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alteredcourse 06.28.2008 04:53 PM

Diablo III
Announced at the Blizzard WWI in Paris today,

And it looks fucking AWESOME !

atsonicpark 06.28.2008 05:12 PM

where's world of diablo.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.28.2008 05:13 PM

No fucking Way!!!

pbradley 06.28.2008 05:56 PM

they're going to make it cartoony like Warcraft 3. Fuck them.

alteredcourse 06.28.2008 06:02 PM

Its exactly the same , still dark as fuck , except fully 3d + ragdoll physics . The gameplay and the look/feel is still quite old school . Didnt you watch that demon bite the barb in half ? There storyline is going to be much more complex rather than just collect gear + fight demons . I cant wait !

o'connor 06.28.2008 06:16 PM

that stuff will ruin yr life.

atsonicpark 06.28.2008 06:45 PM



pbradley 06.28.2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
There storyline is going to be much more complex rather than just collect gear + fight demons . I cant wait !

But all I want to do is collect shit and kill demons!

Also I saw the video. A little cartoony but not as exaggerated as I expected. Violence makes up for it. And the ability to destroy shit.

HECKLER SPRAY 06.28.2008 07:15 PM

I prefer The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind,Oblivion...)

foxforce5 06.28.2008 08:21 PM

I've enjoyed these games though I dont play games very often.

Toilet & Bowels 06.28.2008 09:04 PM

i thought diablo 1 was crap

pbradley 06.28.2008 09:13 PM

You're crap.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.28.2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
where's world of diablo.

Nowhere to be found thankfully.

The world doesn't need another soul sucking MMORPG.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.28.2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i thought diablo 1 was crap

It was, but Diablo II was great.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.28.2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by o'connor
that stuff will ruin yr life.

Eh. . . Diablo games aren't MMORPGs, they're more casual. Once you beat the game, you can play the game again in a harder mode and keep leveling up, but the "never-ending game" aspect isn't really there.

_slavo_ 06.29.2008 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
It was, but Diablo II was great.

I'm halfway through Diablo II at the moment and I can honestly say I enjoy Diablo I much more than this.

gualbert 06.29.2008 03:47 AM

Me too. Diablo 1 is better in solo .
The music is better , different missions in each game , you can save and restart at the same place .

pbradley 06.29.2008 04:56 AM

Diablo 2 has stupid fucking desert levels and boring shit like that. Diablo 1 has a cathedral which is perfectly anti-christian for me. Fuck those twats, I'll kill demons in their catacombs.

_slavo_ 06.29.2008 05:46 AM

Yeah, the music was great in Diablo 1.

pbradley 06.29.2008 05:50 AM

diabo 2 had the music

Phlegmscope 06.29.2008 05:51 AM

Diablo II lacked the substance and anything relevant and was essentially quite shit, but I still played the fuck out of it.
I think it's been obvious for years that they'll be making diablo III at some point.

king_buzzo 06.29.2008 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
where's world of diablo.


pbradley 06.29.2008 06:01 AM

I think Diablo 1 had everything you want from Diablo. The Diablo 2 came along with the larger story and bigger world. Fuck that. Clicking on monsters is what MAKES Diablo. That is what I expect. Repetitious clicking. And loot. And beautiful acoustic music.

Stay a while and listen.

Toilet & Bowels 06.29.2008 06:05 AM

diablo 1 was basically an old school scrolling beat em up (i.e. extremely repetitive), except you could change your clothes all the time.

pbradley 06.29.2008 06:09 AM

I enjoy repetition, even with music. One thing done well should be repeated three times after, at least.

gualbert 06.29.2008 06:20 AM

The stoy in Diablo 1 is dull ( the 3 brothers , all that )
The one in Diablo 2 is even worse , I didn't even try to get it , and hardly listen to the dialogues in the cinematics.

pbradley 06.29.2008 06:37 AM

Diablo 1 was awesome. Then, now, and forever.

floatingslowly 06.29.2008 11:45 AM

the wow geeks have been in a tither about the splash sceen on the main site for a week. It started out as solid ice and broke apart slowly.

Blizzard was waiting to announce it at their Warcraft invitational in Paris.

It looks really awesome, but like the other Diablos, its mostly just a hack n slash game.

ps: D2 sucks without the expansion. With it, its pretty badass.

atsonicpark 09.29.2009 04:55 AM


pbradley 09.29.2009 05:16 AM

Wow, every other post in this thread is mine. What a fucking nerd.

_slavo_ 09.29.2009 06:09 AM

The only good innovation in Diablo II was the gem thing that could improve your weaponry and armor. The rest was boring crap.

floatingslowly 09.29.2009 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
The only good innovation in Diablo II was the gem thing that could improve your weaponry and armor. The rest was boring crap.

I thought that you didn't buy the expansion. or are you trying to say tha d2 sucked so bad that you just bought the expansion??

yes, I have beaten the secret cow level and stolen the cow king's hide.

_slavo_ 09.29.2009 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I thought that you didn't buy the expansion. or are you trying to say tha d2 sucked so bad that you just bought the expansion??

yes, I have beaten the secret cow level and stolen the cow king's hide.

nope, I do not own the expansion. but i doubt it's so radically better than the regular game.

floatingslowly 09.29.2009 07:53 AM

unless they introduced a pity-patch, the expansion was the only way you could get sockets.

atsonicpark 09.29.2009 07:53 AM

yes, secret cow!!

Keeping It Simple 09.29.2009 07:54 AM

It plays and looks very much like Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.

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