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greedrex 05.28.2008 08:11 AM

THE official SHELLAC apprciation thread
there was none.


greedrex 05.28.2008 08:12 AM

AND befeore u start can u refrain from the typical 'Albini is a wanker".

I'd like to have apprciation for the music itself only.

gualbert 05.28.2008 08:21 AM

Big Black : great.
Rapeman : good.
Shellac : ok.

_slavo_ 05.28.2008 08:52 AM


PAULYBEE2656 05.28.2008 09:10 AM

one of the few "perfect" bands around. sit back and go "damn they are good"

that poll is a tough one to answer..... the futurist gets my vote, not because of it being bad, just the worst of the lot..

love em

PAULYBEE2656 05.28.2008 09:12 AM


Rob Instigator 05.28.2008 09:12 AM

fucking GREAT, everything, everything

nicfit 05.28.2008 09:52 AM

I drop by a sec, not to add much to the lovin' portion of the thread (I love love love shellac) but coz I coudn't help but smile since now we have an official thread...but it has a typo in the title ha haaa. Sorry my brain is melting (quite hot here).

SuperCreep 05.28.2008 09:56 AM

I went for 1000 Hurts. I love a lot of their other material, but this one always seems to be heavy in my rotation.

Everyneurotic 05.28.2008 10:05 AM

terraform and the futurist are their best for me.

HECKLER SPRAY 05.28.2008 10:05 AM


My contribution to the OFFICIAL Shellac apprciation thread.

I love this band.

atsonicpark 05.28.2008 10:12 AM

I think their worst album is excellent italian greyhound. It's GREAT -- just their worst album. I've always been partial to at action park (look at my screen name) which I consider a perfect album from ... "Every angle". Especially Crow. I also love Terraform a bit too much, I think it's been underrated for far too long. Also, I'd like to mention their album Live in Tokyo which is excellent. One of the only bands where I own just about everything by (except some of the obvious stuff like The Futurist). Excellent songwriting that can go anywhere. Brilliant band. And Albini's best band by far. I love Big Black and think Rapeman is good, but they just don't even compare to this stuff. Also, Todd Trainer's an ugly bastard. Best band I've seen live probably. And steve Albini in a Sunn hoodie? The fuck? It's sunn amps, right?...

Derek 05.28.2008 10:13 AM

Shellac are good but they get old for me after a little while.

Derek 05.28.2008 10:14 AM


And steve Albini in a Sunn hoodie? The fuck? It's sunn amps, right?...
Yeah I thought that looked peculiar hahaha.

PAULYBEE2656 05.28.2008 10:17 AM

well it does look like the grimrobe album cover or black one!

favourite shellac songs...
gotta be wingwalker or doris!

Everyneurotic 05.28.2008 10:20 AM

it's sunn o))) the band hoodie, definitely.

albini produced asva (band with former sunn o)))er g stuart dahlquist).

PAULYBEE2656 05.28.2008 10:30 AM

how metal... or emo.. a band hoodie! not a shirt.. a hoodie!! albini is emo!! ha! theres a thought!


This is a sad fuckin' song
We'll be lucky if I don't bust out crying

How does it feel?
Your night light, your curling iron
Lit up by the sweat of others,
For many's the day
But not from November to May

The floor is littered
With woodchips and apple cores
And hulls (holes?) of acorns
There is a chattering sound

Because they were squirrels; real squirrels.
(And there were thousands)
This isn't some kind of metaphor,
Goddamn, this is real !

i also love their holiday photo phase they went through..


batreleaser 05.28.2008 11:39 AM

i picked the futurist, only because its the only one i never listen to anymore. over the past three months the one ive listened to most is "1000 hurts". i love how melodic it is, but its still just as pounding-ly agressive as their other records. "at action park" is probably my favorite record by them though.

shellac is albini's best band. big black was his most influential, and rapeman had mountains of potential, but shellac to me is the type of music he does best. very raw, very technical and math-y, ocassionally noise-y, minimal, punk rock. albini's guitar playing is waaaay better on the shellac records than it was on the rapeman and big black records, and todd trainer is just a fantastic fucking drummer, prolly one of the best playing these days. i dont wanna knock big black or "two nuns and pack mule", because its all fantastic shit. but shellac has been consistently one of the great underground rock bands now for well over a decade and is responsible for some amazing records.


greedrex 05.28.2008 12:22 PM

yeah i've seen the typo and could not correct it.
some of u have clearly MISREAD the title of the poll : it reads "Pick the WORST"
he he
this poll is a bit like a LOU BARLOW lyrical twist

my choice : worst (by far) = Excellent Italian Greyhound -major let down
best : at action park + Uranus / rude gesture ; they go together really

these records are so radical that they peel the skin of my arse EACH and everytime.
I'm sorry to say this but i saw them live (w/ Fugazi on their last tour i believe promoting "Instrument)) in London back in 98/99, i think, and I DID have an erection when i heard the first chords of Wingwalker.

i'm so sorry u had to read this.

greedrex 05.28.2008 01:35 PM


copper 05.28.2008 03:53 PM

im a planeeeeeeee whzhuooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

why is there only a poll that they suck live but not that theyre amazing live? on of the best live bands i've seen actually. its amazing how they just make up shit right on the spot on some songs and theyve got such a connection with the crowd.


Originally Posted by gualbert
Big Black : excellent
Rapeman : excellent
Shellac : excellent


everything they've done is pretty awesome, all of the albums have their own vibe and their own subjects and none of them really suck; i like greyhound, the production sounds different than the other records, imo its clearer and louder.

hey,that hoodie looks pretty good guys, dont cramp his style!

copper 05.28.2008 03:53 PM

ah poll says pick the worst?

nicfit 05.28.2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by copper
the production sounds different than the other records, imo its clearer and louder.

I was about to point out how fuckin' "clean" the production on "..greyhound" is. So amazing. the higher the volume, the better the sound, the more the record is great.

greedrex 05.28.2008 04:14 PM

i guess i haven't listened to this loud enough


nicfit 05.28.2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by greedrex
i guess i haven't listened to this loud enough


well, if you don't like the songs I guess the "technical qualities" of the recording won't affect much your's a matter of tastes after all, there's no right or wrong.

greedrex 05.28.2008 04:27 PM

yep; i was seriously disappointed with the songs
being an uberfan and just not liking the songs left a bitter aftertaste on the few first listens.
i do admire the quality of the recording, blah, but , man so much weakness in the songwriting department, i even thought to myself "hey that is sooo self indulgent'. There's one songs that is really good and it lasts a couple of minutes.
so disappointed
knowing that we'll have to wait until 2034 for the next LP
hence "pick the worst" , just to see whether i was the only one or not
now u know everything

DNAINTHEDNA 05.29.2008 08:45 AM

yeah rapeman and big black are the best bands

two nuns is awesome

PAULYBEE2656 07.08.2008 08:15 AM

bump because

shellac- button factory (formerly temple bar music centre) dublin
28th october!!!!! fuck yeah

tickets here shortly

Pax Americana 07.08.2008 08:37 PM

Shellac is far and away my favorite Albini band. Don't get me wrong, I love Big Black, and Rapeman were decent, but they don't come close to Shellac for me.

I actually rather liked Excellent Italian Greyhound. In fact, Spoke is one of my single favorite Shellac songs. At Action Park is their best though.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.08.2008 09:53 PM

I liked Excellent Italian Greyhound

atsonicpark 07.08.2008 09:54 PM

all of albini's output is good.

greedrex 07.09.2008 03:13 AM





PAULYBEE2656 07.09.2008 06:36 AM

there is another genius in shellac tho.. robert weston is almost up with albini in the engineer stakes!

nicfit 07.09.2008 06:43 AM

and that guy who plays the drums is pretty cool too.

PAULYBEE2656 07.09.2008 06:48 AM

true... not dismissing mr trainer at all!

atsonicpark 07.09.2008 07:20 AM

whoa, he's wearing an mx-80 sound shirt. that's amazing...

Pookie 07.09.2008 07:56 AM

Quoted from another Shellac appreciation thread out of sheer laziness.

Originally Posted by Pookie
I went to ATP 2002, curated by Shelac and so saw them three days running.

I got up midday Friday, Saturday & Sunday had breakfast and then went to see Shellac.

Monday I had withdrawal symptoms.

One of the best weekends of my life. I would have paid the price of the ticket alone to see Shellac three times.

nicfit 07.09.2008 07:59 AM

you could at least edit that spelling error...

Pookie 07.09.2008 08:03 AM

And you could at least start a sentence with a capital letter, ignaramous.

batreleaser 07.09.2008 08:33 AM

albini is the coolest motherfucker in underground rock, period.

shellac is the master of opening tracks: "my black ass", "didnt we deserve a look at you the way you really are', 'a prayer to god' (!), and "the end of radio" are all fucking rocking. such great tracks to start a record.

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