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Have you ever been on a date with a holocaust denier?
I have.
You probably haven't. |
Does anyone else quite like the idea of sleeping with racists but can't bring themselves to do it? There's something well sexy about idiots.
I did it with her before the subject of holocaust denial came up (lovely girl, never would have guessed she was a racist), not sure i'd have been able to keep it up had i known.
I'm not sure if it counts, but I remember a very druggy ex- talking about the holocaust being exagerrated, but she was very, very druggy so I didn't really think too much about it. She was very, very good in the sack. She would also talk to fairies a lot. Ah, the trammels of youth, eh? She wasn't a racist mind you.
ha. ha. and--- ha. |
she was italian. who's laughing now? |
no cant say i have but i have met people who i thought were nice who turned out to be total nightmares. such is life.
there are still lots of neo-nazi small groups over here.
too bad racists are everywhere. Italy makes no exception (and it's probably a worse place than others on that matter, at least in some northern italy regions). http://www.iht.com/articles/reuters/...-MILITANTS.php |
My first girlfriend did, at one time, think that Bill Clinton was the Antichrist.
Not really racist but still bonkers. Also it wasn't hard to pick up subtle racism in her humor, etc. |
what exactly did the girl in question say?
i can't remember what we were talking about (not jews or the holocaust though) but she suddenly said something like, "i don't believe in the holocaust, i think they made it up" then i said, "who's they?" then she said, under her breath "the jews!" then i said "what do you mean they made it up?" and she said "it's a conspiracy, there's no proof it happened" then i said "what about the concentration camps, and all the dead bodies?" then she said "well, people die in wars, it's what happens"
she didnt deny it but someone i knew disputed the numbers of people involved and i think if i would have pushed the conversation probably would have denied it ever took place also.
I do find it interesting how the extermination of jews by nazis has managed to eclipse other genocides from the last century. I'm by no means a holocaust denier, but I do believe that the establishment of Israel after the war has led to a number of figures doing their best to elevate its position in history in a bid to justify their own, often rather dubious, political ends. Germany certainly doesn't have a monopoly on modern-era fascism, as Israel's treatment of Palestinians over the last few decades proves.
my grandfather is kind of racist but i've never gone out with him
I think that one of the saddest aspects of the Israel situation is the way in which, rather than having forgotten its past, it appears to refer to it solely as a means of justifying some of its actions. I agree that they are not on the scale of Nazi Germany, but the fact that we're even able to compare the two at all, I find rather depressing. |
"no comparison" is denying "the fact that we're even able to compare the two"
And of course we're able to compare the two. Every country is able to and has been compared to Nazi Germany. I don't understand this conversation at all. I would like to hear of one example of a superpower to world power that has not been compared to Nazi Germany in some way. |
I once dated a Christian who said that homosexuality was wrong because it wasn't natural and also that white people in America (she lived in America for a while) have it hard because they always have to hear about slavery. I personally think the racism would be harder to take. The relationship didn't last long, I can tell you. What was also strange was that I was the only one who attacked her on those views, everyone else there (there were quite a few people there on both occasions) didn't say anything, like typical English, pathetic, weak little shits, too scared to say anything that might be even slightly confrontational or expressing an important oppinion .
remember, the holocaust happened in the last large scale global conflict, and the biggest of the modern era. it has to resonate until there's another one.
--- back on topic, i have met plenty of deniers, they usually run out of arguments once we get to discuss their point of view. never dated one though. my ex used to be all "jews are shit" sometimes when talking to me when we were seeing each other, but she would tell me she didn't really think that, especially when arguing with me on the subject. once she bought mein kampf when we were downtown and she was like "yeah!! i bought it!!! so what?!!", trying to get a rise out of me, and i said "great, can i borrow it when you're done with it?". another time, we ran into a neonazi in the metro, reading a nazi book, swastika ring, and she was like "let's get off now, i don't want him to do anything to you". the girls i date man... |
I'm with you, but really it isn't exactly the fault of the Jews that after WWII the UN decided to give them a homeland right in the middle of Arab territories. That was insanity from the get go. Israel should have been set up in Germany where that Holocaust happened, but the US and USSR were to busy carving the conquered nation up for their own political purposes. That doesn't justify the actions of the right wing thugs in power in Israel, nor does the constant influx into their cities of Palestine suicide bombers for decades now. However, the comparison just doesn't measure up - there weren't jewish suicide bombers in Germany, those people were all victims. |
when i was new in amerikkka i briefly went out with a kentucky hillbilly girl i met in college. i never discussed the holocaust with her because i was just trying to get her in the sack, but i got quickly turned off when i took her to a greek restaurant and she made faces at the food. i don't know what else was in store because after that i fled.
I sat next to one in a bar once, and I sat next to one on a Greyhound bus when we were going through Illinois.
He had never seen The Blues Brothers, so he couldn't really understand why I suddenly started giggling every couple of minutes. |
i vaguely recall other bollocky expressions on her part like maybe she disliked black people and other such shit & that was the dealbreaker but nothing more vivid that the memory of her not touching her food, the cunt. she got moussaka i believe and i must have had some lamb-- i fucking love lamb. afterwards i had to take her to denny's-- she liked fucking denny's. don't look at me funny, i was new in your country & not familiar with yahoo culture. anyway one time her friend was having some sort of bachelorette party and said friend called me daddy and asked me for money-- i think that was the very last time i was near her. i'm usually not an ungrateful dater but this was memorable in a horrible way. |
yeah, ditching greek for denny's is pretty atrocious. Especially when you are having something as non-threatening as moussaka.
Probably could have called it a casserole to convince her to eat it. |
meh! worthless... :D |
haha i work at denny's. it's really an awful place, but for some reason i've been there for almost 3 years now. next month is freedom though. |
besides the quasi-antisemitism, my ex used to say how black people were inferior and were to blame for crime and stuff, i would say "yeah, mexico is going to shit because of black people who are practically non-existent here". laugh it off, sometimes she'd be "yeah, you're right" and sometimes she'd get pissed.
we used to talk all misanthropic about everything, saying how stupid people should be executed and shit like that. i kinda miss her, hahahahaha... |
I worked at Denny's for several years in the late '80s. Mostly I just hated the idea of looking for a slightly more real job. This kept me at Kinko's for eight years in the '90s too. |
You know they have Holocaust deniers in Israel now too?
I got off with a guy not a long while ago who knows someone I know and he seemed like a nice dude, friendly, attractive and all that. We decided to out go for a date (or whatever it might have been) a few days later and he went on and on about being a conservative MP in the area he lives in, he made some not thinly veiled racist stereotyping of anyone who was black or asian and so forth throughout the night. The thing that left me even more incredulous is that he seemed into me, a foreigner, and still he finds it fine to lambast people from ethninc minorities that were born here. There are some strange and fucked up people in this world.
Yeah I dug this chick till I realised she was racist. Never talked to her again.
Also I have a sneaking suspicion that Death & the Maiden is a racist, if only due to the large amount of german music he seems to listen to. Also because he doesn't seem to like me. |
sarramkrop and !@#$%!, where are you guys originally from?
Italy |
really? i didnt know that. cool.
I went out with a girl for ages before realising she was open minded. Boy, did THAT put an end to things. Nothing sexier than an afternoon fuck with a white supremacist chav, lemme tell ya.
... I'll get my coat. |
If one has to count the amount of dodgy comments made about subjects that the majority of people don't have an in-depth knowledge about on a daily basis it would be enough to tie that rope around your neck and be done with it.
It's even worse when they are made by someone that you think are perfectly capable of intelligent and developed thought, given time. |
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