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Congress votes to ban protests at military funerals
It all started because of the puffed-up Rev. Phelps in the notoriously backwards state of Kansas.
His groups held virulent anti-gay protests at military funerals actually blaming the death of U.S. soldiers in Iraq & even 9/11 on gays being allowed in the military. =us&ct=clnk&cd=4 ![]() http://www.nysun.com/article/33376 ![]() http://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...toryId=5192571 ![]() ![]() http://www.kake.com/news/headlines/2206092.html http://ussneverdock.blogspot.com/200...-military.html http://www.godhatesfags.com/fliers/fliers.html |
I pity these people.Let's just hope that none of them bump into me because i'm not tolerant of fascists at all.
well said. |
The thing with this kind of nauseatingly ignorant bigots is that they have a benign smile on their faces a lot of the time.When people defend them saying that they,too,should help themselves to the freedom of speech rights,what they forget is that these creeps are pretty much fighting to take MY! freedom of speech away.And that can only mean war between us.Period
Whoa. So you're saying that one group of people no reasonable person likes (pondlife with a lust for brown people's blood) are being harrassed by another, very similar group of small minded idiots (anti-religious 'religious' homophobic twats).
What has the world come to? Kill 'em all and let God sort it out, that's what I say. |
I'll happily fight for the gay army. I imagine the uniform can only be top notch. |
Yep!I'm sorry but if it comes to this level of atrocious ignorance the only answer is to sterminate them all.
Watch out you bastards!
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Rev. Phelps is a really deluded man. reminds me of the town where they erected a monument of Matthew Shepard who was murdered by homophobes ,saying he was going to hell for being Gay, Lewis Black had a really good Back in Black segment on him recently, he was even cut off in mid speech while on Fox News, so you know he is fucking nuts
the nicest thing was the Patriot Guard Riders, a volunteer group of 400 motorcyclists that shielded the families from those zealots and on a seperate note nice to see Ken Lay was just found guilty of his crimes just the last few minutes |
Nothing pisses me of as much as small-minded facist assholes like that. I seldom feel the urge to beat someone up, I despite figthing, but when people like that come around..
Fuckin idiot.
I have to work with and go to college with a buch of people like that (ok they don't conclude that Gay=9/11 but you get the idea) and it seriously is impossible trying to convince them that gay's are human too. And then when defending gays you get called a fag yourself. It's like "jesus christ not everybody is as narrow minded as you". Soddin homophobes, can't be doin with them. |
somebody or some group of people, possibly us, should raise money to hire a detective to investigate this Fred Phelps guy & get the word to the media. chances are he's a psychopath that has many skeletons in his closet.
I'm mad as hell & i don't feel like taking it anymore. Phelps & others are arguing that their first amendment rights are being violated by the new law. They can all go fuck a duck as far as I'm concerned. Even though the law has now been passed to take care of these fanatical protestors, everyone reading in the U.S. needs to write their representatives to let them know how we feel about the religious right. http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ Rev. Fred Phelps of Topeka, KS ![]() |
I'm in for obvious reasons.
Yeah man, I'm sure that asshole has popped a few heads in his life..
That Back in Black segment was hilarious. It bothers me that they were even interviewed on the news though. These people are fucking freaks that should be completely ignored by the media, not given an outlet to spew their hate filled garbage. |
there's a non-profit organization called baptist watch
http://www.baptistwatch.org/fredphelps.html maybe we should start there ![]() ^^^^^^^^^a true American patriot^^^^^^^^^^ |
I hate people.
no one could ever believe that there are gay people in the army, or god forbid the navy!
Do these fuckers even read the bible?
Fags die, God laughs? No fags in heaven? Yeah, I am sure God made people of a different sexual orientation so he could kill them and laugh. To quote some New Model Army, these people are "worshipping the devil in the name of God." Protesting a funeral is not a matter of freedom of speech, it is a matter of harassment. |
The only thing worse than Rev Phelps aweful crew are the facists in congress who give away our freedoms at the drop of a hat....
anyone seen the loose change vid? |
I don't even have anything to say about Phelps. He makes me sick.
I say good. Funeral Protestors are complete fucking idiots.
Side comment: Fred Phelps' church is made up almost exclusively of his own family. It is a very small group of people.
thanks! btw is that really a rainbow in his glasses??!!! ![]() |
why would anyone want to protest at a funeral. that shows a level of mental derangement farbeyond sick. its just so awful.
hopefully people can ignore them now and they will go away. i cant believe the news gives coverage to people like this.
Man, this is disgusting. Fred Phelps is evil.
"THANK GOD FOR AIDS" oh, man. |
Someone should kill this guy, just to quickly get rid of this group
Someone should go deliverance on him. He'd probably kill himself after. |
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wow, back on the old board, i showed this same emotion when talking about flagburners....i said one better not do it near me or id attack....and was met with a firestrom of abuse calling me a violent sick twisted person who was just an idiot for giving them the reaction they wanted and a nazi for even thinking about that....but here porkmarras and others i didnt quote say something of the same effect and is met with applause almost. now, is this because of just a general board hypocrisy or does it depend on the actual incident? i will admit those funeral protests are worse than a flagburner, but if you dont condone violence for one situation, i would think youd hold true to that opinion for most all situations? i know i probably wont get a response to this, thats always what happens when i bring up the hypocrisy of this board, but i gotta try...haha haha, or is it just me? :rolleyes: |
what person? you? me? what are you talking about?
and again, my question was far from answered so violence IS acceptable with board members for certain situations?? |
does he know it's not memorial day yet? |
ok, ill take that to mean that violence is accepted here, therefore proving, yet again, the hypocrisy of this board |
I guess context does play a part...
The Devil spits on all commemorations; and will burn your underwear, so you have to walk around with your penis and/or vagina rubbing against the inside of your pants. |
DUMBASSES! Being gay myself I fuckin hate this guy, but I don't think ANYONE should be allowed to have a fucking protest at a funeral(except this guy). Maybe when he dies we can have some kind of drum circle at it. Who's in?
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