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sarramkrop 05.16.2008 04:45 AM

Girl gangs
What do you think about them? I was reading an article about the prolification of them in London and the UK in general and how generally they seem to get tougher sentences when convicted of violent crime because it is sort unexpected for ladies to behave like that.

The number of underage girl crime has risen to 58% in the past decade, a big rise overall.

Some article:


demonrail666 05.16.2008 04:51 AM

Girl gangs are, by definition, sexy as hell:


sarramkrop 05.16.2008 04:55 AM

I have to admit that whenever I see a group of girls on the street or on the bus I find them weirdly attractive in a non-sexual way. Something about them makes them so much less boring and stupid than their male equivalent. And this is not condoning any violent or non-violent crimes that they might commit, which remain awful.

MellySingsDoom 05.16.2008 04:56 AM

She Devils On Wheels!


demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:00 AM

There's apparantly loads of them in Tottenham and around Camden. I watched a documentary about them. It was hilarious. The presenter was trying to cast them as misunderstood innocents but they were just utterly psycho and boasted that a lot of the guys in the area were shit scared of them. They even showed them hassling some teenage blokes with some SERIOUSLY dick withering verbals. Radical feminism new millennium style. Wicked!

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 05:07 AM

Somehow I doubt that you'd escape alive from a few of them's hands if you dared throwing stuff like ''Radical Feminism New Millennium Style'' at them.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:16 AM

"You callin' me a feminalist? Gonna mash you up"

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 05:23 AM

I'm going to start a gang of fags who go around bashing random straights. I bet a few of the girl gangs would befriend us because they also find a lot of straight men annoying.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:24 AM

"I now declare this thread, well fuckin' good."

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I'm going to start a gang of fags who go around bashing random straights. I bet a few of the girl gangs would befriend us because they also find a lot of straight men annoying.


But then I'll show dem some nastee gay-boy porn you be watchin. Den day gonna be laaaaaaghin at you sooooooo bad:


demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:31 AM

Sorry, I tried:

You must spread some big hoop earings from Top Shop around before giving dem to dat likkle poof sarramkrop again.

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

But then I'll show dem some nastee gay-boy porn you be watchin. Den day gonna be laaaaaaghin at you sooooooo bad:


Hmm, not sure. Tough girls tend to like me a lot because being a fag they understand what I have to put up with on a daily basis. They like mothering me and, rightly, put me on the fag leader pedestal. Look at Stonewall and don't underestimate what fags are capable of getting up to, straighto.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:34 AM


Straightos, doncha just love us?

the ikara cult 05.16.2008 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Hmm, not sure. Tough girls tend to like me a lot because being a fag they understand what I have to put up with on a daily basis. They like mothering me and, rightly, put me on the fag leader pedestal. Look at Stonewall and don't underestimate what fags are capable of getting up to, straighto.

They should put the fag leader pedestal on that spare plinth in Trafalgar Square. Itd be great, you could stand there all day and shout "Call yourself a Queeen do you?" down the Mall.

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

Straightos, doncha just love us?

I really have to drag you to The White Swan on a Saturday night. Everyone looks like that but dancing.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:43 AM


- "Fuck off Cheryl; he's MY gay Friend"

- "No he aint; he's MINE!"

Toilet & Bowels 05.16.2008 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I really have to drag you to The White Swan on a Saturday night. Everyone looks like that but dancing.

have you been to the red lion in hoxton recently? it seems t ohave tuned into a gay football hooligans pub.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 05:51 AM

Can't you just leave us to fall deeper into the realms of social irrelevance in peace? ... Please?


MellySingsDoom 05.16.2008 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I'm going to start a gang of fags who go around bashing random straights. I bet a few of the girl gangs would befriend us because they also find a lot of straight men annoying.

Ooh, can I join???

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
have you been to the red lion in hoxton recently? it seems t ohave tuned into a gay football hooligans pub.

I haven't been there in a while, but I'm not surprised considering the big rise of masculine gay types everywhere. It's not like watching football is a strange thing for gays to do anymore. I mean, the gay football team is a pretty fierce one and it's been on for years. Rugby is also ever so popular these days.

The King's Arms on a Friday night is one of the hairiest and manliest places on earth. Now that you can't smoke you can smell the farts coming from all those gas-pumped arses inside even more.

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Ooh, can I join???

Of course. I have a spare baseball bat at home and a neighbour who is a miserable straight bastard.

Toilet & Bowels 05.16.2008 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
considering the big rise of masculine gay types everywhere.

probably not unrelated to the increasing number of straight dudes who dress really faggy.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:14 AM


Football was well gay long before thay started showing it on the big screen at the Admiral Duncan.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
... I have a spare baseball bat at home and a neighbour who is a miserable straight bastard.


sarramkrop 05.16.2008 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
probably not unrelated to the increasing number of straight dudes who dress really faggy.

And guess what? I have been dressing like a straight man for years, you straight male shits do it for fashion, the spinelss things that you are.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:28 AM

Mainland Europe is the funniest. Every guy there dresses like he's ready for Gay Pride regardless of whether he's shagged ten women the night before.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:31 AM


"I now declare this thread, well and truly poof-jacked!"

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 06:32 AM

Every guy? Have you been around inner city London a lot lately?

Toilet & Bowels 05.16.2008 06:37 AM

more pictures of cholas please

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Every guy? Have you been around inner city London a lot lately?

Yeah, some guy in a Hackett polo shirt and a Burberry cap tried to cup my arse. Well confusing. I needed to speak to councilor about it. And even he offered to blow me in lieu of payment. Even the homophobes are getting it on with each other these days. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, I tell ya.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
more pictures of cholas please


Ferocious as Folk

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 06:43 AM

Ok. Anyway, what do people think of fucking girl gangs, which is the topic of this thread, remember?

ps: Yes, I too contributed to the hijacking of this thread to tell you that I'd bash you straight dudes till midnight, but this thread is mine, so fuck off.

Toilet & Bowels 05.16.2008 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
fucking girl gangs

i dream of it

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:49 AM

I do find girl-gang type women really sexy, despite the fact that I'm the type of guy they'd rather mug than fuck. Oh the heartache of the sensitive heterosexual male. Think I might have to stick that first Gene album on now.

Kloriel 05.16.2008 06:51 AM

i think they are pathetic. same with man gangs. just a bunch of peter pans getting together without tinkerbelle to steer them right. so they go nuts and become animals.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kloriel
i think they are pathetic. same with man gangs. just a bunch of peter pans getting together without tinkerbelle to steer them right. so they go nuts and become animals.

Which is exactly why they give us the horn. I get a lob on everytime I look at my avatar ffs. Ew that withering scowl!

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 06:59 AM

A while ago I was on the bus in Aldgate and there were these two beautiful and intimidating looking girls on it talking the best sort of shit ever in a semi-bored manner.

This guy who turned around to be someone they knew and was seating behind them started trying to interfere in the conversation and one of them brutally asked him ''Do you ever hush your mouth or do you like the sound of your own voice too much?''.

Verbal pandemonium ensued after that, with the girls pawning the guy big fucking time. Awesomisms.

Kloriel 05.16.2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Which is exactly why they give us the horn. I get a lob on everytime I look at my avatar ffs. Ew that withering scowl!

who is us?

sarramkrop 05.16.2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
A while ago I was on the bus in Aldgate and there were these two beautiful and intimidating looking girls on it talking the best sort of shit ever in a semi-bored manner.

This guy who turned around to be someone they knew and was seating behind them started trying to interfere in the converstaion and one of them brutally asked him ''Do you ever hush your mouth or do you like the sound of your own voice too much?''.

Verbal pandemonium ensued after that, with the girls pawning the guy big fucking time. Awesomisms.

Oh, and I forgot to point out that the bloke couldn't have stood a chance if violence was involved since the two girls looked like amazonic goddeses. Built to destroy.

demonrail666 05.16.2008 07:08 AM

I had this right little shit of a neighbour who was like an even smaller, facetier version of Lady Sovereign who was CONSTANTLY giving grief to these totally annoying asian 'gangsta' types that hung around the estate. I used to go outside on my landing to smoke fags whenever I heard her going at them. She was utterly fearless and once when she was shouting down at them she dared me to tap ash onto their heads. I wouldn't do it but gave her my cigarette and dared her to do it instead. And she did! To this day I don't think i've ever encountered a more amazing human being. Even though she used to call me hippy.

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