Sun City Girls, John Fahey, Robbie Basho, Boredoms, Thinking Fellers Union Local # 282, Gastr Del Sol, Stars of the Lid, Secret Chiefs 3, and the Residents with honorable mention to Sonic Youth, Ruins, Bondage Fruit, Happy Family, Omoide Hatoba (who I occassionally like better than Boredoms), The Ex, and countless others, of course.....

Her favorites, if I would guess right off the top of my head, would be Polysics, Lightning Bolt, Motocompo, Plus-Tech Squeezebox, Animal Collective, Secret Chiefs 3, Brainiac, Causey Way, Islands/Unicorns, and Big Black .. she also loves some Miracle Chosuke, they only have that one album though. She mainly likes poppier shit or shit with electronic hooks/keyboards, though she also likes shit that's propulsive and simpler... she doesn't really like stuff with tons of time changes or stuff that would make your head hurt with complexity.

That being said, we usually agree on music, and we get along really well, for a loooooong time she couldn't get into Beefheart.. she enjoyed the music but couldn't stand the vocals.. but now she gets it.. she has me burn her a lot of CD's, she likes a lot of J-Pop, but I do too. So, yeah, we get along a-okay.

What does she think of your classic albums?

gmku 05.07.2008 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
My best friend's girlfriend doesn't like Sonic Youth, so he simply listens to them when she's not in. That doesn't prevent her from being a great person and they really love each other so why should that be a problem ?


ALIEN ANAL 05.07.2008 08:37 AM

my girlfriend likes the music i listen to
but i hate a lot of bands she listens too

Torn Curtain 05.07.2008 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
my girlfriend likes the music i listen to
but i hate a lot of bands she listens too

Maybe she fakes liking what you listen to actually :D

ALIEN ANAL 05.07.2008 09:01 AM

nah she was into the same stuff before we met
funny though :P

atsonicpark 05.07.2008 09:30 AM

Pork, I dunno, she probably doesn't like a lot of those.. or she might.. she doesn't think in terms of "classic" I guess.

She does post on here occassionally.................

Rob Instigator 05.07.2008 10:01 AM

My girlfriend is such a girly girl
she likes stuff like sade, tony bennett, Steely dan, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor anything where someone is singing with a backdrop of beautifully composed music (barf)
She thinks I, (and by extension all of you) are crazy weirdo for listening to such ear-shocking insanity.
she really cannot stand the ROCK.

since she has been with me she has found that she likes a lot of new stuff. she has also told me that despite my music being so difficult and weird, that she understands now why I call her music "simple" and "basic". She said that her favorite music while beautiful, does not ahve lasting depth when compared to the stuff she hears me listen to.

I have gotten her into cornelius, TV on the Radio, the smiths, and other light fare.

she is a musical wuss. Like marge simpson, listening to "wuss rock".

luckily w eboth love classical music, and jazz, although she gets a hard on for jazz vocalists and I fucking hate that shit.

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