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SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 11:37 AM

Chick-fil-a vs McDonalds Southerchicken Sandwhich


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 11:38 AM

McDonald's USA Food News


Southern Style Chicken Biscuit

Behold. Chicken for breakfast. So juicy, so tasty, so perfectly seasoned, lightly breaded all white meat chicken served on a fluffy homemade tasting biscuit.


Southern Style Chicken Sandwich

All hail, the perfect sandwich. So simple, so juicy, so perfectly seasoned, lightly breaded all white meat chicken topped with two pickles and served on an oh, so steamy buttery tasting bun.

gmku 05.20.2008 11:42 AM

Chick-Fil-A has a coporate policy that all their stores are closed on Sunday in honor of God. That sounds most like your kind of place.

█████████ 05.20.2008 11:43 AM

a fucking burger for breakfast?

jon boy 05.20.2008 11:45 AM

both gutwrenchingly awful.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by █████████
a fucking burger for breakfast?

could be worse, look at the japanese breakfast of champions!


you know, one half of Africa is suffering from malnutrition and undernourishment while one half of America is suffering from malnutrition and obesity!

I eat a pile of fresh fruit for breakfast, but some banner ad came up trying to smother me with this mcdonalds crap, and so I am thinking, what? they are going after chick-fil-a now? first they target starbucks in the 'luxury' coffee market, and in fact have caused some thing like a 10% decline in starbucks' sales in the process, mcglobalization is going to kill us all!

demonrail666 05.20.2008 11:55 AM

I had a weird Chick-Fil-A moment while on a visit to the US. I was in a mall and starving hungry, but had just enough for one of their burgers. So I ordered one and when they asked me about stuff like mayo, ketchup, etc. I declined, worried that I might not be able to afford the extras. The woman serving me gave me this pitiful look and gave me the driest burger imaginable. the kind that sucks all moisture from your mouth after just one bite. I was later told the extras came free. How I laughed at my foolishness. What a long post for such a banal story.

Oh yeah, and what's that pizza chain you have, that you find at all the airports and malls? Begins with an S, I think. They're bloody horrible.

Saying that, from my experience, America has some of the best fast food in the world, so long as you avoid the chains.

davenotdead 05.20.2008 12:05 PM

yes bro. in America, all condiments are free. i was disgusted at having to pay extra for fucking sauce in australia, so i ate everything dry.

demonrail666 05.20.2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
yes bro. in America, all condiments are free.

God Bless America, is all I'll say. Land of the Free indeed.

davenotdead 05.20.2008 12:09 PM

amen brother

Rob Instigator 05.20.2008 12:17 PM

chick fil A does NOT SELL BURGERS

they sell chicken sandwhiches.

their "secret" is that all their chicken gets a soak in dill pickle brine

demonrail666 05.20.2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
chick fil A does NOT SELL BURGERS

they sell chicken sandwhiches.

their "secret" is that all their chicken gets a soak in dill pickle brine

I honestly love the fact that you know stuff like that.

Rob Instigator 05.20.2008 12:30 PM

I gots connections.
You can taste it though. It gives their chicken a "special" chick fil'A flava
my friend worked there for a while. he had to wear the chicken suit and stand outside waving people in.

they are the only fast food chain in USA that closes on sundays.

mangajunky 05.20.2008 12:31 PM

fuck chains - buy local

davenotdead 05.20.2008 12:37 PM

for the record, i have had chik-fil-a sandwiches that were really good without condiments... and i havent eaten at mcdonalds in probably 3 years now.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I honestly love the fact that you know stuff like that.

yes, but does he know the secret family recipee for Bush's Baked Beans?


!@#$%! 05.20.2008 12:52 PM

it's all shit

japan rules

Rob Instigator 05.20.2008 12:56 PM

japan has crazy fast food! it comes out of vending machines!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
japan has crazy fast food! it comes out of vending machines!

and they say all the zombies are in haiti!

atari 2600 05.20.2008 04:07 PM

On the subject of Chick-fil-a & sauce, they have both a Honey BBQ sauce that comes in a packet and a special Chick-Fil-A sauce that comes in a little rectangle with foil top (like jams or jellies do).

Both of these are attempts at copying the sauce from a chicken fingers restaurant called Guthrie's. Chick-Fil-A started up in the same area. Athens has a Guthrie's.

Originally Posted by Guthrie's
The “Original Famous Sauce” was created by Hud Guthrie at the age of 10. The sauce creation was the result of a family contest between the Guthrie children to enhance the chicken fingers at the family restaurant. The original sauce is made exactly the same today as it was in 1978.

Athens has one of the first Waffle Houses. Actually, make that "had," because I think that particular location has now closed down. It has one of the very first Arby's. Not that either are all that good, just sayin'. Athens has several soul food restaurants. There's two I can't even think of now that are also cafeteria-styled. They were good too. The ones I can think of are, of course, Weaver D's ("Automatic For the People"), The Mayflower, Jana's, Food for the Soul, and Wilson's. Honestly, how many other places the size of Athens, GA have so many soul food restaurant choices? Walter's BBQ opens every now and then, and it hasn't been all that good in awhile. There are a few other BBQ restaurants that have smokers outside.

Of perhaps more interest (b/c of the Seinfeld ep), it has the first Kenny Rogers Roasters.
Funny thing is, no one ever goes to it in Athens because of its odd location way down Atlanta Hwy., and because there simply are so many other places. And I don't mean Boston Market. Kenny used to come into the Athens Sushi Bar when I worked there. Thinking back, I got to see the surgeries/botox whatev firsthand haha as his face was transformed into shit.

Here in town there was a place called the Blue Moon Diner that was amazing for what it was, but it closed down. After almost a year, it reopened under new management, but it's only just okay now and nothing very special. Pittsburgh and Philadelpia have some bomb restaurants for greasy, "American"-style fare.

gmku 05.20.2008 04:28 PM

Do not eat fast food unless you absolutely have to. It is bad for you. Really, really bad.

atari 2600 05.20.2008 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Do not eat fast food unless you absolutely have to. It is bad for you. Really, really bad.

I don't go to those places. I hardly eat at restaurants at all. I do some drinking at one restaurant and bar downtown though. Thing is though, some place as gross as McDonald's is actually in all likelihood a lot more sanitary than say, a Chili's or an Outback Steakhouse. I can say that for it.

Breakfast is oftentimes a little old fashioned style oatmeal and some fruit on the side, usually grapefruit. Sometimes I'll eat Total Raisin Bran. Or eggs done up. Any pork for breakfast is a blue moon affair. And as the case with some of you probably, sometimes breakfast never really comes together to happen.
Which is really a shame and backwards, but, oh well.

A lunch for me might be sandwiches of turkey, roast beef, or tuna/chicken/or shrimp salad with lettuce, grape tomato and a little dill relish with some spicy mustard on whole wheat. Or it might be a salad with creamy caesar or creamy balsamic. Sometimes it's homemade split-pea, black bean, cream of mushroom or broccoli (it's what you do with the thick stalk) soup.
Or it might be some black beans that are already done and then mashed into paste and put on pitas with L, T, maybe O, and a little assorted shredded cheese. Every once in awhile I'll have the mashed beans (chili, red, or black usually) as a dip with tortilla chips.

For dinner I might have rice in various ways. With some cajun-seasoned catfish (usually, or it's smoked salmon) and sauteed mushrooms (sometimes other veggies). ...Or with just steamed broccoli and soy sauce, maybe a drizzle of Sriracha sauce...a gumbo when I'm up for just depends. Sometimes I do the pasta base instead of rice. Lately, I haven't been buying Rib Eyes like I used to, and having them with a baked potato or other vegetables. If I do chicken, I buy the cold, whole pre-cooked rotisserie ones from the grocery store deli that are marked down from 6.99 to 2.99. I can pull from the bird and make chicken salad sandwiches, or I can heat it up in a baking pan. Usually though, if I'm having chicken for dinner, I'll just put some cold rotisserie chicken pieces in with the rice as it cooks, which is same way I steam the broccoli, cauliflower, or what have you.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.20.2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
On the subject of Chick-fil-a & sauce, they have both a Honey BBQ sauce that comes in a packet and a special Chick-Fil-A sauce that comes in a little rectangle with foil top (like jams or jellies do).

Both of these are attempts at copying the sauce from a chicken fingers restaurant called Guthrie's. Chick-Fil-A started up in the same area. Athens has a Guthrie's.

Athens has one of the first Waffle Houses. Actually, make that "had," because I think that particular location has now closed down. It has one of the very first Arby's. Not that either are all that good, just sayin'. Athens has several soul food restaurants. There's two I can't even think of now that are also cafeteria-styled. They were good too. The ones I can think of are, of course, Weaver D's ("Automatic For the People"), The Mayflower, Jana's, Food for the Soul, and Wilson's. Honestly, how many other places the size of Athens, GA have so many soul food restaurant choices? Walter's BBQ opens every now and then, and it hasn't been all that good in awhile. There are a few other BBQ restaurants that have smokers outside.

Of perhaps more interest (b/c of the Seinfeld ep), it has the first Kenny Rogers Roasters.
Funny thing is, no one ever goes to it in Athens because of its odd location way down Atlanta Hwy., and because there simply are so many other places. And I don't mean Boston Market. Kenny used to come into the Athens Sushi Bar when I worked there. Thinking back, I got to see the surgeries/botox whatev firsthand haha as his face was transformed into shit.

Here in town there was a place called the Blue Moon Diner that was amazing for what it was, but it closed down. After almost a year, it reopened under new management, but it's only just okay now and nothing very special. Pittsburgh and Philadelpia have some bomb restaurants for greasy, "American"-style fare.

yes yes, but do you yes know the secret family recipee for Bush's Baked Beans?


steve newman 05.20.2008 08:39 PM

this thread is giving me high cholesterol. if you really hate yourself, i dare you to eat at captain d's more than once in a day.

ronald mcdonald is a child killer!

DeadDiscoDildo 05.20.2008 09:24 PM

I feel so much better when I don't eat fast food and drink tons of water a day, but I'll admit...I fucking love fast food. Don't know why, grew up with parents who were great cooks....still can get warm meals when I want to...

put a few drinks in me and im at white castle scarfin down like john belushi.

I hate myself & want to die.

barnaclelapse 05.20.2008 10:00 PM

I prefer a diet of nicotine, fear and Chex Mix myself.

!@#$%! 05.20.2008 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by barnaclelapse
I prefer a diet of nicotine, fear and Chex Mix myself.

the fear is probably due to the nicotine overdose and the trans fats on the chex mix fucking with your nervous sytem.

but it is an amusing sentence so i gotta applaud that

Cantankerous 05.20.2008 10:04 PM

they're both fucking disgusting.
i don't eat chicken though.

!@#$%! 05.20.2008 10:06 PM

my dinner is almost ready

forgot to buy chips so im improvising a pasta salad with guacamole ha ha

boil, baby, boil

gmku 05.20.2008 10:15 PM

It was the Amy's No Cheese veggie pizza in the gmku household tonight. Yum.

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