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Bebo website bullies drive 13 year old kid to suicide because of his music taste
A 13 year old was driven to suicide by online bullies because of his taste in music, it emerged yesterday. Sam Leeson hanged himself after months of sickening abuse on his Bebo webpage. He was mocked for his love of heavy metal and emo - a style of punk where fans often dress as goths. His mother, Sally Cope, branded his death ''utterly pointless'', adding: ''I'm not sure what these sites have, but if they are a method of expressing things maybe they should be checked more''. Sam was found dead at his home in Gloucester on Thursday.
(from today's metro) |
He put that much stock into his taste in music?
I mean I've bullied and have been bullied like most others but is music that important? I hope you answer no. |
How can I drive all the people that listen to shit music to suicide, I ask?
Write about it in the Metro |
I'm so gonna bully you into making threads about bands that I like. |
so... like... Foreigner?
You're tempting me to send them an email asking all 13 year olds reading it to strangle themselves. |
13 year olds: Should i strangle them or make them strangle themselves; conflicted ssaramkrop tells us of his struggle. |
The way forward is subliminal evil messages through London Lite's texts and letters page.
There was a girl here in the US that hung herself in the closet over My Chemical Romance a little while ago. Can't remember if it was the internet or the "message of the band" (as aged parents are surely arguing) that drove her. Join the black parade, as they say.
I wonder if paedos pose as Birchville Cat Motel fans on here.
There are often stories on current affairs shows about young teenagers being upset because they get bullied on Myspace - some people will post hurtful photo comments or something like that. According to everyone (the kid, the parents, the journalist, experts in certain fields), the website is always at fault.
FUCK YEAH! Down with the internet! Liberate me!
i have little sympathy, if this kid was too stupid to turn off his computer then he deserves to be naturally selected.
no he doesnt
It does make you wonder about the sort of parents that these kids have, though
Against the Grain hasn't been around for a while now. |
Well, I feel sad for the kid. People on the net can be sooo mean sometimes..
When the kids at school give you the shits, it's easy to just show up with a semi-automatic the next day and deliver the ultimate field-trip to hell. Especially in the US of A where you get a free rifle with any purchase of a six-pack of beer (er.. according to cartoons I've seen). But it's harder to track down bullies in cyberspace. Still, anything's possible... SO DON'T FUCK WITH MEEE - just because I happen to be planning on seeing Def Leppard in November. Because I'll find you and I'll send you a love-letter. Straight from the heart. Do you know what a love-letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun! You get a love-letter from me and you're fucked forever! Do you understand, FUCK!! ![]() Naw - you know I'm just kidding. We're all cool... or are we....? I n dreams - I wa lk wi th you... |
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the point is that at school if you are being bullied there's not much you can do if other kids are out to get you, you can't escape. if you're on the internet and people are sending you messages and it's upseting you then turn off the computer. it seems to me that this kid must have pesisted in using bebo even though it was making his life a misery, which seems really stupid. |
Tough guy or not, you are a wuss if you let comments on the internet upset you to the extent that you take your own life. Period.
There was something on that Panorama tv program about kids and internet pervs. This girl was chatting to someone that *drum rolls* was called Fluffy Bunny or something similar who turned out to be a 40 year old dutch paedo and was asking her some seriously creepy questions about herself. |
for them, socially, it's as important, possibly even more, to "be" in the internet as it is to be in the park. |
I'm calling bullshit.
since when do emos require a bully to push them over the edge?? |
We all live in the internet age and we all still have to face people physically as well as mentally in the real world, wether you are a 13 year old or older. Chances are that whoever brought up this kid didn't teach them where certain boundaries start when it comes to certain things. |
i've always known that i have driven away people from here, but now i wonder, how far? to another website or the railroad tracks?
on the one hand, the so-called bullies are human parasites that shouldn't exist because of lack of compassion and whatnot; but humans are all built like that, i think everyone has been a bully at least once, even unintentionally. so it's a fucking fact of life (like porky said, something the parents should have told this here child). on the other misanthropic side, the less weakminded people alive in the world the better. then again, i think this kid and people like him would have killed himself regardless of the reason. |
Yes. |
speaking of, where's king buzzo been lately? |
so, no, i dont think this kid was stupidier than most other kids. and yes, obviously the parents have a huge share of blame.
though, i think, because of the increased social importance of the internet this migth happen to any normal child with normal parents (aware of internet bullying). and the people to blame should be the same as in real world: the parents, the environment (in real life: schools, etc. ; in the internet: websites, etc.) and the bullies, yes the bullies, because they are aware of the significance internet as nowadays and should measure their actions just like people do in real life. |
children (anyone under19-20) make all their decisions through the emotional cortex of their brain. This has been researched and verified repeatedly.
It is not until age 20-21 for men, and earlier for women, that the logical, rational decision making part of the human brain is at the forefront. as you younger folk get older you will notice this occurring. you will wonder why you made such stupid impulsive decisions as a youngster and you will realize it was becauise you were not thinking your decisions through, instead you were basing your decisions upon the emotional subtext of the decisions that old 70's cliche, which is actually a childish statement If It FeelS Good Do It and vice versa if it does nto feel god, do not do it an adult will do things when they do not feel good because they ahve to be done, and will NOT do some things that do feel good because his rational brain will help him understand that it is a bad choice. a 13 year old kid, especially one who "feels" he has nothing but his music (I was there too man) and very few friends (I was also there too) can have his heart/emotions crushed because of something like incessant bulying and derision heaped at his music. I feel bad for the kid and his family, and I hope anyone that made fun of him feels pangs of guilt so bad that their lives become wasted wrecks and they commit suicide sometime around age 53 after a life of failure and misery. |
and this whole thing ahs nothing to do with the internet.
it could just as easily have happened with bullying at school or in his neighbrhood. the net was just the medium. |
rob raises some good points, but you're just generalizing.
i knew plenty of suicidal people in junior high school/hs and most of the were a lot more rational than people without those urges. |
you have no idea where their mind was at though man.
anything sounds rational to a teenager when they are both speaking IRRATIONALITIES! |
either way I hope the guys who did that to him die a slow and painful death, and suffer thorugh a long and painful life.
rob, you generalize too much.
Internet = potentially a social networking tool.
Social life = where human relations are interwined in their natural and disparate ways. |
when one has no basis to talk specifics it is the smart and proper thing to do to keep one's comments as generalities, dig?
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