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RIPfrey05 05.29.2006 12:24 AM

Scariest movie you've ever seen?
I havent seen a good scary movie forrever!
make some recomendations
i liked the ring and the grudge and session 9.:fuckyou:

every time anyone uses the N word its like hanging ..

acousticrock87 05.29.2006 01:06 AM

I don't find many movies to be scary. I suppose you can't really go wrong with the Exorcist. The Shining, Poltergeist, and Jacob's Ladder are supposed to be scary, but it really depends what scares you. If you like The Ring and The Grudge, chances are you're looking for a jumpy movie, so I'd say check out Evil Dead or Ghost Ship or something. (Ghost Ship isn't usually considered a good movie, but it's similar to what you mentioned. I thought it was quite a bit scarier than The Grudge/Ring.) Also, any Wes Craven movie should be decent. Well not any but...You know, just stay away from Red Eye...

umjammer atomsk 05.29.2006 01:21 AM

Just look into the asia extreme horror films. They are incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I watched A Tale of Two Sisters a few months ago and it had the most twists in any movie I've ever seen. It was awesome. And the climax is spine-tingling. Oh crap... I really dug that film. I'm pretty desensitized from scary stuff but, ah, whatever. Just search for asia extreme on amazon and you'll come across a ton of incredible horror movies.

And if you're into video games pick up silent hill 1 and 2, and fatal frame. They are amazingly great. SH1 one is also dripping with sonic youth, david lynch and jacob's ladder influences. And there's a haunted hotel in SH2 that feels a lot like The Shining.

Is session 9 really as great as people say it is? I've been wanting to see that for awhile. Oh, and the remakes of Ringu and Ju on suck.

John Violence 05.29.2006 01:23 AM

Watch the GG Allin documentary Hated.

candymoan 05.29.2006 01:31 AM

one of the most disturbing pieces in cinema history.. "trouble every day" with a score by the tindersticks..
not "scary" but very disturbing...

noisemachine 05.29.2006 01:37 AM

I dont find many movies scary. Especially the current trend of crappy teen horror films. I guess I find stuff like Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and the Sinning pretty creepy though. But not like jump-in-your-seat type scary.

IntoTheGroovey 05.29.2006 03:38 AM

Not a horror film but a British made for TV film called Threads was pretty disturbing and freaky. It's a realistic account of what might happen after a nuclear attack on England.

porkmarras 05.29.2006 03:44 AM

King Kong

umjammer atomsk 05.29.2006 03:45 AM

Has anyone seen the swedsish tv series The Kingdom?

jon boy 05.29.2006 03:51 AM

probably the woman in black, or audition.

porkmarras 05.29.2006 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
probably the woman in black, or audition.

For a moment you made me think of The woman in red.Scary!

IntoTheGroovey 05.29.2006 03:54 AM

The Kingdom is pretty good but not really scary.

jon boy 05.29.2006 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
For a moment you made me think of The woman in red.Scary!

isnt that kelly le brok? mrs segal?

porkmarras 05.29.2006 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by umjammer atomsk
Has anyone seen the swedsish tv series The Kingdom?

Is that the one filmed in a Hospital?If it's the same i'm thinking of it is too good for words.

umjammer atomsk 05.29.2006 04:04 AM

Yeah! That's the one. I reaaaaly want to see it. I've heard only good things. Like, "It's a masterpiece!" and stuff.

I've seen a few episodes of the stephen king version and it sucks.

porkmarras 05.29.2006 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by umjammer atomsk
Yeah! That's the one. I reaaaaly want to see it. I've heard only good things. Like, "It's a masterpiece!" and stuff.

I've seen a few episodes of the stephen king version and it sucks.

It's one of the oddest things that i have watched in living memory.Just looking at the tv screen makes you feel uncomfortable.

IntoTheGroovey 05.29.2006 04:35 AM

Udo Kier's... birth scene... was rather bizarre.

johnnywinternoshow 05.29.2006 06:50 AM

i can't think of many "scary" movies that are actually scary. Eraserhead is uncomfortable to watch at times i think same with audition. Requiem for a dream is uncomfortable too but not scary in the slightest, just depressing.

I'd say something like nosferatu or the cabinet of dr caligari would be scarier than the stuff they put out today and they're both silent so if you stick a bit of fantomas or something over the top who knows how scary they can become

Speaking of Tartan Asia Extreme movies, I just got one out of the library called "wishing stairs" that i'd never heard of, anyone know anyhitng about it?

Incesticide 05.29.2006 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by John Violence
Watch the GG Allin documentary Hated.

Ah ah ah ah !! :D

johnnywinternoshow 05.29.2006 08:38 AM

this torrent site has shitloads of trashy horror movies, video nasties and b-movies, you might find something for you there

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.29.2006 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by johnnywinternoshow
I'd say something like nosferatu or the cabinet of dr caligari would be scarier than the stuff they put out today and they're both silent so if you stick a bit of fantomas or something over the top who knows how scary they can become

I've never seen Nosferatu, but I've had nightmares with his image in it. I think it is probably one of the scariest movies ever.

As far as movies I've seen: The Shining has a few unsettling scenes, so does Psycho.

The original "The Haunting" freaked the hell out of me.

jon boy 05.29.2006 09:44 AM

nosferatu is not scary i laughed a lot though. have you seen shadow of the vampire? very good film starring willem defoe.

the shining is scary. its true to say that some films are just plain horror/shock/gore/disturbing but the shining is very scary.

Tokolosh 05.29.2006 10:03 AM

I don't easily get scared, but there are some movies that have great shock moments like;
The thing (1982)
Halloween (only the first one)
and I still get shivers down my spin when I watch the scene in Arlington road at the phone booth with Joan Cusack confronting Hope Davis.
Joan is pure evil in that thriller.
But that's my opinion.

_slavo_ 05.29.2006 10:37 AM

The Grudge (japanese version)

Bertrand 05.29.2006 02:14 PM

Les yeux sans visage (Eyes Without a Face) 1959, Georges Franju.
A surgeon removes the skin of young girls to give his daughter a brand new face. The girl's clean mask, her stillness are scary. The lack of music during the scenes when the surgeon operates scares you too : music would have helped you escape.

Audition was/is great.

And there's Skinner, by Ivan Nagy, with Ted Raimi, Ricki Lake & Traci Lords. Every single character is suffering. Skinner skins people alive in a dying town where people are strangers to each other. No car to be seen in an American movie - I couldn't believe it. Scary for being so sad & nearly unsane. Ted Raimi in his flesh-clothing... Brrr... Silence of the Lambs was working well on the same level.

And I'd say any film where a needle is stuck into an arm. That creeps me out.

!@#$%! 05.29.2006 02:20 PM

scary movies are laughable, anything to do with vampires, werewolves & other monsters used to give me nightmares when i was a little kid. life has taught me however that imaginary monsters are nothing but the symbols of real life dangers (death, disease, pain, etc). so now movies that involve abuses of power or political paranoias or sociopaths do freak me out at times. for various reasons:

Z by costa gavras; kubrick's eyes wide shut; affliction (forget the director, with nick nolte & james coburn)

eyes without a face was awesome by the way. creepy, but didn't instill in me any fear.

johnnywinternoshow 05.29.2006 02:23 PM

hadn't heard of skinner before, sounds interesting. Wasn't ted raimi the one in the zombified mother fat suit in evil dead 2?

LifeDistortion 05.29.2006 02:23 PM

I heard "An Unconvient Truth" is the new scariest movie ever made. I mean it does have Al Gore, so I'm sure its in contention.

EyeballGrowth 05.29.2006 02:25 PM

Scariest horror movie I've ever seen is the " Original " Texas Chainsaw Massacre .

Scariest " Movie " I've ever seen, Requiem for a Dream

acousticrock87 05.29.2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by johnnywinternoshow
Wasn't ted raimi the one in the zombified mother fat suit in evil dead 2?

That's actually the only place I know the name from. He was a "fake shemp" in all three, being Sam's brother and all.

EMMAh 05.29.2006 02:56 PM

Rose Red scared that crap out of me, only I remember what was scary about it haha.
The Shining is pretty creepy too.

A Thousand Threads 05.29.2006 03:11 PM

Lost Highway scared the shit out of me.
I donīt know if itīs the camera work or the silence or something else i havenīt noticed.

horror, shock movies:
Amityville Horror (very good shock moments, the rest sucks)

silverfreepress (sdasher) 05.29.2006 03:13 PM


The one from the 70's.


From '68

johnnywinternoshow 05.29.2006 03:16 PM

rosemary's baby is such a cool movie, i thought the ending was really dumb though

Kim C Not G 05.29.2006 03:25 PM

I know its not considered inside the horror genre but Jacob's ladder freaked me out.

EMMAh 05.29.2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
Scariest horror movie I've ever seen is the " Original " Texas Chainsaw Massacre .

Scariest " Movie " I've ever seen, Requiem for a Dream

Have you seen this one?

It's not even scary, just messed up haha

kingcoffee 05.29.2006 03:55 PM

The Da Vinci Code. Not because it was suspensful or exciting or anything like that. It sucked so bad it scared me away from the theaters and the rest of Ron Howard's movies for the next ten years. It truly sucked.

krastian 05.29.2006 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
Have you seen this one?


It's not even scary, just messed up haha

Hell yeah, I love it. I have a shit load of horror movies.....I was quite the horror buff back in high school. But yeah anyways, my favorite movie ever.....


You mean they ate each other up?

cuetzpalin 05.29.2006 04:05 PM

**i love the classic so i have to say that elm street series with freddy krueger is the best ever. especially the third movie which goes on the soul asylum!! second best the shining. but the ring isn't worst though. i also liked a lot the rose red, it has a great idea!**

screamingskull 05.29.2006 04:29 PM

candyman scarred the crap outta me, i did watch it very late at night alone in the house though.

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