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What would Obama have done?
Impossible to really know, of course, but given what you already know about Obama's politics, how do you think the slick-one would've responded to 9/11 had he been president at the time?
he would have listened to the reports in july that an attack was imminent |
Slick one? Are you going to chastise me if I answer "well"?
No, I won't chastise you for that. I may even hug you ... albeit in a manly leaning-forward-to-avoid-genital-contact kind of a way. |
liar |
and anyway, it's a well known fact on this here board that the only man I'll ever offer my genital area to in a sexual way is Duff Mckagan. And that's only because, if you squint, he sort of looks a bit like Heather Locklear in TJ Hooker. ![]() ![]() |
ha ha
Shit, I just hijacked my own thread.
yeah-- you just had written "lesbian" at first
for the additional adlib i must add-- LIAR!! :D |
Oh yeah? and what has that got to do with Obama's possible response to 9/11. I do wish you Americans would stick to the point sometimes. I really do!:rolleyes: |
you're the one who brought your genitals here. but anyway, he would have listened to his advisors. also, he would not have pushed the iraq angle. after all he's a thinking man not some unqualified dumbfuck |
OK, I doubt the Iraq angle would've surfaced, as you say. But I think the national mood for revenge would've put him in a bit of a spot really. Saying that, was that mood enhanced by the increasingly militaristic rhetoric provided by Doubleyaah and networks such as Fox, or were they simply providing a voice for an already existing mood of revenge?
the original drive was to take ossama down and i think he would have focused on that. i remember when this happened i was talking to my dad on the phone & i told him ossama was gonna get fucked in a bad way-- and the taliban, good motherfucking riddance-- but then they started with the crapola and the bullshit and the lies. i think that's when a lot of people got off the revenge train & starting asking "what the fuck?" i know some fairly intelligent people that were CONVINCED saddam had WMDs simply because they trusted the government clowns. |
Do you think he would've ordered a military strike on Afghanistan in order to do so?
well if you recall the taliban was asked to turn over ossama and they said no. so the obvious next step was to go get him |
how are we supposed to answer this question? meaningless thread alert!
9/11 wouldn't have happened. period |
Well, I said in the first post that noone could answer it absolutely, but isn't it a perfectly reasonable thing to wonder how a politician would've responded to an event in the past, based on what you know about his general position on things? As for the meaningless thread thing. I guess it might be, but considering that only about 5% of threads onthis forum have any really great significance, who cares. It's a debating point, that's all. Ignore it if you want. And if enough people follow we can all watch it drop down the list until it disappears. Simple as. |
He would have said "Excuse me children, The President has to go put a boot up someone's ass. And not sit there biting his lip like a student with a dunce cap.
He would have invaded Afghanistan, same as Clinton would have, or any other person who would have been President.
He would have listened to the illuminati.
Although I'm no defender of Bush, I find Michael Moore's criticism of his (in)actions in that classroom totally unfair. Christ, what could the guy do? I'm sure the last place he wanted to be at that moment was sitting infront of a load of school children but that's where he was. If anything, it was one of the most level-headed moments of his time in office. Personally, I tend to agree with !~$%! and Melly in that, Iraq aside, the language might have been different, but the actions would've been pretty similar. |
i think he would've played a 20 minute set of just feedback.
maybe if Bush was anyone but the president. really, when it comes to matters of national defense, the feelings a few CHILDREN don't matter. He could have excused himself without freaking out the CHILDREN. But you see, that classroom is a metaphor for the whole country. We're all seen as CHILDREN by the elite, by the cops, but the military, all these tax paid servants who are far removed from normal life. It has been documented that unknown men of middle eastern origin tried to get into Bush's hotel to "interview him" that morning or the night before (I forget exactly). Do you think it is a coincidence Bush was in the same area Atta and his crew had been just days before when these devout muslims were out getting drunk at titty bars?? To answer the original question, I'm sure Obama's masters would have directed him down a similar path. |
Hopefully he would think to himself:
"What Would Big Baby Jesus Do?" ![]() |
...and then released the resulting mess on Load Records. Boo-yah! |
He would've given a speech and went, "This is a terrible loss." That's about all any president could do.
Yes, he probably could've left without freaking them out but, I don't know what was actually said to him in that classroom. If he was told the country was under attack, which I don't think was actually being considered a possibility until after the second plane struck, then he should've made his excuses and left immediately, but I don't know if he was made aware of the full scale of the events at that time. |
all I k now is that Barack Obama does not have deep familial ties to the ruling saudi family of which Bin laden is a member.
Obama Bin Laden's father loaned George H.W. Bush ten million dollars to start their oil business back in the day, and they are close business partners. that is why we have not killed bin laden yet. obama would have no such hindrances. |
we don't know what he was aware of, but his handlers certainly knew and they were very afraid at the time there was an attack planned against the president. they were remiss in not immediately removing the President from the unsecured area. That book he was reading (I think there are photos of him with the book upside down, too) "My Pet Goat", I just can't help thinking goat=devil. I wonder what they're going to do to us this summer before the elections other than bankrupt us with the high prices of commodity due to speculation by the hedge funders. |
Obama would also listen to Tesla.
so when girlgun recommends i stuff figs with goat cheese and pecans you think it's some kind of satanic recipe involving testicles, forbidden fruits, and coagulated demon semen, or what? because, you know, michelangelo painted the forbidden fruit as a fig, and he was an agent of eris working for an illuminati pope. right? |
The last part of that sentence is where you lost me, I'm afraid. |
the upside down book thing was a hoax a prank.
the book he was actually reading was titled "let cheney Dick you til it hurts, and other assorted sundry tales" |
the same way all puppets act, the way the puppeteer pulls the strings of course. ![]() |
SH: Yeah, we are suing Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mueller, etc. for complicity in personally not only allowing 9/11 to happen but in ordering it. The hijackers we retained and we had a witness who is married to one of them. The hijackers were U.S. undercover agents. They were double agents, paid by the FBI and the CIA to spy on Arab groups in this country. They were controlled. Their landlord was an FBI informant in San Diego and other places. And this was a direct, covert operation ordered, personally ordered by George W. Bush. Personally ordered. We have incriminating evidence, documents as well as witnesses, to this effect. It’s not just incompetence - in spite of the fact that he is incompetent. The fact is he personally ordered this, knew about it. He, at one point, there were rehearsals of this. The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September 11th - when those videos showed that Andrew Card whispered in his ear the [garbled] words about this he listened to kids reading the pet goat story, is that he thought this was another rehearsal. These people had dress-rehearsed this many times. He had seen simulated videos of this. In fact, he even made a Freudian slip a few months later at a California press conference when he said he had, quote, “seen on television the first plane attack the first tower.” And that could not be possible because there was no video. What it was was the simulated video that he had gone over. So this was a personally government-ordered thing. We are suing them under the Constitution for violating Americans’ rights, as well as under the federal Fraudulent Claims Act, for presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress to justify the bogus Iraq boondoggle war, for political gains. And also, under the RICO statute, under the Racketeering Corrupt Organization Act, for being a corrupt entity. And I’ve been harassed personally by the chief judge of the federal court who is instructing me personally to drop this suit, threatened to kick me off the court, after 30 years on the court. I’ve been harassed by the FBI. My staff has been harassed and threatened. My office has been broken into and this is the kind of government we are dealing with. |
Interesting points raised here. Frankly though, who would you prefer - the slick Obama shizzle, or the truly mental Clinton bitch, when it comes to the big political decisions/finger on the red button stuff?
Clinton!! Clinton!! Clinton!!
just cos obama is black doesn't make him "slick shizzle"-- he's actually a harvard nerd who until recently was teaching constitutional law at a university level. well not so nerdy evidently but come on-- he's not gonna be the gansta president or some other silly shit. |
I think Bong Load Records is more his style. ;) |
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